13,632 research outputs found

    Optimal Measurements of Magnetic Flux in Superconducting Circuits and Macroscopic Quantum Mechanics

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    A model of repeated quantum measurements of magnetic flux in superconducting circuits manifesting tunneling is discussed. The perturbation due to the previous measurements of magnetic flux is always present unless quantum nondemolition measurements are performed. By replacing the classical notion of noninvasivity with this condition, temporal Bell-like inequalities allows one to test the observability at the macroscopic level of the conflict between realism and quantum theory.Comment: 11 pages (no figures), to be published in Physics Letters

    Temperature of a Decoherent Oscillator with Strong Coupling

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    The temperature of an oscillator coupled to the vacuum state of a heat bath via ohmic coupling is non-zero, as measured by the reduced density matrix of the oscillator. This paper shows that the actual temperature, as measured by a thermometer is still zero (or in the thermal state of the bath, the temperature of the bath). The decoherence temperature is due to "false-decoherence", with the heat bath state being dragged along with the oscillator.Comment: 6 page

    Knowledge Translation in Health Research

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    Testing temporal Bell inequalities through repeated measurements in rf-SQUIDs

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    Temporal Bell-like inequalities are derived taking into account the influence of the measurement apparatus on the observed magnetic flux in a rf-SQUID. Quantum measurement theory is shown to predict violations of these inequalities only when the flux states corresponding to opposite current senses are not distinguishable. Thus rf-SQUIDs cannot help to discriminate realism and quantum mechanics at the macroscopic level.Comment: 12 pages, 4 Postscript figures in an uuencoded file figures.uu, uses revtex.st

    Transition from Band insulator to Bose-Einstein Condensate superfluid and Mott State of Cold Fermi Gases with Multiband Effects in Optical Lattices

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    We study two models realized by two-component Fermi gases loaded in optical lattices. We clarify that multi-band effects inevitably caused by the optical lattices generate a rich structure, when the systems crossover from the region of weakly bound molecular bosons to the region of strongly bound atomic bosons. Here the crossover can be controlled by attractive fermion interaction. One of the present models is a case with attractive fermion interaction, where an insulator-superfluid transition takes place. The transition is characterized as the transition between a band insulator and a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) superfluid state. Differing from the conventional BCS superfluid transition, this transition shows unconventional properties. In contrast to the one particle excitation gap scaled by the superfluid order parameter in the conventional BCS transition, because of the multi-band effects, a large gap of one-particle density of states is retained all through the transition although the superfluid order grows continuously from zero. A reentrant transition with lowering temperature is another unconventionality. The other model is the case with coexisting attractive and repulsive interactions. Within a mean field treatment, we find a new insulating state, an orbital ordered insulator. This insulator is one candidate for the Mott insulator of molecular bosons and is the first example that the orbital internal degrees of freedom of molecular bosons appears explicitly. Besides the emergence of a new phase, a coexisting phase also appears where superfluidity and an orbital order coexist just by doping holes or particles. The insulating and superfluid particles show differentiation in momentum space as in the high-Tc cuprate superconductors.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Universal Properties of the Ultra-Cold Fermi Gas

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    We present some general considerations on the properties of a two-component ultra-cold Fermi gas along the BEC-BCS crossover. It is shown that the interaction energy and the ground state energy can be written in terms of a single dimensionless function h(Ο,τ)h({\xi,\tau}), where Ο=−(kFas)−1\xi=-(k_Fa_s)^{-1} and τ=T/TF\tau=T/T_F. The function h(Ο,τ)h(\xi,\tau) incorporates all the many-body physics and naturally occurs in other physical quantities as well. In particular, we show that the RF-spectroscopy shift \bar{\d\o}(\xi,\tau) and the molecular fraction fc(Ο,τ)f_c(\xi,\tau) in the closed channel can be expressed in terms of h(Ο,τ)h(\xi,\tau) and thus have identical temperature dependence. The conclusions should have testable consequences in future experiments

    Energetics of a strongly correlated Fermi gas

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    The energy of the two-component Fermi gas with the s-wave contact interaction is a simple linear functional of its momentum distribution: E_\text{internal}=\hbar^2\Omega C/4\pi am+\sum_{\vect k\sigma}(\hbar^2 k^2/2m)(n_{\vect k\sigma}-C/k^4) where the external potential energy is not included, aa is the scattering length, Ω\Omega is the volume, n_{\vect k\sigma} is the average number of fermions with wave vector \vect k and spin σ\sigma, and C\equiv\lim_{\vect k\to\infty} k^4 n_{\vect k\up} =\lim_{\vect k\to\infty} k^4 n_{\vect k\down}. This result is a \textit{universal identity}. Its proof is facilitated by a novel mathematical idea, which might be of utility in dealing with ultraviolet divergences in quantum field theories. Other properties of this Fermi system, including the short-range structure of the one-body reduced density matrix and the pair correlation function, and the dimer-fermion scattering length, are also studied.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Natural vacuum electronics

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    The ambient natural vacuum of space is proposed as a basis for electron valves. Each valve is an electron controlling structure similiar to a vacuum tube that is operated without a vacuum sustaining envelope. The natural vacuum electron valves discussed offer a viable substitute for solid state devices. The natural vacuum valve is highly resistant to ionizing radiation, system generated electromagnetic pulse, current transients, and direct exposure to space conditions
