234 research outputs found


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    L’intĂ©rĂȘt universitaire pour la population Huron-Wendat du dix-septiĂšme siĂšcle en Ontario est loin d’ĂȘtre nouveau. MalgrĂ© cela, ce n’est que trĂšs rĂ©cemment que les archĂ©ologues et autres chercheurs travaillent avec la communautĂ© Huron-Wendat autour des excavations de sites Huron-Wendat en Ontario. Cette implication est un premier pas, mais ne peut ĂȘtre vue comme une rĂ©elle collaboration car dans la plupart des cas les investigations ne sont pas des partenariats et ne rĂ©pondent pas Ă  de questions directement posĂ©es par les membres de la Nation. En 2015, pour le quatre-centiĂšme anniversaire de l’arrivĂ©e de Champlain en Ontario, les membres de la Nation Huron-Wendat et des archĂ©ologues ont co-organisĂ© un colloque autour de sujets significatifs pour la nation, parmi lesquels la relation avec les « Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent », les Wendat et l’histoire Wyandot aprĂšs 1650, ainsi que les analyses bio-archĂ©ologiques. Cet article prĂ©sente une brĂšve histoire de la recherche archĂ©ologique sur le passĂ© Huron-Wendat et dĂ©gage de nouvelles et plus collaboratives voies de recherche prĂ©sentes et Ă  venir.There is a long history of academic interest in the Huron-Wendat people of the seventeenth century in Ontario. Despite this interest, archaeologists and other academics have only recently begun to engage with the Huron-Wendat community regarding excavations of Huron-Wendat sites in Ontario. This engagement is a first step, and it does not represent true collaboration, because in most cases investigations are not partnerships and do not arise from questions posed by members of the Nation. In 2015, to mark the four-hundredth anniversary of the arrival of Champlain in Ontario, members of the Huron-Wendat Nation and archaeologists co-organized a conference focussed on subjects of interest to the Nation, including their relationship with the “St. Lawrence Iroquoians,” Wendat and Wyandot history after 1650, and bioarchaeological analyses. This paper presents a brief history of archaeological research on the Huron-Wendat past and outlines some new, more collaborative avenues of present and future research.Existe uma histĂłria longa de estudo acadĂȘmico do povo Huron-Wendat no sĂ©culo dezessete no Ontario. Apesar disso, Ă© muito recente o engajamento dos arqueĂłlogos e de outros acadĂȘmicos com a comunidade Huron-Wendat em relação Ă s escavaçÔes de sĂ­tios Huron-Wendat no Ontario. Este engajamento constitui um primeiro passo, porĂ©m nĂŁo representa uma verdadeira colaboração considerando que na maioria dos casos as investigaçÔes nĂŁo sĂŁo parcerias e nĂŁo se baseiam em perguntas diretamente formuladas pelos membros da Nação. Em 2015, para marcar o aniversario de quatrocentos anos da chegada de Champlain no Ontario, membros da Nação Huron-Wendat e arqueĂłlogos co-organizaram um colĂłquio sobre temas de grande interesse para a Nação, incluindo a relação com os “St. Lawrence Iroquoians,” os Wendat e a histĂłria dos Wyandot depois de 1650, assim como anĂĄlises bio-arqueolĂłgicas. Este artigo apresenta uma breve histĂłria da pesquisa arqueolĂłgica sobre o passado dos Huron-Wendat e revela alguns novos, e mais colaborativos, caminhos de pesquisas presentes e futuras

    Comparative Effects on Plants of Caribou/Reindeer, Moose and White-tailed Deer Herbivory

