19 research outputs found


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    Bacterial and chemical leaching of metals has established itself as an alternative technology for hydrometallurgical processing and enrichment of ore due to a reduction in capital costs and adverse environmental impact. Various bioleaching processes are successfully used for the processing of sulfide concentrates, poor sulfide and oxidized ores. One of the most important tasks for further development of this branch of biotechnology is the improvement of bioreactor installations (in particular – flow type) and installation of systems of additional control of technological parameters. The article briefly highlights the main results obtained at the GSRC of FEB of RAS within the framework of bioleaching studies of sulfide cobalt-copper-nickel ore. A description of a bioreactor for the study of bioleaching in a batch mode and a cascade type reactor for studying bioleaching in a continuous mode is given. A model of an improved bioreactor for bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ore is presented. A detailed description of the microcontroller control method for technological parameters is given. The field of application of the presented results is laboratory, integrated and semi-industrial tests of the technology of tank and reactor bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ores

    Using ion beam analysis and computer tomography for study the control rods of reactor protection system

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    The work is to develop methods for studying the Control Rods of Reactor Protection System (CR RPS). The isotopic and elemental content powder of boron carbide, the elemental content of alloy of shell of control rods, density and uniformity of the distribution of the absorber in the rod was studied. For investigate isotopic and elemental content was used PIGE and PIXE. A method has been developed and the isotopic composition of B₄C has been experimentally studied on the basis of the registration of γ-radiation excited in the proton reactions of the nuclei of isotopes ¹⁰B, ¹¹B, ¹²C. A method for analyzing the mass content in samples of boron carbide and 42HNM alloy was created for the range of elements from Al to W. The possibilities of research of integrity of a cover of control rods and density and uniformity of distribution in it of an absorber by a method of a computer tomography are studied.Розроблено методи дослідження стрижнів системи захисту реактора (СЗР). Досліджено ізотопний та елементний склади порошку карбіду бору, елементний склад сплаву оболонки керуючих стрижнів, щільність і рівномірність розподілу поглинача в стрижні. Для дослідження ізотопного та елементного вмісту використовували МІЯР та ХРВ. Розроблено метод та експериментально досліджено ізотопний склад B₄C на основі реєстрації γ-випромінювання, що збуджується в протонних реакціях ядер ізотопів ¹⁰B, ¹¹B, ¹²C. Створено метод аналізу масового вмісту в зразках карбіду бору та сплаву 42ХНМ для діапазону елементів від Al до W. Розглянуто можливості дослідження цілісності та щільності оболонки керуючих стрижнів та рівномірності розподілу в ній поглинача методом комп’ютерної томографії

    Structure and mechanical properties of the refractory multicomponent alloys of the Ta-Ti-V-Zr-Al system

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    Refractory high-entropy alloys of the Ta-Ti-V-Zr-Al system, in which the V and Ta contents were varied, were investigated. Criteria, based on the thermodynamic parameters of the binary alloys, melting temperatures of the components, geometric and electronic characteristics of atoms, were used to calculate the possible phase-structural state of the alloys; results were compared with experimental data. Microstructural studies showed the presence of a typical dendritic structure in as-cast alloys with an average grain size of 40 μm, which depends on the concentration of the constituent elements. The microhardness of the alloys was theoretically calculated and experimentally investigated. It was found that the microhardness calculation, based on the data of the valence electrons concentration, bulk modulus and shear modulus, allows to estimate satisfactorily the value of microhardness.Було досліджено тугоплавкі високоентропійні сплави системи Ta-Ti-V-Zr-Al, в якій варіювався вміст V та Ta. Було запропоновано критерії на основі термодинамічних параметрів для бінарних сплавів, температур плавлення компонентів, геометричних та електронних характеристик атомів компонентів для розрахунку можливого фазово-структурного стану сплавів та проведено порівняння із експериментальними даними. Дослідження мікроструктури показали наявність типової дендритної структури в литих сплавах з середнім розміром зерна на рівні 40 мкм, що залежить від концентрації складових елементів. Теоретично розраховану мікротвердість сплавів підтверджено експериментально. Виявилось, що розрахунок мікротвердості на основі концентрації валентних електронів, а також її залежності від об’ємного модуля та модуля зсуву дозволяє зрозуміти порядок величин мікротвердості.Были исследованы тугоплавкие высокоэнтропийные сплавы системы Ta-Ti-V-Zr-Al, в которой варьировалось содержание V и Ta. Предложены критерии на основе термодинамических параметров для бинарных сплавов, температур плавления компонентов, геометрических и электронных характеристик атомов компонентов для расчета возможного фазово-структурного состояния сплавов и сравнения с экспериментальными данными. Исследования микроструктуры показали наличие типичной дендритной структуры в литых сплавах со средним размером зерна на уровне 40 мкм, что зависит от концентрации составляющих элементов. Теоретически рассчитанная микротвердость сплавов была экспериментально подтверждена. Оказалось, что расчет микротвердости на основе концентрации валентных электронов, а также ее зависимости от объемного модуля и сдвига модуля позволяет понять порядок величин микротвердости

