390 research outputs found

    GRCop-84 Rolling Parameter Study

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    This report is a section of the final report on the GRCop-84 task of the Constellation Program and incorporates the results obtained between October 2000 and September 2005, when the program ended. NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) has developed a new copper alloy, GRCop-84 (Cu-8 at.% Cr-4 at.% Nb), for rocket engine main combustion chamber components that will improve rocket engine life and performance. This work examines the sensitivity of GRCop-84 mechanical properties to rolling parameters as a means to better define rolling parameters for commercial warm rolling. Experiment variables studied were total reduction, rolling temperature, rolling speed, and post rolling annealing heat treatment. The responses were tensile properties measured at 23 and 500 C, hardness, and creep at three stress-temperature combinations. Understanding these relationships will better define boundaries for a robust commercial warm rolling process. The four processing parameters were varied within limits consistent with typical commercial production processes. Testing revealed that the rolling-related variables selected have a minimal influence on tensile, hardness, and creep properties over the range of values tested. Annealing had the expected result of lowering room temperature hardness and strength while increasing room temperature elongations with 600 C (1112 F) having the most effect. These results indicate that the process conditions to warm roll plate and sheet for these variables can range over wide levels without negatively impacting mechanical properties. Incorporating broader process ranges in future rolling campaigns should lower commercial rolling costs through increased productivity

    Comparison of GRCop-84 to Other Cu Alloys with High Thermal Conductivities

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    The mechanical properties of six highly conductive copper alloys, GRCop-84, AMZIRC, GlidCop Al-15, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, Cu-0.9Cr, and NARloy-Z were compared. Tests were done on as-received hard drawn material, and after a heat treatment designed to simulate a brazing operation at 935 C. In the as-received condition AMZIRC, GlidCop Al-15, Cu- 1Cr-0.1Zr and Cu-0.9Cr had excellent strengths at temperatures below 500 C. However, the brazing heat treatment substantially decreased the mechanical properties of AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, Cu-0.9Cr, and NARloy-Z. The properties of GlidCop Al-15 and GRCop-84 were not significantly affected by the heat treatment. Thus there appear to be advantages to GRCop-84 over AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, Cu-0.9Cr, and NARloy-Z if use or processing temperatures greater than 500 C are expected. Ductility was lowest in GlidCop Al-15 and Cu-0.9Cr; reduction in area was particularly low in GlidCop Al-15 above 500 C, and as- received Cu-0.9Cr was brittle between 500 and 650 C. Tensile creep tests were done at 500 and 650 C; the creep properties of GRCop-84 were superior to those of brazed AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr- 0.1Zr, Cu-0.9Cr, and NARloy-Z. In the brazed condition, GRCop-84 was superior to the other alloys due to its greater strength and creep resistance (compared to AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, Cu-0.9Cr, and NARloy-Z) and ductility (compared to GlidCop Al-15)

    Comparison of GRCop-84 to Other High Thermal Conductive Cu Alloys

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    The mechanical properties of five copper alloys (GRCop-84, AMZIRC, GlidCop Al-15, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, Cu-0.9Cr) competing in high temperature, high heat flux applications such as rocket nozzles, were compared. Tensile, creep, thermal expansion, and compression tests are presented. Tests were done on as-received material, and on material which received a simulated brazing heat treatment at 935 C. The 935 C heat treatment weakened AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, and Cu-0.9Cr, and the strength of as-received AMZIRC dropped precipitously as test temperatures exceeded 500 C. The properties of GlidCop Al-15 and GRCop-84 were not significantly affected by the 935 C heat treatment. Thus GRCop-84 is better than AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, and Cu-0.9Cr at temperatures greater than 500 C. Ductility was lowest in GlidCop Al-15 and Cu-0.9Cr. The creep properties of GRCop-84 were superior to those of brazed AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, and Cu-0.9Cr. At equivalent rupture life and stress, GRCop-84 had a 150 C temperature advantage over brazed AMZIRC; for equivalent rupture life and temperature GRCop-84 was two times stronger. The advantages of GRCop-84 over GlidCop Al-15 associated with ease of processing were confirmed by GlidCop s marginal ductility. In the post brazed condition, GRCop-84 was found to be superior to the other alloys due to its greater strength and creep resistance (compared to AMZIRC, Cu-1Cr-0.1Zr, and Cu-0.9Cr) and ductility (compared to GlidCop Al-15

