45 research outputs found

    Gambling-related harm and criminal activity - combining population-based Finnish Gambling Harms survey with register data

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    Problem gamblers are at-risk of committing non-violent property crimes to fund their gambling. Not just problem gamblers, but gamblers more broadly may experience gambling-related harm. The presentation outlines the background and results of a first wave data (n=7186) of the longitudinal Gambling Harms survey. In 2016, 0.9 percent of the respondent had experienced at least one social deviance harm, such as feeling outcast from religious or cultural community. Based on the survey, 0.2% had committed a crime due to their gambling. The aim of the study is to explore gambling-related harm as well as criminal charges based on criminal records. It focuses particularly on social deviance harm subcategory of the Harms Checklist. In addition, the survey data of adult gamblers will be combined with national registers by Statistics Finland in January 2019. Therefore, it also explores whether gambling severity, measured using the Problem and Pathological Gambling Measure (PPGM), is associated with income-generating crime like frauds and embezzlements, rather than other types of crime. The data is analyzed using logistic regression. Further results of the study including the prevalence rate, and the relationship between register-based recorded criminal activity of all respondents, different social deviance harms and gambling severity will be presented. Implications for crime prevention, harm reduction and for policy makers as well as for further research will be discussed at the conference, particularly from the perspective of socioeconomically vulnerable subgroups

    Cheating and stealing to finance gambling : analysis of screening data from a problem gambling self-help program

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    Previous studies have suggested strongly that early engagement in gambling anticipates severe gambling problems. Problem gambling and gambling addiction are linked to financial difficulties, depression and weakened life control. One social consequence of excessive gambling is property crime. In this study, we analyze screening data (N = 1573) from a problem gambling self-help program to locate predictors of such criminal behaviour. We applied logistic regression to determine the relationship between problem gambling and both reported cheating and stealing. Our objective was to create an empirically-based model of the different risk factors related to such criminogenic gambling. Our models suggest that self-reported gambling-related cheating and stealing is related to young age, low education, low income, a high rate of depression, a long history of problem gambling, and negative subjective perception of one's financial situation.Peer reviewe

    Problem gambling and support preferences among Finnish prisoners: a pilot study in an adult correctional population

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the prevalence of potential problem gambling among Finnish prisoners; the associations between problem gambling and demographics, substance use and crime-related factors; and problem gamblers’ support preferences.Design/methodology/approach Prisoners (n=96) from two Finnish prisons were recruited between December 2017 and January 2018. The estimated response rate was 31 percent. Gambling problems were measured using the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen. The participants were asked to report their gambling both for one year prior to their incarceration and for the past year. The independent variables were demographics (age, gender and marital status), substance use (alcohol, smoking and narcotics) and crime-related factors (crime type, prison type and previous sentence). Statistical significance (p) was determined using Fischer’s exact test.Findings Past-year pre-conviction problem gambling prevalence was 16.3 percent and past-year prevalence 15 percent. Age, gender, smoking, alcohol or illicit drug use were not associated with past-year problem gambling before sentencing. One-third of the prisoners (33.3 percent) who were sentenced for a property crime, financial crime or robbery were problem gamblers. One-quarter (24 percent) of all participants showed an interest in receiving support by identifying one or more support preferences. The most preferred type of support was group support in its all forms.Research limitations/implications It is recommended that correctional institutions undertake systematic screening for potential problem gambling, and implement tailored intervention programs for inmates with gambling problems.Originality/value This study provides a deeper understanding of problem gambling in prisons. Problem gambling is associated with crime and also seems to be linked with serving a previous sentence. Early detection and tailored interventions for problem gambling may help to reduce reoffending rates.Peer reviewe

    Problem Gambling and Criminal Behavior : Perspectives on Comorbidities and Social Disadvantage

