841 research outputs found


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    This study evaluated some mechanical properties of the gastrocnemius muscle immobilized and submitted to neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) through Russian current. Thirty-two (32) Wistar female rats were used, divided into four groups: control (CG), immobilized (IG); immobilized and later free mobilization (IFG) immobilized and later NMES (NMESG). Mechanical experiment of longitudinal traction was carried out to attain the mechanical properties. Results: maximum load 33.68±3.58N (CG), 18.36±4.43N (IG), 25.54±2.88N (IFG) and 28.25±5.88N (NMESG). Maximum elongation 18.37±0.49x10-3m (CG), 10.84±2.11x10-3m (IG), 15.82±1.71x10-3m (IFG) and 17.08±2.30x10-3m (NMESG). Stiffness 1555.14±222.43N/m (CG), 2193.60±847.90N/m (IG), 1715.25±137.25N/m (IFG) and 1654.80±262.28N/m (NMESG). The study suggests that the NMES is not capable to reestablish the muscle mechanical properties after the immobilization

    Neuromuscular electric stimulation and manual passive stretching when recovering mechanical properties of immobilized gastrocnemius muscles

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    Avaliamos a influência da imobilização, remobilização livre, remobilização com alongamento passivo manual, remobilização com estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (NMES) e remobilização por NMES e alongamento passivo manual associados sobre algumas propriedades mecânicas do músculo gastrocnêmio de ratas. Foram avaliadas 60 ratas divididas em seis grupos.Um destes grupos foi usado como controle. Todos os outros grupos tiveram o membro posterior direito imobilizado por 14 dias consecutivos. Destes grupos um foi imobilizado e em seguida avaliado, um foi liberado da imobilização e permaneceu nas gaiolas plásticas por 10 dias, outro foi submetido a técnica de alongamento passivo manual por 10 dias consecutivos, outro foi submetido a NMES por 10 dias consecutivos e o último foi submetido a NMES somado ao alongamento passivo manual por 10 dias consecutivos. Observamos que a imobilização reduziu os valores das propriedades mecânicas avaliadas no músculo. A remobilização livre não restabeleceu nenhuma das propriedades avaliadas. A remobilização por alongamento passivo manual devolveu ao músculo as propriedades de alongamento no limite de proporcionalidade, rigidez e resiliência. A remobilização estimulada por NMES restabeleceu todas as propriedades estudadas. A remobilização por NMES somada ao alongamento passivo restabeleceu as propriedades mecânicas de alongamento no limite máximo e de proporcionalidade e rigidez.We evaluated the influence of immobilization, free remobilization, remobilization with manual passive stretching, remobilization with neuromuscular electric stimulation (NMES) and remobilization with electric stimulation and associated passive stretching on some mechanical properties of the gastrocnemius muscle of female rats. Sixty female rats were assessed, being distributed into 6 experimental groups. One of these groups served as control. The animals of the five remaining groups had their right posterior limb immobilized for 14 consecutive days. From the five groups, one was sacrificed right after the immobilization period, a second group was released from immobilization, a third was submitted to the manual passive stretching technique for 10 consecutive days, a fourth was submitted to NMES for 10 consecutive days and the last one was submitted to NMES and manual passive stretching for 10 consecutive days. We found that the immobilization caused a significant reduction of the mechanical properties values evaluated on the muscle. The free remobilization could not reestablish any of the properties. The remobilization by manual passive stretching restored the mechanical properties of stretching at the proportionality limit, stiffness and resilience. The remobilization stimulated by NMES reestablished all of studied properties. The remobilization by electric stimulation and passive stretching reestablished the mechanical properties of stretching at the maximum limit, proportionality limit, and stiffness

    Suplemento com Cystoseira canariensis promove aumento de resistência à carga máxima em músculo gastrocnêmio de ratas

