1,315 research outputs found

    Discrete curvature approximations and segmentation of polyhedral surfaces

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    The segmentation of digitized data to divide a free form surface into patches is one of the key steps required to perform a reverse engineering process of an object. To this end, discrete curvature approximations are introduced as the basis of a segmentation process that lead to a decomposition of digitized data into areas that will help the construction of parametric surface patches. The approach proposed relies on the use of a polyhedral representation of the object built from the digitized data input. Then, it is shown how noise reduction, edge swapping techniques and adapted remeshing schemes can participate to different preparation phases to provide a geometry that highlights useful characteristics for the segmentation process. The segmentation process is performed with various approximations of discrete curvatures evaluated on the polyhedron produced during the preparation phases. The segmentation process proposed involves two phases: the identification of characteristic polygonal lines and the identification of polyhedral areas useful for a patch construction process. Discrete curvature criteria are adapted to each phase and the concept of invariant evaluation of curvatures is introduced to generate criteria that are constant over equivalent meshes. A description of the segmentation procedure is provided together with examples of results for free form object surfaces

    Cerebral tissue pO2 response to stimulation is preserved with age in awake mice

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    Published in final edited form as: Neurosci Lett. 2019 April 23; 699: 160–166. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2019.02.007.Compromised oxygen supply to cerebral tissue could be an important mechanism contributing to age-related cognition decline. We recently showed in awake mice that resting cerebral tissue pO2 decreases with age, a phenomenon that manifests mainly after middle-age. To extend these findings, here we aimed to study how tissue pO2 response to neuronal stimulation is affected by aging. We used two-photon phosphorescence lifetime microscopy to directly measure the brain tissue pO2 response to whisker stimulation in healthy awake young, middle-aged and old mice. We show that despite a decrease in baseline tissue pO2, the amplitude of the tissue pO2 response to stimulation is well preserved with age. However, the response dynamics are altered towards a slower response with reduced post-stimulus undershoot in older ages, possibly due to stiffer vessel wall among other factors. An estimation of the net oxygen consumption rate using a modified Krogh model suggests that the O2 overshoot during stimulation may be necessary to secure a higher capillary O2 delivery to the tissue proportional to increased CMRO2 to maintain the capillary tissue pO2. It was observed that the coupling between the CMRO2 and capillary O2 delivery is preserved with age.Accepted manuscrip

    Establishing Confidence and Understanding Uncertainty in Real-Time Systems

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    Outils de base pour l'extraction de caractéristiques de surfaces numérisées

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    La construction d'une surface paramétrique à partir de données issues de la numérisation d'un objet réel est une étape longue et fastidieuse pour l'utilisateur. La difficulté principale de ce processus réside dans la décomposition de la surface de l'objet en carreaux comportant, de préférence, quatre côtés. La segmentation la plus naturelle pour l'utilisateur est une décomposition supportée par des lignes caractéristiques de la surface (arêtes vives, lignes de changement de courbure,...). En effet, l'utilisation de ces propriétés permet d'obtenir une décomposition représentative des caractéristiques géométriques de la surface. Les algorithmes développés utilisent un modèle polyédrique. La technique proposée repose sur des approximations de courbures faites sur les entités (sommets et arêtes) du polyèdre pour extraire, dans un premier temps, les "arêtes vives" et, par la suite, une première segmentation de la surface. Les "arêtes vives" sont identifiées par un algorithme basé sur des critères appelés invariants de courbures discrètes. Ces critères sont calculés pour chaque sommet et arête du polyèdre. Ils sont à rapprocher des approximations de courbures discrètes classiques, mais ils définissent la "forme" d'une surface au voisinage d'un sommet ou d'une arête. Le principe d'extraction consiste alors à sélectionner un ensemble ordonné d'arêtes vérifiant certaines propriétés géométriques. Chaque partition (ensemble connecté de faces) est une zone de la surface ayant une courbure locale plus ou moins constante. Les partitions sont identifiées grâce à une technique de propagation de fronts. Les faces adjacentes au front sont insérées dans celui-ci si les approximations de courbures calculées sur leurs sommets vérifient les critères de l'algorithme. Les "arêtes vives" préalablement extraites permettent de prendre en compte des discontinuités de courbures qui constituent des contraintes complémentaires pour la propagation de chaque front.In many areas of industry, it is desirable to create geometric models of existing objects for which no such model is available. Starting from a polyhedral representation on the digitized points measured on the object, this approach proposes a first phase of a segmentation process from a polyhedral surface prior to the generation of a NURBS model. Its main idea is to find a curve network, which divides the surfaces by means of a series of "feature polygonal lines". The advantage of this approach is that the patch structure will reflect the user's concept of the structure of the surface. Noise reduction and smoothing processes take place before the segmentation process to produce adequate input data for it. The approach is based on different approximations of curvature measurements of the surface to extract, at first, the sharp edges and secondly areas forming a first segmentation of the surface. This approach is interactive and allows the user to adapt threshold values to the various areas of the object. The sharp edges are found by an algorithm, which uses criteria based on discrete curvature invariant. These criteria are based on the approximation of curvatures (mean, gaussian, absolute), which strictly describe the local form of the surface around an edge or a vertex. According to a user threshold, the result of this algorithm is a set of list of edges. Each partition of the segmentation is an area of the surface with an almost constant curvature. Each of them is found with a frontal method. A front is initiated from a face, which satisfies a discrete curvature criterion. Faces adjacent to this front are admitted in it if the value of a curvature approximation for each of their vertices verifies the same discrete curvature criterion. Sharp edges defined beforehand express curvature or tangency discontinuities, which form complementary constraints for the front propagation algorithm

