46 research outputs found

    Formation initiale et modèles d’enseignement de nouveaux enseignants au collégial

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    Au Québec, nombreux sont les collèges qui valorisent une formation initiale en enseignement supérieur au moment de l’embauche de leurs enseignants. Pour répondre à cette exigence, l’Université du Québec à Montréal a développé une formation en pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur (PCPES). Dans le cadre de cette formation, plusieurs modèles d’enseignement sont enseignés. Ces derniers auraient un impact sur les apprentissages réalisés par les étudiants et ils ne peuvent être dissociées des contextes dans lesquels ils prennent place. En effet, plusieurs éléments propres au milieu d'accueil favorisent ou restreignent les décisions pédagogiques et l’utilisation de modèles d'enseignement variés. C’est pour mieux arrimer la formation initiale aux pratiques en salles de classe que les diplômés du PCPES, qui ont obtenu une charge d’enseignement dans un collège, ont répondu à un questionnaire portant sur les modèles d’enseignement qu’ils utilisent au quotidien. Avec cette modeste étude, nous visions à décrire ce qui facilite ou restreint l’utilisation des modèles d’enseignement en salle de classe chez de nouveaux enseignants au collégial diplômés du PCPES. Est-ce qu’ils utilisent les modèles appris au cours de leur formation initiale ? Une partie d’entre eux seulement ont l’occasion de les mettre en pratique et, pour une majorité d’entre eux, l’exposé interactif domine leur enseignement. Cette recherche a été réalisée avec le soutien financier du Programme facultaire d’aide financière à la recherche et à la création (PAFARC) pour les nouveaux chercheurs de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.In Quebec, there are many colleges that promote initial training in higher education when hiring teachers. To meet this requirement, the University of Quebec in Montreal has developed an initial training in teaching in higher education (PCPES). As part of this training, several teaching models are taught. Teaching approaches have an impact on the learning achieved by students and they cannot be separated from the contexts in which they take place. Indeed, several host environment elements facilitate or forces pedagogical choices and the use of various teaching models. So as to align initial training and teaching practices in classrooms, graduates of our PCPES, who have obtained a teaching job in a college, answered an online questionnaire on the teaching approaches they use every day. With this study, we aim to describe what facilitates or constrains the use of teaching models in the classroom by beginner college teachers who received initial training in pedagogy. Do they use the approaches taught during their initial training? Only a few of them have the opportunity to put into practice the approaches, and for a majority of them, the interactive lecture still dominates their teaching

    Formation initiale et modèles d’enseignement de nouveaux enseignants au collégial

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    Au Québec, nombreux sont les collèges qui valorisent une formation initiale en enseignement supérieur au moment de l’embauche de leurs enseignants. Pour répondre à cette exigence, l’Université du Québec à Montréal a développé une formation en pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur (PCPES). Dans le cadre de cette formation, plusieurs modèles d’enseignement sont enseignés. Ces derniers auraient un impact sur les apprentissages réalisés par les étudiants et ils ne peuvent être dissociées des contextes dans lesquels ils prennent place. En effet, plusieurs éléments propres au milieu d'accueil favorisent ou restreignent les décisions pédagogiques et l’utilisation de modèles d'enseignement variés. C’est pour mieux arrimer la formation initiale aux pratiques en salles de classe que les diplômés du PCPES, qui ont obtenu une charge d’enseignement dans un collège, ont répondu à un questionnaire portant sur les modèles d’enseignement qu’ils utilisent au quotidien. Avec cette modeste étude, nous visions à décrire ce qui facilite ou restreint l’utilisation des modèles d’enseignement en salle de classe chez de nouveaux enseignants au collégial diplômés du PCPES. Est-ce qu’ils utilisent les modèles appris au cours de leur formation initiale ? Une partie d’entre eux seulement ont l’occasion de les mettre en pratique et, pour une majorité d’entre eux, l’exposé interactif domine leur enseignement. Cette recherche a été réalisée avec le soutien financier du Programme facultaire d’aide financière à la recherche et à la création (PAFARC) pour les nouveaux chercheurs de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.In Quebec, there are many colleges that promote initial training in higher education when hiring teachers. To meet this requirement, the University of Quebec in Montreal has developed an initial training in teaching in higher education (PCPES). As part of this training, several teaching models are taught. Teaching approaches have an impact on the learning achieved by students and they cannot be separated from the contexts in which they take place. Indeed, several host environment elements facilitate or forces pedagogical choices and the use of various teaching models. So as to align initial training and teaching practices in classrooms, graduates of our PCPES, who have obtained a teaching job in a college, answered an online questionnaire on the teaching approaches they use every day. With this study, we aim to describe what facilitates or constrains the use of teaching models in the classroom by beginner college teachers who received initial training in pedagogy. Do they use the approaches taught during their initial training? Only a few of them have the opportunity to put into practice the approaches, and for a majority of them, the interactive lecture still dominates their teaching

