764 research outputs found

    A prevenção da cegueira evitável nos países em desenvolvimento: rastreio visual infantil - o papel do ortoptista

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    Existe uma grande assimetria no acesso aos cuidados de saúde entre os países desenvolvidos (PD) e os países em desenvolvimento (PED), onde se incluem as Comunidades dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP). Desta assimetria destacam-se as condições económicas precárias dos PED, a má acessibilidade e as desigualdades no acesso aos cuidados de saúde. Verifica-se também um número reduzido de profissionais de saúde nestes países. Em Moçambique existe 1 médico para 30 mil habitantes, em contraste, em Portugal existe 1 médico para 213,6 habitantes. Numa tentativa de minimizar esta carência nos cuidados de saúde da visão, deslocam-se dos PD, equipas de oftalmologistas em curtos período de tempo, com o objetivo de tratar os casos de cegueira evitável, nas diferentes faixas etárias. A última missão de oftalmologia promovida pelo Instituto Marquês Vale Flor (IMVF) em São Tomé e Príncipe permitiu a observação de mais de 500 doentes e a realização de mais de 70 cirurgias durante duas semanas. Estas missões têm ainda como objetivo formar, em contexto real, equipas de saúde local. Nos PED, as principais causas de deficiência visual são: doenças congénitas da retina, catarata, glaucoma congénito, retinopatias infecciosas, traumas oculares, ametropias e deficiência de vitamina A. A OMS estima que 1,4 milhões de crianças são cegas e que 500.000 novos casos surjam em cada ano. O programa Vision 2020 procura reduzir estes indicadores, pois cerca de 43% dos casos de cegueira infantil são evitáveis, existindo atualmente, formas de prevenção ou correção da cegueira e da perda da visão. A prevenção e deteção precoces são cada vez mais importantes na redução das taxas de incidência de patologias oculares. Torna-se importante, que nos PED, os serviços de cuidados primários, promovam a realização de acções de promoção da saúde e prevenção da doença e acções de rastreio visual, para reduzir a cegueira evitável, detetando precocemente as alterações e rentabilizando a presença das equipas de oftalmologia. Estudos efectuados revelam que a formação e a experiência do observador são fundamentais para o sucesso dos programas de rastreio e consequente aplicação da terapêutica adequada. Quanto mais especializado for o profissional, melhores resultados se obtêm na aplicação dos programas de rastreio visual. Objetivos: Descrever os parâmetros a avaliar num rastreio visual infantil inseridos num protocolo de observação eficaz com adequada sensibilidade e especificidade de modo a identificar as alterações susceptíveis de provocar alterações da função visual, nomeadamente baixa visão, erros refrativos, estrabismos e cataratas. Refletir acerca do papel do ortoptista nas equipas de saúde local nos PED, particularmente ao nível das CPLP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Catches in ghost-fishing octopus and fish traps in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Algarve, Portugal)

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    Ghost fishing is the term used to describe the continued capture of fish and other living organisms after a fisherman has lost all control over the gear. Traps may be lost for a variety of reasons including theft, vandalism, abandonment, interactions with other gear, fouling on the bottom (i.e., traps and ropes are caught on rocky substrate), bad weather, and human error (Laist, 1995). Annual trap loss can be as high as 20% to 50% of fished traps in some fisheries (Al-Masroori et al., 2004). Because lost traps can continue to fish for long periods, albeit with decreasing efficiency over time (e.g., Smolowitz, 1978; Breen, 1987, 1990; Guillory, 1993), ghost fishing is a concern in fisheries worldwide

    Crisis preparedness of genz business students and graduates oOf Nova Sbe: a qualitative exploratory study

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    The past decades have witnessed a rising number of crises, and it is important to be prepared for them, especially leaders and managers as pivots for change. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how well-prepared Generation Z business students and graduates are when dealing with crisis scenarios. A qualitative exploratory study was carried out to assess the perceptions of GenZs, with semi-structured interviews. Our study shows that GenZ business students and graduates believe that they are ready to deal with crises, and soft skills are considered the leading reason for professional success and crisis management in their views

    Standardized CPUE and size distribution of the shortfin mako shark in the portuguese pelagic longline fishery in the Atlantic

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    This document provides fishery indicators for the shortfin mako shark captured by the Portuguese pelagic longline fishery in the Atlantic (standardized CPUEs and size distribution). The analysis was based on data collected from fishery observers, port sampling and skippers logbooks (self sampling), between 1995 and 2015. The mean sizes were compared between years, seasons (quarters), stocks (north and south) and sampling areas. The CPUEs were analyzed for the North Atlantic and compared between years, and were standardized with Tweedie and Delta GLM approaches. In general, there was a large variability in the nominal CPUE trends in the North Atlantic, and the final standardized series was flatter than the nominal. For the size distribution there were no major trends in the time series, with the sizes tending to be larger in the South Atlantic. The data presented in this document can be considered for use in the upcoming 2017 shortfin mako stock assessment, specifically the standardized CPUE for the North Atlantic and the size distribution for both hemispheres.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fishery indicators for the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) caught by the portuguese pelagic longline fishery in the Atlantic: nominal CPUEs, catch-at-size and at-haulback mortality

