22 research outputs found

    Розширення технологічних можливостей гвинтових механізмів машин

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    Schlieren imaging is a method to visualize differences in refractive index within a medium. It is an inexpensive, yet powerful and straightforward tool, for sensitive and high-resolution visualization of gas flows. Here, heated cold gas microthrusters were studied with schlieren imaging techniques. The thruster chips are manufactured using MEMS technology, and measure 22*22*0.85 mm. The nozzles are approximately 20 µm wide at the throat, and 350 µm wide at the exit. Through these studies, verification and direct visualization of the functionality of the thrusters were possible. At atmospheric pressure, slipping of the exhaust was observed, due to the severe overexpansion of the nozzle. In vacuum, the nozzle was underexpanded, and the flow was seen to be supersonic. There was a measurable change in the exhaust with heaters activated. It was also shown that the method can be used to detect leaks, making it a valuable, quick, safe, and inexpensive aid in quality control of the thrusters

    High-Temperature Microfluidics for Space Propulsion

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    In this thesis, microfabrication methods and tools for analysis of heated cold-gas microthrusters are presented, with the aim of improving their reliability and performance. Cold-gas thrusters operate by accelerating pressurized gas through a nozzle. These thruster systems are very straightforward in both design and operation, relying on little more than a pressurized tank, a valve, and a nozzle. This makes them suitable for miniaturization, enabling their use on very small spacecraft. However, an inherent drawback with cold-gas thrusters is their low propellant efficiency – in thrusters known as specific impulse, or Isp.  This is compounded by the fact that when reducing length, the volume, e.g., that of the propellant tank, reduces with the cube of the length, meaning that the maximum amount of storable fuel reduces quickly. Hence, maximizing fuel efficiency is even more important in miniaturized systems. Still, because of their other advantages, they remain suitable for many missions. Schlieren imaging – a method of visualizing differences in refractive index – was used thrughout this thesis to visualize exhaust jets from microthrusters, and to find leaks in the components. It was found that effects of the processing of conventionally fabricated silicon nozzles, resulted in a misalignment of up to 3°  from the intended thrust vector, increasing propellant consumption by up to 5%, and potentially causing unintended off-axis acceleration of the spacecraft. Schlieren imaging was also used to verify that the exhaust from thrusters fabricated with close to circular cross-sections was well behaved. These nozzles did not suffer from the previous misalignment issue, and the shape of the cross-section decreased viscous losses. For applications requiring higher temperatures, a microthruster nozzle with an integrated flow sensor was fabricated from tape cast yttria stabilized zirconia. The ceramic substrate enabled heater temperatures of the nozzle exceeding 1000 °C, resulting in an increase in Isp  of 7.5%. Integration of a flow sensor allowed the elimination of couplings and reduced the number of interfaces, thereby reducing the overall risk of failure. Close integration of the sensor allowed moving the point of measurement closer to the nozzle, enabling improved reliability of the measurements of the propellant consumption. The temperature of the heater, in combination with the ion conductive properties of the substrate proved to be a limiting factor in this design. Two routes were explored to overcome these problems. One was to use the temperature dependence of the ion conductivity as a sensing principle, thereby demonstrating a completely new flow sensor principle, which results in better calibration, tighter integration, and 9 orders of magnitude stronger signal. The other was using hafnium oxide, or hafnia, as a structural material for high-temperature micro-electromechanical systems. This involved developing a recipe for casting hafnia ceramic powder, and determining the Young's modulus and thermal shock resistance of the cast samples, as well as studying the minimum feature size and maximum aspect ratio of cast microstructures

