3,885 research outputs found

    Light Gravitinos at Colliders and Implications for Cosmology

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    Light gravitinos, with mass in the eV to MeV range, are well-motivated in particle physics, but their status as dark-matter candidates is muddled by early-Universe uncertainties. We investigate how upcoming data from colliders may clarify this picture. Light gravitinos are produced primarily in the decays of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle, resulting in spectacular signals, including di-photons, delayed and non-pointing photons, kinked charged tracks, and heavy metastable charged particles. We find that the Tevatron with 20/fb and the 7 TeV LHC with 1/fb may both see evidence for hundreds of light-gravitino events. Remarkably, this collider data is also well suited to distinguish between currently viable light-gravitino scenarios, with striking implications for structure formation, inflation, and other early-Universe cosmology.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. To be submitted to Phys. Rev. D

    Political Science in America: Oral Histories of a Discipline

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    Few academic disciplines have recorded their own origins and development in an organized way. The American Political Science Association, in cooperation with Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honor society, and the University of Kentucky, have undertaken an extensive oral history project, the aim of which is to trace and record the growth of the discipline. The program has made it possible to amass hours of interviews with women and men who have influenced the study of political science. Political Science in America contains interviews with fifteen major figures who speak frankly about the intellectual and institutional roots of political science and trace its evolution. Through their words, we learn what it was like to be a part of the earliest Ph.D. programs and to work with early leaders. We discover how these leaders became interested in political science, what roles they played in building departments and research organizations, and what they learned from participation in government and politics. They discuss their own contributions and offer opinions on some of the major conflicts that have divided the discipline. Particularly enlightening are their varied perspectives on the growth of the behavioral movement in political science over the past fifty years. This book is of interest to all political scientists as a historical perspective on their discipline. Michael A. Baer is professor of political science and provost of Northeastern University. Malcolm E. Jewell is professor of political science at the University of Kentucky and director of the political science oral history program. Lee Sigelman is professor of political science and dean of the faculty of social and behavioral sciences at the University of Arizona.https://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_political_science_american_politics/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Anomaly-Free Gauged R-Symmetry

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    We review the gauging of an R-symmetry in local and global susy. We then construct the first anomaly-free models. We break the R-symmetry and susy at the Planck scale and discuss the low-energy effects. We include a solution to the mu-problem, and the prediction of observable effects at HERA. The models also nicely allow for GUT-scale baryogenesis and R-parity violation without the sphaleron interactions erasing the baryon-asymmetry.Comment: 6 pages, latex, no figures. Talk presented at SUSY-95. Work done in collaboration with A. Chamseddin

    Mixed Bino-Wino-Higgsino Dark Matter in Gauge Messenger Models

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    Almost degenerate bino and wino masses at the weak scale is one of unique features of gauge messenger models. The lightest neutralino is a mixture of bino, wino and higgsino and can produce the correct amount of the dark matter density if it is the lightest supersymmetric particle. Furthermore, as a result of squeezed spectrum of superpartners which is typical for gauge messenger models, various co-annihilation and resonance regions overlap and very often the correct amount of the neutralino relic density is generated as an interplay of several processes. This feature makes the explanation of the observed amount of the dark matter density much less sensitive to fundamental parameters. We calculate the neutralino relic density assuming thermal history and present both spin independent and spin dependent cross sections for the direct detection. We also discuss phenomenological constraints from b to s gamma and muon g-2 and compare results of gauge messenger models to well known results of the mSUGRA scenario.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, references added, version to appear at JCA

    LHC Signature of Mirage Mediation

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    We study LHC phenomenology of mirage mediation scenario in which anomaly and modulus contributions to soft SUSY breaking terms are comparable to each other. A Monte Carlo study of mirage mediation, with model parameters α=1\alpha=1,M0=500 M_0=500 GeV, nM=1/2n_M=1/2, nH=1n_H=1 and tanβ=10\rm{tan}\beta=10, is presented. It is shown that masses of supersymmetric particles can be measured in a model independent way, providing information on SUSY breaking sector. In particular, the mass ratio of gluino to the lightest neutralino for the benchmark scenario is determined to be 1.9 \lesssim m_{\tildeg}/m_{\tilde\chi_1^0} \lesssim 3.1, well reproducing theoretical input value of mg~/mχ~10≃2.5m_{\tilde g}/m_{\tilde\chi_1^0} \simeq 2.5 which is quite distinctive from the predictions mg~/mχ~10≳6m_{\tilde g}/m_{\tilde\chi_1^0} \gtrsim 6 of other SUSY scenarios in which gaugino masses are unified at the GUT scale. The model parameters of mirage mediation can be also determined from various kinematic distributions

