64 research outputs found

    Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of Secondary School Heads during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study determined the challenges encountered by public secondary School Heads of Pangasinan II division during the Covid-19 pandemic and the coping mechanisms used by the School Heads to manage the challenges. It used the descriptive-correlational research design. This study found out that in the profile variables of the respondent-School Heads, majority are females, 51 and above years old, Master’s degree holders with 11-15 years in service. Majority of the respondents are Principal III-IV who are mostly trained in leadership and management relevant to the new normal. There are moderately high level of challenges encountered by School Heads during the Covid-19 pandemic along leadership and governance, curriculum and learning, and management of resources. A high level of challenges was encountered by School Heads during the Covid-19 pandemic along accountability and continuous improvement. Findings also show that the level of coping mechanisms of the School Heads to manage the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic along production of instructional/ modular materials, training of teachers, and provision of technological tools are high. A moderately high level of coping mechanism was also found on school Heads’ management during the pandemic along production, distribution and retrieval of modules. There is a significant relationship that exists on the level of challenges encountered by the School Heads along leadership and governance, and the profile variables, sex and position. A significant relationship also exists between the level of challenges encountered along curriculum and learning and the School Heads’ highest educational attainment. Further, a significant relationship exists between the level of challenges encountered along management of resources and the profile variable, age

    Recomanacions mèdiques per a dones que van a altitud. Document de consens de la comissió mèdica de la UIAA

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    Sovint els metges de capçalera atenen la demanda de dones, embarassades o no, que volen anar a altitud per fer-hi alpinisme o altres activitats. Aquest document de consens pretén establir guies clares, basades en l'evidència científica disponible, per respondre a aquestes qüestions. S'espera que aquesta informació sigui útil a metges, sanitaris i, en general, a les dones que tinguin planejat d'anar a altitud durant períodes breus (de dies a setmanes)

    Recomendaciones médicas para mujeres que van a altitud. Documento de consenso de la comisión médica de la UIAA

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    A menudo, los médicos de cabecera deben atender la demanda de mujeres, embarazadas o no, que quieren ir a altitud para hacer alpinismo u otras actividades. Este documento de consenso pretende establecer guías claras, basadas en la evidencia científica disponible, para responder a estas cuestiones. Se espera que esta información sea útil a médicos, sanitarios y en general a las mujeres que planeen ir a altitud durante períodos breves (de días a semanas)

    In the Era of mRNA Vaccines, Is There Any Hope for HIV Functional Cure?

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    Over 36 million people worldwide are infected with HIV. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has proven to be highly effective to prevent HIV-1 transmission, clinical progression and death. Despite this success, the number of HIV-1 infected individuals continues increasing and ART should be taken for life. Therefore, there are two main priorities: the development of preventive vaccines to protect from HIV acquisition and achieve an efficient control of HIV infection in the absence of ART (functional cure). In this sense, in the last few years, there has been a broad interest in new and innovative approaches such as mRNA-based vaccines. RNA-based immunogens represent a promising alternative to conventional vaccines because of their high potency, capacity for rapid development and potential for low-cost manufacture and safe administration. Some mRNA-based vaccines platforms against infectious diseases have demonstrated encouraging results in animal models and humans. However, their application is still limited because the instability and inefficient in vivo delivery of mRNA. Immunogens, design, immunogenicity, chemical modifications on the molecule or the vaccine delivery methods are all crucial interventions for improvement. In this review we, will present the current knowledge and challenges in this research field. mRNA vaccines hold great promises as part of a combined strategy, for achieving HIV functional cure

    Recreational Drug Use in People Living with HIV in Spain : Factors Associated with Drug Use and the Impact on Clinical Outcomes