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    Rahapelaaminen on suosittu ajanviete, jolla on ollut suomalaisessa kulttuurissa sangen vahva asema vuosikymmenten ajan. Sellaisenaan rahapelaaminen on valtaosalle pelaajista harmitonta toimintaa. Rahapelaaminen voi kuitenkin aiheuttaa haittoja paitsi pelaajalle itselleen, myös hänen läheisilleen, yhteisölle ja laajemmin ajateltuna koko yhteiskunnalle. Nämä haitat eivät ole staattisia, vaan vaihtelevat kestoltaan ja intensiteetiltään. Ne voivat vaikuttaa haitallisesti useisiin elämän eri osa-alueisiin, kuten talouteen, psyykkiseen ja emotionaaliseen kuormitukseen, ihmissuhteisiin, terveyteen, opiskeluun ja työelämään. Rahapelihaitat voivat olla luonteeltaan myös kulttuurisia ja ylisukupolvisia. Yhdeksi rahapelihaitaksi määritellään rahapeliongelmiin liittyvä rikollisuus. Rikollisuuden ehkäisy mainitaan myös Arpajaislaissa yhdeksi monopolijärjestelmän perusteeksi. Rahapeliongelmista kärsii tuoreimpien väestökyselyiden mukaan noin kolme prosenttia väestöstä. Rahapelikulutus jakautuu äärimmäisen epätasaisesti ja onkin arvioitu, että 2,5 prosenttia pelaajista on vastuussa noin puolesta kaikesta pelatusta rahasta. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu korkea yhteisesiintyvyys useiden muiden riippuvuuksien, mielenterveyden haasteiden, sosiaalisen huono-osaisuuden ja rahapeliongelmien kanssa. Rahapeliongelmien on lisäksi todettu olevan huomattavasti yleisempiä vankipopulaatioissa, verrattuna väestöön keskimäärin. Rahapelaaminen on aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa tunnistettu kriminogeeniseksi tekijäksi. Ongelmapelaamiseen liittyvän rikollisuuden on todettu olevan viimeinen ratkaisu tilanteessa, jossa suuren rahapelikulutuksen aiheuttama taloudellinen paine on kasvanut liian suureksi. Suurin osa ongelmapelaamiseen liittyvästä rikollisuudesta onkin kansainvälisten tutkimusten mukaan tulojen hankkimiseen tähtäävää ja tapahtuu vasta, kun muut vaihtoehdot loppuvat. Suomessa rahapeliongelmien ja rikollisuuden välistä suhdetta ei tätä ennen ollut tutkittu. Tätä taustaa vasten tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan rahapeliongelmien ja rikollisuuden välisiä yhteyksiä suomalaisessa kontekstissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin tarkastelemalla: 1) poliisiasian tietojärjestelmästä rahapelaamiseen liittyvillä hakusanoilla löydettyä 55 epäiltyä rikosta ja näiden tapausten esitutkintamateriaaleja, 2) rahapelaamisensa kanssa ongelmia kokeville suunnatun Peli poikki -ohjelman seulontadataa (n=1573), 3) kahdessa vankilassa toteutetussa pilottikyselyssä kerättyä aineistoa (n=96) ja 4) Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen keräämää rahapeliaiheista väestökyselydataa (n=7186), johon yhdistettiin sosiaaliseen tilanteeseen ja rikostuomioihin liittyviä muuttujia Tilastokeskuksen rekisteristä. Laadullisen dokumenttianalyysin kautta poliisin tietoon tulleista rikosepäilyistä tutkimuksessa pyrittiin ensimmäisessä osatutkimuksessa hahmottamaan rahapeliongelmien ja rikollisuuden välisiä mekanismeja. Toisessa osa-artikkelissa pyrittiin logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla löytämään rahapeliongelmiin liittyvää varastamista ja pelirahan huijaamista ennustavia taustamuuttujia avun piiriin hakeutuneiden rahapeliongelmia kokeneiden henkilöiden keskuudessa. Kolmannessa osatutkimuksessa toteutetun vankilapilotin tarkoituksena oli tutkia todennäköisten rahapeliongelmien prevalenssia vankipopulaatiossa, hyödyntäen lyhyttä, kolmen kysymyksen Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen -mittaria. Samalla kartoitettiin vankien tarpeita erilaisille rahapeliongelmiin liittyville tuen muodoille. Lopulta, neljännessä artikkelissa tarkasteltiin