14 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for Broadcast and Consensus Based on Proofs of Work

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    Inspired by the astonishing success of cryptocurrencies, most notably the Bitcoin system, several recent works have focused on the design of robust blockchain-style protocols that work in a peer-to-peer setting such as the Internet. In contrast to the setting traditionally considered in multiparty computation (MPC), in these systems, honesty is measured by computing power instead of requiring that only a certain fraction of parties is controlled by the adversary. This provides a potential countermeasure against the so-called Sybil attack, where an adversary creates fake identities, thereby easily taking over the majority of parties in the system. In this work we design protocols for Broadcast and Byzantine agreement that are secure under the assumption that the majority of computing power is controlled by the honest parties and for the first time have expected constant round complexity. This is in contrast to earlier works (Crypto\u2715, ePrint\u2714) which have round complexities that scale linearly with the number n of parties; an undesirable feature in a P2P environment with potentially thousands of users. In addition, our main protocol which runs in quasi-constant rounds, introduces novel ideas that significantly decrease communication complexity. Concretely, this is achieved by using an appropriate time-locked encryption scheme and by structuring the parties into a network of so-called cliques. Note: This article contains incorrect claims. Some of its contributions were subsumed by eprint article 2022/82

    Splitting Payments Locally While Routing Interdimensionally

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    Payment Channel Networks (PCNs) enable fast, scalable, and cheap payments by moving transactions off-chain, thereby overcoming debilitating drawbacks of blockchains. However, current algorithms exhibit frequent payment failures when a payment is routed via multiple intermediaries. One of the key challenges for designing PCNs is to drastically reduce this failure rate. In this paper, we design a Bitcoin-compatible protocol that allows intermediaries to split payments on the path. Intermediaries can thus easily adapt the routing to the local conditions, of which the sender is unaware. Our protocol provides both termination and atomicity of payments and provably guarantees that no participant loses funds even in the presence of malicious parties. An extended version of our basic protocol further provides unlinkability between two partial payments belonging to the same transaction, which – as we argue – is important to guarantee the success of split payments. Besides formally modeling and proving the security of our construction, we conducted an in-depth simulation-based evaluation of various routing algorithms and splitting methods. Concretely, we present Interdimensional SpeedyMurmurs, a modification of the SpeedyMurmurs protocol that increases the flexibility of the route choice combined with splitting. Even in the absence of splitting, Interdimensional SpeedyMurmurs increases the success ratio of transactions drastically in comparison to a Lightning-style protocol by close to 50%

    Round Efficient Byzantine Agreement from VDFs

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    Byzantine agreement (BA) is a fundamental primitive in distributed systems and has received huge interest as an important building block for blockchain systems. Classical byzantine agreement considers a setting where nn parties with fixed, known identities want to agree on an output in the presence of an adversary. Motivated by blockchain systems, the assumption of fixed identities is weakened by using a \emph{resource-based model}. In such models, parties do not have fixed known identities but instead have to invest some expensive resources to participate in the protocol. Prominent examples for such resources are computation (measured by, e.g., proofs-of-work) or money (measured by proofs-of-stake). Unlike in the classical setting where BA without trusted setup (e.g., a PKI or an unpredictable beacon) is impossible for t≥n/3t \geq n/3 corruptions, in such resource-based models, BA can be constructed for the optimal threshold of t<n/2t <n/2. In this work, we investigate BA without a PKI in the model where parties have restricted computational resources. Concretely, we consider sequential computation modeled via computing a verifiable delay function (VDF) and establish the following results: Positive Result: We present the first protocol for BA with expected constant round complexity and termination under adaptive corruption, honest majority and without a PKI. Earlier work achieved round complexity O(nκ2)O(n\kappa^2) (CRYPTO\u2715) or O(κ)O(\kappa) (PKC\u2718), where κ\kappa is the security parameter. Negative Result: We give the first lower bound on the communication complexity of BA in a model where parties have restricted computational resources. Concretely, we show that a multicast complexity of O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) is necessary even if the parties have access to a VDF oracle

