1,766 research outputs found

    Assemblages and microthermometry of barite ore deposits from Chorriaca anticline, Neuquén Province

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    En este trabajo se estudió la mineralización de sulfatos de Ba presente en el anticlinal de Chorriaca. El mapeo de las distintas labores evidenció un fuerte control estratigráfico puesto que todos los depósitos se hallan hospedados en el miembro Agua de la Mula (Formación Agrio). La mineralogía se compone principalmente de baritina, calcita y óxidos de hierro. Los análisis texturales permitieron reconocer tres pulsos de mineralización, de los cuales el último habría sido el más importante. En cristales de baritina de este último se realizaron los estudios de inclusiones fluidas. Las inclusiones primarias más representativas se componen de agua con sales disueltas entre las cuales destacan algunas con cantidades subordinadas de hidrocarburos. Los resultados microtermométricos permitieron definir temperaturas de homogeneización superiores a los 300 °C y soluciones con bajas salinidades. Sobre la base de los resultados obtenidos se postula un origen hidrotermal para las manifestaciones del área estudiada.In this contribution, the barium sulfate mineralization from Chorriaca anticline was studied. All mines are hosted in carbonate layers (Agua de la Mula stratigraphical unit, Agrio Formation) that evidence a strong lithological control. The assemblages is mainly composed of barite, calcite and iron oxides. Their textures imply three mineralization events, from which the last one was the most important. Fluid inclusion studies on barite crystallized during this last event were carried out. The most representative primary fluid inclusions are composed of water with dissolved salts. Few of them also present hydrocarbons on the liquid phases. Microthermometry evidenced homogeneization temperatures above 300°C and solutions with low salinities. Regarding the reasons stated above we propose that this barite mineralization was generated by hydrothermal processes related to the magmatic activity of Neuquén basin.Fil: Leal, Pablo Rodrigo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Basicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Mateo, Paula. University of Princeton; Estados Unido

    The brand as value production: from the trademark to designation of origin of wines from the Douro Demarcated Region

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    ES: A fines del siglo XIX surgen las marcas comerciales modernas, después de la creación del marco legal para su protección y el nacimiento de grandes empresas comerciales. En el sector vitivinícola portugués hubo una fuerte adhesión de las empresas al re-gistro de marcas como defensa contra las prácticas de "uso indebido de indicaciones de procedencia falsas", en un contexto de conversión postfiloxérica, de un mercado inestable y la proliferación de imitaciones y falsificaciones. El sector comercial se apropiaría de la marca en su identificación con la Denominación de Origen, lo que llevó a la aparición, a principios del siglo XX, de un movimiento liderado por las élites de la Región Demarcada del Duero en el sentido del reconocimiento y defensa legal de la marca regional Porto. En este artículo nos centraremos en tres fincas históricas -Senhora da Ribeira, Bomfim y Zimbro- y en las marcas comerciales, etiquetas y marcas de fuego de Silva & Cosens, una de las compañías de comercio de vino del Duero más respetadas a principios del siglo XX. Intentaremos comprender cómo la compañía creó marcas comerciales con una fuerte identificación con la Re-gión Duriense, la región que produce sus vinos.Palabras clave: vino de Oporto, marca comercial, Denominación de Origen, Región Demarcada del Duero.Introduction In the Alto Douro region, the oldest demarcated and regulated region in the world, with shale soils, vineyard cultivation dates to Roman times, having developed progressively in the fo-llowing centuries. From the 11th to 13th centuries there was an expansion of the vineyard. And as soon as the 17th century, English, Flemish and Dutch traders settled in Oporto, dedicating themselves to the export of Douro wines.While the export of wines to England increases, the first conf licts between producers and mer-chants erupt, leading to the Constitution of the Companhia Geral da Agricultura das Vinhas do Alto Douro by Royal Charter, in 1756, accompanied by the demarcation of the producing region (see Pereira, 1996: 180-188; Pereira, 2010b: 10-16). The law of 7th December 1865, the result of an intense and prolonged debatebetween free traders and protectionists on the wine sector issue, established a regime of freedom of trade that would end only in 1907. During this period, all regulatory mechanisms were abolished: the demarcation was eliminated, as well as the restriction of the port bar of Porto for the export of Douro wines and the supervision and certification of wines.At the end of the 19th century, modern commercial brands emerged after the creation of the legal framework for their protection and the birth of large commercial companies. On the other hand, the commercial sector would eventually take ownership of the brand, na-mely in its identification with the designation of origin, leading to the emergence at the be-ginning of the 20th century of a movement led by prominent landowners and personalities from the Douro Region aiming to recognition and creation of legal mechanisms to defend the regional brand of Porto.At the end of the 19th century, modern commercial brands emerged after the crea-tion of the legal framework for their protection and the birth of large commercial companies. In the Portuguese wine sector, there was a strong adhesion of companies to the registration of trademarks as a defense against practices of "abusive use of false or misleading indications of provenance", in a context of post-phylloxera re-conversion, market instability and the proliferation of imitations and counterfeits. The commercial sector took ownership of the brand in its identification with the designation of origin, leading to the emergence at the beginning of the 20th century of a movement led by prominent personalities from the Douro Region in the sense of creation of legal mechanisms to defend the regional brand of Portwine. We will analyze three historical quintas (estates) - Senhora da Ribeira, Bomfim and Zimbro - and the marks (brands, labels and fire marks) of Silva & Cosens, the "most respec-table" company in the Douro wine trade in the early 20th century. We aim to undes-rtand how this company created trademarks with a strongly identifying character with the Douro Demarcated Region, the producing region of its wines