logististen regressiomallien kautta yleisempiä yhteyksiä rahapelaamisen vakavuuden, sosiaalisen huono-osaisuuden ja rikostuomioiden välillä väestötasolla. Poliisin tietojärjestelmästä rahapeliongelmiin liittyvillä hakusanoilla löydetyt rikosepäilyt olivat yleisimmin väkivallattomia omaisuusrikoksia, joiden tapahtumaympäristö oli epäillyn oma koti tai työpaikka. Laadullisen dokumenttianalyysin perusteella näiden tapausten taustalla oli tyypillisesti varsin vakavia taloudellisia ongelmia, erilaisia arjessa ilmeneviä mahdollisuuksia rikokseen ja yhteisesiintyviä elämänhallintaan vaikuttavia ongelmia, kuten masennusoireita, ihmissuhdeongelmia ja runsasta päihteidenkäyttöä. Itse rikokset luokiteltiin identiteettivarkauksiksi, käytettävissä olevien varojen luvattomaksi käytöksi ja väkivaltaisiksi purkauksiksi. Epäiltyjen rikosten motiivina oli rahapelaamisen jatkaminen, sen aiheuttamien rahallisten tappioiden kiinnikurominen ja rahapeliongelman laajuuden peittäminen lähimmäisiltä. Epäillyt kuvasivat jopa vuosia jatkunutta rahapeliongelman ja rikollisen toiminnan peittelyä läheisiltä ensimmäisen rikoksen jälkeen. Lopulta, kiinnijäämisen jälkeen monet epäillyt kertoivat kuulusteluissa helpotuksestaan sekä halustaan saada tukea rahapeliongelmiinsa. Peli poikki -ohjelmaan hakeutuneista henkilöistä 37.6% raportoi huijanneensa tai varastaneensa rahaa jatkaakseen rahapelaamistaan. Logistiset regressiomallit antoivat viitteitä siitä, että nuori ikä, matala tulotaso, matala koulutus, rahapeliongelman pitkä kesto, masennusoireet sekä toivoton kokemus omasta taloudellisesta tilanteesta olivat yhteydessä rahapelaamiseen liittyvään pelirahan varastamiseen ja huijaamiseen. Sukupuoli, rahapelaamisen aloittamisikä tai yhteisesiintyvä päihteidenkäyttö eivät tässä osatutkimuksessa olleet yhteydessä pelirahan varastamiseen tai huijaamiseen. Tutkituissa kahdessa vankilassa todennäköisen rahapeliongelman esiintyvyyden havaittiin olevan verrattain korkea. Tuomiota edeltävän 12 kuukauden ajanjaksolla mitattuna 16 % tutkimukseen osallistuneista vangeista oli todennäköinen rahapeliongelma. Vastaamista edeltävän 12 kuukauden aikajänteellä todennäköinen rahapeliongelma oli 15 % tutkimukseen osallistuneista vangeista. Kolmasosalla niistä kyselyyn vastanneista vangeista, jotka oli tuomittu omaisuus- tai talousrikoksesta tai ryöstöstä, havaittiin todennäköinen rahapeliongelma. Kaikista vastaajista neljännes raportoi halukkuudestaan saada tukea rahapeliongelmiin. Suosituimmaksi tukimuodoiksi osoittautuivat ryhmämuotoinen tuki ja henkilökohtainen keskustelu vankilan henkilökunnan kanssa. Rahapelikyselyyn vastanneista 2.1% oli saanut vähintään yhden ehdolliseen tai ehdottomaan vankilatuomioon tai yhdyskuntapalveluun johtaneen rikostuomion viiden edeltävän vuoden aikana. Rikostuomiot olivat yleisempiä (8.8%) henkilöillä, joilla oli rahapeliongelma tai -riippuvuus, verrattuna riskitasolla pelaaviin (3.5%), viihdepelaajiin (2.0%) ja heihin, jotka eivät pelaa ollenkaan (1.2%). Rahapeliongelman vakavuuden ja rikostuomioiden välistä yhteyttä tarkasteltiin logististen regressiomallien avulla. Malleissa, joihin otettiin mukaan sukupuoli, perustoimeentulotuen saaminen ja koulutus, rahapelaamisen vakavuuden ja rikostuomioiden välinen suhde muuttui tilastollisesti ei-merkitseväksi. Osatutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että erityisesti perustoimeentulotuen saaminen on yhteydessä sekä rikostuomioihin että rahapelaamisen vakavuuteen. Tutkimuksen tuloksia keskustelutetaan paitsi Blaszczynskin ja Nowerin kehittämän rahapelaamisen polkumallin, myös keskeisten kriminologian teorioiden kanssa. Näistä rahapeliongelmien ja rikollisuuden välistä suhdetta pohditaan erityisesti Robert Agnew’n yleisen paineteorian