3,597 research outputs found

    Avec ou sans trait d'union : note sur le terme "Indo-chine"

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    Dans cet article, on tente une analyse des termes 'Indo-Chine' et 'Indochine' au regard des autres expressions usuelles actuelles et au contexte historique, en montrant en quoi le trait d'union différenciant les deux termes est de nature sémantique. En conclusion de ce travail, il est suggéré de réutiliser le terme 'Indo-Chine' pour désigner l'Asie du Sud-Est continentale (acception géographique), enrichissant ainsi un vocabulaire assez pauvre, et de réserver le terme 'Indochine' pour désigner les anciennes colonies françaises dabs cette région (acception historique et politique). (Résumé d'auteur

    Die kernbetekenis van die mens se etiese bestaanswyse

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    Ethicists differ widely in their views on the field of investigation of ethics as a science. These differences underpinning various theories regarding the true nature of ethics, seriously inhibit collaboration between adherents of different stances in this respect. Consequently meaningful progress in the development of ethical sciences can largely be attributed to divergent views on the essence (the meaning kernel or modal nucleus) of the ethical mode of human existence. In this article an attempt is made at identifying the true meaning nucleus of the ethical aspect of reality. To achieve this, the meaning of the concept meaning nucleus as well as the characteristics of meaning nuclei as such and the way in which they should be formulated, are investigated. Finally some prevailing ideas on the nature of the ethical mode of human existence are judged against the findings of this investigation

    Op weg na ’n opvoedkundige etiek: problematiek rondom die terme etiek. sede en moraal

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    One of the initial problems which not only ethics as an emerging science has to cope with, but also special sciences like education which have to employ ethical perspectives, is the lack of a unanimous scientific interpretation of the concepts ethics, mores and morals. A direct consequence of this state of affairs is that ethicists differ widely in respect of their views regarding the field of investigation of ethics as a science. What it really amounts to is that different ‘ethicists' are largely operating in dissimilar scientific fields. It stands to reason (hat it is hard to conduct a meaningful scientific discourse about ethical matters in this way and that the results of a great deal of research in ethics will be extremely confusing - not only to ethicists, but, amongst others, to educationists, parents, students and pupils as well, especially with regard to present day problems in respect of sexual relationships, drug abuse, protest art, political turmoil in educational (and other) matters, etc. In this article an account is given of some currcnt interpretations of the concepts ethics, mores and morals and an attempt is made at indicating possibilities which can be explored in the quest for solutions to this dilemma

    Reflecting on the knowledge management practices of a University of Technology

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    Published ArticleKnowledge is universally considered to be a public good and something that should be developed and supported. The information explosion and enabling technologies (such as the Internet and cellular technologies) of the past decade has firmly established the Age of Knowledge. Knowledge has normative value that extends far beyond a single discipline and the Age of Knowledge has resulted in a paradigm shift with regard to the way in which knowledge is generated, applied and stored. As the custodians of knowledge, universities should pay particular attention to the management of knowledge as they take the lead not only in generating new knowledge, but also in converting new and existing knowledge into innovative ideas, products and practices that benefit society at large. Knowledge should, for this reason, be strategically managed to be of value to universities. It is thus imperative that universities should ascertain the nature and extent of their knowledge resources and pay special attention to their Knowledge Management practices that include the way in which knowledge is acquired, disseminated and rewarded. Universities of Technology (UoTs), with their distinct emphasis on applied research, innovation and knowledge transfer, need to manage knowledge in such a way that it enhances the creation of solution-based technologies. This paper provides a theoretical basis for understanding Knowledge Management in a UoT context and reflects on the Knowledge Management practices of a UoT in the South African context

    Inflation dynamics in a dollarised economy: The case of Zimbabwe

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    This paper explores the dynamics of inflation in the dollarised Zimbabwean economy using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model with monthly data from 2009:1 to 2012:12. The main determinants of inflation were found to be the US dollar/South African rand exchange rate, international oil prices, lagged Zimbabwean inflation rate and South African inflation rate. During the local currency era, inflation dynamics in Zimbabwe were explained by excess growth in money supply, changes in import and administered prices, unit labour costs and output (Chhibber, Cottani, Firuzabadi & Walton 1989). According to Makochekanwa (2007), hyperinflation during the same era was attributed to excess money supply growth, lagged infl ation and political factors. Coorey, Clausen, Funke, Munoz & Ould-Abdallah (2007) affirmed these findings by identifying excess money supply growth as a source of high inflation in Zimbabwe during the local currency era. In essence, the findings of this study point to a shift in infl ation dynamics in Zimbabwe. This shift in inflation dynamics means that policies, which were used to respond to both internal and external shocks that have an impact on price formation, might not be applicable in a dollarised economy.Keywords: inflation, dollarisation, autoregressive distributed lag mode

