19 research outputs found

    Discordant Increases in CD4+ T Cells in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients Experiencing Virologic Treatment Failure: Role of Changes in Thymic Output and T Cell Death

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    Some patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are experiencing antiretroviral treatment failure have persistent improvement in CD4+ T cell counts despite high plasma viremia. To explore the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon, 2 parameters influencing the dynamics of CD4+ T cells were evaluated: death of mature CD4+ T cells and replenishment of the CD4+ T cell pool by the thymus. The improvement in CD4+ T cells observed in patients with treatment failure was not correlated with spontaneous, Fas ligand-induced, or activation-induced T cell death. In contrast, a significant correlation between the improvement in CD4+ T cell counts and thymic output, as assessed by measurement of T cell receptor excision circles, was observed. These observations suggest that increased thymic output contributes to the dissociation between CD4+ T cell counts and viremia in patients failing antiretroviral therapy and support a model in which drug-resistant HIV strains may have reduced replication rates and pathogenicity in the thymu

    Inversing the natural hydrogen bonding rule to selectively amplify GC-rich ADAR-edited RNAs

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    DNA complementarity is expressed by way of three hydrogen bonds for a G:C base pair and two for A:T. As a result, careful control of the denaturation temperature of PCR allows selective amplification of AT-rich alleles. Yet for the same reason, the converse is not possible, selective amplification of GC-rich alleles. Inosine (I) hydrogen bonds to cytosine by two hydrogen bonds while diaminopurine (D) forms three hydrogen bonds with thymine. By substituting dATP by dDTP and dGTP by dITP in a PCR reaction, DNA is obtained in which the natural hydrogen bonding rule is inversed. When PCR is performed at limiting denaturation temperatures, it is possible to recover GC-rich viral genomes and inverted Alu elements embedded in cellular mRNAs resulting from editing by dsRNA dependent host cell adenosine deaminases. The editing of Alu elements in cellular mRNAs was strongly enhanced by type I interferon induction indicating a novel link mRNA metabolism and innate immunity

    Deaminase-independent inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcription by APOBEC3G

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    APOBEC3G (A3G), a host protein that inhibits HIV-1 reverse transcription and replication in the absence of Vif, displays cytidine deaminase and single-stranded (ss) nucleic acid binding activities. HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NC) also binds nucleic acids and has a unique property, nucleic acid chaperone activity, which is crucial for efficient reverse transcription. Here we report the interplay between A3G, NC and reverse transcriptase (RT) and the effect of highly purified A3G on individual reactions that occur during reverse transcription. We find that A3G did not affect the kinetics of NC-mediated annealing reactions, nor did it inhibit RNase H cleavage. In sharp contrast, A3G significantly inhibited all RT-catalyzed DNA elongation reactions with or without NC. In the case of (−) strong-stop DNA synthesis, the inhibition was independent of A3G's catalytic activity. Fluorescence anisotropy and single molecule DNA stretching analyses indicated that NC has a higher nucleic acid binding affinity than A3G, but more importantly, displays faster association/disassociation kinetics. RT binds to ssDNA with a much lower affinity than either NC or A3G. These data support a novel mechanism for deaminase-independent inhibition of reverse transcription that is determined by critical differences in the nucleic acid binding properties of A3G, NC and RT

    Genetic Editing of HBV DNA by Monodomain Human APOBEC3 Cytidine Deaminases and the Recombinant Nature of APOBEC3G

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA is vulnerable to editing by human cytidine deaminases of the APOBEC3 (A3A-H) family albeit to much lower levels than HIV cDNA. We have analyzed and compared HBV editing by all seven enzymes in a quail cell line that does not produce any endogenous DNA cytidine deaminase activity. Using 3DPCR it was possible to show that all but A3DE were able to deaminate HBV DNA at levels from 10−2 to 10−5 in vitro, with A3A proving to be the most efficient editor. The amino terminal domain of A3G alone was completely devoid of deaminase activity to within the sensitivity of 3DPCR (∼10−4 to 10−5). Detailed analysis of the dinucleotide editing context showed that only A3G and A3H have strong preferences, notably CpC and TpC. A phylogenic analysis of A3 exons revealed that A3G is in fact a chimera with the first two exons being derived from the A3F gene. This might allow co-expression of the two genes that are able to restrict HIV-1Δvif efficiently

    Modulation of HIV-1 infectivity and cyclophilin A-dependence by Gag sequence and target cell type

