1,813 research outputs found

    Effects of Shear Coupling on Shear Properties of Wood

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    Under pure shear loading, an off-axis element of orthotropic material such as pure wood undergoes both shear and normal deformations. The ratio of the shear strain to a normal strain is defined as the shear coupling coefficient associated with the direction of the normal strain. The effects of shear coupling on shear properties of wood as predicted by the orthotropic elasticity theory were validated using our recently developed shear test fixture. The validation also serves to demonstrate that the shear test fixture possesses the capability to introduce a state of pure shear to the critical section of a specimen as required and that orthotropic elasticity theory should be used to describe the mechanical properties of pure wood

    Analysis Of Off-Axis Tension Test Of Wood Specimens

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    This paper presents a stress analysis of the off-axis tension test of clear wood specimens based on orthotropic elasticity theory. The effects of Poisson's ratio and shear coupling coefficient on stress distribution are analyzed in detail. The analysis also provides a theoretical foundation for the selection of a 10° grain angle in wood specimens for the characterization of shear properties. The Tsai-Hill failure theory is then applied to derive a formula for predicting shear strength. Existing strength data for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Carr.) were used in a numerical analysis. Because of the large discrepancies in published test data from different sources, the accuracy of the formula is limited to the data used to derive it. However, the procedures are believed to be accurate. The off-axis tension test is attractive mainly because of its economy and ease of application. This research promises to pave the way for the adoption of the off-axis tension test for characterizing the shear properties of clear wood by the practicing engineer once representative input data become available

    Relationship Between Radial Compressive Modulus of Elasticity and Shear Modulus of Wood

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    Wood properties in transverse compression are difficult to determine because of such factors as anatomical complexity, specimen geometry, and loading conditions. The mechanical properties of wood, considered as an anisotropic or orthotropic material, are related by certain tensor transformation rules when the reference coordinate system changes its orientation. In this paper, we used our verified shear modulus model to estimate compressive modulus of elasticity in the radial direction by means of certain established tensor transformation rules. The obtained basic engineering constants form a viable set that agrees with reliable test data and the anisotropic elasticity theory

    Learning a Complete Image Indexing Pipeline

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    To work at scale, a complete image indexing system comprises two components: An inverted file index to restrict the actual search to only a subset that should contain most of the items relevant to the query; An approximate distance computation mechanism to rapidly scan these lists. While supervised deep learning has recently enabled improvements to the latter, the former continues to be based on unsupervised clustering in the literature. In this work, we propose a first system that learns both components within a unifying neural framework of structured binary encoding

    Phenylhexyl isothiocyanate has dual function as histone deacetylase inhibitor and hypomethylating agent and can inhibit myeloma cell growth by targeting critical pathways

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    Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors are a new class of chemotherapeutic agents. Our laboratory has recently reported that phenylhexyl isothiocyanate (PHI), a synthetic isothiocyanate, is an inhibitor of HDAC. In this study we examined whether PHI is a hypomethylating agent and its effects on myeloma cells. RPMI8226, a myeloma cell line, was treated with PHI. PHI inhibited the proliferation of the myeloma cells and induced apoptosis in a concentration as low as 0.5 μM. Cell proliferation was reduced to 50% of control with PHI concentration of 0.5 μM. Cell cycle analysis revealed that PHI caused G1-phase arrest of RPMI8226 cells. PHI induced p16 hypomethylation in a concentration- dependent manner. PHI was further shown to induce histone H3 hyperacetylation in a concentration-dependent manner. It was also demonstrated that PHI inhibited IL-6 receptor expression and VEGF production in the RPMI8226 cells, and reactivated p21 expression. It was found that PHI induced apoptosis through disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential. For the first time we show that PHI can induce both p16 hypomethylation and histone H3 hyperacetylation. We conclude that PHI has dual epigenetic effects on p16 hypomethylation and histone hyperacetylation in myeloma cells and targets several critical processes of myeloma proliferation

    The nucleolar protein NIFK promotes cancer progression via CK1α/β-catenin in metastasis and Ki-67-dependent cell proliferation.

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    Nucleolar protein interacting with the FHA domain of pKi-67 (NIFK) is a Ki-67-interacting protein. However, its precise function in cancer remains largely uninvestigated. Here we show the clinical significance and metastatic mechanism of NIFK in lung cancer. NIFK expression is clinically associated with poor prognosis and metastasis. Furthermore, NIFK enhances Ki-67-dependent proliferation, and promotes migration, invasion in vitro and metastasis in vivo via downregulation of casein kinase 1α (CK1α), a suppressor of pro-metastatic TCF4/β-catenin signaling. Inversely, CK1α is upregulated upon NIFK knockdown. The silencing of CK1α expression in NIFK-silenced cells restores TCF4/β-catenin transcriptional activity, cell migration, and metastasis. Furthermore, RUNX1 is identified as a transcription factor of CSNK1A1 (CK1α) that is negatively regulated by NIFK. Our results demonstrate the prognostic value of NIFK, and suggest that NIFK is required for lung cancer progression via the RUNX1-dependent CK1α repression, which activates TCF4/β-catenin signaling in metastasis and the Ki-67-dependent regulation in cell proliferation

    Time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of surface-plasmon-enhanced light emission from conjugate polymers

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    The authors have experimentally verified that the light emission from conjugated polymers can be enhanced through the use of surface plasmon coupling layers. Carrier dynamics of such plasmon-enhanced organic light emitters were studied and a recombination rate increase due to surface plasmon polaritons was experimentally observed. Internal quantum efficiency data from the polyfluorenes studied follow the trend supported by the time resolved photoluminescence measurements

    Inhibiting the oncogenic translation program is an effective therapeutic strategy in multiple myeloma

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    Published in final edited form as: Sci Transl Med. 2017 May 10; 9(389). https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aal2668.Multiple myeloma (MM) is a frequently incurable hematological cancer in which overactivity of MYC plays a central role, notably through up-regulation of ribosome biogenesis and translation. To better understand the oncogenic program driven by MYC and investigate its potential as a therapeutic target, we screened a chemically diverse small-molecule library for anti-MM activity. The most potent hits identified were rocaglate scaffold inhibitors of translation initiation. Expression profiling of MM cells revealed reversion of the oncogenic MYC-driven transcriptional program by CMLD010509, the most promising rocaglate. Proteome-wide reversion correlated with selective depletion of short-lived proteins that are key to MM growth and survival, most notably MYC, MDM2, CCND1, MAF, and MCL-1. The efficacy of CMLD010509 in mouse models of MM confirmed the therapeutic relevance of these findings in vivo and supports the feasibility of targeting the oncogenic MYC-driven translation program in MM with rocaglates
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