123 research outputs found

    Tuning the order of colloidal monolayers: assembly of heterogeneously charged colloids close to a patterned substrate

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    We study the behavior of negatively charged colloids with two positively charged polar caps close to a planar patterned surface. The competition between the different anisotropic components of the particle-particle interaction patterns is able by itself to give rise to a rich assembly scenario: colloids with charged surface patterns form different crystalline domains when adsorbed to a homogeneously charged substrate. Here we consider substrates composed of alternating (negative/neutral, positive/neutral and positive/negative) parallel stripes and, by means of Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the ordering of the colloids on changing the number of the stripes. We show that the additional competition between the two different lengths scales characterizing the system (i.e.,i.e., the particle interaction range and the size of the stripes) gives rise to a plethora of distinct particle arrangements, where some well-defined trends can be observed. By accurately tuning the substrate charged motif it is possible to, e.g.,e. g., promote specific particles arrangements, disfavor crystalline domains or induce the formation of extended, open clusters.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    Globule-like conformation and enhanced diffusion of active polymers

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    We study the dynamics and conformation of polymers composed by active monomers. By means of Brownian dynamics simulations we show that when the direction of the self-propulsion of each monomer is aligned with the backbone, the polymer undergoes a coil-to-globule-like transition, highlighted by a marked change of the scaling exponent of the gyration radius. Concurrently, the diffusion coefficient of the center of mass of the polymer becomes essentially independent of the polymer size for sufficiently long polymers or large magnitudes of the self-propulsion. These effects are reduced when the self-propulsion of the monomers is not bound to be tangent to the backbone of the polymer. Our results, rationalized by a minimal stochastic model, open new routes for activity-controlled polymer and, possibly, for a new generation of polymer-based drug carriers.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary Materials 7 page

    Multiblob coarse-graining for mixtures of long polymers and soft colloids

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    Soft nanocomposites represent both a theoretical and an experimental challenge due to the high number of the microscopic constituents that strongly influence the behaviour of the systems. An effective theoretical description of such systems invokes a reduction of the degrees of freedom to be analysed, hence requiring the introduction of an efficient, quantitative, coarse-grained description. We here report on a novel coarse graining approach based on a set of transferable potentials that quantitatively reproduces properties of mixtures of linear and star-shaped homopolymeric nanocomposites. By renormalizing groups of monomers into a single effective potential between a ff-functional star polymer and an homopolymer of length N0N_0, and through a scaling argument, it will be shown how a substantial reduction of the to degrees of freedom allows for a full quantitative description of the system. Our methodology is tested upon full monomer simulations for systems of different molecular weight, proving its full predictive potential

    Single-file escape of colloidal particles from microfluidic channels

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    Single-file diffusion is a ubiquitous physical process exploited by living and synthetic systems to exchange molecules with their environment. It is paramount quantifying the escape time needed for single files of particles to exit from constraining synthetic channels and biological pores. This quantity depends on complex cooperative effects, whose predominance can only be established through a strict comparison between theory and experiments. By using colloidal particles, optical manipulation, microfluidics, digital microscopy and theoretical analysis we uncover the self-similar character of the escape process and provide closed-formula evaluations of the escape time. We find that the escape time scales inversely with the diffusion coefficient of the last particle to leave the channel. Importantly, we find that at the investigated {\bf microscale}, bias forces as tiny as 1015  N10^{-15}\;{\rm N} determine the magnitude of the escape time by drastically reducing interparticle collisions. Our findings provide crucial guidelines to optimize the design of micro- and nano-devices for a variety of applications including drug delivery, particle filtering and transport in geometrical constrictions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Conformation and dynamics of partially active linear polymers

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    We perform numerical simulations of isolated, partially active polymers, driven out-of-equilibrium by a fraction of their monomers. We show that, if the active beads are all gathered in a contiguous block, the position of the section along the chain determines the conformational and dynamical properties of the system. Notably, one can modulate the diffusion coefficient of the polymer from {active-like to passive-like} just by changing the position of the active block. Further, in special cases, enhancement of diffusion can be achieved by decreasing the overall polymer activity. Our findings may help in the modelization of active biophysical systems, such as filamentous bacteria or worms.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures + supplemental 4 pages, 7 figure

