204 research outputs found

    New genera, species, and records of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from Hispaniola

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    Two new genera of Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Luctithonus Lingafelter and Duocris­tala Lingafelter, are described from Hispaniola. Two new species of Luctithonus are described: Luctithonus aski Lingafelter and L. duartensis Lingafelter. A third species, L. pantherinus (Zayas), is newly recorded from Hispan­iola and the Dominican Republic (new country record), and transferred from Sternidius Haldeman as a new combination. Additional new species of Lamiinae are described from Hispaniola: Eugamandus albipumilus Lingafelter; Leptostylopsis opuntiae Lingafelter; and Lethes turnbowi Lingafelter. Keys to tribes of Lamiinae, genera of Acanthocinini, and species of Luctithonus in Hispaniola are included

    Review of species of \u3ci\u3eAnelaphus\u3c/i\u3e Linsley and its new synonym \u3ci\u3eGymnopsyra\u3c/i\u3e Linsley from the United States and Canada with description of a new species, synonymies, distributional notes and an illustrated identification key (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Elaphidiini)

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    A review and illustrated key to Anelaphus Linsley, 1936 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Elaphidiini) of the United States and Canada is provided, along with taxonomic and distributional notes. Gymnopsyra Linsley, 1937, is a new synonym of Anelaphus. Gymnopsyra chemsaki Linsley, 1963 is a new synonym of Gymnopsyra magnipunctatus (Knull, 1934). Anelaphus hoferi (Knull, 1934) and Anelaphus tuckeri (Casey, 1924) are new synonyms of Anelaphus simile (Schaeffer, 1908). Anelaphus parallelus (Newman, 1840), An­elaphus rusticus (LeConte, 1850), and Anelaphus davisi Skiles, 1985 are new synonyms of Anelaphus villosus (Fabricius, 1792). Anelaphus aspera (Knull, 1962), Anelaphus bupalpa (Chemsak, 1991), and Anelaphus mag­nipunctatus (Knull, 1934) are all new combinations. Anelaphus brummermannae Lingafelter, new species, is described from Arizona

    Revision of \u3ci\u3eAneflomorpha\u3c/i\u3e Casey and \u3ci\u3eNeaneflus\u3c/i\u3e Linsley (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the United States with an illustrated key to species

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    This paper presents a taxonomic review of the genus Boreocanthon Halffter, restored generic sta­tus, a group of ball-rolling (telocoprid) dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) endemic to North America. The genus, heretofore treated as a subgenus of Canthon, comprises 13 species, each keyed, diagnosed, illustrated and presented with information on distribution, relationships, and biology (*signifies restored generic combination): *Boreocanthon ateuchiceps (Bates, 1887); B. coahuilensis (Howden, 1966); *B. depressipennis (LeConte, 1859c); *B. ebenus (Say, 1823); *B. forreri (Bates, 1887); *B. integricollis (Schaef­fer, 1915); *B. lecontei (Harold, 1868); *B. melanus (Robinson, 1948); *B. praticola (LeConte, 1868); *B. probus (Germar, 1823); *B. puncticollis (LeConte, 1866); *B. simplex (LeConte, 1857); as well as Boreocanthon halff­teri Edmonds here described as a new species. Other actions taken are a) Canthon mixtus Robinson declared junior subjective new synonym of Boreocanthon puncticollis; b) Canthon bisignatus Balthasar, 1939, declared junior subjective new synonym of Boreocanthon simplex; c) Boreocanthon coahuilensis (Howden) new ge­neric combination; and d) neotype designated for the type species of the genus Boreocanthon, Ateuchus ebenus Say, 1823, here Boreocanthon ebenus (Say)

    Five New Species of Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Dominican Republic in Genera \u3ci\u3eAtaxia \u3c/i\u3eHaldeman, \u3ci\u3eAtimiola\u3c/i\u3e Bates, \u3ci\u3eDrycothaea\u3c/i\u3e Thomson, \u3ci\u3eEburia \u3c/i\u3eLepeletier & Audinet-Serville, and\u3ci\u3e Hormathus \u3c/i\u3eGahan

