1,326 research outputs found

    Antidepressant Effects Associated With Different Exercise Conditions in Participants With Depression: A Pilot Study

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    17 pagesInternational audienceIn this paper, we examined the antidepressant influence of an 8-week long aerobic exercise intervention in which two training parameters were manipulated: exercise frequency and group environment. Twenty-three individuals with elevated symptoms of depression were recruited in a sport and fitness facility and agreed to participate in this 8-week long study. They were randomly assigned to (a) a low-frequency exercise (control) group (n = 7), (b) a high-frequency exercise group (n = 8), and (c) a high-frequency exercise+group-based intervention group (n = 8). Participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) at study entry, 4 and 8 weeks later. The results showed that those in the high-frequency aerobic exercise experimental groups reported lower depression scores than those in the low-frequency (control) group at 4 weeks [13.2 ± 7.3 and 11.7 ± 3.1 vs. 22.4 ± 7.5] and 8 weeks [10.9 ± 8.1 and 9.6 ± 2.5 vs. 20.7 ± 6.3]. However, alleviation in depressive symptoms was not found to be greater in those participants who received a group-based intervention

    Antidepressant Effects Associated With Different Exercise Conditions in Participants With Depression: A Pilot Study

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    17 pagesInternational audienceIn this paper, we examined the antidepressant influence of an 8-week long aerobic exercise intervention in which two training parameters were manipulated: exercise frequency and group environment. Twenty-three individuals with elevated symptoms of depression were recruited in a sport and fitness facility and agreed to participate in this 8-week long study. They were randomly assigned to (a) a low-frequency exercise (control) group (n = 7), (b) a high-frequency exercise group (n = 8), and (c) a high-frequency exercise+group-based intervention group (n = 8). Participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) at study entry, 4 and 8 weeks later. The results showed that those in the high-frequency aerobic exercise experimental groups reported lower depression scores than those in the low-frequency (control) group at 4 weeks [13.2 ± 7.3 and 11.7 ± 3.1 vs. 22.4 ± 7.5] and 8 weeks [10.9 ± 8.1 and 9.6 ± 2.5 vs. 20.7 ± 6.3]. However, alleviation in depressive symptoms was not found to be greater in those participants who received a group-based intervention

    The Infrared Difference Dust Index: Past, Present and Future

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    The Infrared Difference Dust Index (IDDI) [Legrand et al, 2001] is a Meteosat-derived thermal-infrared (TIR) index dedicated to remote sensing of desert aerosol over land (based on the former Meteosat First Generation (MFG) series). The IDDI product proves to be effective in studies of dust source location and seasonal activity [Brooks and Legrand, 2000; LĂ©on and Legrand, 2003; Deepshikha et al, 2003a; b], in the physics of dust emission with respect to the surface properties [Chomette et al, 1999; Marticorena et al, 1997; 1999; 2004], for description of dust transport [Petit et al, 2005], of dust mineral composition [Caquineau et al, 2002] and for dust (meteorological) forecasting [Hu et al, 2008]. An improved algorithm and a new cloud masking technique applied to full resolution MFG IR images has given rise to an upgraded dust index. These improvements are described in the next section and resulting IDDI images are displayed and compared with images of the UV Aerosol Index (AI) from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard EOS-AURA. They are part of a database (to be completed), over the period 1981-2006 covered by MFG. Obviously, the 1-channel IDDI cannot match with the multi-channel data provided by the new spatial instruments (such as MSG/SEVIRI), but it has the advantage of covering a quarter century (1981-2006) and thus it is relevant for climate studies over this period (including the severe Sahelian drought of the 80s) as well as for investigating on the nature of the link between dust occurrence and epidemics of meningococcal meningitis in West Africa, throughout the 25 past years [Martiny et al, 2007]. In the last section of this abstract, the physical bases of dust remote sensing in the TIR during daylight are briefly presented. They allow to understand the fundamental differences with the more usual detection using channels in the solar spectrum (VIS and NIR) and they bear on the favorable or adverse conditions to produce a dust index of quality. Lastly, it is possible from such results to outline an approach for the determination of the TIR dust optical depth (or a dust index closely related to it), using the TIR channels IR8.7, IR10.8 and IR 12.0 of MSG/SEVIRI, as well as its median infrared (MIR) channel IR3.9

    A quasi-Monte Carlo integration method applied to the computation of the Pollaczek integral

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    Nos remerciements à IEEE pour l'autorisation de mise à disposition du papier complet. © IEEE Copyright Notice : Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.International audienceThis paper presents an effective numeric method to compute Pollaczek integral. This integral is widely used in transmission-line theory when computing the mutual impedance between an overhead conductor and another overhead or underground conductor and the earth-return impedance of an underground cable. At first, we present mutual expressions proposed by Pollaczek and underline the numerical complexities that often lead to the adoption of alternative simplified methods. Then a brief review of the so called "quasi-Monte Carlo" integration method along with its advantages is given. Such an approach is then applied to compute numerically Pollaczek expressions. Comparison between our numerical procedure and an algorithm that has already been published proves both the procedure accuracy, one of its main advantages along with its ease of implementation, and its relatively low time consumption, independent of the input parameters. Finally, as an application example, quasi-Monte Carlo method is used to assess the adequacy, for several study cases, of the simplified formula by Lucca, which is a widely used approximate expression of interest

