81 research outputs found

    Oological collections and egg collectors of Brazilian birds: an overview

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    Egg collections have been poorly studied and cataloged both in Brazil and overseas. In Brazil, there is a lack of both historical and current tradition of establishing and curating egg collections. This paper provides information about the size of collections, collecting dates, major collectors, geographic locations, and institutions holding egg sets of Brazilian birds. Through this effort, we recovered part of the history of Brazilian ornithology and provide general directions for those interested in studying egg sets deposited in scientific collections. We retrieved information from 5,888 egg sets collected in Brazil between 1818-2022, currently deposited at 45 institutions/museums. The four largest egg collections in Brazil are at MZUSP, MN, COMB and MPEG. However, around half of the egg sets are deposited in institutions from Europe (mainly at MLUH and ZMB in Germany, NMW in Austria, NHM in the UK, and CRRM in Romania) and the USA (mainly at the WFVZ). Most egg sets were collected between the 1890s and 1930s, and after 2010. In Brazil, 70% of the egg sets were collected in five Brazilian states (MG, SP, SC, PA, and RS). Overall, egg collecting was uneven in space and time. We traced ~330 egg collectors, but most egg sets were collected by José Caetano Guimarães Sobrinho, while Caio Guimarães Chagas was probably the greatest collection owner in Brazil. A recent increase in egg collecting shows a renewed interest in assembling this type of bird vouchers. A scientifically sustained, planned and ethical collection of eggs should continue in Brazil since the breeding biology of many species is still poorly known, and since egg sets are important to provide data for new studies on the ecology, evolution, and conservation of Brazilian birds

    On the ocurrence of Philornis angustifrons and P. deceptiva (Diptera, Muscidae) in nests of Suiriri affinis and S. islerorum (Aves, Tyrannidae) in the savanna of Distrito Federal, Brazil

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    The first report of Philornis angustifrons and P. deceptiva infesting nests of Suiriri affinis and S. islerorum in area of Distrito Federal's savanna is presented. It is known that larvae of these species have a strict relationship of parasitism with birds. The pupae were collected after the abandonment of the nests and the flies emerged in a period of about 13 days

    Morphological profile of Brazilian jiu-jitsu elite athletes

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    Athletes from many sports that are categorized by body mass tend to reduce it to fit in lower categories. Such reduction can compromise the athlete's performance and health. In order to determine the most appropriate category, the body composition is highly relevant, especially to avoid excessive reduction. Thus, this study analyzed the morphological profile of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu elite athletes. The sample was composed of 11 athletes, aged 25.8 +/- 3.3 years, medalists in national and/or international competitions. The analysis was performed to determine the anthropometric body composition and somatotype. Body fat percentage from this population was 10.3 +/- 2.6 % fat, a high percentage of muscle mass (61.3 +/- 1.5 %), and predominant mesomorphic component (5.5 +/- 1.0) was observed. The points of highest and lowest fat accumulation were respectively abdominal (15.7 +/- 6.3 mm) and chest (6.8 +/- 1.5 mm) regions. It can be concluded that athletes from this sport showed higher body mass during the preparatory period than in competitive conditions (4.4 +/- 2.4 %); however, they showed low body fat, high muscle mass percentage and predominant mesomorphic component.CNPqCNPQCAPES organsCAPES organ

    Os reflexos da territorialização na longitudinalidade do processo saúde-doença / The reflexes of territorialization in the longitudinality of the health-disease process

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    Desbravar e entender a estrutura e a dinâmica espacial da sociedade é o ponto de partida para a caracterização de situações de saúde. Além disso, esclarecer esse cenário permite planejar ações de controle de saúde e atribuir recursos que beneficiem a estrutura social. A compreensão do espaço propicia o entendimento máximo e a resolução do contexto no qual um evento ocorre. A importância e eficiência da aplicabilidade desses princípios simultaneamente são evidenciadas no atendimento diário da UBS Jardim Esperança, em Itajaí – SC. Desenvolvimento: Diante desse cenário, vimos a aplicabilidade da relação territorialização e longitudinalidade em uma de nossas vivências diárias na UBS, exemplificado pela nossa experiência com o paciente V.B. e sua esposa D.B. O primeiro, hipertenso e diabético compensado, pelo entendimento da importância do tratamento. Já ela, também hipertensa e diabética, todavia descompensada, por negligenciar a medicação. Após visitas domiciliares frequentes e o estabelecimento de um vínculo baseado na longitudinalidade, D.B. acabou entendendo a importância do tratamento, aceitando-o. Considerações Finais: Este caso foi a prova que o trabalho da equipe no atendimento tem-se mostrado eficiente no que se diz respeito ao conhecimento espacial da sociedade, bem como no destaque dado no processo de geração de vínculo com essas pessoas. A análise dessa evolução em relação à eficiência do atendimento tem como objetivo aprimorar ainda mais o mesmo, aproximando realidade e eficiência

    Physiological responses and rate of perceived exertion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes

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    In this study, the physiological responses and rate of perceived exertion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighters submitted to a combat simulation were investigated. Venous blood samples and heart rate were taken from twelve male Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes (27.1+/-2.7 yrs, 75.4+/-8.8 kg, 174.9+/-4.4 cm, 9.2+/-2.4% fat), at rest, after a warm-up (ten minutes), immediately after the fight simulation (seven minutes) and after recovery (fourteen minutes). After the combat the rate of perceived exertion was collected. The combat of the Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighters did not change blood concentrations of glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein, ureia and ammonia. However, blood levels of high density lipoprotein were significantly higher post-fight (before: 43.0+/-6.9 mg/dL, after: 45.1+/-8.0 mg/dL) and stayed at high levels during the recovery period (43.6+/-8.1 mg/dL) compared to the rest values (40.0+/-6.6 mg/dL). The fight did not cause changes in the concentrations of the cell damage markers of creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase and creatinine. However, blood concentrations of the alanine aminotransferase (before: 16.1+/-7.1 U/L, after: 18.6+/-7.1 U/L) and lactate dehydrogenase (before: 491.5+/-177.6 U/L, after: 542.6+/-141.4 U/L) enzymes were elevated after the fight. Heart rate (before: 122+/-25 bpm, after: 165+/-17 bpm) and lactate (before: 2.5+/-1.2 mmol/L, after: 11.9+/-5.8 mmol/L) increased significantly with the completion of combat. Despite this, the athletes rated the fight as being light or somewhat hard (12+/-2). These results showed that muscle glycogen is not the only substrate used in Brazilian jiu-jitsu fights, since there are indications of activation of the glycolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic pathways. Furthermore, the athletes rated the combats as being light or somewhat hard although muscle damage markers were generated.CNPqCNPqCNPqCNPQ [471201/2012-0

    Aves da Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brasil: uma síntese histórica do conhecimento

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    Here we present a historical review of all known ornithological surveys carried out at Chapada dos Guimarães, central-western Brazil. We characterize the avifauna of the region following a critical review of all bird species listed by several generations of ornithologists. The final species account was produced based on extensive literature and museum consultation and on recent field work. Special attention is given to the series of papers by J.A. Allen, which was based on the monumental collecting work by H.H. Smith and his wife on the 19th century. The study area is predominantly characterized by a Cerrado bird assemblage and in a lesser extent, by Amazonian elements. A total of 393 bird species have confident records for the region. Other 52 species were cited for the region, but were judged unlikely to occur in the study area under our stringent criteria. Twenty four species collected by the Smiths are no longer recorded in the region. Six of these species are sensitive grassland specialists, and three are popular cagebirds. These species are probably extinct in the area. Seven species are waterbirds and two are Amazonian species, all of them have probably always been very rare in the region due to the lack of apropriate habitat. Six species are naturally rare, and could be overlooked. We report the first documented record of Caprimulgus longirostris for Mato Grosso and the second record of Pipraeidea melanonota for the state. We also comment on several apparently rare species on the region such as Ictinia mississipensis, Buteo melanoleucus, Harpia harpyja, Megascops usta, Asio flammeus, Berlepschia rikeri, Euscarthmus rufomarginatus, Xenopsaris albinucha, and Poospiza cinerea.É apresentada uma revisão histórica dos inventários ornitológicos conduzidos na Chapada dos Guimarães, centro-oeste do Brasil. A avifauna da região é caracterizada a partir de uma revisão crítica de todas as listas de espécies produzidas por várias gerações de ornitólogos, espécimes depositados em museus e meticulosos trabalhos de campo. Especial atenção foi dada às publicações de J.A. Allen, baseadas na monumental coleção preparada por H.H. Smith e sua esposa no final do século XIX. A avifauna da região é típica do Cerrado, abrigando também espécies amazônicas. Um total de 393 espécies de aves é listado para a região, sendo outras 52 espécies citadas pela literatura consideradas de ocorrência improvável baseado nos critérios restritivos adotados. Vinte e quatro espécies coletadas pelos Smith não foram mais registradas para a região. Seis destas espécies são campestres e bastante sensíveis a alterações antrópicas, enquanto que outras três são perseguidas pelo comércio ilegal de aves. Estas espécies provavelmente se encontram extintas na região. Sete outras espécies associadas a corpos hídricos, e duas de distribuição predominantemente Amazônica, eram provavelmente raras na região, mesmo em tempos históricos, principalmente devido à falta de hábitat adequado. Seis outras são normalmente raras, podendo ter passado despercebidas. São apresentados o primeiro registro documentado de Caprimulgus longirostris para o Mato Grosso e o segundo registro de Pipraeidea melanonota para o estado. Também são discutidos os registros de outras espécies raras na região, tais como Ictinia mississipensis, Buteo melanoleucus, Harpia harpyja, Megascops usta, Asio flammeus, Berlepschia rikeri, Euscarthmus rufomarginatus, Xenopsaris albinucha e Poospiza cinerea