    Публічне адміністрування туристичного бізнесу регіону на засадах сталого розвитку

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    Бойко, Є. О. Публічне адміністрування туристичного бізнесу регіону на засадах сталого розвитку = Public administration of regional tourism business on the foundations of sustainable development / Є. О. Бойко, Ю. А. Левенець // Наук. вісн. МГУ. Сер. Економіка і менеджмент. – Одеса, 2016. – Вип. 22. – С. 186–189.Анотація. У статті досліджено теоретичні аспекти публічного адміністрування туристичного бізнесу. Визначено методи державного регулювання туристичного попиту. Проаналізовано вплив громадських організацій на розвиток сприятливих інвестиційних умов у туристичний комплекс. Визначено систему принципів публічного адміністрування туристичного бізнесу в контексті сталого розвитку. Запропоновано концептуальні завдання регіональних органів публічного адміністрування туристичного бізнесу в контексті сталого розвитку.Summary. The theoretical aspects of public administration of tourism business are examined in the article. Methods of state regulation of tourist demand are identified. The influence of non-governmental organizations on the development of a favourable investment climate in the tourist complex is analysed. The system of principles of public administration of tourism business in the context of sustainable development is determined. The conceptual problem of regional bodies of public administration of tourism business in the context of sustainable development is formulated.Аннотация. В статье исследованы теоретические аспекты публичного администрирования туристического бизнеса. Определены методы государственного регулирования туристического спроса. Проанализировано влияние общественных организаций на развитие благоприятных инвестиционных условий в туристический комплекс. Определена система принципов публичного администрирования туристического бизнеса в контексте устойчивого развития. Предложены концептуальные задачи региональных органов публичного администрирования туристического бизнеса в контексте устойчивого развития


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    The distribution of elements in the oxide dispersive strengthened steel at the outputted proton beam into the atmosphere is study. The experiments were performed on an analytical nuclear-physical complex "Sokol" is study. For the analysis of the samples obtained were used vacuum arc melting of steel industry 08Cr18Ni10Ti into which the hardening particles ZrO2 stabilized Y2O3, with a size of 0.1 – 0.5 microns. Mathematical processing of spectral data obtained by mass composition of basic elements and doping impurities studied oxide dispersive strengthened steel. The uniformity of the distribution of elements was studied on entire surface of the sample


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    Bacterial and chemical leaching of metals has established itself as an alternative technology for hydrometallurgical processing and enrichment of ore due to a reduction in capital costs and adverse environmental impact. Various bioleaching processes are successfully used for the processing of sulfide concentrates, poor sulfide and oxidized ores. One of the most important tasks for further development of this branch of biotechnology is the improvement of bioreactor installations (in particular – flow type) and installation of systems of additional control of technological parameters. The article briefly highlights the main results obtained at the GSRC of FEB of RAS within the framework of bioleaching studies of sulfide cobalt-copper-nickel ore. A description of a bioreactor for the study of bioleaching in a batch mode and a cascade type reactor for studying bioleaching in a continuous mode is given. A model of an improved bioreactor for bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ore is presented. A detailed description of the microcontroller control method for technological parameters is given. The field of application of the presented results is laboratory, integrated and semi-industrial tests of the technology of tank and reactor bacterial-chemical leaching of sulfide ores