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    Was evaluated the maximum load supported by the grastrocnemius muscle of female rats after the ministering of Cystoseira canariensis, either associated or not to swimming. Twenty-eight young Wistar female rats were used, divided into 4 groups: control (C, n=7); supplement (S, n=7); supplement and swimming (SSw, n=7); swimming (Sw, n=7). Each one pertaining to the groups S and SSw received 20 mg of myostatin inhibitor per day. The swimming consisted in an aerobe protocol, three times in a week, during eight weeks. The right grastrocnemius muscle of each animal was removed and a tension test was performed in an Emic testing machine. The results (Mean±SEM) were evaluated through ANOVA and Tukey test (pEl objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la carga máxima soportada por el músculo gastrocnemio de ratas después de intervención con Cystoseira canariensis, asociado o no con la natación. Se utilizaron 28 ratas Wistar, divididas en 4 grupos: control (C, n=7); suplemento (S, n=7); suplemento y natación (SN, n=7); y natación (N, n=7). Cada animal perteneciente a los grupos S y SN recibió 20 mg de inhibidor de miostatina por día. La natación consistió em un protocolo aeróbico, tres veces por semana, durante ocho semanas. Tras el período de entrenamiento, fue retirado el músculo gastrocnemio derecho de cada animal y realizado test de tracción en una máquina de ensayo Emic. Los resultados (Media±DP) fueron evaluados por ANOVA y test de Tukey (pO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a carga máxima suportada pelo músculo gastrocnêmio de ratas após intervenção com Cystoseira canariensis, associado ou não à natação. Foram utilizadas 28 ratas Wistar, divididas em 4 grupos: controle (C, n=7); suplemento (S, n=7); suplemento e natação (SN, n=7); e natação (N, n=7). Cada animal pertencente aos grupos S e SN recebeu 20 mg de inibidor de miostatina por dia. A natação consistiu em um protocolo aeróbio, três vezes por semana, durante oito semanas. Após o período de treinamento, foi retirado o músculo gastrocnêmio direito de cada animal e realizado teste de tração em uma máquina de ensaio Emic. Os resultados (Média±DP) foram avaliados por meio de ANOVA e teste de Tukey (

    Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas do músculo gastrocnêmio de ratas imobilizado e submetido à corrente russa

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    Neuromuscular electric stimulation by Russian current, used in rehabilitation, is able to increase muscle trophism and strength, especially in muscles with post-immobilization deficit, as is the case of injuries during sports practice. The purpose here was to assess the gastrocnemius muscle mechanical properties of rats immobilized for 14 days and subjected to electric stimulation by Russian current for 10 days. Thirty two Wistar female rats were divided into four groups: control (G1), immobilized (G2), immobilized and freed (G3), and immobilized and afterwards submitted to Russian current (G4). Mechanical properties - maximum load and stretch, stiffness, and resilience - were assessed by longitudinal traction. As to maximum load, G4 showed higher values when compared to the only-immobilized group (G2, pA eletroestimulação neuromuscular por corrente russa, recurso utilizado na reabilitação, pode aumentar o trofismo e restabelecer a força muscular, sobretudo dos músculos que apresentam deficit pós-imobilização, como é o caso de lesões durante a prática esportiva. Objetivou-se avaliar as propriedades mecânicas do músculo gastrocnêmio de ratas imobilizadas por 14 dias e posteriormente submetidas à eletroestimulação por corrente russa durante 10 dias. Utilizaram-se 32 ratas Wistar divididas em quatro grupos: controle (G1), imobilizado (G2); imobilizado e liberado por 10 dias (G3) e imobilizado e submetido à corrente russa por 10 dias (G4). A avaliação das propriedades mecânicas - carga, alongamento, rigidez e resiliência - foi feita por ensaio de tração longitudinal. Quanto à carga no limite máximo, o G4 apresentou valores mais elevados quando comparado ao grupo apenas imobilizado (G2,

    MultCare: A mobile assistant as a tool to aid early detection of Chronic Kidney Disease

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    AbstractEarly diagnosis and slowing the progression of chronic diseases are very important factors for improving the quality of life of the world population. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of these diseases, however with aggravating factors, being a cause and consequence of other chronic diseases of high incidence, such as Diabetes Mellitus and Arterial Hypertension. The use of Information and Communication Technologies may be a way to help the doctor provides a diagnosis in less advanced stages of CKD. In this context, a mobile assistant to aid the early diagnosis of CKD through a wireless communication and Colored Petri Nets models is proposed

    Biomechanical and histological analysis of the gastrocnemius in rats subjected to muscle injury and treatment with low-level laser therapy