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    This paper provides an overview of fishery indicators for the shortfin mako shark captured by the Portuguese pelagic longline fishery in the Atlantic, in terms of catch-at-size, nominal CPUEs and at-haulback mortality. The analysis is based on data from fishery observers, port sampling and skippers logbooks (self sampling), from 1997-2015. In general, there was a large variability in the nominal CPUE trends for the north Atlantic, with a slight increase during the period. For the catch-at-size there were no major trends in the time series, but the sizes tended to be larger in the South Atlantic and with a larger variability. The at-haulback mortality was similar between sexes, with a trend for decreasing mortality rates with increasing specimen size. The data presented in this working document should be considered preliminary and is presented in preparation for the 2017 shortfin mako stock assessment in the Atlantic Ocean.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Standardized CPUE of blue shark in the Portuguese pelagic longline fleet operating in the north Atlantic

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    This working document analyzes the catch, effort and standardized CPUE trends for the north Atlantic blue shark captured by the Portuguese pelagic longline fleet. Nominal annual CPUE were calculated as kg/1000 hooks and were standardized with Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) using year, quarter, area, gear type, targeting effects and area:quarter interactions as fixed factors, and year:area as random effects. Sensitivity analyzes were carried out for the model type (lognormal, tweedie, gamma or delta lognormal), the definition of targeting effects (based on ratios or cluster analysis), and definition of areas. Model goodness-of-fit and comparison was carried out with AIC and the pseudo coefficient of determination (R2 ), and model validation with a residual analysis. The final standardized CPUE trend shows a general increase over the studied period, between 1997 and 2014, with some inter-annual oscillations. This paper presents the first index of abundance for the blue shark estimated from captures from the Portuguese pelagic longline fleet in the North Atlantic, and can be used in future stock assessments models.FCT IF/00253/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Numerical methods to predict human induced vibrations on low frequency stairs. Part 1: literature review, modelling

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    Recent trends towards slender construction with prominent and exigent architectural requirements often result in low frequency staircases that are significantly flexible and susceptible to unacceptable vibrations, which may promote safety concerns for their users. For structural engineers, however, there is still a lack of understanding, available information and specific design guides for predicting the dynamic behaviour of staircases due to human induced vibrations. To address this problem, this work reviews and applies the main existing numerical methods for predicting vibrations, to evaluate their precision and provide practical guidance when designing flexible staircases. The work developed is presented in a two-part paper. In Part 1, the actual paper, several numerical methods are introduced and a detailed description is given of how these can be employed in a design stage. The distinction between low and high frequency staircases is explained, since it directly influences the structure’s behaviour and, subsequently, the selected method. A description is given of how to simulate walking dynamic loads, which forms the basis of all methods. The group effect is also discussed because it tends to considerably amplify the staircase response. Finally, the different numerical procedures are applied to a practical case and compared. It was observed that, although the four numerical methods were employed with the same staircase, their results were different. The reasons for the higher results of Fourier series walking models are explained. In Part 2, the follow-up paper, the numerical methods are employed on a real staircase, comparing the estimated and experimental results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improvement of staircases vibration serviceability to human ergonomics: a case study

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    Contemporary, slender and lightweight monumental staircases are often highly susceptible to resonance phenomena, due to typically low fundamental frequencies, which can considerably amplify their responses, raising major serviceability problems and causing discomfort and unsafety concerns to its users. This paper presents a case study of a low fundamental frequency steel staircase with known high levels of vibration since the beginning of its construction, in which various improvement solutions were proposed in order to increase its vibration serviceability. In total, six improvement measures were proposed, being tested using the Finite Element (FE) software SAP2000. The initial FE staircase model was first calibrated with the vibrations experimentally measured on the real staircase. Then, the original FE model was modified with the six improvement measures and the resulting vibrations were compared with those initially obtained and the acceptable limits suggested by the design guide SCI P354, to verify their viability. The most efficient numerical improvements were those that increased the staircase fundamental frequency, off the range of frequencies excitable by pedestrians walking.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of leader material on catches of shallow pelagic longline fisheries in the southwest Indian Ocean

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    Catches from a commercial longline fishery targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) on monofilament nylon leaders were compared with catches on wire leaders in the Indian Ocean. More taxa were caught on wire leaders, which also showed higher catch rates (13% and 56%, in number and weight, respectively) of blue shark (Prionace glauca). In contrast, catch rates of swordfish were not significantly affected by leader material. Nylon leaders showed lower at-haulback mortality for most bony fishes, except swordfish. Higher bite-off rates were observed on nylon monofilament, likely owing to the escape of species with sharp teeth, such as sharks. Both leader types caught most species within similar size ranges, but larger mean sizes of blue shark were recorded on wire leaders. The value per unit of effort (VPUE) of the retained catch did not differ between leader materials; however, VPUEs are highly dependent on market fluctuations. Banning wire leaders could be an effective way of reducing shark catches, particularly blue shark catches, in the southwest Indian Ocean.Programa Operacional das Pescas: LL-SHARKs - Ref 31- 03-05-FEP-44, FCT IF/00253/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reinforcement measures to reduce the human induced vibrations on stair steps: a case study

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    The human induced vibrations seen on stairs are usually a global phenomenon, however in some cases, if the connection between the treads and the rest of the structure has a very low rotational stiffness, a so-called local vibration phenomenon can happen, i.e. the vibrations in the treads may be independent from those verified on the staircase that it supports them. This paper presents a case study of a particular metal staircase in which the local vibrations were high. The objective of this study was to measure the vibrations experimentally and then to propose several reinforcement measures in order to reduce them. A total of eight reinforcement measures were proposed, being tested through the construction of several numerical models using the software SAP2000. The numerical accelerations obtained with each reinforcement measure were compared with those obtained initially and with the design guide SCI P354 to verify their effectiveness. The most effective reinforcement measures were those that significantly increased the stiffness of the treads.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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