    Use of mathematical modeling for comparative evaluation of sorption capacity of natural and synthetic zeolites in relation to cesium

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    The comparison of sorption capacity of clinoptilolite and synthetic zeolites (zeolite NaX and zeolite NaA) in relation to the cesium in dynamic conditions was conducted. Dynamic conditions include multiple circulation of cesium containing solution through the sorbent layer. The mathematical modeling of sorption isotherms using the Langmuir equation, the Chebyshev criterion, and the least-squares method was conducted. Correlation of actual and model results indicates that the considered models adequately reflect sorption processes occurring in zeolites. The results of the study make it possible to use the considered models for predicting the behavior of zeolites in relation to cesium

    Coping with cancer in post-communist Europe: a systematic literature review

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    In the post-communist countries, limited access to treatment, lack of financial protection mechanisms, lack of information and low quality of health care frequently imposes an enormous burden on family's well-being when cancer is diagnosed. While many studies have explored barriers to cancer treatment, little attention is paid to the question how patients and their caregivers cope with cancer. In this paper, we systematically review the evidence on patients' coping strategies with cancer in post-communist countries. We performed a literature search in PubMed, JSTOR, Web of Science and EBSCO (CINAHL) to identify papers that describe patients' coping strategies because of organizational and financial barriers to cancer treatment. Papers published between January 1991 and January 2020 were included if they described individual experiences of patients at any stage of cancer treatment. We applied the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Literature Review as a guide for our review. In total, 28 publications from post-communist countries were included in this review. They presented evidence on coping strategies and barriers faced by patients when coping with poor access to cancer treatment, lack of finances, lack of information and low quality of health care services. Most sought coping strategies included using personal finances to pay for medical services, medicines and supplies, charitable contributions to the hospital and informal payments; visiting a private medical doctor; using personal connections and looking for additional information. We conclude that coping strategies are similar across post-communist countries and can be seen as an indicator of the shortcomings in cancer treatment. This evidence can be used to study and/or improve access to cancer treatment and improve health care policies. Research on the prevalence and quantification of coping strategies is needed to provide evidence-informed policies for countries that face gaps in cancer treatment

    Coping with cancer in post-communist Europe: a systematic literature review

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    In the post-communist countries, limited access to treatment, lack of financial protection mechanisms, lack of information and low quality of health care frequently imposes an enormous burden on family's well-being when cancer is diagnosed. While many studies have explored barriers to cancer treatment, little attention is paid to the question how patients and their caregivers cope with cancer. In this paper, we systematically review the evidence on patients' coping strategies with cancer in post-communist countries. We performed a literature search in PubMed, JSTOR, Web of Science and EBSCO (CINAHL) to identify papers that describe patients' coping strategies because of organizational and financial barriers to cancer treatment. Papers published between January 1991 and January 2020 were included if they described individual experiences of patients at any stage of cancer treatment. We applied the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Literature Review as a guide for our review. In total, 28 publications from post-communist countries were included in this review. They presented evidence on coping strategies and barriers faced by patients when coping with poor access to cancer treatment, lack of finances, lack of information and low quality of health care services. Most sought coping strategies included using personal finances to pay for medical services, medicines and supplies, charitable contributions to the hospital and informal payments; visiting a private medical doctor; using personal connections and looking for additional information. We conclude that coping strategies are similar across post-communist countries and can be seen as an indicator of the shortcomings in cancer treatment. This evidence can be used to study and/or improve access to cancer treatment and improve health care policies. Research on the prevalence and quantification of coping strategies is needed to provide evidence-informed policies for countries that face gaps in cancer treatment