1,003 research outputs found

    Stellar equilibrium configurations of white dwarfs in the f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity

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    In this work we investigate the equilibrium configurations of white dwarfs in a modified gravity theory, na\-mely, f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity, for which RR and TT stand for the Ricci scalar and trace of the energy-momentum tensor, respectively. Considering the functional form f(R,T)=R+2λTf(R,T)=R+2\lambda T, with λ\lambda being a constant, we obtain the hydrostatic equilibrium equation for the theory. Some physical properties of white dwarfs, such as: mass, radius, pressure and energy density, as well as their dependence on the parameter λ\lambda are derived. More massive and larger white dwarfs are found for negative values of λ\lambda when it decreases. The equilibrium configurations predict a maximum mass limit for white dwarfs slightly above the Chandrasekhar limit, with larger radii and lower central densities when compared to standard gravity outcomes. The most important effect of f(R,T)f(R,T) theory for massive white dwarfs is the increase of the radius in comparison with GR and also f(R)f(R) results. By comparing our results with some observational data of massive white dwarfs we also find a lower limit for λ\lambda, namely, λ>3×104\lambda >- 3\times 10^{-4}.Comment: To be published in EPJ

    GRB 170817A-GW170817-AT 2017gfo and the observations of NS-NS, NS-WD and WD-WD mergers

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    The LIGO-Virgo Collaboration has announced the detection of GW170817 and has associated it with GRB 170817A. These signals have been followed after 11 hours by the optical and infrared emission of AT 2017gfo. The origin of this complex phenomenon has been attributed to a neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS) merger. In order to probe this association we confront our current understanding of the gravitational waves and associated electromagnetic radiation with four observed GRBs originating in binaries composed of different combinations NSs and white dwarfs (WDs). We consider 1) GRB 090510 the prototype of NS-NS merger leading to a black hole (BH); 2) GRB 130603B the prototype of a NS-NS merger leading to massive NS (MNS) with an associated kilonova; 3) GRB 060614 the prototype of a NS-WD merger leading to a MNS with an associated kilonova candidate; 4) GRB 170817A the prototype of a WD-WD merger leading to massive WD with an associated AT 2017gfo-like emission. None of these systems support the above mentioned association. The clear association between GRB 170817A and AT 2017gfo has led to introduce a new model based on on a new subfamily of GRBs originating from WD-WD mergers. We show how this novel model is in agreement with the exceptional observations in the optical, infrared, X- and gamma-rays of GRB 170817A-AT 2017gfo.Comment: version accepted for publication in JCAP. Missing references adde

    Expressive and Instrumental Offending: Reconciling the Paradox of Specialisation and Versatility

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    Although previous research into specialisation has been dominated by the debate over the existence of specialisation versus versatility, it is suggested that research needs to move beyond the restrictions of this dispute. The current study explores the criminal careers of 200 offenders based on their criminal records, obtained from a police database in the North West of England, aiming to understand the patterns and nature of specialisation by determining the presence of differentiation within their general offending behaviours and examining whether the framework of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles can account for any specialised tendencies that emerge. Fifty-eight offences were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis. Results revealed that a model of criminal differentiation could be identified and that any specialisation is represented in terms of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles

    Soil microbiome structure and function in ecopiles used to remediate petroleum-contaminated soil