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    Abstract Background HIV-1 Gag proteins are essential for virion assembly and viral replication in newly infected cells. Gag proteins are also strong determinants of viral infectivity; immune escape mutations in the Gag capsid (CA) protein can markedly reduce viral fitness, and interactions of CA with host proteins such as cyclophilin A (CypA) and TRIM5α can have important effects on viral infectivity. Little information, however, is available concerning the extent that different primary Gag proteins affect HIV-1 replication in different cell types, or the impact on viral replication of differences in the expression by target cells of proteins that interact with CA. To address these questions, we compared the infectivity of recombinant HIV-1 viruses expressing Gag-protease sequences from primary isolates in different target cells in the presence or absence of agents that disrupt cyclophilin A – CA interactions and correlated these results with the viral genotype and the expression of cyclophilin A and TRIM5α by the target cells. Results Viral infectivity was governed by the nature of the Gag proteins in a target cell-specific fashion. The treatment of target cells with agents that disrupt CypA-CA interactions often produced biphasic dose-response curves in which viral infectivity first increased and subsequently decreased as a function of the dose used. The extent that treatment of target cells with high-dose CypA inhibitors impaired viral infectivity was dependent on several factors, including the viral genotype, the nature of the target cell, and the extent that treatment with low-dose CypA inhibitors increased viral infectivity. Neither the presence of polymorphisms in the CA CypA-binding loop, the level of expression of CypA, or the level of TRIM5α expression could, alone, explain the differences in the shape of the dose-response curves observed or the extent that high-dose CypA inhibitors reduced viral infectivity. Conclusion Multiple interactions between host-cell factors and Gag can strongly affect HIV-1 infectivity, and these vary according to target cell type and the origin of the Gag sequence. Two of the cellular activities involved appear to be modulated in opposite directions by CypA-CA interactions, and Gag sequences determine the intrinsic sensitivity of a given virus to each of these cellular activities.</p

    Delaying Reverse Transcription Does Not Increase Sensitivity of HIV-1 to Human TRIM5α

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Because uncoating of the capsid is linked to reverse transcription, modifications that delay this process lead to the persistence in the cytoplasm of capsids susceptible to recognition by the human restriction factor TRIM5α (hTRIM5α). It is unknown, however, if increasing the time available for capsid-hTRIM5α interactions would actually render viruses more sensitive to hTRIM5α.</p> <h3>Results</h3><p>Viral sensitivity to hTRIM5α was evaluated by comparing their replication in human U373-X4 cells in which hTRIM5α activity had or had not been inhibited by overexpression of human TRIM5γ. No differences were observed comparing wild-type HIV-1 and variants carrying mutations in reverse transcriptase or the central polypurine tract that delayed the completion of reverse transcription. In addition, the effect of delaying the onset of reverse transcription for several hours by treating target cells with nevirapine was evaluated using viral isolates with different sensitivities to hTRIM5α. Delaying reverse transcription led to a time-dependent loss in viral infectivity that was increased by inhibiting capsid-cyclophilin A interactions, but did not result in increased viral sensitivity to hTRIM5α, regardless of their intrinsic sensitivity to this restriction factor.</p> <h3>Conclusions</h3><p>Consistent with prior studies, the HIV-1 capsid can be targeted for destruction by hTRIM5α, but different strains display considerable variability in their sensitivity to this restriction factor. Capsids can also be lost more slowly through a TRIM5α-independent process that is accelerated when capsid-cyclophilin A interactions are inhibited, an effect that may reflect changes in the intrinsic stability of the capsid. Blocking the onset or delaying reverse transcription does not, however, increase viral sensitivity to hTRIM5α, indicating that the recognition of the capsids by hTRIM5α is completed rapidly following entry into the cytoplasm, as previously observed for the simian restriction factors TRIM-Cyp and rhesus TRIM5α.</p> </div

    Delaying the onset of reverse transcription does not increase viral sensitivity to hTRIM5α.

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    <p>Untransduced U373-X4 cells and U373-X4 cells transduced with lentiviral vectors resulting in the overexpression of β-galactosidase (LacZ) or human TRIM5γ (TRIM5γ) were cultured overnight in the presence of 100 U/ml IFNα, and infected with 3 ng p24/well of the indicated recombinant VSV-pseudotyped viruses, which express <i>Renilla</i> luciferase in the place of Nef, and luciferase activity was measured 40 h after infection. Parallel cultures were maintained in the presence of 250 ng/ml NVP for the indicated times prior to washing the cells to remove NVP. Cultures not receiving NVP were washed 1 h after infection. In the left panels, results for cells not treated with NVP are expressed relative to RLU measured in untransduced U373-X4 cells. In the right panels, results for each cell line are expressed relative to RLU measured in cultures not treated with NVP. Shown are the mean ± SEM for three independent experiments performed using fresh viral stocks. ** indicates p<0.01 compared to U373-X4-LacZ cells.</p

    Role of Minority Populations of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in the Evolution of Viral Resistance to Protease Inhibitors

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance results from the accumulation of mutations in the viral genes targeted by the drugs. These genetic changes, however, are commonly detected and monitored by techniques that only take into account the dominant population of plasma virus. Because HIV-1-infected patients harbor a complex and diverse mixture of virus populations, the mechanisms underlying the emergence and the evolution of resistance are not fully elucidated. Using techniques that allow the quantification of resistance mutations in minority virus species, we have monitored the evolution of resistance in plasma virus populations from patients failing protease inhibitor treatment. Minority populations with distinct resistance genotypes were detected in all patients throughout the evolution of resistance. The emergence of new dominant genotypes followed two possible mechanisms: (i) emergence of a new mutation in a currently dominant genotype and (ii) emergence of a new genotype derived from a minority virus species. In most cases, these population changes were associated with an increase in resistance at the expense of a reduction in replication capacity. Our findings provide a preliminary indication that minority viral species, which evolve independently of the majority virus population, can eventually become dominant populations, thereby serving as a reservoir of diversity and possibly accelerating the development of drug resistance