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    We reviewed the literature reporting negative or positive effects on vegetation of herbivory by caribou/reindeer, moose, and white-tailed deer in light of the hypothesis of exploitation ecosystems (EEH), which predicts that most of the negative impacts will occur in areas where wolves were extirpated. We were able to list 197 plant taxa negatively affected by the three cervid species, as opposed to 24 that benefited from their herbivory. The plant taxa negatively affected by caribou/reindeer (19), moose (37), and white-tailed deer (141) comprised 5%, 9%, and 11% of vascular plants present in their respective ranges. Each cervid affected mostly species eaten during the growing season: lichens and woody species for caribou/reindeer, woody species and aquatics for moose, and herbs and woody species for white-tailed deer. White-tailed deer were the only deer reported to feed on threatened or endangered plants. Studies related to damage caused by caribou/reindeer were scarce and often concerned lichens. Most reports for moose and white-tailed deer came from areas where wolves were absent or rare. Among the three cervids, white-tailed deer might damage the most vegetation because of its smaller size and preference for herbs.À la lumiĂšre de l'hypothĂšse de l'exploitation des Ă©cosystĂšmes (EEH), nous avons examinĂ© les publications qui mentionnent les effets nĂ©gatifs ou positifs, sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation, du broutement du caribou/renne, de l'orignal et du cerf de Virginie. Cette hypothĂšse prĂ©dit que les impacts nĂ©gatifs se concentrent dans des endroits oĂč le loup a Ă©tĂ© Ă©liminĂ©. Nous avons pu Ă©numĂ©rer 197 taxons vĂ©gĂ©taux affectĂ©s nĂ©gativement par les trois cervidĂ©s, contre 24 qui profitaient du broutement. Le nombre de taxons vĂ©gĂ©taux affectĂ©s nĂ©gativement par le broutement du caribou/renne (19), de l'orignal (37) et du cerf de Virginie (141) reprĂ©sentait respectivement 5, 9 et 11 p. cent des plantes vasculaires situĂ©es dans les aires de rĂ©partition spĂ©cifiques des animaux. Chaque cervidĂ© affectait surtout les espĂšces consommĂ©es durant la saison de croissance vĂ©gĂ©tale: lichens et plantes ligneuses pour le caribou/renne, plantes ligneuses et aquatiques pour l'orignal, et plantes herbacĂ©es et ligneuses pour le cerf de Virginie. Selon les rapports, ce dernier Ă©tait le seul cerf qui broutait des plantes menacĂ©es ou en voie de disparition. Les Ă©tudes rapportant des dommages causĂ©s par le caribou/renne Ă©taient rares et traitaient souvent des lichens. La plupart des rapports sur l'orignal et le cerf de Virginie couvraient des zones oĂč le loup Ă©tait rare ou absent. Des trois cervidĂ©s, celui qui causerait le plus de dommages Ă  la vĂ©gĂ©tation est le cerf de Virginie, en raison de sa taille plus petite et de sa prĂ©fĂ©rence pour les plantes herbacĂ©es

    Summer Diet of Two White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Populations Living at Low and High Density in Southern Québec

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    We investigated summer diets of two White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations through rumen content analyses. Samples from 93 deer were collected in a low density, LD (1 deer/km2) and a high density, HD (14 deer/km2) area of southern QuĂ©bec during the growing seasons of 1997 and 1998. Availability of preferred forage in forests was greater in LD than in HD, whereas agriculture covered a larger proportion of the area in HD than LD. Rumen composition differed between the two populations. Deer from HD consumed less forbs and leaves of shrubs and trees than did LD deer, whereas they consumed more fruits, grasses and farm crops. The rarity in HD rumens of food items common in LD, as well as in many parts of the White-tailed Deer range (i.e., Lilliacae), indicated that deer could not compensate for the rarity of preferred forest forage by increasing foraging time and had to feed on cultivated crops. Rumen contents of LD deer had a higher level of cell solubles and lignin, which reflected their greater reliance on quality forage growing in forests. Feeding habits and forage quality can explain why deer body size decreased in HD between the 1970s and 1990s whereas LD deer remained large.Nous avons examinĂ© le rĂ©gime alimentaire estival de deux populations de cerf de Virginie (Odocoileus virginianus) par l’analyse du contenu des rumens. Des Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s sur 93 cerfs provenant d’un secteur Ă  faible densitĂ© de cerfs, LD, (1 cerf/km2) et d’un secteur Ă  haute densitĂ©, HD, (14 cerfs/km2) du sud du QuĂ©bec durant la saison de croissance des vĂ©gĂ©taux de 1997 et 1998. La disponibilitĂ© des aliments forestiers prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s des cerfs Ă©tait plus grande dans LD que dans HD alors que la proportion du territoire agricole Ă©tait supĂ©rieure dans HD. La composition des rumens des cerfs de chacune des rĂ©gions diffĂ©rait. Les cerfs de HD ont consommĂ© de moins grandes proportions de plantes herbacĂ©es et de feuilles d’arbustes et d’arbres que ceux du secteur LD, mais de plus grandes proportions de fruits, de graminĂ©es et de plantes agricoles. La raretĂ© dans les rumens du secteur HD d’aliments communs dans ceux du secteur LD et dans plusieurs autres rĂ©gions de l’aire de rĂ©partition du cerf (e.g., Lilliacae), indique que les cerfs du secteur HD ne pouvaient compenser pour la raretĂ© de leurs aliments prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s par un accroissement de la durĂ©e de la quĂȘte alimentaire, et qu’ils devaient consommer des plantes agricoles. Les cerfs de LD ont mangĂ© des aliments contenant plus de solubles cellulaires et de lignine que ceux de HD, ce qui reflĂšte une consommation de plantes forestiĂšres de bonne qualitĂ©. Le rĂ©gime alimentaire et la qualitĂ© de la nourriture peuvent expliquer pourquoi la taille des cerfs de HD a diminuĂ© entre les annĂ©es 1970 et 1990 alors que celle des cerfs de LD est demeurĂ©e grande

