13 research outputs found
22.äșé žćçȘçŽ ăźćŒćžćšă«ćăŒăćœ±éżă«éąăăćœąæ ćŠçç 究(珏614ććèć»ćŠäŒäŸäŒă»çŹŹ14ćèșçç 究æœèšäŸäŒ)
<p>The first two columns are the protein IDs of the JGI <i>P</i>. <i>ostreatus</i> genome database.</p
Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Comparative genomics of Coniophora olivacea reveals different patterns of genome expansion in Boletales
Snapshot of synteny dot plot between C. olivacea and C. puteana. (TIFF 582Â kb
L'Auto-vélo : automobilisme, cyclisme, athlétisme, yachting, aérostation, escrime, hippisme / dir. Henri Desgranges
27 juin 19371937/06/27 (A38,N13339)
Additional file 2: Table S1. of Comparative genomics of Coniophora olivacea reveals different patterns of genome expansion in Boletales
Comparison of TE content estimation from REPET and Repeatexplorer. (XLSX 9Â kb
Molecular validation of polymorphic insertions in PC15 and PC9 strains.
<p>Primers I to VIII were designed to flank heterozygous TE insertions (present only in one of the two genomes for a given locus) and were used to amplify the target loci in both strains (<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006108#pgen.1006108.s010" target="_blank">S1 Text</a>). Panel (A) shows TE insertions in PC9 strain, and panel (B) shows TE insertions in PC15.</p
Phylogenetic reconstruction of TIR_1-like Tc1-mariner transposases.
<p>Basidiomycete, ascomycete, animal, and bacterial Tc1-mariner transposases are shown in dark blue, light blue, orange and red, respectively. SH indices are included indicating branch support.</p
Expression of TE families in <i>P</i>. <i>ostreatus</i> PC15 and PC9.
<p>Heatmap combined with hierarchical clustering showing the transcription of each TE family in LOG<sub>2</sub>(RPKM) normalized per copy number. The blue plain line in the heatmap represents the expression value of each family in the x-axis, and the blue dashed line represents a value of 0 in the x-axis.</p
Detection and composition of <i>P</i>. <i>ostreatus</i> TE families.
<p>Venn diagram showing the number of TE families and their percentage of the total library (in parenthesis) identified in PC15 and PC9 genomes by RepeatModeler (RM) and LTRharvest (A). Cumulative plot showing the number of TE families <i>vs</i> total TE fraction (B). PC15 is shown in blue and PC9 in red.</p
Phylogeny and repeat content of eighteen fungal species.
<p>Maximum-likelihood phylogeny inferred with RAxML based on 551 genes and 100 bootstraps. Percentages of assembly gaps are shown near to each bar. Dashed lines are used to align each branch to the tip.</p
Impact of transposable elements on the expression of neighboring genes in <i>P</i>. <i>ostreatus</i>.
<p>Green violin plots show the expression of PC15 (A) and PC9 (B) genes carrying a TE insertion in the three studied scenarios. Controls in A and B (blue) show the expression of all non-TE genes that are not represented in the other three scenarios. Chart C shows the expression of PC15 genes inside TE clusters. Control (blue) shows the expression of all non-TE genes localized inside TE clusters that are not represented in the other three scenarios. Chart D shows the expression of genes localized outside TE clusters. Control (blue) shows the expression of all non-TE genes localized outside TE clusters that are not represented in the other three scenarios. For every chart, the dotted line shows the median of the control group. White circles inside violin plots represent the median of each distribution. An asterisk indicates that the gene expression distribution of the test group and the control is different (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test). The number of genes belonging to each distribution is shown under the plot (n).</p