    Training needs in TQM: the Portuguese perspective

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    A survey to assess training needs in TQM was developed in several European countries, within the framework of a Leonardo’s project named IMVOCED. Beyond a comparison of the results in each country, a global analysis was performed to design a TQM programme to be delivered by WBL (Work Based Learning). Differences were found between countries, and the Portuguese results also revealed that different approaches to TQM training should be adopted according to the organisation’s dimension. Based on this evidence, two different strategies for TQM training by WBL are proposed and discussed.training needs; TQM

    Oxidação electrocatalítica de hidratos de carbono utilizando complexos de metais de transição

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    Os hidratos de carbono podem ser convertidos em produtos químicos, energia, têxteis, materiais de construção, papel e muitos outros produtos industriais. Estes constituem uma matéria prima barata, renovável e facilmente disponível. No início dos anos noventa, 95% da biomassa produzida eram hidratos de carbono e correspondiam a duzentos biliões de toneladas. Nos dias de hoje, apenas 3 a 5% desta biomassa são utilizados em termos industriais. Os restantes sofrem degradação e são reciclados segundo processos naturais. As principais razões para o uso limitado dos hidratos de carbono como matéria prima estão directamente ligadas à sua funcionalização excessiva devido à existência de grupos hidroxilo com reactividade similar, e ainda devido à baixa solubilidade nos vulgares solventes orgânicos. Assim conseguir uma oxidação directa e selectiva dos sacáridos pressupõe uma estratégia preliminar de protecção, sendo esta difícil nos métodos clássicos. Os métodos electroquímicos surgem como uma alternativa, em que as transformações são realizadas em solução aquosa, associando os conceitos e os métodos da electroquímica interfacial com os da catálise heterogénea. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo a oxidação regiosselectiva da D-galactose em meio aquoso, utilizando electrocatalisadores que contêm complexos de metais de transição. A presença de complexos de metais de transição na superfície do eléctrodo pode alterar a selectividade e melhorar o rendimento na oxidação dos monossacáridos. Este trabalho inicia-se com a síntese e caracterização de complexos estáveis, nomeadamente de ruténio e molibdénio. O ligando utilizado para a síntese destes complexos foi o 1,2-piridilazo-2-naftol (PAN). A partir destes complexos preparam-se eléctrodos modificados, com os quais se procede a um estudo de voltametria cíclica, com o fim de investigar a oxidação electrocatalítica da D-galactose, tendo sido assim determinados parâmetros cinéticos das reacções electroquímicas. Por fim foi realizada uma electrolise exaustiva, tendo sido os produtos desta identificados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência ( HPLC ).Carbohydrates can be converted in chemical products, energy, textiles, building materials, paper and many other industrial products. Carbohydrates are a very cheap raw material and easily available. . In the beginning of the nineties, 95% of the biomass produced was carbohydrates and corresponded to two hundred billion tons. In our days only 3 to 5% of this biomass is industrially used. The remaining decays and recycles along natural pathways. The main reasons for the limited use of carbohydrates as raw material is related to its overfunctionalization caused by the hydroxyl groups with similar reactivity, and also, to its poor solubility in most of the common used organic solvents. To achieve a direct and selective oxidation of saccharides, a preliminary protection strategy should occur at first time. This is very difficult to get in classical methods. The electrochemical method appears as an alternative, and the transformations are developed on aqueous solutions, associating the concepts and the electrochemical interfacial methods, with the heterogeneous catalyses. The goal of this investigation is the regioselective oxidation of D-galactose in aqueous solution, using electrocatalists which have transition metal complexes. The presence of the transition metal complexes at the surface of the electrode, can change the selectivity and improve the yield in the oxidation of the monosaccharides. This investigation starts with synthesis and characterization of the stable complexes, like ruthenium and molibdenium complexes. The ligand used in the synthesis is the 1,2-piridilazo-2-naftol (PAN). Using these complexes, modified electrodes were made and cyclic voltammetric studies were developed, with the special focus on the investigation of electrocatalitic oxidation of D-galactose. Kinetics parameters of the electrochemical reactions were also determined by cyclic voltammetriy. At last, an exhaustive electrolyse has been effectuated, and the products of reaction obtained were identified and quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ). i