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar, mecânica e histologicamente, a aplicação do laser terapêutico de baixa potência, no processo reparativo de lesões provocadas por impacto em músculos gastrocnêmios de ratas. MÉTODOS: 45 ratas Wistar foram divididas em três grupos (n=15/grupo): C (controle, sem lesão), LM (lesão muscular) e LM-L (lesão muscular e laserterapia). A lesão muscular experimental foi produzida pela queda de uma carga de 250 g, de uma altura de 30cm, diretamente sobre o músculo. Os animais do grupo LM-L foram submetidos à aplicação de laser 960nm, 2J/cm², durante três dias, duas aplicações por dia, no local da lesão. Foi realizado ensaio mecânico na máquina universal de ensaio Emic®. RESULTADOS: As médias dos valores de força máxima foram: (35,70 ± 2,69) N no grupo C, (31,77 ± 2,59) N no grupo LM e (34,36 ± 3,63) N no grupo LM-L, com diferença estatística significativa nos grupos C e LM (p < 0,05). As médias dos valores de rigidez relativa foram (3,75 ± 0,98) N/mm no grupo C, (3,84 ± 0,32) N/mm no grupo LM e (4,43 ± 0,68) N/mm no grupo LM-L, sem diferença estatística (p &gt; 0,05). A análise histológica evidenciou presença de vasos sanguíneos no grupo LM-L e hematomas em processo de reparação. CONCLUSÃO: A laserterapia influencia de forma positiva no processo de regeneração da lesão muscular.OBJETIVE: To evaluate, by means of biomechanical and histological analysis, the effect of low-level laser therapy on the gastrocnemius of rats subjected to muscle lesion by impact. METHODS: 45 female Wistar rats, weighing 250g, were divided into 3 groups (n=15/group): C (control), ML (animals submitted to muscle lesion) and ML-L (animals submitted to muscle lesion and laser therapy). The animals from groups ML and ML-L were subjected to an experimental muscle lesion by means of an impact of a 250g load, released from a height of 30 cm, directly on the gastrocnemius. The animals from group ML-L were submitted to a treatment with a 960 Nm laser, 2 J/cm², for 3 days, twice a day. RESULTS: The mechanical tests were performed on the Universal Testing Machine. The average values of maximum force were: 35.70 (± 2.69) N in group C, 31.77 (± 2.59) N in group ML and 34.36 (± 3.63) N in group ML-L, with a statistically significant difference between groups C and ML (p < 0.05). The average values of stiffness were: 3.75 (± 0.98) N/mm in group C, 3.84 (± 0.32) N/mm in group ML and 4.43 (± 0.68) N/mm in group ML-L, with no statistically significant differences (p&gt;0.05). Histological analysis showed a presence of blood vessels in group ML-L and a hematoma in the healing stage. CONCLUSION: Treatment with low-level laser had a positive effect in the healing process of muscle injury

    Black pepper plantlets under controlled-release fertilizer: growth and chlorophyll contents

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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of controlled-release fertilizer N14-P14-K14 (CRF) on the morphological traits and chlorophyll indices of black pepper plantlets (cv. Bragantina). One experimentation was carried out in a greenhouse between March and July 2018 in the Rio de Janeiro state/Brazil. Were tested four doses’ equivalents to 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 kilogram of CRF per cubic meter of the substrate, which was obtained by mixing clayey soil and crushed coconut fiber, on 1:3 volume proportion. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 17 replicates to assess the morphological characteristics and nine replicates to assess the chlorophyll contents. At 120 days after transplanting were assessed main stem height (H), the number of leaves (NL), leaf area index (LAI), total dry matter (TDM), shoot dry matter (SDM), and root dry matter (RDM). Chlorophyll a, b, a+b contents and a/b ratio were assessed too. The application of CRF fertilizer increased the NL and SDM values until 9.6 kg m-3 dose. The values of H, TDM, LAI, and RDM increase until 9.3, 8.4, 8.2, and 6.4 kg m-3 doses, respectively. The chlorophyll a and b contents increased until 7.7 kg m-3 dose. It's recommended to apply 8.4 kg of CRF 14N-14P-14K per cubic meter of the substrate to produce black pepper plantlets with adequate commercial pattern and chlorophyll levels

    Characterization of Fiber Types in Different Muscles of the Hindlimb in Female Weanling and Adult Wistar Rats