    Active polymer rings: activity-induced collapse and dynamical arrest

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    We investigate, using numerical simulations, the conformations of isolated active ring polymers. We find that the their behaviour depends crucially on their size: short rings (NN \lesssim 100) are swelled whereas longer rings (NN \gtrsim 200) collapse, at sufficiently high activity. By investigating the non-equilibrium process leading to the steady state, we find a universal route driving both outcomes; we highlight the central role of steric interactions, at variance with linear chains, and of topology conservation. We further show that the collapsed rings are arrested by looking at different observables, all underlining the presence of an extremely long time scales at the steady state, associated with the internal dynamics of the collapsed section. Finally, we found that is some circumstances the collapsed state spins about its axis.Comment: 20 pages total, 6 pages 4 figures main text, 14 pages 19 figures supplemental materia

    Self-organized states of solutions of active ring polymers in bulk and under confinement

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    In the presented work we study, by means of numerical simulations, the behaviour of a suspension of active ring polymers in the bulk and under lateral confinement. When changing the separation between the confining planes and the polymers' density, we detect the emergence of a self-organised dynamical state, characterised by the coexistence of slowly diffusing clusters of rotating disks and faster rings moving in between them. This system represents a peculiar case at the crossing point between polymer, liquid crystals and active matter physics, where the interplay between activity, topology and confinement leads to a spontaneous segregation of a one component solution.Comment: 26 pages (single column), 10 figure

    Feasibility of Self-Performed Lung Ultrasound with Remote Teleguidance for Monitoring at Home COVID-19 Patients

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, use of telemedicine with the aim of reducing the rate of viral transmission increased. This proof-of-concept observational study was planned to test the feasibility of a home-based lung ultrasound (LUS) follow-up performed by patients with mild COVID-19 infection on themselves. We enrolled patients presenting to the emergency department with SARS-CoV-2 infection without signs of pneumonia and indication to discharge. Each patient received a brief training on how to perform LUS and a handheld ultrasound probe. Then, patients were contacted on a daily basis, and LUS images were acquired by the patients themselves under “teleguidance” by the investigator. Twenty-one patients were enrolled with a median age of 44 years. All evaluations were of sufficient quality for a follow up. Probability of a better LUS quality was related to higher degree (odds ratio, OR, 1.42, 95% CI 0.5–3.99) and a lower quality to evaluation time (from 0.71, 95% CI 0.55–0.92 for less than 7 min, to 0.52, 95% CI 0.38–0.7, between 7 and 10 min, and to 0.29, 95% CI 0.2–0.43, for evaluations longer than 10 min). No effect related to gender or age was detected. LUS performed by patients and remotely overseen by expert providers seems to be a feasible and reliable telemedicine tool

    Large Spin-to-Charge Conversion at Room Temperature in Extended Epitaxial Sb2Te3 Topological Insulator Chemically Grown on Silicon

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    Spin-charge interconversion phenomena at the interface between magnetic materials and topological insulators (TIs) are attracting enormous interest in the research effort toward the development of fast and ultra-low power devices for future information and communication technology. A large spin-to-charge (S2C) conversion efficiency in Au/Co/Au/Sb2Te3/Si(111) heterostructures based on Sb2Te3 TIs grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition on 4 '' Si(111) substrates is reported. By conducting room temperature spin pumping ferromagnetic resonance, a 250% enhanced charge current due to spin pumping in the Sb2Te3-containing system is measured when compared to the reference Au/Co/Au/Si(111). The corresponding inverse Edelstein effect length lambda(IEE) ranges from 0.28 to 0.61 nm, depending on the adopted methodological analysis, with the upper value being so far the largest observed for the second generation of 3D chalcogenide-based TIs. These results open the path toward the use of chemical methods to produce TIs on large area Si substrates and characterized by highly performing S2C conversion, thus marking a milestone toward future technology-transfer

    Vemurafenib Treatment of Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma in a Child With Down Syndrome

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    Brain tumors are the most common solid neoplasms of childhood, but they are very rarely reported in children with Down Syndrome (DS), who develop more commonly different types of malignancies. In particular, we hereby report the case of an 8-years-old child with DS that presented to our attention for neurological and endocrinological issues. Brain imaging revealed the presence of a mass that was partially resected revealing a histological diagnosis of Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma (PXA), a rare WHO grade II tumor extending from the diencephalic region into the surrounding brain tissue. These tumors can harbor the BRAF mutation p.V600E, targetable by the specific inhibitor Vemurafenib. After confirming the presence of the mutation in the tumor, the patient was treated with Vemurafenib. The treatment proved to be effective, leading to a partial response and a stabilization of the disease. Usually, in patients with DS a reduction of the dose of chemotherapeutic drugs is necessary. Vemurafenib was instead well-tolerated as the only observed adverse effect was grade I skin toxicity. This is, to our knowledge, the first case of a PXA reported in a child with DS and the first DS patient treated with Vemurafenib