    O elearning e a computação em nuvem nas organizações empresariais

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    O elearning corresponde a um modelo de ensino não presencial suportado pela tecnologia. Os sistemas de elearning exigem muitos recursos de hardware e software. Normalmente as organizações necessitam de investimentos avultados para obter esses recursos. A cloud computing (computação em nuvem) é uma boa solução, uma vez que oferece os recursos de computação necessários (hardware e software) como um serviço. Este trabalho concentra-se principalmente sobre as vantagens, a nível das organizações empresariais, da tecnologia de cloud computing num sistema de elearning.Elearning corresponds to a non-classroom teaching model supported by technology. Elearning systems require many hardware and software resources. Typically organizations need large investments for these features. Cloud computing is a good solution, as it offers the necessary computing resources (hardware and software) as a service. This paper mainly focuses up on the benefits, the level of business organizations, the cloud computing technology in elearning system

    The development of decision support models for European air traffic flow management

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    Congestion severely affects air traffic in the US and Europe. To protect air traffic controllers from overloads a planning activity, Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), emerged during the 1970s. ATFM control actions range from departure delays to the re-routing of flights. This research explores how models can be used to support decision-making in European ATFM. To date, most research into this subject has been directed at ATFM in the US, which differs from European ATFM both in terms of decision-making and time scales. Fieldwork was carried out at the EUROCONTROL Central Flow Management Unit, the organisation that manages traffic flows in most of the European airspace. The fieldwork was an OR intervention aimed at identifying suitable decision support models for re-routing flights. The research described here contributes by: 1) describing the European ATFM field and identifying decision support needs; 2) structuring the problems involved in re-routing flights in Europe; 3) providing a framework for the development of re-routing decision support systems (DSS) and 4) assessing the usefulness of optimisation approaches to re-routing flights. A demonstrator is developed to illustrate different re-routing decision support possibilities to the users. This leads to conclusions on the feasibility of various decision support functions including an identification of models and algorithms which can be used for each of the functions. Conclusions on levels of automation and complexity for re-routing DSS are also taken. Three integer models for re-routing flows are presented. They differ in the way congestion is represented. The models are tested on data of traffic crossing the whole French upper airspace. The test reveals that the models can be of use in re-routing flows and can provide significant savings in delays. It also shows that an 'intelligent' component to define the scope of the optimisation problem and a component to process all the data for the models, are needed in a re-routing DSS. The models are compared in terms of impact on congestion, size and execution time and conclusions on their feasibility taken. Extensions to the models are suggested

    The role of energy affordability in the relationship between poor housing and health status

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    Housing quality is a well-established determinant for health and its relevance has been increasing in the context of sustainable development. Prior research has emphasized the importance of adequate housing for the health and comfort of householders. However, this link is still poorly characterized and understood regarding the vulnerable segments of the population. In this study, a mediation analysis is proposed to test and identify the role of energy affordability in the relationship between poor housing and health status. It resorts to microdata from the European Union—Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) database, focusing on the analysis of Portugal as the case study. Research findings confirm the role of energy affordability as a mediator. The research findings supported the energy efficiency as a direct pathway with protective and preventive effect for poor health, followed by energy affordability as a mediated or indirect pathway. A complementary approach that addresses energy efficiency and energy poverty should be pursued to maximize health risk reduction.This research was funded by FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - within MIT SES Portugal Doctoral Program under the scholarship PD/BD/128029/2016. This work has also been supported by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Health and housing energy expenditures: a two-part model approach