    Tape recorder failure investigation

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    Two end-item tape recorders lost 4:1 mode data recording mode capability at less than half of their 1 6,000-cycle, 4-year operating life. Subsequent life tests on two spare recorders also experienced 4:1 mode data loss at 8,000 and 11,700 cycles. Tear down inspection after completion of the life tests showed that the tape had worn through the alfesil record and reproduce heads. An investigation was initiated to understand the cause of excessive tape head wear and the reasons why the 4:1 mode data rate, low-speed mode is more damaging than the 1:1 mode data rate, high-speed recording mode. The objective was to establish how operating conditions (tape speed, humidity, temperature, stop/start cycles) affects head life with the goal of extending head life on the remaining in-service tape recorders. Another interest was to explain why an earlier vendor life test showed capability beyond 16,000 cycles

    Guarding the Tongue: A thematic analysis of gossip control strategies among orthodox Jewish women

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    This article describes the views and experiences of Strictly-Orthodox Jewish women with respect to the metapragmatic ethos of Shmiras HaLoshon (monitoring one's talk, literally 'guarding the tongue'). Eight extended interviews were conducted with Strictly-Orthodox women and teenagers in London, and salient themes were identified, namely: A. Loshon Hora ('evil talk') is the prime exemplar of bad talk. B. Loshon Hora is the hardest (one of the hardest) things to avoid, because it is so easy to do. C. The perceived consequences of Loshon Hora are very serious D. Great caution/various strategies are employed in order to not speak Loshon Hora E. Perceived gender differences exist in proneness to speak Loshon Hora. F. One is reponsible for monitoring others. G. Young children can be(come) aware of the issues. Subjects appeared to take this aspect of religious observance very seriously, and were taking active steps to promote observance. Social desirability bias may be an inappropriate concept for explaining our participants' behaviour. It is also suggested that the perceived importance of Shmiras HaLoshon may be important in helping to maintain community cohesion and preventing conflicts, by improving respect for privacy and reputation in a community where gossip is attractive but divisive

    Fabrication of GRCop-84 Rocket Thrust Chambers

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    GRCop-84, a copper alloy, Cu-8 at% Cr-4 at% Nb developed at NASA Glenn Research Center for regeneratively cooled rocket engine liners has excellent combinations of elevated temperature strength, creep resistance, thermal conductivity and low cycle fatigue. GRCop-84 is produced from prealloyed atomized powder and has been fabricated into plate, sheet and tube forms as well as near net shapes. Fabrication processes to produce demonstration rocket combustion chambers will be presented and includes powder production, extruding, rolling, forming, friction stir welding, and metal spinning. GRCop-84 has excellent workability and can be readily fabricated into complex components using conventional powder and wrought metallurgy processes. Rolling was examined in detail for process sensitivity at various levels of total reduction, rolling speed and rolling temperature representing extremes of commercial processing conditions. Results indicate that process conditions can range over reasonable levels without any negative impact to properties

    Identifying multiple stressor controls on phytoplankton dynamics in the River Thames (UK) using high-frequency water quality data