    Black adzes in the Early Neolithic of Belgium: Contribution of the Raman microspectrometry and petrography in characterization and sourcing

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    Early Neolithic (Linear Pottery Culture) adzes originate from settlements and workshops accompany the neolithization of Belgium. They are made from a wide range of extraregional lithic raw materials such as metamorphic green rocks (amphibolite) and black volcanic rocks (“basalt’) beside more local or regional raw material as flints, light-coloured (sedimentary and lightly metamorphic) quartzites, black lydites (Cambrian nodular phtanite of Céroux-Mousty and Lower Namurian banded phtanites) and dark grey Lower Namurian silicified sandstones previously called “Micaceous sandstones of Horion-Hozémont’. The discovery of the workshop of Noirfontaine near the city of Liège in the 1970s and 1980s provides exceptional assemblage available for updating analytical studies. This research focuses on the multi-scale characterization, the discrimination and sourcing both Cambrian and Namurian black sedimentary rocks rich in secondary silica composing Early Neolithic adzes found in Belgium. Their black colour results from finely dispersed organic matter, but the absence of palynomorphs does not allow a biostratigraphic ascription. Additional petrographical analyses (Optical Petrography, Scanning Electron Microscope), X-ray diffraction, chemical analyses (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and measuring the degree of graphitization of the organic matter through Raman microspectrometry have been decisive in identifying the geological and geographical provenances by comparing the acquired results with geological reference samples collected in the field or through reference collections. Cambrian lydites are coming from a very restricted area and were preferred to other more local rock sources

    Isostasie postglaciaire différentielle au lac-Saint-Jean (Québec) et implications sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine

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    Cette étude présente d’abord le pourtour complet du maximum marin (mer de Laflamme) au Lac-Saint-Jean (Québec) et la position du premier rivage lacustre développé pendant la remontée isostatique postglaciaire qui se poursuit toujours. Suit une discussion de l’origine possible des eaux salines diluées, localement présentes au Lac-Saint-Jean : eau marine postglaciaire, eaux sous glaciaires et vieilles eaux profondes du Bouclier canadien. This study describes first the complete outline of the highest marine level in the Lac-Saint-Jean area (Québec) as well as the position of the first shoreline of the fresh water lake that replaced the Laflamme sea during the last post glacial uplift (still ongoing). Then, the possible origin of the dilute salty waters found here and there in the Lac-Saint-Jean area is discussed: post glacial sea water, sub-glacial waters and deep Canadian Shield old waters

    Formation initiale et modèles d’enseignement de nouveaux enseignants au collégial

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    In Quebec, there are many colleges that promote initial training in higher education when hiring teachers. To meet this requirement, the University of Quebec in Montreal has developed an initial training in teaching in higher education (PCPES). As part of this training, several teaching models are taught. Teaching approaches have an impact on the learning achieved by students and they cannot be separated from the contexts in which they take place. Indeed, several host environment elements facilitate or forces pedagogical choices and the use of various teaching models. So as to align initial training and teaching practices in classrooms, graduates of our PCPES, who have obtained a teaching job in a college, answered an online questionnaire on the teaching approaches they use every day. With this study, we aim to describe what facilitates or constrains the use of teaching models in the classroom by beginner college teachers who received initial training in pedagogy. Do they use the approaches taught during their initial training? Only a few of them have the opportunity to put into practice the approaches, and for a majority of them, the interactive lecture still dominates their teaching

    Practices, recipes and supply of a late medieval brass foundry: The refractory ceramics and the metals of an early 15th century AD metallurgical workshop in Brussels

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    International audienceThis article focuses on one of the rare workshops for the production of small copper-based alloy objects in the late Middle Ages documented by archaeology. Located in Brussels and dating from the early 15th century, the workshop produced a serial and varied production of dress accessories and other personal objects, mainly in brass, by casting or plastic deformation. These metal objects, mostly fashion accessories, had an important place in the medieval material culture. They are mass-produced and widely spread throughout Europe: the market is therefore very large and the techniques are adapted to satisfy this demand. This paper focuses on a workshop that adapted to this expansion while similar production structures are still largely unknown in the archaeology of northwestern Europe. It is the only one currently in the Low Countries that offers the possibility of knowing the practices and supplies. By identifying workshop practices, this contribution addresses, in particular, the properties and the supplies of the clay used, but also the different ranges of alloys and the evidence of the brass production by the cementation process, by combining several analysis methods (petrography using PLM and SEM, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, PIXE, X-ray diffraction). This approach highlights different supplies, local and extra-local, as the distance was not an obstacle for the supply of high-quality crucible clay and zinc ore for brass production. These results associated with the written sources place the Brussels workshop in a wider network of circulation of raw materials and know-how related to their use. This also shows the interaction between techniques, materials and more broadly with the economy of the late Middle Ages that goes beyond the local sphere