74 research outputs found

    Functional interactions between polypyrimidine tract binding protein and PRI peptide ligand containing proteins.

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    Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTBP1) is a heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) that plays roles in most stages of the life-cycle of pre-mRNA and mRNAs in the nucleus and cytoplasm. PTBP1 has four RNA binding domains of the RNA recognition motif (RRM) family, each of which can bind to pyrimidine motifs. In addition, RRM2 can interact via its dorsal surface with proteins containing short peptide ligands known as PTB RRM2 interacting (PRI) motifs, originally found in the protein Raver1. Here we review our recent progress in understanding the interactions of PTB with RNA and with various proteins containing PRI ligands.This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [grant number BB/H004203/1 (to C.W.J.S.)]; the Wellcome Trust [grant number 092900 (to C.W.J.S.)]; the Boehringer Ingelheim Fond (to J.A.); the Medical Research Council [grant number MR/M026302/1 (to D.B.A. and D.E.V.P.)]; the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais [grant number MR/M026302/1 (to D.B.A. and D.E.V.P.)]; and the National Health and Medical Research Council CJ Martin Fellowship [grant number APP1072476 (to D.B.A.)]

    Type I and III interferons disrupt lung epithelial repair during recovery from viral infection

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    Interferons (IFNs) are central to antiviral immunity. Viral recognition elicits IFN production, which in turn triggers the transcription of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), which engage in various antiviral functions. Type I IFNs (IFN-α and IFN-β) are widely expressed and can result in immunopathology during viral infections. By contrast, type III IFN (IFN-λ) responses are primarily restricted to mucosal surfaces and are thought to confer antiviral protection without driving damaging proinflammatory responses. Accordingly, IFN-λ has been proposed as a therapeutic in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other such viral respiratory diseases (see the Perspective by Grajales-Reyes and Colonna). Broggi et al. report that COVID-19 patient morbidity correlates with the high expression of type I and III IFNs in the lung. Furthermore, IFN-λ secreted by dendritic cells in the lungs of mice exposed to synthetic viral RNA causes damage to the lung epithelium, which increases susceptibility to lethal bacterial superinfections. Similarly, using a mouse model of influenza infection, Major et al. found that IFN signaling (especially IFN-λ) hampers lung repair by inducing p53 and inhibiting epithelial proliferation and differentiation. Complicating this picture, Hadjadj et al. observed that peripheral blood immune cells from severe and critical COVID-19 patients have diminished type I IFN and enhanced proinflammatory interleukin-6– and tumor necrosis factor-α–fueled responses. This suggests that in contrast to local production, systemic production of IFNs may be beneficial. The results of this trio of studies suggest that the location, timing, and duration of IFN exposure are critical parameters underlying the success or failure of therapeutics for viral respiratory infections

    Protein Kinase C-beta Dictates B Cell Fate by Regulating Mitochondrial Remodeling, Metabolic Reprogramming, and Heme Biosynthesis

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    PKCβ-null (Prkcb−/−) mice are severely immunodeficient. Here we show that mice whose B cells lack PKCβ failed to form germinal centers and plasma cells, which undermined affinity maturation and antibody production in response to immunization. Moreover, these mice failed to develop plasma cells in response to viral infection. At the cellular level, we have shown that Prkcb−/−B cells exhibited defective antigen polarization and mTORC1 signaling. While altered antigen polarization impaired antigen presentation and likely restricted the potential of GC development, defective mTORC1 signaling impaired metabolic reprogramming, mitochondrial remodeling, and heme biosynthesis in these cells, which altogether overwhelmingly opposed plasma cell differentiation. Taken together, our study reveals mechanistic insights into the function of PKCβ as a key regulator of B cell polarity and metabolic reprogramming that instructs B cell fate. Lymphocyte activation is associated with major changes in metabolism. Tsui and colleagues demonstrate that PKCβ promotes metabolic reprogramming to drive effector fate decision in B cells

    Loss of TET2 in human hematopoietic stem cells alters the development and function of neutrophils

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    Somatic mutations commonly occur in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Some mutant clones outgrow through clonal hematopoiesis (CH) and produce mutated immune progenies shaping host immunity. Individuals with CH are asymptomatic but have an increased risk of developing leukemia, cardiovascular and pulmonary inflammatory diseases, and severe infections. Using genetic engineering of human HSCs (hHSCs) and transplantation in immunodeficient mice, we describe how a commonly mutated gene in CH, TET2, affects human neutrophil development and function. TET2 loss in hHSCs produce a distinct neutrophil heterogeneity in bone marrow and peripheral tissues by increasing the repopulating capacity of neutrophil progenitors and giving rise to low-granule neutrophils. Human neutrophils that inherited TET2 mutations mount exacerbated inflammatory responses and have more condensed chromatin, which correlates with compact neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) production. We expose here physiological abnormalities that may inform future strategies to detect TET2-CH and prevent NET-mediated pathologies associated with CH

    Comprehensive phenotypic analysis of the Dp1Tyb mouse strain reveals a broad range of down syndrome-related phenotypes

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    Down syndrome (DS), trisomy 21, results in many complex phenotypes including cognitive deficits, heart defects and craniofacial alterations. Phenotypes arise from an extra copy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) genes. However, these dosage-sensitive causative genes remain unknown. Animal models enable identification of genes and pathological mechanisms. The Dp1Tyb mouse model of DS has an extra copy of 63% of Hsa21-orthologous mouse genes. In order to establish if this model recapitulates DS phenotypes, we comprehensively phenotyped Dp1Tyb mice using 28 tests of different physiological systems and found that 468 out of 1800 parameters were significantly altered. We show that Dp1Tyb mice have wide-ranging DS-like phenotypes including aberrant erythropoiesis and megakaryopoiesis, reduced bone density, craniofacial changes, altered cardiac function, a pre-diabetic state and deficits in memory, locomotion, hearing and sleep. Thus, Dp1Tyb mice are an excellent model for investigating complex DS phenotype-genotype relationships for this common disorder

    Dual RNA processing roles of Pat1b via cytoplasmic Lsm1-7 and nuclear Lsm2-8 complexes

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    Pat1 RNA-binding proteins, enriched in P-bodies, are key players in cytoplasmic 5’ to 3’ mRNA decay, activating decapping of mRNA in complex with the Lsm1-7 heptamer. Using co-immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence approaches coupled with RNAi, we provide evidence for a nuclear complex of Pat1b with the Lsm2-8 heptamer, which binds to the spliceosomal U6 snRNA. Furthermore, we establish the set of interactions connecting Pat1b/Lsm2-8/U6 snRNA/SART3 and additional U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP components, in Cajal bodies, the site of snRNP biogenesis. RNAseq following Pat1b depletion revealed the preferential up-regulation of mRNAs normally found in P-bodies and enriched in 3’ UTR AU-rich elements. Changes in >180 alternative splicing events were also observed, characterized by skipping of regulated exons with weak donor sites. Our data demonstrate the unsuspected dual role of a decapping enhancer in pre-mRNA processing as well as in mRNA decay via distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic Lsm complexes.This work was funded by a fellowship to CV from the Fondation Wiener – Anspach, BBSRC (BB/J00779X/1) and the Newton Trust (University of Cambridge) to NS, and CNRS PICS and ANR (14- CE09-0013-01ANR) to DW. The CMMI is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Walloon Region

    Dual RNA processing roles of Pat1b via cytoplasmic Lsm1-7 and nuclear Lsm2-8 complexes

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    Pat1 RNA-binding proteins, enriched in P-bodies, are key players in cytoplasmic 5’ to 3’ mRNA decay, activating decapping of mRNA in complex with the Lsm1-7 heptamer. Using co-immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence approaches coupled with RNAi, we provide evidence for a nuclear complex of Pat1b with the Lsm2-8 heptamer, which binds to the spliceosomal U6 snRNA. Furthermore, we establish the set of interactions connecting Pat1b/Lsm2-8/U6 snRNA/SART3 and additional U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP components, in Cajal bodies, the site of snRNP biogenesis. RNAseq following Pat1b depletion revealed the preferential up-regulation of mRNAs normally found in P-bodies and enriched in 3’ UTR AU-rich elements. Changes in >180 alternative splicing events were also observed, characterized by skipping of regulated exons with weak donor sites. Our data demonstrate the unsuspected dual role of a decapping enhancer in pre-mRNA processing as well as in mRNA decay via distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic Lsm complexes.This work was funded by a fellowship to CV from the Fondation Wiener – Anspach, BBSRC (BB/J00779X/1) and the Newton Trust (University of Cambridge) to NS, and CNRS PICS and ANR (14- CE09-0013-01ANR) to DW. The CMMI is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Walloon Region