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    River phytoplankton blooms can pose a serious risk to water quality and the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. Developing a greater understanding of the physical and chemical controls on the timing, magnitude and duration of blooms is essential for the effective management of phytoplankton development. Five years of weekly water quality monitoring data along the River Thames, southern England were combined with hourly chlorophyll concentration (a proxy for phytoplankton biomass), flow, temperature and daily sunlight data from the mid-Thames. Weekly chlorophyll data was of insufficient temporal resolution to identify the causes of short term variations in phytoplankton biomass. However, hourly chlorophyll data enabled identification of thresholds in water temperature (between 9 and 19 °C) and flow (<30 m3 s−1) that explained the development of phytoplankton populations. Analysis showed that periods of high phytoplankton biomass and growth rate only occurred when these flow and temperature conditions were within these thresholds, and coincided with periods of long sunshine duration, indicating multiple stressor controls. Nutrient concentrations appeared to have no impact on the timing or magnitude of phytoplankton bloom development, but severe depletion of dissolved phosphorus and silicon during periods of high phytoplankton biomass may have contributed to some bloom collapses through nutrient limitation. This study indicates that for nutrient enriched rivers such as the Thames,manipulating residence time (through removing impoundments) and light/temperature (by increasing riparian tree shading) may offer more realistic solutions than reducing phosphorus concentrations for controlling excessive phytoplankton biomass

    Redesign and initial validation of an instrument to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise: The Brunel Music Rating Inventory-2

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    In the present study, a measure to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise was redesigned, extending previous research efforts (Karageorghis et al., 1999). The original measure, the Brunel Music Rating Inventory (BMRI), had shown limitations in its factor structure and its applicability to non-experts in music selection. Redesign of the BMRI used in-depth interviews with eight participants (mean age 31.9 years, s¼8.9 years) to establish the initial item pool, which was examined using a series of confirmatory factor analyses. A single-factor model provided a good fit across three musical selections with different motivational qualities (comparative fit index, CFI: 0.95 – 0.98; standardized root mean residual, SRMR: 0.03 – 0.05). The single-factor model also demonstrated acceptable fit across two independent samples and both sexes using one piece of music (CFI: 0.86 – 1.00; SRMR: 0.04 – 0.07). The BMRI was designed for experts in selecting music for exercise (e.g. dance aerobic instructors), whereas the BMRI-2 can be used both by exercise instructors and participants. The psychometric properties of the BMRI-2 are stronger than those of the BMRI and it is easier to use. The BMRI-2 provides a valid and internally consistent tool by which music can be selected to accompany a bout of exercise or a training session. Furthermore, the BMRI-2 enables researchers to standardize music in experimental protocols involving exercise-related tasks

    Hourly Prediction of Phytoplankton Biomass and Its Environmental Controls in Lowland Rivers

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    High‐resolution river modeling is valuable to study diurnal scale phytoplankton dynamics and understand biomass response to short‐term, rapid changes in its environmental controls. Based on theory contained in the Quality Evaluation and Simulation Tool for River‐systems model, a new river model is developed to simulate hourly scale phytoplankton growth and its environmental controls, thus allowing to study diurnal changes thereof. The model is implemented along a 62 km stretch in a lowland river, River Thames (England), using high‐frequency water quality measurements to simulate flow, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and phytoplankton concentrations for 2 years (2013–2014). The model satisfactorily simulates diurnal variability and transport of phytoplankton with Nash and Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) > 0.7 at all calibration sites. Even without high‐frequency data inputs, the model performs satisfactorily with NSE > 0.6. The model therefore can serve as a powerful tool both for predictive purposes and for hindcasting past conditions when hourly resolution water quality monitoring is unavailable. Model sensitivity analysis shows that the model with cool water diatoms as dominant species with an optimum growth temperature of 14°C performs the best for phytoplankton prediction. Phytoplankton blooms are mainly controlled by residence time, light and water temperature. Moreover, phytoplankton blooms develop within an optimum range of flow (21–63 m3 s−1). Thus, lowering river residence time with short‐term high flow releases could help prevent major bloom developments. The hourly model improves biomass prediction and represents a step forward in high‐resolution phytoplankton modeling and consequently, bloom management in lowland river systems