    Coherence correlations in the dissipative two-state system

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    We study the dynamical equilibrium correlation function of the polaron-dressed tunneling operator in the dissipative two-state system. Unlike the position operator, this coherence operator acts in the full system-plus-reservoir space. We calculate the relevant modified influence functional and present the exact formal expression for the coherence correlations in the form of a series in the number of tunneling events. For an Ohmic spectral density with the particular damping strength K=1/2K=1/2, the series is summed in analytic form for all times and for arbitrary values of temperature and bias. Using a diagrammatic approach, we find the long-time dynamics in the regime K<1K<1. In general, the coherence correlations decay algebraically as t−2Kt^{-2K} at T=0. This implies that the linear static susceptibility diverges for K≀1/2K\le 1/2 as T→0T\to 0, whereas it stays finite for K>1/2K>1/2 in this limit. The qualitative differences with respect to the asymptotic behavior of the position correlations are explained.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Boundary interactions changing operators and dynamical correlations in quantum impurity problems

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    Recent developments have made possible the computation of equilibrium dynamical correlators in quantum impurity problems. In many situations however, one is rather interested in correlators subject to a non equilibrium initial preparation; this is the case for instance for the occupation probability P(t)P(t) in the double well problem of dissipative quantum mechanics (DQM). We show in this paper how to handle this situation in the framework of integrable quantum field theories by introducing ``boundary interactions changing operators''. We determine the properties of these operators by using an axiomatic approach similar in spirit to what is done for form-factors. This allows us to obtain new exact results for P(t)P(t); for instance, we find that that at large times (or small gg), the leading behaviour for g < 1/2} is P(t)∝e−Γtcos⁥ΩtP(t)\propto e^{-\Gamma t}\cos\Omega t, with the universal ratio. Ω/Γ=cotâĄÏ€g/2(1−g)\Omega/\Gamma = \cot {\pi g}/{2(1-g)}.Comment: 4 pages, revte

    Molting, Staging, and Wintering Locations of Common Eiders Breeding in the Gyrfalcon Archipelago, Ungava Bay

