7 research outputs found

    The influence of national culture on implementation of aproaches based on Kaizen philosophy in the Czech Republic

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje národní kultuře a jejímu vlivu na zavádění filosofie Kaizen. Teoretická část je zaměřena na vymezení problematiky národní kultury České republiky a je blíže definován pojem Kaizen. Praktická část se nejprve zabývá analýzou neustálého zlepšování ve výrobním závodě Kiekert-CS, s.r.o. a jeho představením, následně je obohacena o výzkum z jiných společností v souvislosti s Kaizen filosofií a v závěru lze nalézt zhodnocení a doporučení.The bachelor thesis is devoted to national culture and its influence on the implementation of Kaizen philosophy. The theoretical part is focused on the definition of the issue of the national culture of the Czech Republic and the term Kaizen is further defined. The practical part first deals with the analysis of constant improvement in the production plant Kiekert-CS, s.r.o. and his performance, then the analysis is enriched with research from other companies in relation to Kaizen philosophy, and at the end is an evaluation and recommendations.Fakulta ekonomicko-správníStudentka přednesla téma své BP "Vliv národní kultury České republiky na implementaci přístupů založených na Kaizen filosofii", otázky dle posudku: 1.Jaký vliv má na podnikovou kulturu původ top manažerů společnosti? Studentka na otázku reagovala. 2.Jaký typ plýtvání (muda) je podle Vašeho názoru největší hrozbou pro společnost kiekert-CS, s. r. o.? Studentka na otázku reagovala.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Warehousing at JUSDA Europe s.r.o.

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá skladováním v JUSDA Europe s.r.o. V první kapitole je teoreticky vymezeno skladování. Ve druhé kapitole je představena společnost JUSDA Europe s.r.o. a následně je provedena analýza skladování s využitím metody pozorování, procesní analýzy a diagramu příčin a následků. Ve třetí kapitole je navrženo opatření ke zlepšení skladování v JUSDA Europe s.r.o., na základě výsledků analytické kapitoly diplomové práce. Navržené opatření je ve čtvrté kapitole zhodnoceno.The diploma thesis deals with warehousing in JUSDA Europe s.r.o. In the first chapter, warehousing is theoretically defined. In the second chapter, JUSDA Europe s.r.o. is introduced and then a storage analysis is carried out using the method of observation, process analysis and cause and effect diagram. In the third chapter, a measure to improve storage in JUSDA Europe s.r.o. is proposed, based on the results of the analytical part of the diploma thesis. The proposed measure is evaluated in the fourth chapter.Dopravní fakulta Jana PerneraDiplomantka přednesla ucelenou a logicky uspořádanou obhajobu své diplomové práce. V ní dokázala přesvědčivým způsobem obhájit závěry svých řešení. Na poznámky, resp. připomínky oponenta reagovala správně a v plném rozsahu je zodpověděla. U doplňkových otázek prokázala schopnost logického myšlení, pohotové reakce, jasného a srozumitelného vysvětlení.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Effect of pyrolysis temperature on removal of organic pollutants present in anaerobically stabilized sewage sludge

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    Sewage sludge was excluded from the list of component materials for the production of EU fertilizing products and it was banned as feedstock to produce pyrolysis &amp; gasification materials in European Commission's technical proposals for selected new fertilizing materials under the Regulation 2019/1009 (STRUBIAS report). This exclusion of pyrolysis as a viable way to treat sewage sludge was mainly due to the lack of data on the fate of organic pollutants at pyrolysis conditions. In this work, we are addressing this knowledge gap. We studied slow pyrolysis as a potential process to efficiently treat organic pollutants present in stabilized sewage sludge. Sewage sludge was pyrolyzed in a quartz fixed bed reactor at temperatures of 400–800 °C for 2 h and the sludge and resulting sludge-chars were analyzed for the presence of four groups of organic pollutants, namely (i) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), (ii) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), (iii) pharmaceuticals, and (iv) endocrine-disrupting and hormonal compounds. Pyrolysis at ≥ 400 °C effectively removed pharmaceuticals (group iii) to below detection limits, whereas pyrolysis at temperatures higher than 600 °C was required to remove more than 99.8% of the compounds from groups i, ii and iv. Based on these findings, we propose, that high temperature (&gt;600 °C) slow pyrolysis can satisfactory remove organic pollutants from the resulting sludge-char, which could be safely applied as soil improver.</p

    Pharmaceuticals, benzene, toluene and chlorobenzene removal from contaminated groundwater by combined UV/H2O2 photo-oxidation and aeration

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    This study was performed to test the feasibility of several decontamination methods for remediatingheavily contaminated groundwater in a real contaminated locality in the Czech Republic, where apharmaceuticals plant has been in operation for more than 80 years. The site is polluted mainly byrecalcitrant psychopharmaceuticals and monoaromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene andchlorobenzene. For this purpose, an advanced oxidation technique employing UV radiation withhydrogen peroxide dosing was employed, in combination with simple aeration pretreatment. The resultsshowed that UV/H2O2was an efficient and necessary step for degradation of the pharmaceuticals;however, the monoaromatics were already removed during the aeration step. Characterization of theremoval mechanisms participating in the aeration revealed that volatilization, co-precipitation andbiodegradation contributed to the process. Thesefindings were supported by bacterial metabolite ana-lyses, phospholipid fatty acid analysis, qPCR of representatives of the degradative genes and detailedcharacterization of the formed precipitate using M€ossbauer spectroscopy and scanning electron micro-scopy. Further tests were carried out in a continuous arrangement directly connected to the wells alreadypresent in the locality. The results documented the feasibility of combination of the photo-reactoremploying UV/H2O2together with aeration pretreatment for 4 months, where the overall decontami-nation efficiency ranged from 72% to 99% of the pharmaceuticals. We recorded even better results for themonoaromatics decontamination except for one month, when we encountered some technical problemswith the aeration pump. This demonstrated the necessity of using the aeration step