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    Interest in the interaction between energy and health within the built environment has been increasing in recent years, in the context of sustainable development. However, in order to promote health and wellbeing across all ages it is necessary to have a better understanding of the association between health and energy at household level. This study contributes to this debate by addressing the case of Portugal using data from the Household Budget Survey (HBS) microdata database. A two-part model is applied to estimate health expenditures based on energy-related expenditures, as well as socioeconomic variables. Additional statistical methods are used to enhance the perception of relevant predictors for health expenditures. Our findings suggest that given the high significance and coefficient value, energy expenditure is a relevant explanatory variable for health expenditures. This result is further validated by a dominance analysis ranking. Moreover, the results show that health gains and medical cost reductions can be a key factor to consider on the assessment of the economic viability of energy efficiency projects in buildings. This is particularly relevant for the older and low-income segments of the population.This research was funded by FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within MIT SES Portugal Doctoral Program under the scholarship PD/BD/128029/2016. This work has also been supported by FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/202

    A review of the relation between household indoor temperature and health outcomes

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    This paper provides a review of research that addresses the relationship between indoor temperatures and health outcomes, taking into consideration studies that focus heat or cold exposure within the household context. It aims to extend previous research by considering both indoor temperatures from existing housing, and empirical studies that focus on energy efficiency measures and subsequent health impacts. To achieve this aim, a literature review was undertaken, combining engineering and health databases. The review established that, overall, inadequate indoor temperatures are associated with poor health status, whereas energy efficiency measures have been associated to improved indoor temperatures and occupant’s health namely regarding cardiovascular, respiratory and mental health disorders. These health conditions are among the most prevalent non-communicable diseases (NCD). The review also highlighted the need for more empirical studies with an extended timeframe to deal with climate change challenges. It underlined the potential advantages of the convergence between health and energy efficiency studies, for better modelling and planning.(undefined

    Ser diferente: O contributo do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica no cuidar da criança em idade escolar com perturbações da leitura e da escrita

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    A promoção de uma condição de bem-estar o mais elevada possível e um desenvolvimento saudável da criança e jovem, é a pedra basilar do cuidado do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde infantil e pediátrica, tanto nos cuidados de saúde primários como nos cuidados de saúde diferenciados. O percurso formativo efetuado e aqui explanado, norteou-se pela linha de investigação “Necessidades em cuidados de enfermagem em populações específicas”, tendo a realização do mesmo a pretensão de melhorar a prestação de cuidados nas crianças com perturbações da leitura e da escrita. Estas perturbações do neurodesenvolvimento interferem no desenvolvimento harmonioso da criança, com repercussões negativas quando não identificadas atempadamente. O recurso à metodologia de trabalho de projeto é o eleito para arquitetar esta caminhada que conduzirá à aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências no âmbito do Mestrado em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica. Efetuaremos a exposição dos fundamentos conceptuais desta problemática, das atividades desenvolvidas e a análise reflexiva da prática clínica. O desenvolvimento deste projeto proporcionou uma sensibilização e a mudança do olhar para os cuidados a prestar às crianças com perturbações da leitura e da escrita, fomentando a excelência do cuidar em enfermagem, sendo assim uma oportunidade enriquecedora quer pessoal quer profissionalmenteThe promotion of the highest possible welfare state, and the healthy development of the youth, it’s the base stone of the care provided by pediatric and childcare specialist nurses, both in primary and “special” health care. The formative path we went throw, and published here, is guided by/follows the topic “Nursing care needs in specific populations”. The objective of this work is to improve the care provided to children with reading and writing disabilities, which interfere with the child development, and can end up causing harmful and negative repercussions. The damage can be minimized when the problems are recognized at an early age. The use of the work methodology of the project it’s the same used to “build” the path that will lead to the development and acquisition of knowledge and skills, within the master’s degree of childcare and pediatric nursing. In this project, we’ll also explain conceptual foundations, and expose our analysis and reflection about our clinical practice. The development of this project helped provide a sensibilization and a change on the way people think about care on children with writing and reading disabilities, promoting the excellence in nurse care, and giving an enriching opportunity, both in personal and professional level