59 research outputs found
ROI. Measuring the social media return on investment in a library
Purpose: In all projections for 2011, ROI has become of the great challenges of social media marketing for the business environment. However in the case of non-profit organizations, there is no need for such calculations. It is not as necessary to know how the effort made in these media compares to the benefits that can be obtained. This paper aims to compare the parameters governing social media ROI at an enterprise level and at the level of non-profit institutions. Additionally, the use of social media tools in a strategic plan and to save costs in the institution is discussed. Design/methodology/approach: Where ROI is defined as a mere indicator of return on investment, it involves the direct costs and revenues of each transaction. Combining the world of social media marketing, which is full of intangibles, with the current crisis makes knowing "real" return one of the greatest current needs. When demanding returns from institutions that have never been analyzed from this standpoint, it is important to understand how a tool like this can be used to justify an entity's visibility, brand improvement and ultimately, an increase in the institution's quality and use by users. Also, it should be taken into account that while in 2010 branding was the primary goal of communication in social media, this year in view of the increasingly endemic crisis, a ROI analysis can help an institution to evidence how the cost savings inherent in using these as opposed to former marketing tools substantiate their use. However, this interest involves a great risk of simplification. Findings: The analysis used to measure ROI can follow these lines: The consumption by previous users can be compared with that of current arrivals on the network. Comparisons can be made between the behavior of a user prior to following the library on social media and after doing so. The extent to which the success of new developments, events etc. has improved after being communicated in social networks can be measured. The influence of brand perception on users' consumption and the extent to which the new media have changed this perception can be measured. Originality/value: Conducting a ROI analysis of a library's social media marketing campaign can help it evaluate various aspects in the library. Social media can be considered as an interesting information dissemination tool requiring only minimal effort which can be used by the library to promote reading and publicize its informational and cultural efforts. Social media can also be used as dynamic, provision of service and marketing resources with a clear reduction in costs compared to other more traditional types of advertising and publicizing. Given that in the management of these tools, it is the contents and ideas that are essential rather than the economic resources available, social media are particularly useful for small and medium libraries as they provide the possibility of increasing the visibility of the institution and improving its service and its users' experience. Opening a new channel of communication with users on the internet is a challenge for libraries that can be optimized with the development of a strategy for the use of social media. The library should make an effort to manage these resources efficiently and obtain the largest possible return on their use. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.Lloret Romero, MN. (2011). ROI. Measuring the social media return on investment in a library. The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances. 24(2):145-151. doi:10.1108/08880451111169223S145151242Gómez Pereda, N. and Merlo Vega, J.A. (2010), “Experiencias bibliotecarias con las tecnologías sociales: dossier”, Educación y biblioteca, Vol. 177, pp. 58‐125.Zarabozo, A. (2008), “Blogs y bibliotecas”, Biblioasturias, No. 11, pp. 10‐12
'Cloud computing' in library automation: benefits and drawbacks
In recent years it has become common to hear about the virtues and benefits of the so-called ¿cloud¿ for the use of corporate software. Although the use of the cloud in the business environment has already transformed the concept of data storage and resource management, its use in the field of libraries and information centers is somewhat less widespread. This article aims to outline its benefits and drawbacks.Lloret Romero, MN. (2012). 'Cloud computing' in library automation: benefits and drawbacks. Bottom Line. 25(3):110-115. doi:10.1108/08880451211276566S110115253Choubey, R., Dubey, R. and Bhattacharjee, J. (2011), “A survey on cloud computing security, challenges and threats”,International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 3.Creeger, M. (2009), “Cloud computing: an overview”,ACM Queue, Vol. 7 No. 5
Model for the centralized acquisition of collections in times of crisis