ja Marcus Felsonin rutiiniaktiviteettiteorian valossa. Tämä väitöskirjatutkimus antaa viiteitä siitä, että rahapeliongelmiin liittyvän rikollisuuden ehkäisy edellyttää paitsi varhaista puuttumista rahapelaamisen tuottamaan tai sen pahentaamaan taloudelliseen kaaokseen, myös laaja-alaista psykososiaalista tukea kuormittavaan elämäntilanteeseen sosiaalisen huono- osaisuuden vähentämiseksi ja ehkäisemiseksi. Tutkimustulokset tukevat eettisesti kestävän rahapelipolitiikan, sosiaalipolitiikan ja kriminaalipolitiikan kytkemistä saumattomasti toisiinsa.While gambling is a harmless and popular pastime for most people, as a habitual activity it also has the potential to cause harm to the gamblers themselves and their affected others. These gambling harms are not static but vary in terms of intensity and duration. Such negative consequences can affect several different life-domains, and they may include financial problems, emotional distress, disrupted relationships, cultural harms, intergenerational harms, decrements in health, reduced performance at work or studies, or criminal behavior. Comorbidity between problem gambling, mental health problems, and other addictions as well as the connection between problem gambling and social disadvantage on various measures have been confirmed by previous studies. Problem gambling has been recognized as a criminogenic factor, and it is highly prevalent among incarcerated populations. Criminogenic problem gambling refers to a situation where problem gambling and the related financial distress escalate to criminal behavior, typically to income-generating crime such as fraud and embezzlement. Criminal harm has been suggested to be a late-stage gambling harm, which occurs together with long-standing and untreated problem gambling as gamblers run out of legal financial options. Furthermore, previous studies indicate that a more general association also exists between problem gambling and non-gambling related crime in a population level. Not only is the gambling participation rate very high in Finland, but gambling has also had an exceptional position in Finland’s culture, society, and everyday life for decades. At the same time, 2.5% of gamblers are estimated to account for 50% of the total gambling expenditure. The latest population survey indicates that the prevalence of problem gambling is about 3% of the population. The core regulative framework, the recently reformed Lotteries Act, underscores minimization and prevention of gambling-related economic, health-related, and social harms, including criminal activity. In this context, this dissertation addresses the connection between problem gambling and criminal behavior through 1) data derived from documents produced by the police on 55 problem gambling-related cases, 2) screening data (N = 1,573) from a national problem gambling support program, 3) pilot survey data (n = 96) collected at two Finnish prisons, and 4) gambling-related population survey data (n = 7,186) combined with register-based variables on convictions and social disadvantage. Through qualitative document analysis this study explores patterns and mechanisms of problem gambling-related crime reported to the police. Logistic regression is utilized to find predictors of problem gambling-related stealing and cheating among help-seeking problem gamblers. Furthermore, this study explores the prevalence of probable problem gambling (measured using the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen), the need for support, and support preferences in prison environment. Finally, logistic regression models were run to explore the general association between problem gambling severity, socioeconomic disadvantage, and having a