    Blockchain Scalability through Secure Optimistic Protocols

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    The digital currency Bitcoin has become a popular payment technology since its invention in 2008. Countless other projects have adopted and expanded the functionality of the underlying blockchain technology. These so-called cryptographic currencies allow users to send financial transactions over a decentralized global network. Some of these currencies even support payments that are based on complex conditions, also called smart contracts. The biggest obstacle to the practical use of cryptographic currencies is their limited scalability. Without a solution to this problem, blockchain technology cannot support the continuously growing user base or compete with centralized payment providers. This thesis presents three approaches to scaling that increase the number of transactions or enable a cheaper and faster execution of smart contracts. The first contribution of this thesis is the Perun protocol, which allows a network of users to send a large number of microtransactions at no cost. For this purpose, all users of the system open a so-called payment channel once and use it to send off-chain transactions without costs or delays. We will also show how to combine these channels in an off-chain manner to so-called virtual channels that connect even more users. The next contribution of this dissertation is the FairSwap protocol, which aims at reducing the costs for the secure sale of large digital goods. It improves the scalability of such “fair exchange” protocols by reducing both the storage requirements and the complexity of the underlying smart contracts. We then present another protocol called FastKitten, which uses a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to secure the off-chain execution of smart contracts. A TEE provides a secure runtime environment in which programs are executed safely and correctly. This allows an operator to execute the smart contracts on inputs from the users off-chain, which makes the execution much faster and cheaper for all participants. To guarantee the security of these protocols, each construction is accompanied by detailed formal security definitions and cryptographic proofs. Furthermore, we demonstrate the efficiency of the protocols by implementing and analyzing the costs of each protocol

    OptiSwap: Fast Optimistic Fair Exchange

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    Selling digital commodities securely over the Internet is a challenging task when Seller and Buyer do not trust each other. With the advent of cryptocurrencies, one prominent solution for digital exchange is to rely on a smart contract as a trusted arbiter that fairly resolves disputes when Seller and Buyer disagree. Such protocols have an optimistic mode, where the digital exchange between the parties can be completed with only minimal interaction with the smart contract. In this work we present OptiSwap, a new smart contract based fair exchange protocol that significantly improves the optimistic case of smart contract based fair exchange protocols. In particular, OptiSwap has almost no overhead in communication complexity, and improves on the computational overheads of the parties compared to prior solutions. An additional feature of OptiSwap is a protection mechanism against so-called grieving attacks, where an adversary attempts to violate the financial fairness of the protocol by forcing the honest party to pay fees. We analyze OptiSwap\u27s security in the UC model and provide benchmark results over Ethereum

    FairSwap: How to fairly exchange digital goods

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    We introduce FairSwap -- an efficient protocol for fair exchange of digital goods using smart contracts. A fair exchange protocol allows a sender S to sell a digital commodity x for a fixed price p to a receiver R. The protocol is said to be secure if R only pays if he receives the correct x. Our solution guarantees fairness by relying on smart contracts executed over decentralized cryptocurrencies, where the contract takes the role of an external judge that completes the exchange in case of disagreement. While in the past there have been several proposals for building fair exchange protocols over cryptocurrencies, our solution has two distinctive features that makes it particular attractive when users deal with large commodities. These advantages are: (1) minimizing the cost for running the smart contract on the blockchain, and (2) avoiding expensive cryptographic tools such as zero-knowledge proofs. In addition to our new protocols, we provide formal security definitions for smart contract based fair exchange, and prove security of our construction. Finally, we illustrate several applications of our basic protocol and evaluate practicality of our approach via a prototype implementation for fairly selling large files over the cryptocurrency Ethereum

    Perun: Virtual Payment Hubs over Cryptocurrencies

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    Payment channels emerged recently as an efficient method for performing cheap \emph{micropayments} in cryptocurrencies. In contrast to traditional on-chain transactions, payment channels have the advantage that they allow for nearly unlimited number of transactions between parties without involving the blockchain. In this work, we introduce \emph{Perun}, an off-chain channel system that offers a new method for connecting channels that is more efficient than the existing technique of ``routing transactions\u27\u27 over multiple channels. To this end, Perun introduces a technique called ``virtual payment channels\u27\u27 that avoids involvement of the intermediary for each individual payment. In this paper we formally model and prove security of this technique in the case of one intermediary, who can be viewed as a ``payment hub\u27\u27 that has direct channels with several parties. Our scheme works over any cryptocurrency that provides Turing-complete smart contracts. As a proof of concept, we implemented Perun\u27s smart contracts in \emph{Ethereum}

    Multiparty Virtual State Channels

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    Smart contracts are self-executing agreements written in program code and are envisioned to be one of the main applications of blockchain technology. While they are supported by prominent cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, their further adoption is hindered by fundamental scalability challenges. For instance, in Ethereum contract execution suffers from a latency of more than 15 seconds, and the total number of contracts that can be executed per second is very limited. State channel networks are one of the core primitives aiming to address these challenges. They form a second layer over the slow and expensive blockchain, thereby enabling instantaneous contract processing at negligible costs. In this work we present the first complete description of a state channel network that exhibits the following key features. First, it supports virtual multi-party state channels, i.e. state channels that can be created and closed without blockchain interaction and that allow contracts with any number of parties. Second, the worst case time complexity of our protocol is constant for arbitrary complex channels. This is in contrast to the existing virtual state channel construction that has worst case time complexity linear in the number of involved parties. In addition to our new construction, we provide a comprehensive model for the modular design