    High-Temperature Microfluidics for Space Propulsion

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    In this thesis, microfabrication methods and tools for analysis of heated cold-gas microthrusters are presented, with the aim of improving their reliability and performance. Cold-gas thrusters operate by accelerating pressurized gas through a nozzle. These thruster systems are very straightforward in both design and operation, relying on little more than a pressurized tank, a valve, and a nozzle. This makes them suitable for miniaturization, enabling their use on very small spacecraft. However, an inherent drawback with cold-gas thrusters is their low propellant efficiency – in thrusters known as specific impulse, or Isp.  This is compounded by the fact that when reducing length, the volume, e.g., that of the propellant tank, reduces with the cube of the length, meaning that the maximum amount of storable fuel reduces quickly. Hence, maximizing fuel efficiency is even more important in miniaturized systems. Still, because of their other advantages, they remain suitable for many missions. Schlieren imaging – a method of visualizing differences in refractive index – was used thrughout this thesis to visualize exhaust jets from microthrusters, and to find leaks in the components. It was found that effects of the processing of conventionally fabricated silicon nozzles, resulted in a misalignment of up to 3°  from the intended thrust vector, increasing propellant consumption by up to 5%, and potentially causing unintended off-axis acceleration of the spacecraft. Schlieren imaging was also used to verify that the exhaust from thrusters fabricated with close to circular cross-sections was well behaved. These nozzles did not suffer from the previous misalignment issue, and the shape of the cross-section decreased viscous losses. For applications requiring higher temperatures, a microthruster nozzle with an integrated flow sensor was fabricated from tape cast yttria stabilized zirconia. The ceramic substrate enabled heater temperatures of the nozzle exceeding 1000 °C, resulting in an increase in Isp  of 7.5%. Integration of a flow sensor allowed the elimination of couplings and reduced the number of interfaces, thereby reducing the overall risk of failure. Close integration of the sensor allowed moving the point of measurement closer to the nozzle, enabling improved reliability of the measurements of the propellant consumption. The temperature of the heater, in combination with the ion conductive properties of the substrate proved to be a limiting factor in this design. Two routes were explored to overcome these problems. One was to use the temperature dependence of the ion conductivity as a sensing principle, thereby demonstrating a completely new flow sensor principle, which results in better calibration, tighter integration, and 9 orders of magnitude stronger signal. The other was using hafnium oxide, or hafnia, as a structural material for high-temperature micro-electromechanical systems. This involved developing a recipe for casting hafnia ceramic powder, and determining the Young's modulus and thermal shock resistance of the cast samples, as well as studying the minimum feature size and maximum aspect ratio of cast microstructures

    Schlieren imaging of microrocket jets

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    In this report, microrockets from the company NanoSpace were studied using schlieren imaging techniques. The rocket chips are manufactured using MEMS technology, which requires compromises regarding the shape of the nozzle. The rocket chips are 22x22x0.85 mm, manufactured from laminated silicon. The nozzles are approximately 20 µm wide at the throat, and 350 µm wide at the exit. A semi in-line schlieren apparatus was designed, set up, and aligned. A small vacuum chamber was constructed, and a series of tests was conducted in order to qualitatively evaluate the consequences of these compromises, and other performance issues. It was found that the existing 1 kW quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp was sufficient as a light source, standard photographic equipment served well as an imaging device, and a 400 mm, f/7.9 achromatic doublet as schlieren lens, resolved enough detail in the exhaust gas to perform the studies. At maximum magnification, the viewing area was 7 by 4.5 mm, captured at 14 Mpixel, or about 1.5 µm/pixel. Several different rocket chips were studied, with helium, nitrogen and xenon as propellant gases. Feed pressure ranged from 0.5 bar to 3.5 bar, and the rockets were studied at atmospheric pressure and in vacuum, and with and without heaters activated. Through these studies, verification and visualization of the basic functionality of the rockets were possible. At atmospheric pressure, slipping of the exhaust was observed, due to the severe overexpansion of the nozzle. In vacuum, the nozzle was underexpanded, and the flow was seen to be supersonic. There was a measurable change in the exhaust with the heaters activated. It was also shown that the method can be used to detect leaks, which makes it a valuable aid in quality control of the components

    High-Temperature Microfluidics for Space Propulsion

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    In this thesis, microfabrication methods and tools for analysis of heated cold-gas microthrusters are presented, with the aim of improving their reliability and performance. Cold-gas thrusters operate by accelerating pressurized gas through a nozzle. These thruster systems are very straightforward in both design and operation, relying on little more than a pressurized tank, a valve, and a nozzle. This makes them suitable for miniaturization, enabling their use on very small spacecraft. However, an inherent drawback with cold-gas thrusters is their low propellant efficiency – in thrusters known as specific impulse, or Isp.  This is compounded by the fact that when reducing length, the volume, e.g., that of the propellant tank, reduces with the cube of the length, meaning that the maximum amount of storable fuel reduces quickly. Hence, maximizing fuel efficiency is even more important in miniaturized systems. Still, because of their other advantages, they remain suitable for many missions. Schlieren imaging – a method of visualizing differences in refractive index – was used thrughout this thesis to visualize exhaust jets from microthrusters, and to find leaks in the components. It was found that effects of the processing of conventionally fabricated silicon nozzles, resulted in a misalignment of up to 3°  from the intended thrust vector, increasing propellant consumption by up to 5%, and potentially causing unintended off-axis acceleration of the spacecraft. Schlieren imaging was also used to verify that the exhaust from thrusters fabricated with close to circular cross-sections was well behaved. These nozzles did not suffer from the previous misalignment issue, and the shape of the cross-section decreased viscous losses. For applications requiring higher temperatures, a microthruster nozzle with an integrated flow sensor was fabricated from tape cast yttria stabilized zirconia. The ceramic substrate enabled heater temperatures of the nozzle exceeding 1000 °C, resulting in an increase in Isp  of 7.5%. Integration of a flow sensor allowed the elimination of couplings and reduced the number of interfaces, thereby reducing the overall risk of failure. Close integration of the sensor allowed moving the point of measurement closer to the nozzle, enabling improved reliability of the measurements of the propellant consumption. The temperature of the heater, in combination with the ion conductive properties of the substrate proved to be a limiting factor in this design. Two routes were explored to overcome these problems. One was to use the temperature dependence of the ion conductivity as a sensing principle, thereby demonstrating a completely new flow sensor principle, which results in better calibration, tighter integration, and 9 orders of magnitude stronger signal. The other was using hafnium oxide, or hafnia, as a structural material for high-temperature micro-electromechanical systems. This involved developing a recipe for casting hafnia ceramic powder, and determining the Young's modulus and thermal shock resistance of the cast samples, as well as studying the minimum feature size and maximum aspect ratio of cast microstructures