conviction. Most of the problem gambling-related cases found from the police information system were nonviolent property crimes that were committed at home or at the workplace. In most cases the events were preceded by severe financial problems, the emergence of suitable opportunities to commit a crime and coexisting issues of life-control, such as depression, relationship problems, and substance use. The criminal incidents were classified in three categories: identity theft, unauthorized access, and violent outburst. The crime aftermath consisted of the psychologically distressing process of hiding the trails and revival through getting caught. Reportedly, the main motivation for the crimes was to continue gambling, chase losses, or hide the extent of the individual’s problem gambling from their affected others. Consistent with previous literature, the results reveal that among help-seeking problem gamblers, being young and having low income and low education predicted gambling-related stealing and cheating. Furthermore, as expected, a long duration of gambling problems also predicted cheating and stealing. Depressive symptoms and having a negative perception on one’s financial situation were also associated to problem gambling-related stealing or cheating. Gender, starting age of gambling, and comorbid substance use were not found to be statistically significant predictors of criminogenic problem gambling. Overall, 37.6% of the screened attendees reported having cheated or stolen to fund their gambling. According to this study, the prevalence of probable problem gambling is relatively high among prisoners. Past-year pre-conviction prevalence of probable problem gambling was about 16% and past-year prevalence was 15%. One-third of the survey respondents who were sentenced for a property crime, financial crime, or robbery were probable problem gamblers. A majority of the participants who reported that their main crime was gambling-related scored as probable problem gamblers. Of all the respondents, one in four reported an interest in receiving problem gambling-related support. Group support was the most preferred type of support, followed by a personal conversation with a prison staff. Of the Gambling Harms Survey respondents, 2.1% had been convicted of at least one crime during the past five years and had received a prison sentence, community service, or probation order. Criminal convictions were more common among respondents with problem or pathological gambling (8.8%) compared to at-risk gambling respondents (3.5%), to recreational gamblers (2.0%), and to non-gamblers (1.2%). However, in the models with gender, receiving basic social assistance and education included the gambling variables did not remain statistically significant. The findings suggest that especially receiving basic social assistance is strongly associated with both gambling severity and having a conviction. The results of the study are further discussed with the pathways model by Blaszczynski and Nower, as well as with mainstream theories of criminology, especially with the general strain theory by Agnew and the routine activities theory by Felson. This study concludes that crime prevention requires early interventions for the financial chaos produced or worsened by problem gambling. A comprehensive selection of support for a variety of problems other than personal financial difficulties is needed to minimize the risk of problem gambling-related criminal activity. In addition, the study implies that social policy, ethically sustainable gambling policy, and criminal policy should be closely intertwined in the spirit of welfare state’s mission to reduce and to prevent social exclusion and social disadvantage