    Situational Awareness from a Low-Cost Camera System

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    A method gathers scene information from a low-cost camera system. Existing surveillance systems using sufficient cameras for continuous coverage of a large field necessarily generate enormous amounts of raw data. Digitizing and channeling that data to a central computer and processing it in real time is difficult when using low-cost, commercially available components. A newly developed system is located on a combined power and data wire to form a string-of-lights camera system. Each camera is accessible through this network interface using standard TCP/IP networking protocols. The cameras more closely resemble cell-phone cameras than traditional security camera systems. Processing capabilities are built directly onto the camera backplane, which helps maintain a low cost. The low power requirements of each camera allow the creation of a single imaging system comprising over 100 cameras. Each camera has built-in processing capabilities to detect events and cooperatively share this information with neighboring cameras. The location of the event is reported to the host computer in Cartesian coordinates computed from data correlation across multiple cameras. In this way, events in the field of view can present low-bandwidth information to the host rather than high-bandwidth bitmap data constantly being generated by the cameras. This approach offers greater flexibility than conventional systems, without compromising performance through using many small, low-cost cameras with overlapping fields of view. This means significant increased viewing without ignoring surveillance areas, which can occur when pan, tilt, and zoom cameras look away. Additionally, due to the sharing of a single cable for power and data, the installation costs are lower. The technology is targeted toward 3D scene extraction and automatic target tracking for military and commercial applications. Security systems and environmental/ vehicular monitoring systems are also potential applications

    Les préférences résidentielles des personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux graves : une étude descriptive

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    Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude exploratoire portant sur les préférences résidentielles de 315 personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux graves hébergées dans sept types d’hébergement à Montréal. Le portrait d’ensemble qui se dégage de cette étude met en évidence que 22,0 % des usagers préféreraient habiter dans leur propre appartement, 16,0 % dans les HLM ou OSBL, 14,1 % dans les appartements supervisés et 11,5 % dans les ressources de type familial. On note aussi que 31,7 % d’entre eux préfèrent le type de logement dans lequel ils habitaient au moment de l’étude. Notre réflexion sur les résultats de cette étude nous amène à conclure qu’une variété de types de ressources résidentielles demeure nécessaire pour rencontrer la diversité de besoins des usagers.This article presents the results of an exploratory study on housing preferences of 315 people with serious mental illness living in seven types of housing in Montreal. The overall portrait that emerged from the study revealed that 22,0 % of the participants prefer to live in their own apartment, 16,0 % in HLM or OSBL, 14,1 % in a supervised apartment, and 11,5 % in a foster home. In addition, 31,7 % prefer the type of housing they were living in at the time of the study. The authors conclude that a variety of housing resources are necessary to meet the diverse needs of consumers.Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio acerca de las preferencias residenciales de 315 personas que sufren de trastornos mentales graves albergadas en siete tipos de alojamiento en Montreal. La imagen global que se desprende de este estudio pone en evidencia que 22.00% de los usuarios prefieren vivir en su propio apartamento, 16.00% en las habitaciones de renta módica (HLM) u organismos no lucrativos (OSBL), 14.1% en los apartamentos supervisados y 11.5% en los recursos de tipo familiar. Notamos también que 31.7% de ellos prefiere el tipo de vivienda en la que habitan en el momento del estudio. Nuestra reflexión acerca de los resultados de este estudio nos lleva a concluir que sigue siendo necesaria una variedad de tipos de recursos residenciales para enfrentar la diversidad de las necesidades de los usuarios.Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo exploratório que trata das preferências residenciais de 315 pessoas que sofrem de transtornos mentais graves, instaladas em sete tipos de hospedagem em Montreal. O quadro geral obtido pelo estudo evidencia que 22% dos usuários preferem morar em seu próprio apartamento, 16% nos abrigos HLM (habitação de aluguel módico) ou Organismos Sem Fins Lucrativos, 14,1% em apartamentos supervisionados e 11,5% em recursos de tipo familiar. É possível notar também que 31,7% destas pessoas preferem o tipo de alojamento no qual eles moram no momento do estudo. Nossa reflexão sobre os resultados deste estudo nos leva a concluir que uma variedade de tipos de recursos residenciais continua sendo necessária para atender à diversidade de necessidades dos usuários

    Forecast-Based Interference : Modelling Multicore Interference from Observable Factors

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    While there is significant interest in the use of COTS multicore platforms for Real-time Systems, there has been very little in terms of practical methods to calculate the interference multiplier (i.e. the increase in execution time due to interference) between tasks on such systems. COTS multicore platforms present two distinct challenges: firstly, the variable interference between tasks competing for shared resources such as cache, and secondly the complexity of the hardware mechanisms and policies used, which may result in a system which is very difficult if not impossible to analyse; assuming that the exact details of the hardware are even disclosed! This paper proposes a new technique, Forecast-Based Interference analysis, which mitigates both of these issues by combining measurement-based techniques with statistical techniques and forecast modelling to enable the prediction of an interference multiplier for a given set of tasks, in an automated and reliable manner. The combination of execution times and interference multipliers can be used both in the design, e.g. for specifying timing watchdogs, and analysis, e.g. verifying schedulability
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