    Le covoiturage dynamique : étude préalable avant expérimentation

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    L'idée du covoiturage dynamique est de fournir une offre en quasi temps réel à l'« usager covoitureur ». La personne souhaitant effectuer un itinéraire en covoiturage contacte le service quelques minutes avant son départ. Le service va alors chercher le conducteur adéquat qui est en mesure d'offrir le covoiturage souhaité sur l'itinéraire demandé. Avec une quantité suffisante de participants, le fonctionnement est souple et permet une bonne qualité de service : la probabilité de trouver le covoitureur adéquat est élevée. Ce système est complémentaire aux transports publics – réguliers et à la demande – et autres solutions alternatives – autopartage, vélostations, etc. Les technologies de l'information et de la communication – téléphones portables, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), internet, Global Positioning System (GPS), etc. – fortement développées à l'heure actuelle, sont des outils pertinents pour exploiter le covoiturage dynamique. Il s'agit de mettre en relation rapidement et de façon appropriée les personnes, via l'utilisation de ces technologies. Cette étude présente un état de l’art d’expérimentations de covoiturage dynamique dans le monde, en définit les grands principes – organisation, fonctionnement, gestion des transactions financières, technologie utilisée, etc – et identifie des sites pilotes potentiels d’expérimentations en France, où pour l’instant, un tel service n’existe qu’à l’état de concept ou de démonstrateu

    Analysis of the blank holder force effect on the preforming process using a simple discrete approach

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    Simulation of the dry reinforcement preforming, first step of the Resin Transfer Moulding process, become necessary to determine the feasibility of the forming process, compute the fiber directions in the final composite component, and optimize process parameters during this step. Contrary to geometrical approaches, based on fishnet algorithms [1, 2], finite element methods can take into account the actual physical parameters, the real boundary conditions and the mechanical behaviour of the textile reinforcement [3, 4]. The fabric can be modelled either as continuum media with specific material behaviour [5, 6], or using discrete structural elements to describe the textile structure at the mesoscopic scale [7, 8]. A semi-discrete approach, which is a compromise between the above continuous and discrete approaches [9, 10], is also used for simulation. A discrete approach for the simulation of the preforming of dry woven reinforcement has been proposed and presented in a previous paper [11]. This model is based on a “unit cell” formulated with elastic isotropic shells coupled to axial connectors. The connectors, which replace bars or beams largely studied in other discrete approaches [12], reinforce the structure in the yarn directions and naturally capture the specific anisotropic behaviour of fabric. Shell elements are used to take into account the in-plane shear stiffness and to manage contact phenomena with the punch and die. The linear characteristic of the connectors [11], has been extended to a non linear behaviour in the present paper to better account for fabric undulation. Using this numerical model, we propose, in this work to study the effect of process parameters on the woven fabric deformation during the performing step. The emphasis will be placed on the analysis of the influence of the blank holder pressure on the shear angle distribution.This work has been undertaken within the framework of the Défi composite project. The authors would like to thank Oséo for its financial support, the project leader Airbus-France and other partners (EADS IW and LoireTech) for provided facilities

    La VAE comme espace transitionnel : enjeux et paradoxes

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    Cette contribution vise à mieux cerner les logiques d’engagement psychique des candidats dans une démarche de VAE. Le cadre théorique envisagé est celui de la psychanalyse. Sont mobilisés plus particulièrement les travaux de Winnicott portant sur les caractéristiques de l’objet transitionnel identifié par cet auteur, afin de décrire et mieux comprendre les logiques d’investissement des candidats dans le dispositif de la VAE. Cet article s’appuie sur une recherche qualitative menée pendant trois ans dans le cadre d’une pratique de la VAE au sein de deux universités. Afin de recueillir des données sur la manière dont les candidats s’impliquent, trente-cinq candidatures de demande de VAE ont été étudiées. Cette recherche a permis de construire un modèle pour penser la manière dont les candidats se positionnent face à la transitionnalité inhérente au dispositif de VAE.This contribution aims at understanding better what leads candidates to apply for an Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) for work experience, that can count toward a qualification. The theoretical framework we have used here is that of psychoanalysis. We have used, more specifically, the ideas developed by Winnicot about the characteristics of what he calls 'transitional objects', in order to describe and understand what can lead people to apply for this accreditation. This article is based on a qualitative research carried out for three years within a process of accreditation implemented in two universities. With a view to gathering data about the involvement of these applicants, we have studied thirty-five applications. This research allowed us to develop a model to understand how applicants take a stand to face the inherently transitional aspect of this APL system.In diesem Beitrag soll die Logik des psychischen Einsatzes der Kandidaten bei dem Vorhaben, ihre erworbenen beruflichen Kompetenzen anerkennen zu lassen (VAE), erfasst werden. Theoretischer Rahmen ist dabei die Psychoanalyse. Herangezogen werden die Arbeiten von Winnicott über die Merkmale des Übergangsobjekts. Der Artikel ist auf eine qualitative Untersuchung gestützt, die über drei Jahre in zwei Universitäten durchgeführt wurde. Dabei wurden 35 VAE-Anträge untersucht. Mit dieser Untersuchung wurde es möglich, ein Modell zu konstruieren, um nachzuvollziehen, wie sich die Kandidaten gegenüber dem Übergangsphänomen positionieren, das dem VAE innewohnt.Esta contribución apunta a captar las lógicas de compromiso psíquico de los candidatos en un proceso de validación de la experiencia adquirida (VAE). El marco teórico es el del psicoanálisis. Se utilizan los trabajos de Winnicott sobre las características del objeto transicional. Este artículo se basa en una investigación cualitativa realizada durante tres años en dos universidades ; se estudiaron treinta y cinco demandas de VAE. Esta investigación permitió construir un modelo para pensar la manera en que los candidatos se posicionan frente a la transicionalidad inherente al dispositivo de VAE

    Territorial assemblages simulation for territorial intelligence

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    International audienceThe following article is based on the theory of assemblage ontology seen as a framework to formalize new projects territories in a perspective of territorial intelligence. The area of research is PARIS-SACLAY Campus, which views the development of a world science cluster. The assemblages are simulating by means of simplicial complexes. Its objective is to offer new decision-making tools to territorial community
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