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    Five new species of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Dominican Republic are diagnosed, described, and illustrated: Ataxia hovorei, Atimiola rickstanleyi, Drycothaea indistincta, Eburia pseudostigma, and Hormathus giesberti. In addition, Hormathus Gahan 1890 is transferred from Tillomorphini Lacordaire into Ibidionini Thomson, Division V; Trinoplon Zayas 1975 is a new synonym of Hormathus; and Hormathus bicolor (Zayas 1975) is a new combination. A key to the three species of Hormathus is provided

    New Central American and Mexican Enaphalodes Haldeman, 1847 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with taxonomic notes and a key to species

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    A review of Enaphalodes Haldeman, 1847 is presented. Descriptions of four new species of Enaphalodes are included: E. antonkozlovi, sp. nov. from Costa Rica, E. bingkirki, sp. nov. from Nicaragua, E. monzoni, sp. nov. from Guatemala, and E. cunninghami, sp. nov. from Mexico. Enaphalodes senex (Bates, 1884) is revalidated and it is newly recorded from Nicaragua and Guatemala. A key to the 15 currently recognized species of Enaphalodes is included

    Additions and deletions to the known Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Bolivia

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    An additional 137 species and two tribes are added to the cerambycid fauna of Bolivia while 12 species are deleted. This brings the total number of species known from Bolivia to 1,561. Comments and statistics regarding the growth of knowledge on the Bolivian Cerambycid fauna and species endemicity are included. Resumen. Ciento treinta y siete especies y dos tribus se añaden a la fauna conocida de cerambícidos en Bolivia, mientras que 12 especies se eliminan. Esto aumenta el numero total de la especies que se conocen en Bolivia a 1,561. Se incluyen comentarios y estadísticas acerca del incremento del conocimiento sobre la fauna boliviana de cerambícidos y tambien acerca de las especies endémicas

    Additions to the known Vesperidae and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Bolivia

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    Seventy-nine Cerambycidae and two Vesperidae species not previously recorded from Bolivia are listed along with the department where they were collected, and are thus added to the known fauna. An additional 22 species from existing publications, but whose Bolivian distribution is not recorded in the 2013 version of Bezark and Monné (2013), are listed separately to assist inclusion in this important reference. These records, along with the 60 new species described (through February, 2013) since Wappes et al. (2011), brings the total number of Cerambycidae and, closely related families Disteniidae, Oxypeltidae and Vesperidae, to 1,717 species known from Bolivia. New departmental records for another 254 species are listed. Color illustrations for 80 of the 81 species newly recorded from Bolivia are provided. Among the new records for Bolivia is Lathroeus oreoderoides Thomson, 1864 previously known only from South America without exact locality, hence this is its first recorded distribution. A male of Myzomorphus Dejean, 1835 collected at the same time and locality as a female Myzomorphus amabilis (Tippmann, 1960) is likely the previously unknown male of the species. Both sexes are illustrated. Setenta y nueve especies de Cerambycidae y dos especies de Vesperidae no registradas previamente de Bolivia se enumeran junto con el departamento en el que se capturaron, y así se agregan a la fauna conocida. Adicionalmente, 22 especies tomadas de las publicaciones existentes, pero cuya distribución en Bolivia no se registra en la versión 2013 de Bezark y Monné (2013), se enumeran por separado para ayudar a su inclusión en esta importante referencia. Estos registros, junto con las 60 nuevas especies descritas (hasta febrero de 2013), desde Wappes et al. (2011), hacen que el número total de Cerambycidae y familias relacionadas Disteniidae, Oxypeltidae y Vesperidae, suba a 1,717 especies ya conocidas de Bolivia. Nuevos registros de departamento de otras 254 especies están incluidas y se proveen fotos a color para 80 de las 81 especies que se agregan. Uno de los nuevos registros para Bolivia es Lathroeus oreoderoides Thomson, 1864. Este es el primer registro para el país y localidad de la especie. Un macho de Myzomorphus Dejean, 1835 capturado al mismo tiempo y en la misma localidad como que una hembra de Myzomorphus amabilis (Tippmann, 1960) es probablemente el macho previamente desconocido de la especie. Ambos sexos se ilustran

    A new species of Eclipta Bates, 1873 from Brazil (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in honor of the late Ubirajara Ribeiro Martins de Souza

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    A new species of Eclipta Bates, 1873 from Brazil (São Paulo), E. birai, is described and illustrated. A tribute to the late Ubirajara Ribeiro Martins de Souza is provided