    Guest Artist Recital Series: Andrea Casarrubios, Cello; Cora Swenson Lee, Cello; Daniel Baer, Piano; November 2, 2023

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    Kemp Recital HallNovember 2, 2023Thursday Evening7:30 p.m

    Convex cocompact subgroups of mapping class groups

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    We develop a theory of convex cocompact subgroups of the mapping class group MCG of a closed, oriented surface S of genus at least 2, in terms of the action on Teichmuller space. Given a subgroup G of MCG defining an extension L_G: 1--> pi_1(S) --> L_G --> G -->1 we prove that if L_G is a word hyperbolic group then G is a convex cocompact subgroup of MCG. When G is free and convex cocompact, called a "Schottky subgroup" of MCG, the converse is true as well; a semidirect product of pi_1(S) by a free group G is therefore word hyperbolic if and only if G is a Schottky subgroup of MCG. The special case when G=Z follows from Thurston's hyperbolization theorem. Schottky subgroups exist in abundance: sufficiently high powers of any independent set of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes freely generate a Schottky subgroup.Comment: Published in Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol6/paper5.abs.htm

    Edge channel confinement in a bilayer graphene nn-pp-nn quantum dot

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    We combine electrostatic and magnetic confinement to define a quantum dot in bilayer graphene. The employed geometry couples nn-doped reservoirs to a pp-doped dot. At magnetic field values around B=2 B = 2~T, Coulomb blockade is observed. This demonstrates that the coupling of the co-propagating modes at the pp-nn interface is weak enough to form a tunnel barrier, facilitating transport of single charge carriers onto the dot. This result may be of use for quantum Hall interferometry experiments

    Calculations of Neutralino-Stau Coannihilation Channels and the Cosmologically Relevant Region of MSSM Parameter Space

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    Assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the lightest neutralino, we present a detailed exploration of neutralino-stau coannihilation channels, including analytical expressions and numerical results. We also include neutralino coannihilations with the selectron and smuon. We evaluate the implications of coannihilations for the cosmological relic density of the LSP, which is assumed to be stable, in the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM), in which the soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters are universal at the supergravity GUT scale. We evaluate the changes due to coannihilations in the region of the MSSM parameter space that is consistent with the cosmological upper limit on the relic LSP density. In particular, we find that the upper limit on the mass of the neutralino is increased from about 200 GeV to about 600 GeV in the CMSSM, and estimate a qualitatively similar increase for gauginos in the general MSSM.Comment: 38 pages in LaTeX, including 25 encapsulated postscript figures. Added small clarification in the text, corrected some typos in the appendix. Figures and conclusions unchange

    An Alternative Yukawa Unified SUSY Scenario

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    Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theories with Yukawa unification represent an appealing possibility for physics beyond the Standard Model. However Yukawa unification is made difficult by large threshold corrections to the bottom mass. Generally one is led to consider models where the sfermion masses are large in order to suppress these corrections. Here we present another possibility, in which the top and bottom GUT scale Yukawa couplings are equal to a component of the charged lepton Yukawa matrix at the GUT scale in a basis where this matrix is not diagonal. Physically, this weak eigenstate Yukawa unification scenario corresponds to the case where the charged leptons that are in the 16 of SO(10) containing the top and bottom quarks mix with their counterparts in another SO(10) multiplet. Diagonalizing the resulting Yukawa matrix introduces mixings in the neutrino sector. Specifically we find that for a large region of parameter space with relatively light sparticles, and which has not been ruled out by current LHC or other data, the mixing induced in the neutrino sector is such that sin22Θ23≈1sin^2 2\Theta_{23} \approx 1, in agreement with data. The phenomenological implications are analyzed in some detail.Comment: 32 pages, 22 Figure
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