    How to Support Prison Workers’ Perceived Readiness to Identify and Respond to Possible Gambling Problems : a Pilot Study from Two Finnish Prisons

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    Problem gambling is known to be prevalent among prisoners. However, it is not systematically screened and often remains undetected. This pilot study explores prison workers’ (N = 21) knowledge, views, and opinions about problem gambling in two Finnish prisons with a view to improving training and to developing better guidelines for identifying and responding to gambling problems. Four-fifths (81%) of prison workers considered problem gambling a serious issue in Finland. During the past year, more than nine in ten (94.1%) had encountered a prisoner with a gambling problem. Problem gambling was identified in connection with discussions about prisoners’ illegal activity (50%), financial situation (25%), or other problems (25%). Nearly half of the participants felt they did not have adequate training or information about problem gambling and related issues and expressed an interest in continuing education. This pilot study provides important direction for the development of tailored training programs for prison workers. The next step is to increase awareness of gambling programs in a wider national context and to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of training programs.Peer reviewe

    Expanding Social Protection Coverage with Humanitarian Aid: Lessons on Targeting and Transfer Values from Ethiopia

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    While social protection programmes have multiplied over the last two decades across sub-Saharan Africa, these coexist alongside humanitarian assistance in many places, calling for better integration of assistance delivered through the two channels. Progress on this front is hampered by limited evidence of whether and how these historically siloed sectors can work together. Using quantitative and qualitative data from districts covered by Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) and where humanitarian food assistance (HFA) was delivered, we assess differences in targeting and transfer values. We find that the PSNP and HFA were targeted to households with different characteristics. PSNP transfers did, on average, reach those households that were chronically food insecure. HFA, while delivered through the PSNP systems, was targeted to households that were acutely vulnerable. These are promising findings as they suggest that social protection systems are able to effectively deliver a continuum of support in response to different types of vulnerability and risk. On transfer values, we find that the value of PSNP transfers is greater than those for HFA. One reason for this may be due to the social pressure on local officials to distribute support more widely across a drought-affected population when faced with acute needs

    Gambling-Related Harms for Affected Others: A Finnish Population-Based Survey

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    Aims This study explores the prevalence of being a past-year affected other (AO) of a problem gambler by gender. The aims were to study the amount and type of gambling-related harms (GRHs) for subgroups of AOs and to distinguish GRH profiles for AO subgroups. Methods A total of 7186 adults aged 18 years and over participated in the Gambling Harms Survey evaluating year 2016. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. Results Of all respondents, 12.9% were defined as past-year AOs (women 13.7%; men 12.1%). The proportion of affected non-family members (ANFs) was 8.4%, and 5.6% were affected family members (AFMs). AFMs were usually women, and ANFs were usually men. Emotional, relationship, and financial harms were the most common types of harm. The odds of experiencing financial harm were highest for the 18- to 34-year-olds (OR 1.82) and for those whose partner/ex-partner had a gambling problem (OR 3.91). Having a parent/step-parent (OR 1.93) and child/stepchild (OR 3.64) increased the odds of experiencing emotional harm, whereas male gender (OR 0.50) and being an ANF (OR 0.58) decreased emotional harm. Relationship harm was evident for partners/ex-partners (OR 1.97-5.07). Conclusions GRH profiles for AO subgroups varied, which emphasizes the need for effective harm minimization strategies for those in need

    Rahapelaaminen, peliongelmat ja rahapelaamiseen liittyvät asenteet ja mielipiteet vuosina 2007-2019 : Suomalaisten rahapelaaminen 2019

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    Suomalaisten rahapelaamista on kartoitettu säännöllisesti toistettujen väestötutkimusten avulla. Rahapelejä ovat muun muassa arvontapelit kuten Lotto, urheilu- ja hevospelit, rahapeliautomaatit, raaputusarvat ja kasinopelit. Näitä pelejä voi pelata myös internetissä. Raportissa tarkastellaan suomalaisten rahapelaamista, rahapeliongelmia sekä pelaamiseen liittyviä mielipiteitä ja asenteita. Tähän raporttiin on koottu keväällä 2020 julkaistut tulokset ja aiemmin julkaisemattomia tuloksia sosiaaliryhmittäisenä tarkasteluna sekä tietoa pelaamisympäristöstä, motivaatiotekijöistä ja rahapelihaitoista. Uusina teemoina mukana ovat myös digitaalinen pelaaminen, digipeliongelmat, alkoholin riskikäyttö ja psyykkinen kuormittuneisuus. Ajallisessa vertailussa on mukana vuodet 2007, 2011, 2015 ja 2019. Tieto tukee päätöksentekoa ja palvelee rahapelihaittojen ehkäisyn, hoidon ja hoitopalvelujen parissa työskenteleviä sekä tutkijoita. Tutkimus tarjoaa luotettavaa tietoa myös rahapelihaittojen ehkäisytyön tarpeisiin. Raportti on tuotettu sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön toimeksiannosta Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksessa