248 research outputs found

    Reverse-correlating mental representations of sex-typed bodies: the effect of number of trials on image quality

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    Sex categorization is a critical process in social perception. While psychologists have long theorized that perceivers have distinct mental representations of men and women that help them to achieve efficient sex categorizations, researchers have only recently begun using reverse-correlation to visualize the content of these mental representations. The present research addresses two issues concerning this relatively new methodological tool. First, previous studies of reverse-correlation have focused almost exclusively on perceivers' mental representations of faces. Our study demonstrates that this technique can also be used to visualize mental representations of sex-typed bodies. Second, most studies of reverse-correlation have employed a relatively large number of trials (1000+) to capture perceivers' mental representations of a given category. Our study demonstrated that, at least for sex-typed representations of bodies, high quality reverse-correlation images can be obtained with as few as 100 trials. Overall, our findings enhance knowledge of reverse-correlation methodology in general and sex categorization in particular, providing new information for researchers interested in using this technique to understand the complex processes underlying social perception

    Beyond Outerplanarity

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    We study straight-line drawings of graphs where the vertices are placed in convex position in the plane, i.e., convex drawings. We consider two families of graph classes with nice convex drawings: outer kk-planar graphs, where each edge is crossed by at most kk other edges; and, outer kk-quasi-planar graphs where no kk edges can mutually cross. We show that the outer kk-planar graphs are (4k+1+1)(\lfloor\sqrt{4k+1}\rfloor+1)-degenerate, and consequently that every outer kk-planar graph can be (4k+1+2)(\lfloor\sqrt{4k+1}\rfloor+2)-colored, and this bound is tight. We further show that every outer kk-planar graph has a balanced separator of size O(k)O(k). This implies that every outer kk-planar graph has treewidth O(k)O(k). For fixed kk, these small balanced separators allow us to obtain a simple quasi-polynomial time algorithm to test whether a given graph is outer kk-planar, i.e., none of these recognition problems are NP-complete unless ETH fails. For the outer kk-quasi-planar graphs we prove that, unlike other beyond-planar graph classes, every edge-maximal nn-vertex outer kk-quasi planar graph has the same number of edges, namely 2(k1)n(2k12)2(k-1)n - \binom{2k-1}{2}. We also construct planar 3-trees that are not outer 33-quasi-planar. Finally, we restrict outer kk-planar and outer kk-quasi-planar drawings to \emph{closed} drawings, where the vertex sequence on the boundary is a cycle in the graph. For each kk, we express closed outer kk-planarity and \emph{closed outer kk-quasi-planarity} in extended monadic second-order logic. Thus, closed outer kk-planarity is linear-time testable by Courcelle's Theorem.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Lombardi Drawings of Graphs

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    We introduce the notion of Lombardi graph drawings, named after the American abstract artist Mark Lombardi. In these drawings, edges are represented as circular arcs rather than as line segments or polylines, and the vertices have perfect angular resolution: the edges are equally spaced around each vertex. We describe algorithms for finding Lombardi drawings of regular graphs, graphs of bounded degeneracy, and certain families of planar graphs.Comment: Expanded version of paper appearing in the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD 2010). 13 pages, 7 figure

    Efecto promotor del agregado de rodio a catalizadores de Co/ZnAl2O4 para la combustión catalítica de hidrocarburos

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    Una serie de catalizadores de cobalto soportados sobre aluminato de zinc (Cox-ZnAl) modificados con Rh, fue preparada, caracterizada mediante diversas técnicas (BET, XRD, TPR, DRS, FTIR y XPS) y aplicados en las reacciones de oxidación catalítica de propano y naftaleno

    Sexual orientation and symptoms of common mental disorder or low wellbeing: combined meta-analysis of 12 UK population health surveys

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    Background Previous studies have indicated increased risk of mental disorder symptoms, suicide and substance misuse in lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults, compared to heterosexual adults. Our aims were to determine an estimate of the association between sexual orientation identity and poor mental health and wellbeing among adults from 12 population surveys in the UK, and to consider whether effects differed for specific subgroups of the population. Methods Individual data were pooled from the British Cohort Study 2012, Health Survey for England 2011, 2012 and 2013, Scottish Health Survey 2008 to 2013, Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2009/10 and Understanding Society 2011/12. Individual participant meta-analysis was used to pool estimates from each study, allowing for between-study variation. Results Of 94,818 participants, 1.1 % identified as lesbian/gay, 0.9 % as bisexual, 0.8 % as ‘other’ and 97.2 % as heterosexual. Adjusting for a range of covariates, adults who identified as lesbian/gay had higher prevalence of common mental disorder when compared to heterosexuals, but the association was different in different age groups: apparent for those under 35 (OR = 1.78, 95 % CI 1.40, 2.26), weaker at age 35–54.9 (OR = 1.42, 95 % CI 1.10, 1.84), but strongest at age 55+ (OR = 2.06, 95 % CI 1.29, 3.31). These effects were stronger for bisexual adults, similar for those identifying as ‘other’, and similar for 'low wellbeing'. Conclusions In the UK, LGB adults have higher prevalence of poor mental health and low wellbeing when compared to heterosexuals, particularly younger and older LGB adults. Sexual orientation identity should be measured routinely in all health studies and in administrative data in the UK in order to influence national and local policy development and service delivery. These results reiterate the need for local government, NHS providers and public health policy makers to consider how to address inequalities in mental health among these minority groups