The paper discusses how the inclusion of digital collections has led to a new licensing model that has changed the financial management and administration of budgets for the purchase of collections, starting with the acquisition of scientific journals for specialized centers and extending to all types of resource materials.Lloret Romero, MN. (2012). Model for the centralized acquisition of collections in times of crisis. Bottom Line. 25(4):59-63. doi:10.1108/08880451211292603S5963254Frazier, K. (2001), “The librarian's dilemma: contemplating the costs of the ‘big deal’”, D‐Lib Magazine, Vol. 7 No. 3, available at: www.dlib.org/dlib/march01/frazier/03frazier.html.Best, R. D. (2009). Is the «Big Deal» Dead? The Serials Librarian, 57(4), 353-363. doi:10.1080/03615260903203702Gatten, J.N. and Sanville, T. (2004), “An orderly retreat from the big deal: is it possible for consortia?”, D‐Lib Magazine, Vol. 10 No. 10, available at: www.dlib.org/dlib/october04/gatten/10gatten.html.Oder, N. (2010), “UC libraries, Nature Publishing Group in heated dispute over pricing; Boycott possible”, Library Journal, 10 June, available at: www.libraryjournal.com/lj/home/885271264/uc_libraries_nature_publishing_group.html.csp.Pesch, O. (2008). Library Standards and E-Resource Management: A Survey of Current Initiatives and Standards Efforts. The Serials Librarian, 55(3), 481-486. doi:10.1080/03615260802059965Peters, T. A. (2001). What’s the big deal? The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 27(4), 302-304. doi:10.1016/s0099-1333(01)00232-
Presentación del proyecto: guía metodológica para la implantación de una biblioteca digital universitaria
El artículo pretende ser una presentación del trabajo realizado por el Departamento de Documentación e Historia del Arte de la Universidad Politécnica, la Biblioteca de la misma universidad y la Biblioteca Universitaria de Florida Centre de Formación, fruto del proyecto presentado bajo subvención a la Secretaría de Estado de Universidades, y actualmente accesible en http://www.biblioteca-digital.net Se parte de la escasa información, escrita y normalizada, existente en nuestro país en el planteamiento y la implantación de las biblioteca digitales. Siendo un tema de actualidad y teniendo un uso creciente en la enseñanza, se consideró adecuado abordar el temadesde una perspectiva práctica.This article introduces work carried out by the Department of Documentation and History of Art at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, the Library at this university and the Florida Centre de Formació university Library; the work is the result of a project funded by the Secretaría de Estado de Universidades and is now accessible at http://www.biblioteca-digital.net. The work starts from the scant written, standardized information on the planning and setting up of digital libraries available in this country. Owing to its being a matter of great interest at the present time and of growing use in teaching, it was thought appropriate to approach the subject from a practical viewpoint. The following topics are described and developed: Analysis of the initial condition at the center. Auto evaluation Project planning methodology. Study of costs of setting up a digital library. Study of possibilities of collaborative work with consortiums and with the different member libraries. Legal requirements for the setting up of a digital library system. The conclusion reached is that there is a need for more experience in the field of digital libraries and the professional community is encouraged to make suggestions about the project
La identidad global en la sociedad conectada. Nuevas formas de difusión del pensamiento político
Inmersos el siglo XXI y sumidos en los que llamamos «La sociedad de la Información». Nos encontramos frente a una encrucijada difícil de superar. La velocidad de los últimos años nos ha dejado un sabor amargo sobre el carácter tangible de las nuevas tecnologías y lo que nos pueden deparar para el desarrollo de una sociedad mejor, mas justa, más humana. La gran burbuja creada alrededor de las tecnologías nos ha llevado a crear conceptos que raramente se asemejan a la situación real en la que vivimos. La mal llamada «Aldea Global» que nos presentaba el desarrollo tecnológico se ha dado la vuelta y nos esta enseñando otras caras. La desigualdad social, falta real de acceso a la información de la mayoría de los ciudadanos. Frente a lo que se ha llamado la liberalización del acceso a la información nos hemos encontrado con un espejismo que solamente nos presenta una información sesgada y manipulada como nunca se había conocido en otros medios de comunicación. La aldea global se presenta como un reducto generador de lo que podríamos llamar la identidad global alejándose de las primeras definiciones de dicho termino. Pero es real esa identidad global? Existen formas de difundir pensamiento y conocimiento que apoyen la generación de una identidad global
Cultural Peer Production in Times of Crisis
The current crisis has called into question the validity of the two main logics that have dominated cultural production in recent years, that is the capitalist market and the welfare state. According to the first one, cultural production is considered as a mere object of consumption controlled exclusively by the law of supply and demand. This
logic has gone into crisis since the power of consumption of many citizens has decreased, therefore cultural offerings have been reduced. As an alternative to this private logic of cultural production, the state logic has intended to enhance
the number of cultural producers by means of different subsidies. However, over the last five years we have witnessed how different Western European States have dramatically reduced the budgetary allocations for culture. The main result of this crisis is the fact that cultural production has been left in the hands of big private companies whose economic
power enables them to monopolize it, thus reducing its plurality and diversity dangerously. As an alternative to
this situation, new proposals emerge with the aim to democratize cultural production without depending on
the rules established by the liberal market or the State¿s subsidies. These proposals are a consequence of the
development of peer-to-peer (P2P) communication technologies. The convergence of free web platforms and free
software that allow users to share their own resources and to have access to materials produced by others have
changed the field of traditional production. The emergence of peer-to-peer collaborative projects forces us to
question the traditional production model. In the following text we will tackle in a theoretical way how the P2P
production model is proposed as the best alternative to face the crisis in the contemporary cultural panorama.
This theoretical approach will be accompanied by the description of some P2P projects that have been developed
in the fields of art, cinema, photography or theatre.García Puchades, W.; Lloret Romero, MN. (2013). Cultural Peer Production in Times of Crisis. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. 9(3):163-170. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38900S1631709
Integración e interoperabilidad hacia la mejora de los servicios para el usuario
Presentación en las XI Jormadas de la Asociación de Usuarios de Ex Libris en España (Expania) celebradas en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) el 4 y 5 de junio de 2014, con un programa centrado en la interoperabilidad y la integración de servicios y datos.Desde el principio los SIGBs se han centrado en la gestión de la colección: compras, catalogación, préstamo, ubicación en estanterías (inventario), y más recientemente préstamo interbibliotecario.
Sin embargo actualmente las bibliotecas ofertan nuevos servicios que suponen nuevos ámbitos de gestión: asesoramiento a investigadores; publicación en sistemas OJS¿; difusión de contenidos en repositorios; implicación en planes de docencia, temas de derechos de autor¿
En este nuevo contexto, la presente comunicación aborda el problema desde la posición de un docente universitario especializado en documentación y bibliotecas
¿Habría que ir a un nuevo concepto de sistema integrado que abarcara estos nuevos ámbitos?
¿Cómo se preve que evolucione el mercado de los sistemas de gestión de biblioteca?
¿Qué dice el estado del arte al respecto?.Lloret Romero, MN. (2014). Integración e interoperabilidad hacia la mejora de los servicios para el usuario. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38158
Cómo desarrollar una plataforma de formación a distancia para el entorno industrial. PQP «Plataforma para la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales»
The Platform for Quality in Prevention is a project within the European initiative ADAPT, with the aim to develop a Web-based tool to be used to find solutions in Prevention of Occupational Hazards, called the PQP Network. It tries to help users to find sources of information, communication, training and advice on prevention of occupational hazards in a direct and convenient way. PQP takes the benefits of working with the new Internet information and communication technologies to the prevention field. The basic course on Prevention of Occupational Hazards, which focuses on cooperative work and putting together efforts and resources to improve prevention methods, allows: – Individual assessment– Individual training to meet different user’s needs– Guided prevention management– Channelling of all the information resources available to achieve prevention management focused on quality. Working in this new technologies environment means more benefits, such as: – Training sessions can take place any time, anywhere– Individual training that meets the user’s needs– The user actively participates in the sessions– Contents are constantly updated and are easy to use– Tutors are always available to support the user– Access to regularly updated Internet resources The main concept is