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    We analysed the impact of recreational drug use (RDU) on different outcomes in people living with HIV (PLHIV). A multicentre retrospective cohort study was performed with two cohorts of PLHIV included: people using recreational drugs (PURD) vs. people not using recreational drugs (PNURD). Overall, 275 PLHIV were included. RDU was associated with men having sex with men (OR 4.14, 95% CI [1.14, 5.19]), previous sexually transmitted infections (OR 4.00, 95% CI [1.97, 8.13]), and current smoking (OR 2.74, 95% CI [1.44, 5.19]). While the CD/CD ratio increased amongst PNURD during the follow-up year, it decreased amongst PURD (p = 0.050). PURD presented lower scores of self-reported and multi-interval antiretroviral adherence (p = 0.017, and p = 0.006, respectively), emotional well-being (p < 0.0001), and regular follow-up (p = 0.059), but paid more visits to the emergency unit (p = 0.046). RDU worsens clinical, immunological, and mental health outcomes amongst PLHIV

    Impact of Transcriptome and Gut Microbiome on the Response of HIV-1 Infected Individuals to a Dendritic Cell-Based HIV Therapeutic Vaccine

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    Therapeutic vaccines based on dendritic cells offer a good approach to HIV-specific T-cell responses and partial control of the viral load after antiretroviral therapy interruption. The aim of the present study was to identify mRNA expression profiles and to assess the impact of the gut microbiome composition for predicting the viral load control after antiretroviral therapy interruption. We enrolled 29 patients to receive either placebo or a monocyte-derived dendritic cell vaccine. Patients with a decrease in their viral load of >0.5 log10 copies/mL by 12 weeks after antiretroviral therapy interruption were considered responders. In total, 66 genes were considered differentially expressed between responders and non-responders. Enrichment analysis revealed several upregulated pathways involved in the host defense response to a virus via the type I interferon signaling pathway. Regarding the gut microbiota, responders showed enriched levels of Bacteroidetes (p < 0.005) and Verrucomicrobia (p = 0.017), while non-responders were enriched with Tenericutes (p = 0.049) and Actinobacteria (p < 0.005). We also found important differences at the genus level. However, we did not discover any effect of the dendritic cell vaccine on the transcriptome or the gut microbiota. An alternative analysis did characterize that the microbiota from responders were associated with the metabolic production of short-chain fatty acids, which are key metabolites in the regulation of intestinal homeostasis. The evidence now consistently shows that short-chain fatty acid depletion occurs in HIV-infected individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment.This study was partially supported by the SPANISH AIDS Research Network (RIS) projects RD16/0025/0002 and RD16/0025/0013 integrated in the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation from the General Sub-Directorate for research assessment and promotion; Spanish Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS), AC16/00051 and PI18/00699; Gilead grants in Biomedical research in HIV, hepatic, and hemo-oncology from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO) (grants: SAF2015-66193-R and RTI2018-096309-B-I00); and the income found from Europe in the Regional Development (FEDER) and the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya SGR 615 and SGR 653. Felipe García received the support of José María Segovia de Arana contracts.S

    Highly Efficient Autologous HIV-1 Isolation by Coculturing Macrophage With Enriched CD4+ T Cells From HIV-1 Patients

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    We described a novel HIV autologous isolation method based in coculturing macrophages and CD4+T-cell-enriched fractions from peripheral blood collected from antiretroviral-treated (ART) HIV patients. This method allows the isolation of high viral titers of autologous viruses, over 1010HIV RNA copies/ml, and reduces the time required to produce necessary amounts for virus for use as antigens presented by monocyte-derived myeloid cells in HIV therapeutic vaccine approaches. By applying these high titer and autologous virus produced in the patient-derived cells, we intended to elicit a boost of the immunological system response in HIV therapeutic vaccines in clinical trials.This study was partially supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO) (grants: SAF2015-66193-R, SAF-2017-88089-R, RTI2018-096309-B-I00); the Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); the SPANISH AIDS Research Network RD16/0025/0002 and RD16/0025/0014-ISCIII-FEDER (RIS); the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) PI12/01247 and PI20/00676; and HIVACAT program and the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya SGR 615 and SGR 653. The project leading to these results has received funding from “la Caixa” Foundation under agreement. This study was also supported in part with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, under contract Nos. HHSN261200800001E and 75N91019D00024.S

    Optimization and validation of an ELISA assay for the determination of antibody responses to CN54gp140 and AIDSVAX BE for use in the Phase IIb PrEPVacc vaccine trial.