    Seeing the invisible with schlieren imaging

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    Schlieren imaging is a method for visualizing differences in refractive index as caused by pressure or temperature non-uniformities within a medium, or as caused by the mixing of two fluids. It is an inexpensive yet powerful and straightforward tool for sensitive and high-resolution visualization of otherwise invisible phenomena. In this article, application of the method to liquid membranes, sonar pulses and microscopic gas flows is used to illustrate its usefulness and versatility in physics education and research

    Волновые функции и спектр масс релятивистской системы двух спиновых кварков с хромодинамическим взаимодействием

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    Найдены точные решения релятивистских квазипотенциальных уравнений в конфигурационном представлении для системы двух кварков со спинами 1/2, взаимодействующих посредством кулоново-подобного хромодинамического потенциала. Определены условия квантования в псевдоскалярном,псевдовекторном и векторном случаях. Рассмотрение проведено в рамках гамильтоновой формулировки квантовой теории поля, путем перехода в релятивистское конфигурационное представление дляслучая системы двух релятивистских спиновых кварков равных масс

    COPD patient awareness of disease treatment and turnover of the COPD medicines in A Pharmacy - 6

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    Saslimstība ar HOPS plaši izplatīta pasaulē un kā nāves cēlonis tā ieņem 4. vietu pasaulē vecuma grupā pēc 45 gadiem. HOPS slimībai ir tendence pieaugt. Hroniskais iekaisums rada pastiprinātu elpceļu reaktivitāti, kas izraisa epizodiskas sēkšanas, klepus lēkmes, elpas trūkumu un smaguma sajūtu krūtīs. Lai veiksmīgi ārstētu HOPS slimniekus, būtiska ir pacienta izpratne par saslimšanu un pielietojamo medikamentozo terapiju. Maģistra darba mērķis – bija noskaidrot slimnieku izpratni par HOPS un tās ārstēšanai izmantojamiem medikamentiem un analizet zāļu aprites A aptieka – 6. Pētījumā iegūti rezultāti, ka slimnieku izpratne par HOPS un tās ārstēšanai izmantojamiem medikamentiem ir nepietiekamas. Biežāk lietotās zāles HOPS ārstēšanai ir tiotropinum, salbutamol, indacaterolum/glycopyrronium un budesonidum/formoterolum.Incidence of COPD in the cause of death ranks fourth in the world, in the age group of 45 years plus, and it is a disease which has a tendency to increase. Chronic inflammation leads to increased respiratory tract reactivity, which causes episodic wheezing, coughing, seizures, shortness of breath, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. In order to successfully treat patients with COPD, patient’s understanding of disease and drug therapy applied is essential. The main objective of the masters thesis was - to clarify patient’s understanding of disease and drug therapy applied and turnover of the COPD medicines in A Pharmacy – 6. The results obtained during the research show that patients understanding of COPD and the medications used for its treatment is insufficient. The most frequently used medicine to treat HOPS is tiotropium, salbutamol, indacaterol/glycopyrroni, budesonidum/formoterolum

    Schlieren Imaging of Microthruster Exhausts for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

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    Abstract. Schlieren imaging is a method used to visualize differences in refractiveindex within a medium. It is a powerful and straightforward tool for sensitiveand high-resolution visualization of, e.g., gas flows. Here, heated cold gasmicrothrusters were studied with this technique. The thrusters are manufacturedusing microelectromechanical systems technology, and measure 22×22×0.85 mm. Thenozzles are approximately 20 µm wide at the throat, and 350 µm wide at the exit.Through these studies, verification of the functionality of the thrusters, and directvisualization and of the thruster exhausts was possible. At atmospheric pressure,slipping of the exhaust was observed, due to severe overexpansion of the nozzle. Invacuum (3 kPa), the exhaust was imaged while feed pressure was varied from 100 to450 kPa. The nozzle was overexpanded, and the flow was seen to be supersonic. Theshock cell period was linearly dependent on feed pressure, ranging from 320 to 610 µm.With activated heaters, the shock cell separation increased. The effect of the heaterswas more prominent at low feed pressure, and an increase in specific impulse of 20%was calculated. It was also shown that schlieren imaging can be used to detect leaks,making it a valuable, safe, and noninvasive aid in quality control of the thrusters