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    The soil microbiome consists of a vast variety of microorganisms which contribute to essential ecosystem services including nutrient recycling, protecting soil structure, and pathogen suppression. Recalcitrant organic compounds present in soils contaminated with fuel oil can lead to a decrease in functional redundancy within soil microbiomes. Ecopiling is a passive bioremediation technique involving biostimulation of indigenous hydrocarbon degraders, bioaugmentation through inoculation with known petroleum-degrading consortia, and phytoremediation. The current study investigates the assemblage of soil microbial communities and pollutant-degrading potential in soil undergoing the Ecopiling process, through the amplicon marker gene and metagenomics analysis of the contaminated soil. The analysis of key community members including bacteria, fungi, and nematodes revealed a surprisingly diverse microbial community composition within the contaminated soil. The soil bacterial community was found to be dominated by Alphaproteobacteria (60–70%) with the most abundant genera such as Lysobacter, Dietzia, Pseudomonas, and Extensimonas. The fungal community consisted mainly of Ascomycota (50–70% relative abundance). Soil sequencing data allowed the identification of key enzymes involved in the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, providing a novel window into the function of individual bacterial groups in the Ecopile. Although the genus Lysobacter was identified as the most abundant bacterial genus (11–46%) in all of the contaminated soil samples, the metagenomic data were unable to confirm a role for this group in petrochemical degradation. Conversely, genera with relatively low abundance such as Dietzia (0.4–9.0%), Pusillimonas (0.7–2.3%), and Bradyrhizobium (0.8–1.8%) did possess genes involved in aliphatic or aromatic compound degradation

    A Geometric Variational Approach to Bayesian Inference

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    We propose a novel Riemannian geometric framework for variational inference in Bayesian models based on the nonparametric Fisher-Rao metric on the manifold of probability density functions. Under the square-root density representation, the manifold can be identified with the positive orthant of the unit hypersphere in L2, and the Fisher-Rao metric reduces to the standard L2 metric. Exploiting such a Riemannian structure, we formulate the task of approximating the posterior distribution as a variational problem on the hypersphere based on the alpha-divergence. This provides a tighter lower bound on the marginal distribution when compared to, and a corresponding upper bound unavailable with, approaches based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence. We propose a novel gradient-based algorithm for the variational problem based on Frechet derivative operators motivated by the geometry of the Hilbert sphere, and examine its properties. Through simulations and real-data applications, we demonstrate the utility of the proposed geometric framework and algorithm on several Bayesian models

    Impact of the \u3cem\u3eBrachiaria\u3c/em\u3e Hybrids on Both Soil Health and Carbon Stock on Livestock Production

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    Pastures occupy 30% of Earth and 80% of the entire agricultural area of the planet. To ensure food to the world and contribute to the quality of the environment, pasture-based animal production systems will also have to undergo through a more intense evolution. The intensification of tropical grasslands is an important strategy of land utilization in developing countries, contributing to increase production and minimize environmental impact through the best management practices. In this sense, the use of Brachiaria hybrids represents an excellent option, since combining the best traits of different Brachiaria species, with higher nutritive value, forage, and seed yield. Here we have evaluated six Brachiaria hybrids’ effects on both soil health and carbon stock. We observed that in all Brachiaria genotypes the mean carbon stock varied significantly in at least two soil depth categories. In general, carbon stock tends to get smaller as soil depth increases. Enzyme activity analysis showed there were no significant differences in the mean enzyme activity except in hybrid GP 3660 for β-glucosidase enzyme. Therefore, the adoption of Brachiaria hybrids might also help farmers to produce in an environmentally friendly manner, due to the potential benefits of Brachiaria to soil life enzyme activity and carbon mitigation

    Uso da cianamida na superação de dormência de sementes do híbrido interespecífico BRS Manicoré.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito da cianamida hidrogenada (CH2N2) na germinação das sementes híbridas OxG. O experimento foi realizado na Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, no delineamento blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições de 500 sementes

    Multiple shifts and fractional integration in the us and uk unemployment rates

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    This paper analyses the long-run behaviour of the US and UK unemployment rates by testing for possibly fractional orders of integration and multiple shifts using a sample of over 100 annual observations. The results show that the orders of integration are higher than 0 in both series, which implies long memory. If we assume that the underlying disturbances are white noise, the values are higher than 0.5, i.e., nonstationary. However, if the disturbances are autocorrelated, the orders of integration are in the interval (0, 0.5), implying stationarity and mean-reverting behaviour. Moreover, when multiple shifts are taken into account, unemployment is more persistent in the US than in the UK, implying the need for stronger policy action in the former to bring unemployment back to its original level