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    We analyzed lesser diameter and distribution of fiber types in different skeletal muscles from female Wistar rats using a histoenzymology Myofibrillar Adenosine Tri-phosphatase (mATPase) method. Fragments from muscles were frozen and processed by mATPase in different pH. Adult and weanling rat soleus muscles presented a predominance of type I fibers and larger fiber diameters. In the plantar muscle in adult rats, the type IIB fibers demonstrated greater lesser diameter while in the weanling animals, types I and IIB fibers were larger. The plantar muscle of animals of both ages was composed predominantly of the type IID fibers. The type IID fibers were observed in similar amounts in the lateral gastrocnemius and the medial gastrocnemius muscles. Type IIB fibers showed predominance and presented higher size in comparison with other types in the EDL muscle. The present study shows that data on fiber type distribution and fiber lesser diameter obtained in adult animals cannot always be applied to weanling animals of the same species. Using the mATPase, despite the difficult handling, is an important tool to determine the different characteristics of the specific fibers in the skeletal muscle tissue

    Análisis intra e interevaluadores de la proyección del centro de masa del cuerpo obtenido por fotogrametría

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    Para o ótimo controle postural, o centro de massa (COM) do corpo é uma variável que se projeta verticalmente entre os pés, dentro de uma base de suporte. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a confiabilidade inter e intra-avaliadores da projeção do COM na base de sustentação, mensurada com auxílio do Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPO). Cinquenta e sete voluntárias foram avaliadas e todas foram submetidas ao registro fotográfico nas vistas anterior, lateral direita e esquerda, no mesmo instante temporal. As imagens foram entregues a dois examinadores, os quais utilizaram o SAPO. Para a análise estatística, foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e, para estimar a mínima mudança detectável (MMD), foi utilizado o erro padrão (EP). Os resultados demonstraram excelentes níveis de confiabilidade interexaminador e intraexaminador para assimetrias nos planos frontal, sagital e para a projeção do centro de gravidade no plano frontal e lateral (ICC>;0,90; 95%IC>;0,95; MDD entre 2,16 - 4,87). Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que a análise do COM obtida por meio do SAPO apresentou boa confiabilidade nas análises inter e intra-avaliadores.Para el óptimo control postural, el centro de masa (COM) del cuerpo es una variable que se proyecta verticalmente entre los pies, dentro de una base de soporte. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar la confiabilidad inter e intraevaluadores de la proyección del COM en la base de sostenimiento, medida con apoyo del Software de Evaluación Postural (SAPO). Se evaluaron cincuenta y siete voluntarias y todas han sido sometidas al registro fotográfico en las vistas anterior, lateral derecha e izquierda, en el mismo instante temporal. Las imágenes han sido entregadas a dos examinadores, que utilizaron SAPO. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC) y, para estimar el mínimo cambio detectable (MMD), se utilizó el error estándar (EP). Los resultados demostraron excelentes niveles de confiabilidad interexaminador e intraexaminador para asimetrías en los planos frontal y sagital y para la proyección del centro de gravedad en el plano frontal y lateral (ICC>;0.90, 95% IC>;0.95, MDD entre 2.16 - 4.87). Los resultados del estudio demostraron que el análisis del COM obtenido a través de SAPO presentó buena confiabilidad en los análisis inter e intraevaluadores.For optimal postural control, the center of mass (COM) of the body is a variable that is projected vertically between the legs, over a support base. This study had as aim assessing the inter- and intra-rater reliability of the projection of the COM over the support base, measured with the aid of the Postural Evaluation Software (SAPO). Fifty-seven volunteers were evaluated and all were subjected to photographic records taken from the anterior, left and right lateral views, at the same time. The pictures were handed over to two raters, who then used SAPO to analyze them. For the statistical analysis, the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used, and to estimate the minimum detectable change (MDC), the standard error (SE) was used. The results showed excellent levels of inter and intra-rater reliability for asymmetries in the frontal and sagittal planes, and for the projection of the center of gravity in the frontal and lateral planes (ICC>;0.90; 95%CI>;0.95; MDC between 2.16 - 4.87). The results of the study showed that the analysis of the COM obtained with SAPO had good inter- and intra-rater reliability