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    The northern common eider (Somateria mollissima borealis) has become a source of concern because of recent declines and possible overharvest. Birds that breed in the Canadian mid-Arctic winter in both Greenland and Canada, but the wintering grounds of birds that breed farther south are unknown. Our objectives were thus to identify the molting and wintering areas of birds breeding in Ungava Bay and to compare their home-range sizes during the pre-molt, molt, post-molt, and winter periods. Using satellite telemetry, we determined that common eiders breeding in the lower Arctic winter in Greenland (67%) and Canada (33%). These proportions are consistent with the split established for common eiders that breed farther north. Females spent their pre-molt period close to their breeding islands and had the smallest home ranges during the molt period. Winter home ranges were larger in Canada than in Greenland, probably because they contained more ice. Once settled, birds wintered in a relatively small area and did not undertake long movements. Distance between molt and winter sites ranged between 1054 and 2173 km. Duration of migration to or from wintering areas varied among individuals from rapid movement in a few days to slow progress over a month. Fall migration occurred in late October or early November, and spring migration, in early to mid-May. This study highlights the importance of Ungava Bay for northern common eiders and the need for international collaboration to ensure sustainable use of the resource.L’eider Ă  duvet du nord (Somateria mollissima borealis) reprĂ©sente une source de prĂ©occupation en raison de dĂ©clins rĂ©cents et de rĂ©coltes susceptibles d’ĂȘtre excessives. Les oiseaux nichant dans la zone arctique moyenne canadienne hivernent au Groenland et au Canada, mais l’aire d’hivernage des oiseaux nichant plus au sud n’est pas connue. Nos objectifs consistaient donc Ă  identifier les aires de mue et d’hivernage des oiseaux nichant dans la baie d’Ungava et de comparer leur aire d’activitĂ© lors des pĂ©riodes de prĂ©-mue, de mue, d’aprĂšs-mue et d’hiver. Au moyen de la tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©trie satellitaire, nous avons dĂ©terminĂ© que l’eider Ă  duvet nichant dans la zone arctique infĂ©rieure hiverne au Groenland (67 %) et au Canada (33 %). Ces proportions sont similaires Ă  celles trouvĂ©es dans les colonies d’eider Ă  duvet plus nordiques. Les femelles passent la pĂ©riode de la prĂ©-mue prĂšs de leurs Ăźles de nidification et sont les plus restreintes en termes d’aire utilisĂ©e lors de la pĂ©riode de mue. Les aires d’activitĂ© hivernale Ă©taient plus grandes au Canada qu’au Groenland, probablement en raison de la plus grande prĂ©sence de glaces au Canada. Une fois sur leur site d’hivernage, les oiseaux Ă©voluaient dans une aire relativement petite et n’entreprenaient pas de longs dĂ©placements. La distance entre les sites de mue et d’hivernage variait entre 1 054 et 2 173 kilomĂštres. La durĂ©e de la migration variait d’un individu Ă  l’autre, allant de dĂ©placements rapides sur quelques jours Ă  des dĂ©placements plus lents sur prĂšs d’un mois. La migration automnale a dĂ©butĂ© Ă  la fin octobre, dĂ©but novembre et celle du printemps vers le dĂ©but et la mi-mai. Cette Ă©tude met en Ă©vidence la grande importance de la baie d’Ungava pour l’eider Ă  duvet du nord de mĂȘme que le besoin de collaboration internationale pour assurer l’utilisation soutenue de cette ressource

    A surveillance system to monitor excess mortality of people with mental illness in Canada

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    Objective: Outcome measures are rarely available for surveillance and system performance monitoring for mental disorders and addictions. Our study aims to demonstrate the feasibility and face validity of routinely measuring the mortality gap in the Canadian context at the provincial and regional levels using the methods and data available to the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) of the Public Health Agency of Canada. Methods: We used longitudinal data from the Quebec Integrated Chronic Disease Surveillance System, which also provides aggregated data to the CCDSS. This includes data from the health insurance registry physician claims and the hospital discharge abstract for all mental disorder diagnoses (International Classification of Diseases [ICD]-9 290-319 or ICD-10 F00-F99). Patients were defined as having had received a mental disorder diagnosis at least once during the year. Life expectancy was measured using Chiang's method for abridged life tables, complemented by the Hsieh method for adjustment of the last age interval. Results: We found a lower life expectancy among psychiatric patients of 8 years for men and 5 years for women. For patients with schizophrenia, life expectancy was lowered by 12 years for men and 8 years for women. Cardiovascular disease and cancer were the most common causes of premature death. Findings were consistent across time and regions of the province. Lower estimates of the mortality gap, compared with literature, could be explained by the inclusion of primary care patients and methods. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates the feasibility of using administrative data to measure the impact of current and future mental health plans in Canada provided the techniques can be replicated in other Canadian provinces

    Crustal structure below Popocat\'epetl Volcano (Mexico) from analysis of Rayleigh waves

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    An array of ten broadband stations was installed on the Popocat\'epetl volcano (Mexico) for five months between October 2002 and February 2003. 26 regional and teleseismic earthquakes were selected and filtered in the frequency time domain to extract the fundamental mode of the Rayleigh wave. The average dispersion curve was obtained in two steps. Firstly, phase velocities were measured in the period range [2-50] s from the phase difference between pairs of stations, using Wiener filtering. Secondly, the average dispersion curve was calculated by combining observations from all events in order to reduce diffraction effects. The inversion of the mean phase velocity yielded a crustal model for the volcano which is consistent with previous models of the Mexican Volcanic Belt. The overall crustal structure beneath Popocat\'epetl is therefore not different from the surrounding area, and the velocities in the lower crust are confirmed to be relatively low. Lateral variations of the structure were also investigated by dividing the network into four parts and by applying the same procedure to each sub-array. No well-defined anomalies appeared for the two sub-arrays for which it was possible to measure a dispersion curve. However, dispersion curves associated with individual events reveal important diffraction for 6 s to 12 s periods which could correspond to strong lateral variations at 5 to 10 km depth
