453 research outputs found

    Modelling Spatial Compositional Data: Reconstructions of past land cover and uncertainties

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    In this paper, we construct a hierarchical model for spatial compositional data, which is used to reconstruct past land-cover compositions (in terms of coniferous forest, broadleaved forest, and unforested/open land) for five time periods during the past 60006\,000 years over Europe. The model consists of a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) with Dirichlet observations. A block updated Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), including an adaptive Metropolis adjusted Langevin step, is used to estimate model parameters. The sparse precision matrix in the GMRF provides computational advantages leading to a fast MCMC algorithm. Reconstructions are obtained by combining pollen-based estimates of vegetation cover at a limited number of locations with scenarios of past deforestation and output from a dynamic vegetation model. To evaluate uncertainties in the predictions a novel way of constructing joint confidence regions for the entire composition at each prediction location is proposed. The hierarchical model's ability to reconstruct past land cover is evaluated through cross validation for all time periods, and by comparing reconstructions for the recent past to a present day European forest map. The evaluation results are promising and the model is able to capture known structures in past land-cover compositions

    Design and Development of a Multifunctional Test Rig

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    In this project, the several steps in a product development process can be followed, from the first brainstorming of basic concepts to the final implementation of the manufactured product in the factory. The project was assigned by Faiveley Transport Nordic AB and its aim was to design a well functioning test rig for testing of their train brake units. The new rig’s advantages compared to old existing test rigs at Faiveley, is that it should be compact, flexible and able to test multiple train brake units at the same time. Throughout the project the methodology of Ullrich and Eppinger’s “Product Design and Development” was used at a large extent. As a first step in this methodology, target specifications were set and thereafter the concept generation could start. The designing of the test rig was divided into sub problems to be solved separately and after several iterations a final design was found. To make sure the test rig was dimensioned in a satisfying way comprehensive calculations were carried out, e.g. ANSYS calculations. After the supervisors at Faiveley approved the design it was manufactured by the company Ingenjörsfirma Jeppsson AB. When the test rig was delivered careful testing took place. The results were very positive, all components functioned as wished and the test rig responded well when applied to forces. As Faiveley wanted a new pneumatic system to drive the train brakes, this was ordered by Festo. It consisted of one control unit and ten valve units in a terminal making the device very compact. A casing was designed and manufactured to protect the sensitive equipment. Finally the target specifications were compared to those of the actual test rig. All specifications were found satisfactory and the project was considered successful

    Understanding the spread and eradication of novel zoonotic diseases through the study of a compartmental epidemiological model

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    Within the last century humanity has grown significantly more numerous and more globally connected than ever before in its history. Together with the increased risks of climate change, we are more susceptible than ever to major epidemics and pandemics caused by novel zoonotic diseases. For these reasons it is not only important understand under which conditions novel pathogens are able to invade and spread in a host population but also to understand how these pathogens can be eradicated following an invasion event. In this thesis we present and study the demographic and evolutionary dynamics of a compartmental epidemiological model that includes a compartment for asymptomatic individuals, who require a second infection to become symptomatic and infectious. We show that the model exhibits a wide variety of demographic dynamical behaviour, all of which can be evolutionarily attracting configurations under simple evolutionary considerations. The model is an extreme simplification of the real world and excludes relevant information such as age and spatial structures of the population at hand. The aim of this thesis is to obtain a general understanding of how varying certain parameters on one hand allows a pathogen to invade a host population and, on the other hand, allows the host to eradicate an established pathogen, in particular, through the process of evolution

    Styrelseledamots skadeståndsansvar gentemot aktieägare

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    Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen har varit att föra en diskussion och bidra med nya infallsvinklar kring varför antalet skadeståndsprocesser mot styrelseledamöter i svenska aktiebolag har varit så historiskt få till antalet. Jag har valt att använda en traditionell juridisk metod för att underbygga min redogörelse för rättsläget. I uppsatsen har de klassiska rättskällorna lag, lagförarbeten, rättspraxis och doktrin utgjort basen för min kartläggning av rättsområdet. Då praxis inom området har visat sig begränsad, har jag valt att fördjupa mig i fallet NJA 2000 s.404 som jag funnit mest relevant för uppsatsens syfte. En kortare analys av rättsfallet har även genomförts med ambitionen att belysa dess prejudikatvärde. Avsaknaden av svensk praxis har inneburit att mer fokus har riktats mot övriga rättskällor i uppsatsen. I synnerhet har lagförarbeten utgjort underlag för min redogörelse och diskussion. Doktrinen som behandlar uppsatsämnet präglas av ett fåtal auktoriteter vars uppfattningar och tankar har nyttjats för att problematisera och belysa lag, lagförarbeten och praxis. Det är framförallt författarna Rolf Dotevall, Svante Johansson, Torsten Sandström och Carl Svernlövs litteratur som har använts som underlag. Slutsatsen är att det låga antalet skadeståndsprocesser framförallt beror på svårigheten att bevisa ansvar, culpa, ett adekvat orsakssamband samt uppmätning av skada utifrån den speciella och i många fall unika situation som styrelseledamöter i olika aktiebolag befinner sig i samt uttalande i förarbeten till ABL som jag menar försvårar för aktieägare att driva processer