    Stomach contents of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus stranded in the North Sea 1990-1996

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    Stomach contents of 17 sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus stranded in Scotland and Denmark during 1990-96 were analysed. All were sub-adult or adult males and stranded between November and March. They had presumably entered the North Sea during their southward migration from feeding grounds in Arctic waters. Other studies indicate that the majority of the whales were apparently healthy. The diet of these whales was found to consist almost entirely of cephalopods, principally squid of the genus Gonatus (hereafter 'Gonatus', but probably G. fabricii, an oceanic species characteristic of Arctic waters). The other prey species identified were also mostly oceanic cephalopods: the squids Histioteuthis bonnellii, Teuthowenia megalops and Todarodes sagittatus and the octopus Haliphron atlanticus. Although these results are consistent with other recent studies in the area based on single stranded whales, they differ from results of work on whales caught during commercial whaling operations in Icelandic waters (1960s to 1980s) in that little evidence of predation on fish was found in the present study. Remains of single individuals of the veined squid Loligo forbesi, the northern octopus Eledone cirrhosa and the saithe Pollachius virens provided the only possible evidence of feeding in the North Sea. We infer that sperm whales do not enter the North Sea to feed. The timing, and large and uniform sizes of the Gonatus species eaten (most had mantle lengths in the range 195 to 245 mm), as estimated from measurements of the lower beaks, and the seasonality of the strandings is consistent with the whales having fed on mature squid, possibly spawning concentrations--as has recently been reported for bottlenose whales. Assuming that the diet recorded in this study was representative of sperm whales during the feeding season, as much as 500000 t of Gonatus could be removed by sperm whales in Norwegian waters each year and up to 3 times that figure from the eastern North Atlantic as a whole. Evidence from other studies indicates that Gonatus is an important food resource for a wide range of marine predators in Arctic waters

    Un proceso en cascada para la obtención de y-valerolactona a partir de fructosa

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    En el presente trabajo se logró deshidratar fructosa para obtener 5-hidroximetil furfural (HMF), molécula plataforma que permite una posterior obtención de biocombustibles y polímeros

    Catalizadores de oro y oxido de cobalto para la oxidación de naftaleno y material particulado

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de la combustión catalítica de naftaleno y material particulado, contaminantes provenientes de los motores de combustión interna, con catalizadores de óxido de cobalto y oro soportados en óxido de circonio y óxido de circonio hidratado. Se caracterizaron con técnicas fisicoquímicas (DRX, BET, FTIR). Los resultados obtenidos son promisorios, particularmente en lo referente a la aplicación de estos sistemas en la combustión de naftaleno donde se ha encontrado una alta conversión de naftaleno a CO₂ a baja temperatura (250ºC).Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Pirólisis de biomasa residual procedente de restos de poda urbana y valorización catalítica del biolíquido

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    En este trabajo se estudia la pirólisis de restos de Platanus × hispánica proveniente de poda urbana de la ciudad de Junín. Se utilizaron muestras de biomasa sin tratar y con diferentes pre-tratamientos básicos (KOH al 2%, 5%, 10% y 20% p/p). Se determinó la composición de las muestras en cuanto a contenido de humedad, cenizas y carbohidratos estructurales y se estudiaron por análisis termogravimétrico (TGA). En el caso de la muestra sin tratamiento previo, el rendimiento a biolíquido (BL) fue de 34.43% mientras que, de las muestras pre-tratadas con base, el rendimiento máximo a BL fue de 29,33% con KOH al 5% y presentan compuestos de bajo peso molecular, principalmente especies de uno, dos y tres carbonos como metanol, etilenglicol, además de ácido acético y compuestos de tipo fenólicos. El BL obtenido se valorizó mediante una reacción de esterificación con etilenglicol, usando un líquido iónico como catalizador, obteniéndose un extracto orgánico con 63% de monoacetato de etilenglicol y 37% de diacetato de etilenglicol.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Efecto de la presencia de vapor de agua en la actividad catalítica de catalizadores de cobalto soportado sobre zirconia

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    El presente trabajo está dirigido al estudio de la estabilidad hidrotérmica del sistema Co/ZrO2 como catalizador de la reacción de reducción de NO empleando un hidrocarburo saturado, propano, como reductor en presencia de oxígeno. Se prepararon los catalizadores con diferentes métodos, se caracterizaron los materiales obtenidos, enfatizando el análisis de las características estructurales del soporte y de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de las especies de cobalto y se analizará la correlación entre estructura y estabilidad.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta