119 research outputs found

    Grensesprenging i vasskanten

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    I denne rapporten har vi, med utgangspunkt i gode eksemplar andre stader, litteratur pĂ„ feltet, samtale med ei fjerdeklasse, og ein workshop med tjuetre deltakarar frĂ„ relevante aktĂžrar pĂ„ SĂžrlandet, sett pĂ„ ulike vinklingar til korleis eit maritimt opplevingssenter i Nodeviga, i regi av Vest‐Agder‐museet, kan gjerast. Innspela er sett opp mot moderne museumstrendar, der utstillingsprodusentane er meir synlege, det er meir aktivitet og mindre reint visuelle framstillingar, auka fokus pĂ„ makt og politikk implisitt i musea, inkludering av marginaliserte grupper, auka brukarmedverknad og at musea er synlege i samfunnet ved Ă„ ta stilling i kontroversielle saker. Museet har som visjon Ă„ vere grensesprengande, og vi tek opp korleis ein kan vere det i eit maritimt opplevingssenter. Hamna Nodeviga, der senteret er tenkt Ă„ vere, er pĂ„ ei Ăžy, som ligg i ein region, og som er del av verda. Vi argumenterer vidare for Ă„ heller sjĂ„ staden som knutepunkt i staden for del av eit geografisk avgrensa omrĂ„de, noko som i stĂžrre grad gjer mange kulturmĂžte mogleg, og i stĂžrre grad skildrar mĂ„ten hamna og staden blir brukt. Dei som kjem til museet er del av desse kulturmĂžta, og korleis arbeide med utvikling og involvering av publikummet er ein viktig del av arbeidet til eit museum. For Ă„ auke besĂžksopplevinga og for Ă„ kunne arbeide grundig med temaet opplevingssenteret tek for seg, argumenterer vi for Ă„ spisse. Eit tema som peikar seg ut i sĂ„ mĂ„te er kapertemaet, som kan vere utgangspunkt for eit visuelt opplevingssenter frĂ„ ei tid der svĂŠrt mykje skjedde. Det vil ogsĂ„ kunne fungere som eit knutepunkt som gjer det mogleg Ă„ trekke linjer til moderne tid og til andre stader. Aktivitetar er viktige pĂ„ eit museum, og vi foreslĂ„r nokre, men det viktige er at dei er forankra i temaet som opplevingssenteret tek for seg. Bygningane som blir sett opp pĂ„ staden mĂ„ sjĂžlvsagt tilpassast temaet, men dei mĂ„ ogsĂ„ vere tilpassa formidlinga til museet. Å lage midlertidige utstillingar som er linka til temaet, men frĂ„ andre stader eller tider, bĂžr gjerast mogleg, og visuelt skiljast vekk, slik at gjesten merkar endringa. Mykje teknologi er tilgjengeleg, bĂ„de i utstillingane og til bruk fĂžr og etter besĂžket. Dei kan ogsĂ„ legge igjen kommentarar og anbefale andre Ă„ besĂžke museet. Slike tilbakemeldingssystem mĂ„ vere gjort moglege i tilknyting til senteret, og mĂ„ systematisk utviklast slik at dei blir respondert pĂ„. Denne informasjonstilgangen bĂžr utgjere ein vesentlig del av museet sitt permanente vidareutviklingsarbeid

    Utfordringer med profesjonell omsorg i barnehagen

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    MĂ„let med denne bacheloroppgaven var Ă„ besvare fĂžlgende problemstilling; “Hvilke utfordringer med profesjonell omsorg opplever barnehagelĂŠrere?” med fĂžlgende forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„l: “Hvordan kan utfordringene pĂ„virke omsorgen?” Vi har brukt kvalitativ metode i form av intervjuer. Datamaterialet vi har samlet er basert pĂ„ semistrukturerte intervjuer av fem barnehagelĂŠrere. Datamaterialet har deretter blitt analysert og spesielt utvalgt for Ă„ best mulig kunne svare pĂ„ problemstillingen. Hovedfunnene vĂ„re presenterer tre utfordringer med omsorg, som flere eller alle av vĂ„re informanter opplevde og trakk frem som utfordrende i deres arbeid som profesjonelle omsorgsutĂžvere. Disse innebĂŠrer utfordringer med bemanning, dilemmaet med Ă„ ta hensyn til bĂ„de enkeltbarns behov og gruppas behov, og atferd hos barn som sĂŠrlig utfordrer. Samtidig legger ogsĂ„ informantene vekt pĂ„ et godt barnesyn som viktig for Ă„ kunne vise god omsorg. Disse hovedfunnene vi har redegjort for danner et videre grunnlag for analyse og drĂžfting. Vi ser i tillegg pĂ„ hvordan utfordringene kan pĂ„virke omsorgen som blir gitt, bĂ„de i negativ og positiv forstand. Det kommer samtidig ogsĂ„ frem refleksjoner fra vĂ„re informanter om mulige lĂžsninger pĂ„ utfordringene, og hvordan de selv fĂžler det pĂ„virker arbeidet deres. I denne sammenheng blir ansvarlig maktbruk, godt barnesyn og selvrefleksjon trukket frem av oss, og vĂ„re informanter, som viktig i arbeidet med disse utfordringene og som profesjonell omsorgsutĂžver

    Differential adipokine DNA methylation and gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue from adult offspring of women with diabetes in pregnancy