    Estimating the optimal growth-maximising public debt threshold for Zimbabwe

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    This paper attempts to estimate an optimal growth-maximising public debt threshold for Zimbabwe. The public debt threshold is estimated by assessing the relationship between public debt and economic growth. The analysis is undertaken to determine the tipping point beyond which increases in public debt adversely affect economic growth. The paper contributes to the debate on the link between public debt and growth by testing the presence of a Laffer-curve type relationship, where the contribution of public debt to growth is theorised to be positive at lower levels and negative at higher levels of public debt. The analysis confi rms the existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between public debt and economic growth in Zimbabwe. The optimal growth-maximising public debt threshold was estimated at a public debt-to-GDP ratio of between 45 and 50 per cent. The policy implication of the analysis is the need to ensure that public debt management policies are in line with the growth-maximising public debt threshold. This will ensure sustained economic growth and employment rates, which are key tenets for sustainable economic development.Key words: public debt threshold, growth maximising, Laffer curv

    The ecology, biogeography, history and future of two globally important weeds : Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. and C. grandiflorum Sw.

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    Members of the balloon vine genus, Cardiospermum, have been extensively moved around the globe as medicinal and horticultural species, two of which are now widespread invasive species; C. grandiflorum and C. halicacabum. A third species, C. corindum, may also have significant invasion potential. However, in some regions the native status of these species is not clear, hampering management. For example, in South Africa it is unknown whether C. halicacabum and C. corindum are native, and this is a major constraint to on-going biological control programmes against invasive C. grandiflorum. We review the geography, biology and ecology of selected members of the genus with an emphasis on the two most widespread invaders, C. halicacabum and C. grandiflorum. Specifically, we use molecular data to reconstruct a phylogeny of the group in order to shed light on the native ranges of C. halicacabum and C. corindum in southern Africa. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that southern African accessions of these species are closely related to South American taxa indicating human-mediated introduction and/or natural long distance dispersal. Then, on a global scale we use species distribution modelling to predict potential suitable climate regions where these species are currently absent. Native range data were used to test the accuracy with which bioclimatic modelling can identify the known invasive ranges of these species. Results show that Cardiospermum species have potential to spread further in already invaded or introduced regions in Australia, Africa and Asia, underlining the importance of resolving taxonomic uncertainties for future management efforts. Bioclimatic modelling predicts Australia to have highly favourable environmental conditions for C. corindum and therefore vigilance against this species should be high. Species distribution modelling showed that native range data over fit predicted suitable ranges, and that factors other than climate influence establishment potential. This review opens the door to better understand the global biogeography of the genus Cardiospermum, with direct implications for management, while also highlighting gaps in current research

    Lidmate se houding teenoor kerkvereniging in die ngkfamilie: \'n kruiskulturele ondersoek na enkele veranderlikes*

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    The unity of the church of Christ is a spiritual reality, which finds its origin in the triune God. Although unity is a spiritual reality given by God himself, a comprehensive, visible expression of this essential unity must be achieved. The family of Dutch Reformed Churches in South Africa is currently struggling to achieve visible unity. In this study, two research questions were posed. Firstly, what is members of the family of Dutch Reformed Churches\' attitude towards church unification? Secondly, are there statistically significant differences among members of the family of Dutch Reformed of Churches\' attitude towards church unification when home language, level of education and monthly income are taken into account? A total of 223 respondents were included, which consisted of 104 (46,6%) Dutch Reformed Church members, 72 (32,3%) DRC in Africa members and 47 (21,1%) Uniting Reformed Church members. The Attitude towards Church Unification Questionnaire was utilized. Statistical analysis concluded that members of the Dutch Reformed Churches in all the different denominations have a positive attitude towards church unification. The variable found to have the greatest influence on the attitude of church members was home language. Monthly household income was also significant at the 5% level, while level of education did not have a statistically significant influence on people\'s attitude towards church unification. Acta Theologica Vol. 1 2007: pp. 60-8
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