    Polyglutamine Expansion Accelerates the Dynamics of Ataxin-1 and Does Not Result in Aggregate Formation

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    Polyglutamine expansion disorders are caused by an expansion of the polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in the disease related protein, leading to severe neurodegeneration. All polyQ disorders are hallmarked by the presence of intracellular aggregates containing the expanded protein in affected neurons. The polyQ disorder SpinoCerebellar Ataxia 1 (SCA1) is caused by a polyQ-expansion in the ataxin-1 protein, which is thought to lead to nuclear aggregates.Using advanced live cell fluorescence microscopy and a filter retardation assay we show that nuclear accumulations formed by polyQ-expanded ataxin-1 do not resemble aggregates of other polyQ-expanded proteins. Instead of being static, insoluble aggregates, nuclear accumulations formed by the polyQ-expanded ataxin-1 showed enhanced intracellular kinetics as compared to wild-type ataxin-1. During mitosis, ataxin-1 accumulations redistributed equally among daughter cells, in contrast to polyQ aggregates. Interestingly, polyQ expansion did not affect the nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of ataxin-1 as proposed before.These results indicate that polyQ expansion does not necessarily lead to aggregate formation, and that the enhanced kinetics may affect the nuclear function of ataxin-1. The unexpected findings for a polyQ-expanded protein and their consequences for ongoing SCA1 research are discussed

    Modular protein-RNA interactions regulating mRNA metabolism: a role for NMR

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    Here we review the role played by transient interactions between multi-functional proteins and their RNA targets in the regulation of mRNA metabolism, and we describe the important function of NMR spectroscopy in the study of these systems. We place emphasis on a general approach for the study of different features of modular multi-domain recognition that uses well-established NMR techniques and that has provided important advances in the general understanding of post-transcriptional regulation

    The U2AF1S34F^{S34F} mutation induces lineage-specific splicing alterations in myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Mutations of the splicing factor-encoding gene U2AF1 are frequent in the myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), a myeloid malignancy, and other cancers. Patients with MDS suffer from peripheral blood cytopenias, including anemia, and an increasing percentage of bone marrow myeloblasts. We studied the impact of the common U2AF1S34F^{S34F} mutation on cellular function and mRNA splicing in the main cell lineages affected in MDS. We demonstrated that U2AF1S34F^{S34F} expression in human hematopoietic progenitors impairs erythroid differentiation and skews granulomonocytic differentiation toward granulocytes. RNA sequencing of erythroid and granulomonocytic colonies revealed that U2AF1S34F^{S34F} induced a higher number of cassette exon splicing events in granulomonocytic cells than in erythroid cells. U2AF1S34F^{S34F} altered mRNA splicing of many transcripts that were expressed in both cell types in a lineage-specific manner. In hematopoietic progenitors, the introduction of isoform changes identified in the U2AF1S34F^{S34F} target genes H2AFY, encoding an H2A histone variant, and STRAP, encoding serine/threonine kinase receptor-associated protein, recapitulated phenotypes associated with U2AF1S34F^{S34F} expression in erythroid and granulomonocytic cells, suggesting a causal link. Furthermore, we showed that isoform modulation of H2AFY and STRAP rescues the erythroid differentiation defect in U2AF1S34F^{S34F} MDS cells, suggesting that splicing modulators could be used therapeutically. These data have critical implications for understanding MDS phenotypic heterogeneity and support the development of therapies targeting splicing abnormalities.This work was supported by Bloodwise (United Kingdom). ML was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust (092900). LM acknowledges support from the Associazione Italiana Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) (IG 15356)