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    PrEPVacc is an international, multi-centre, double-blind vaccine study comparing experimental combination vaccine regimens including DNA/AIDSVAX BE and DNA/CN54gp140 with placebo control. Simultaneously, daily oral PrEP is compared for efficacy against daily Truvada in the context of the current PrEP availability situation at the study sites. An important clinical trial outcome is the accurate measurement of in vivo antibody titer induced through vaccination. Here we report the validation of two ELISAs for CN54gp140 and AIDSVAX BE at Uganda Virus Research Institute that demonstrates precision, specificity, and robustness for assessing the reciprocal antibody end point titer in human serum. This is a critical endpoint for determining whether vaccination can provide any protection against HIV in populations at risk of acquiring HIV

    Protease inhibitor monotherapy is associated with a higher level of monocyte activation, bacterial translocation and inflammation

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    Introduction Monotherapy with protease-inhibitors (MPI) may be an alternative to cART for HIV treatment. We assessed the impact of this strategy on immune activation, bacterial translocation and inflammation. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study comparing patients on successful MPI (n=40) with patients on cART (n=20). Activation, senescence, exhaustion and differentiation stage in CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte subsets, markers of monocyte activation, microbial translocation, inflammation, coagulation and low-level viremia were assessed. Results CD4+ or CD8+ T lymphocyte subset parameters were not significantly different between both groups. Conversely, as compared with triple cART, MPI patients showed a higher proportion of activated monocytes (CD14+ CD16−CD163+ cells, p=0.031), soluble markers of monocyte activation (sCD14 p=0.004, sCD163 p=0.002), microbial translocation (lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein; LBP p=0.07), inflammation (IL-6 p=0.04) and low-level viremia (p=0.035). In a multivariate model, a higher level of CD14+ CD16−CD163+ cells and sCD14, and presence of very low-level viremia were independently associated with MPI. Monocyte activation was independently associated with markers of inflammation (IL-6, p=0.006), microbial translocation (LBP, p=0.01) and low-level viremia (p=0.01). Conclusions Patients on MPI showed a higher level of monocyte activation than patients on standard therapy. Microbial translocation and low-level viremia were associated with the high level of monocyte activation observed in patients on MPI. The long-term clinical consequences of these findings should be assessed

    Altered T-cell subset distribution in the viral reservoir in HIV-1-infected individuals with extremely low proviral DNA (LoViReTs)

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    HIV cure strategies aim to eliminate viral reservoirs that persist despite successful antiretroviral therapy (ART). We have previously described that 9% of HIV-infected individuals who receive ART harbor low levels of provirus (LoViReTs). We selected 22 LoViReTs matched with 22 controls ART suppressed for more than 3 years with fewer than 100 and more than 100 HIV-DNA copies/10 6 CD4 + T cells, respectively. We measured HIV reservoirs in blood and host genetic factors. Fourteen LoViReTs underwent leukapheresis to analyze replication-competent virus, and HIV-DNA in CD4 + T-cell subpopulations. Additionally, we measured HIV-DNA in rectum and/or lymph node biopsies from nine of them. We found that LoViReTs harbored not only lower levels of total HIV-DNA, but also significantly lower intact HIV-DNA, cell-associated HIV-RNA, and ultrasensitive viral load than controls. The proportion of intact versus total proviruses was similar in both groups. We found no differences in the percentage of host factors. In peripheral blood, 71% of LoViReTs had undetectable replication-competent virus. Minimum levels of total HIV-DNA were found in rectal and lymph node biopsies compared with HIV-infected individuals receiving ART. The main contributors to the reservoir were short-lived transitional memory and effector memory T cells (47% and 29%, respectively), indicating an altered distribution of the HIV reservoir in the peripheral T-cell subpopulations of LoViReTs. In conclusion, LoViReTs are characterized by low levels of viral reservoir in peripheral blood and secondary lymphoid tissues, which might be explained by an altered distribution of the proviral HIV-DNA towards more short-lived memory T cells. LoViReTs can be considered exceptional candidates for future interventions aimed at curing HIV