    Analys av potentiell kostnadsbesparing vid införande av ST-kran

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    Virkestransporter står för ca 25 % av de totala anskaffningskostnaderna för skogsindustrin. Implementeringen av High Capacity Transports (HCT) i syfte att reducera transportkostnaderna och minska miljöpåverkan för att bibehålla en hög konkurrenskraft för svensk skogsindustri har på senare tid fått ett ökat intresse. Ett av dessa HCT-fordon är ST-kran, där ST står för ”Större Travar” och är en kranbil som utvecklats för rundvirkestransporter med en bruttovikt på 74 ton vilket är 23 % högre än en konventionell 60 tons kranbil. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka besparingsmöjligheter för rundvirkestransporter genom införande av ST-kran hos Södra Skogs eget åkeri. Studien delades upp i tre faser. I fas 1 fastställdes uppdragsområden och typer av fordon som skulle ingå i studien samt kartlades utförda transportuppdrag. I fas 2 skapades kostnadsfunktioner för ST-kran och de konventionella kranbilarna i uppdragsområdena med hjälp av kalkylverktyget Gille Kalkyl. I fas 3 utfördes kostnadsberäkningar med kostnadsfunktionerna för att påvisa eventuella reduceringar av transportkostnaden där förslag på uppdragsområde för införande av ST-kran delgavs. Resultaten visar att vid införande av ST-kran beräknades besparingspotentialen mot studiens befintliga konventionella kranbilar till 7,2–20,6 %. Besparingspotentialen ökade med en ökad skillnad i nyttolast mellan ST-kran och konventionell kranbil. Studiens resultat påvisar ingen tydlig skillnad i besparingspotential mellan ST-kran och de befintliga kranbilarna till följd av variationer i transportavstånd. Vid jämförelse mellan uppdragsområde där befintliga kranbilar har likvärdiga tjänstevikter kan en ökad besparingspotential kopplas till ett ökat transportavstånd i kombination med en ökad andel kranlossning. Vid införande av ST-kran ökar andelen samlaster till följd av den högre lastkapaciteten.Transportation represents approximately 25 % of the total wood supply costs for the Swedish forestry industry. Implementation of High Capacity Transport (HCT) in order to reduce transportation costs and decrease environmental impact to maintain a high level of competitiveness of the industry has recently gained an increasing interest. One of these HCT-vehicles is ST-kran, where ST stands for “Bigger Stacks” and are self-loading trucks that has been developed for timber hauling with a tare weight of 74 tonnes, which is 23 % higher than a conventional 60-ton self-loading truck. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential cost reduction for timber hauling by introducing ST-kran at Södra Skog. The study was divided into three main phases. In phase 1 the assignment areas and vehicle types was identified and a mapping of performed transports was carried out. In phase 2 cost functions for ST-kran and current conventional self-loading trucks in each assignment area was created with the spreadsheet tool Gille Kalkyl. In phase 3 cost calculations with the created cost functions was conducted to identify reductions in transport costs and assignment areas for the introduction of ST-kran was provided. When introducing ST-kran the calculated potential cost savings against current conventional self-loading trucks was 7,2-20,6 %. The cost saving potential increased with an increasing difference in payload between ST-kran and the current conventional trucks. Introduction of ST-kran increases the proportion of loads from multiple sites due to the higher load capacity. The results from the study shows no significant difference in potential cost savings when introducing ST-kran due to variations in transport distances. In a comparison between assignment areas where current conventional self-loading trucks have equivalent tare weights, increased savings is related to a longer transport distance in combination with an increased proportion of crane unloading

    Reduced-rank spatio-temporal modeling of air pollution concentrations in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution

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    There is growing evidence in the epidemiologic literature of the relationship between air pollution and adverse health outcomes. Prediction of individual air pollution exposure in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded Multi-Ethnic Study of Atheroscelerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air) study relies on a flexible spatio-temporal prediction model that integrates land-use regression with kriging to account for spatial dependence in pollutant concentrations. Temporal variability is captured using temporal trends estimated via modified singular value decomposition and temporally varying spatial residuals. This model utilizes monitoring data from existing regulatory networks and supplementary MESA Air monitoring data to predict concentrations for individual cohort members. In general, spatio-temporal models are limited in their efficacy for large data sets due to computational intractability. We develop reduced-rank versions of the MESA Air spatio-temporal model. To do so, we apply low-rank kriging to account for spatial variation in the mean process and discuss the limitations of this approach. As an alternative, we represent spatial variation using thin plate regression splines. We compare the performance of the outlined models using EPA and MESA Air monitoring data for predicting concentrations of oxides of nitrogen (NOx_x)-a pollutant of primary interest in MESA Air-in the Los Angeles metropolitan area via cross-validated R2R^2. Our findings suggest that use of reduced-rank models can improve computational efficiency in certain cases. Low-rank kriging and thin plate regression splines were competitive across the formulations considered, although TPRS appeared to be more robust in some settings.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS786 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Influence of the habitat on the potential for cannibalism and population dynamics in stream-dwelling European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.)

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    Cannibalism can have major influence on fish population dynamics. A prerequisite for cannibalism is that the cannibal and the potential victim meet, and besides density effects, the encounter rate between cannibals and their victims is therefore also largely dependent on habitat use and habitat heterogeneity. In this study I quantified and compared the potential for cannibalism in stream-dwelling European grayling populations in three rivers in Jämtland by means of habitat classifications. I also analyzed population dynamic consequences of varying the potential for cannibalism in terms of intensity, using a physiological structured population model. Findings based on habitat characteristics were that the potential for cannibalism is in general not favourable in these types of streams. However, some sections had optimal conditions for cannibalism. The population dynamic model predicted that cannibalism can regulate the dynamic if sufficiently intense. It might also induce population cycles, and a fishing mortality will increase the destabilizing effect. It is the younger cohorts that drive the cycles by delayed density regulation. Cannibalism can be important to take into consideration in management actions. Hence, sections with favorable conditions for cannibalism also has a capacity for high fish production, and can thus be important as a source to less productive areas of a watercourse. Cannibalism can therefore indirectly decrease the fish density in more sections than in the few sections with favorable conditions for cannibalism. Moreover, if a population has fluctuating dynamics, some years the population will be dominated by young individuals, which not is desirable for watercourses used for sportfishing.Kannibalism har stor potential att påverka fiskpopulationers dynamik. En förutsättning för att kannibalismen skall kunna ha någon större betydelse är att lekområden, yngeluppväxtområden och vuxenhabitat antingen överlappar eller finns i nära anslutning till varandra. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och jämföra tre vattendrags förutsättningar för kannibalism hos strömlevande harr i Jämtland, baserat på yngel- kontra vuxenhabitatens lokalisering samt kvalitet med hjälp av fältbaserade habitatklassificeringar. För att undersöka hur dessa förutsättningar kan tänkas påverka populationsdynamiken gjordes även analyser med hjälp av en fysiologiskt strukturerad populationsmodell. Resultatet från habitatundersökningarna visade att även om det finns sektioner som har optimala egenskaper för kannibalism, så är goda förutsättningar för kannibalism inte vanligt förekommande i denna typ av vattendrag. Den populationsdynamiska modellen visade att kannibalism kan reglera dynamiken även om graden av kannibalism är låg och kan framkalla mer eller mindre regelbundna populationsfluktuationer. Ett uttag via fiske ökar den effekten ännu mer och det är de unga kohorterna som skapar cyklerna genom fördröjd täthetsregleringen. Kannibalism kan vara viktigt ur förvaltningssynpunkt även om det inte är så vanligt förekommande. Sträckor med goda förutsättningar för kannibalism har vanligen även kapacitet för hög fiskproduktion och kan således vara viktiga som källa till mindre produktiva områden av vattendraget. Kannibalism kan följaktligen minska fisktätheten på fler lokaler än på de få sektioner som har gynnsamma förutsättningar för kannibalism. Dessutom, om fluktuationer förekommer så kommer populationen vissa år att domineras av unga individer, vilket inte är önskvärt om vattendraget utnyttjas för sportfiske