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    Abstract Background Offspring of women with diabetes in pregnancy are at increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), potentially mediated by epigenetic mechanisms. The adipokines leptin, adiponectin, and resistin (genes: LEP, ADIPOQ, RETN) play key roles in the pathophysiology of T2DM. We hypothesized that offspring exposed to maternal diabetes exhibit alterations in epigenetic regulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) adipokine transcription. We studied adipokine plasma levels, SAT gene expression, and DNA methylation of LEP, ADIPOQ, and RETN in adult offspring of women with gestational diabetes (O-GDM, N = 82) or type 1 diabetes (O-T1DM, N = 67) in pregnancy, compared to offspring of women from the background population (O-BP, N = 57). Results Compared to O-BP, we found elevated plasma leptin and resistin levels in O-T1DM, decreased gene expression of all adipokines in O-GDM, decreased RETN expression in O-T1DM, and increased LEP and ADIPOQ methylation in O-GDM. In multivariate regression analysis, O-GDM remained associated with increased ADIPOQ methylation and decreased ADIPOQ and RETN gene expression and O-T1DM remained associated with decreased RETN expression after adjustment for potential confounders and mediators. Conclusions In conclusion, offspring of women with diabetes in pregnancy exhibit increased ADIPOQ DNA methylation and decreased ADIPOQ and RETN gene expression in SAT. However, altered methylation and expression levels were not reflected in plasma protein levels, and the functional implications of these findings remain uncertain

    DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Blood and Adipose Tissue of Adult Offspring of Women with Diabetes in Pregnancy—A Validation Study of DNA Methylation Changes Identified in Adolescent Offspring

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    Maternal gestational diabetes and obesity are associated with adverse outcomes in offspring, including increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Previously, we identified a lower DNA methylation degree at genomic sites near the genes ESM1, MS4A3, and TSPAN14 in the blood cells of adolescent offspring exposed to gestational diabetes and/or maternal obesity in utero. In the present study, we aimed to investigate if altered methylation and expression of these genes were detectable in blood, as well in the metabolically relevant subcutaneous adipose tissue, in a separate cohort of adult offspring exposed to gestational diabetes and obesity (O-GDM) or type 1 diabetes (O-T1D) in utero, compared with the offspring of women from the background population (O-BP). We did not replicate the findings of lower methylation of ESM1, MS4A3, and TSPAN14 in blood from adults, either in O-GDM or O-T1D. In contrast, in adipose tissue of O-T1D, we found higher MS4A3 DNA methylation, which will require further validation. The adipose tissue ESM1 expression was lower in O-GDM compared to O-BP, which in turn was not associated with maternal pre-pregnancy BMI nor the offspring’s own adiposity. Adipose tissue TSPAN14 expression was slightly lower in O-GDM compared with O-BP, but also positively associated with maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, as well as offspring’s own adiposity and HbA1c levels. In conclusion, the lower DNA methylation in blood from adolescent offspring exposed to GDM could not be confirmed in the present cohort of adult offspring, potentially due to methylation remodeling with increased aging. In offspring adipose tissue, ESM1 expression was associated with maternal GDM, and TSPAN14 expression was associated with both maternal GDM, as well as pre-pregnancy BMI. These altered expression patterns are potentially relevant to the concept of developmental programming of cardiometabolic diseases and require further studies

    Placental transfer of the polybrominated diphenyl ethers BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-209 in a human placenta perfusion system: an experimental study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been widely used as flame retardants in consumer products. PBDEs may affect thyroid hormone homeostasis, which can result in irreversible damage of cognitive performance, motor skills and altered behaviour. Thus, in utero exposure is of very high concern due to critical windows in fetal development.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A human ex vivo placenta perfusion system was used to study the kinetics and extent of the placental transfer of BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-209 during four-hour perfusions. The PBDEs were added to the maternal circulation and monitored in the maternal and fetal compartments. In addition, the perfused cotyledon, the surrounding placental tissue as well as pre-perfusion placental tissue and umbilical cord plasma were also analysed. The PBDE analysis included Soxhlet extraction, clean-up by adsorption chromatography and GC-MS analysis.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>Placental transfer of BDE-47 was faster and more extensive than for BDE-99. The fetal-maternal ratios (FM-ratio) after four hours of perfusion were 0.47 and 0.25 for BDE-47 and BDE-99, respectively, while the indicative permeability coefficient (IPC) measured after 60 minutes of perfusion was 0.26 h<sup>-1 </sup>and 0.10 h<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. The transport of BDE-209 seemed to be limited. These differences between the congeners may be related to the degree of bromination. Significant accumulation was observed for all congeners in the perfused cotyledon as well as in the surrounding placental tissue.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The transport of BDE-47 and BDE-99 indicates in utero exposure to these congeners. Although the transport of BDE-209 was limited, however, possible metabolic debromination may lead to products which are both more toxic and transportable. Our study demonstrates fetal exposure to PBDEs, which should be included in risk assessment of PBDE exposure of women of child-bearing age.</p

    Human IgG Fc-engineering for enhanced plasma half-life, mucosal distribution and killing of cancer cells and bacteria

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    Monoclonal IgG antibodies constitute the fastest growing class of therapeutics. Thus, there is an intense interest to design more potent antibody formats, where long plasma half-life is a commercially competitive differentiator affecting dosing, frequency of administration and thereby potentially patient compliance. Here, we report on an Fc-engineered variant with three amino acid substitutions Q311R/M428E/N434W (REW), that enhances plasma half-life and mucosal distribution, as well as allows for needle-free delivery across respiratory epithelial barriers in human FcRn transgenic mice. In addition, the Fc-engineered variant improves on-target complement-mediated killing of cancer cells as well as both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Hence, this versatile Fc technology should be broadly applicable in antibody design aiming for long-acting prophylactic or therapeutic interventions