active, practical and dynamic learning. A high degree of participation in the training process is required from the user. They will be supported at all times by Internet resources to guide their learning, and by a team of tutors who will deal with any query they may have.La Plataforma para la Calidad en la Prevención es un proyecto dentro de la iniciativa europea ADAPT que desarrolla, en Internet, una herramienta útil para la búsqueda de soluciones en la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, la Red PQP. Su finalidad es facilitar a los usuarios la obtención de forma directa y cómoda de información, comunicación, formación y asesoramiento sobre la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. PQP incorpora las ventajas de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación en un entorno web al mundo de la Prevención. El curso básico en prevencion de riesgos laborales y su metodología de actuación, partiendo de una concepción de cooperación, suma de esfuerzos y recursos, al servicio de la acción preventiva, permite:– Un Asesoramiento personalizado– Una Formación adecuada a las necesidades de cada usuario– Una Gestión de la Prevención guiada – Una canalización de todos los recursos de información para avanzar en una gestión de la prevenciónbasada en la calidad.De manera que al integrarse en la nueva cultura tecnológica, se sirven de las ventajas que esta ofrece:– La posibilidad de elegir cuándo y dónde estudiar– Una formación personalizada y adaptada al alumnado– Una efectiva participación e interactividad del alumno– Unos contenidos siempre actualizados y de fácil manejo– El apoyo y la comunicación continua de tutores especialistas– El acceso a recursos telemáticos actualizados periódicamenteEstá basado en un aprendizaje activo, práctico y dinámico. Se requiere de una alta participación por parte del alumno en su proceso de formación. Apoyado en todo momento de recursos telemáticos que guiarán su aprendizaje y de un equipo de tutores para resolver cualquier duda planteada
Soundcool Project: Collaborative Music Creation
[EN] This paper addresses four criteria that the Soundcool project
meets: to "be sustainable", "be future-oriented", "be transformative" and "be
innovative". Soundcool is a pedagogical and technological project. A brief
description of the technology behind Soundcool will be useful for the reader
before addressing the four criteria. Soundcool is like a ¿Lego¿ for sound;
Soundcool is composed of a series of software modules that run on a central
computer, or host computer. Each module is sort of a musical instrument; it
could be a synthesizer, a sampler, a sound effect processor, etc. these modules
can be interconnected in different ways allowing the users, i.e. the students,
to create their own arrangements, as we call the module creations and
interconnections. Then, each module can be controlled either with the mouse
or, what is more interesting, with a mobile device through WiFi. This way,
every student can control one or several modules of the whole arrangement
from their mobile device contributing to a collaborative and participative
experience.This work is supported by Daniel & Nina Carasso Foundation, project 16-
AC-2016 and Cátedra Telefónica-UPV 2016-17Robles-Mateo, E.; Serquera, J.; Lloret Romero, MN.; Sastre, J. (2018). Soundcool Project: Collaborative Music Creation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 715:416-420. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_50S416420715Sastre, J., Cerdà, J., García, W., Hernàndez, C.A., Lloret, N., Murillo, A., Picó, D., Serrano, J.E., Scarani, S., Dannenberg, R.B.: New technologies for music education. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE) Ed., pp. 149–154. IEEE (2013)Wright, M.: The Open Sound Control 1.0 Spec., V. 1.0, 26 March 2002. http://opensoundcontrol.org/Regelski, A.T.: Music and music education: theory and praxis for ‘making a difference. In: Lines, D.K. (ed.) Music Education for the New Millennium: Theory and Practice Futures for Music Teaching and Learning. Blackwell Publishing, Malden (2005)Nicolls, S.: Seeking out the spaces between: using improvisation in collaborative composition with interactive technology. Leonardo Music J. 20, 47–55 (2010)Miranda, A., Santos, G., Stipicich, S.: Algunas características de investigaciones que estudian la integración de las TIC en la clase de ciencia (Some characteristics of research exploring the integration of ICT in science class). Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 12(2) (2010). http://redie.uabc.mx/index.php/redie/article/View/259Almirón, M.E., Porro, S.: Las Tic en la enseñanza: un análisis de casos (ICT in education: an analysis of cases). Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa 16(2), 152–160 (2014)Zabala, V., Arnau, L.: Métodos para la enseñanza de las competencias (Methods for teaching of skills), Barcelona, Graó, pp. 59–81 (2014
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