1,370 research outputs found

    El entrenamiento de la acrobacia en el salto con pértiga

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    El propósito de este artículo es dar a conocer una serie de ejercicios de entrenamiento gimnásticos que nos ayudan a mejorar todas las fases acrobáticas del salto con pértiga. Tras una recordatorio histórico de la pértiga como modalidad gimnástica, se realiza un análisis comparativo técnico entre el salto con pértiga y las diferentes modalidades de la gimnasia artística. Finalmente se proponen una serie de ejercicios acrobáticos novedosos con una elevada transferencia para el saltador. Con ello se desea aportar nuevos métodos para el entrenamiento acrobático del pertiguista y nuevas experiencias motrices para el gimnasta

    Processing chain of a radar network for safety improvement in the usage of heavy machinery

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    The use of heavy machinery is one of the main causes of accidents in sites as warehouses or construction. These vehicles have several blind spots that encumber their maneuvering and create a collision-prone environment. To ensure safety in these situations, an early warning system capable of avoiding these accidents is required. An innovative solution consists of the use of a on-board, low-cost, K-band radar network. The complete system is to operate with a very low false alarm rate (FAR) to avoid unnecessary stops and loss of trust by the driver. In order to fulfill this requirement, a processing chain that rejects false detections is implemented. It is also responsible for joining data from all the subsystems of the network

    Previmet Mediterráneo 88: estudio de las inundaciones de Peguera

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    Ponencia presentada en: I Simposio Nacional de Predictores, celebrado en 1989 en Madri

    Multilevel Multiphase Feedforward Space-Vector Modulation Technique

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    Multiphase converters have been applied to an increasing number of industrial applications in recent years. On the other hand, multilevel converters have become a mature technology mainly in medium- and high-power applications. One of the problems of multilevel converters is the dc voltage unbalance of the dc bus. Depending on the loading conditions and the number of levels of the converter, oscillations appear in the dc voltages of the dc link. This paper presents a feedforward modulation technique for multilevel multiphase converters that reduces the distortion under balanced or unbalanced dc conditions. The proposed modulation method can be applied to any multilevel-converter topology with any number of levels and phases. Experimental results are shown in order to validate the proposed feedforward modulation technique.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2009-07004Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia TEC2007-6187

    La explotación del monteverde en La Palma

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    El monteverde ha desempeñado un importante papel socioeconómico en el modelo agroganadero tradicional de Canarias, utilizándose sus productos en la fabricación del utillaje agrícola, en la construcción de viviendas, y sobre todo como tutores de los cultivos, además de servir la rama verde troceada para la elaboración de estiércol. Esta práctica forestal ha modificado su extensión inicial y su composición florística originaria, aunque no ha logrado su desaparición, puesto que sus usuarios no deseaban su destrucción. Pero las transformaciones económicas recientes han ocasionado la caída de la demanda de dichos productos y una importante modificación de las normas que regulan el uso del monte. Este cambio ha supuesto la generalización de los criterios conservacionistas sobre los de uso productivo del bosque, lo que ha representado la inclusión de la mayor parte del mismo en la Red Canaria de Espacios Naturales Protegidos, con la consiguiente recuperación de las formaciones vegetales; pero ha significado también la aceleración del proceso de desaparición de los aprovechamientos forestales y la conversión de la explotación del monte en una práctica casi marginal, en fase de extinción.Greenforest has played an important socio-economic role in both traditional agriculture and cattle models of the Canary Islands. Their resources have been used for manufacturing agriculture tools, for building houses, and mainly to stand by the crops; also chopped green branches take part at process of manure. Initial greenforest extension and its flora composition have been changed by these practices; however their users have managed to avoid its depletion. Recent economic transformations have brought a decreasing demand of these products and an important modification of greenforest use regulations. The latter has meant the integration of greenforest within the Canary Natural Spaces Conservation Network, applying therefore conservation criteria above those of productive use of the forest. It has involved, on the one hand, a notorious vegetation recovery; on the other hand it has accelerated the disappearing of those traditional forest practices which have become almost an endangered activity

    New challenges in microalgae biotechnology

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    Photosynthetic protists, also called microalgae, have been systematically studied for more than a century. However, only recently broad biotechnological applications have fostered a novel wave of research on their potentialities as sustainable resources of renewable energy as well as valuable industrial and agro-food products. At the recent VII European Congress of Protistology held in Seville, three outstanding examples of different research strategies on microalgae with biotechnological implications were presented, which suggested that integrative approaches will produce very significant advances in this field in the next future. In any case, intense research and the application of systems biology and genetic engineering techniques are absolutely essential to reach the full potential of microalgae as cell-factories of bio-based products and, therefore, could contribute significantly to solve the problems of biosustainability and energy shortage.España, MINECO BFU2010-15622, BIO-2011- 28847-C00, BIO-2014-52425-

    Midiendo la espiral del silencio en contextos de violencia política: el caso vasco

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    [ES] Durante décadas, el País Vasco ha experimentado el fenómeno directo de la violencia terrorista entre cuyos efectos se encuentra el desarrollo de la conocida como «espiral del silencio» (Noelle-Neumann, 1974) y el consecuente sentimiento de falta de libertad para hablar de política. Este artículo pretende contrastar los resultados de la medición del miedo para hablar de política (medición directa) con aquellos otros empleados en una investigación anterior, donde la variable dependiente también se refería al miedo, pero desde un punto de vista indirecto (percepción en el entorno de dicho sentimiento). Con dicho objetivo, se ha procedido a replicar la metodología ya aplicada en el informe del Centro Memorial de Víctimas del Terrorismo (Llera y Leonisio, 2017) utilizando los datos provenientes de los estudios semestrales del equipo Euskobarómetro.[EN] For decades, the Basque Country has experienced the direct phenomenon of terrorist violence, the effects of which include the development of what is known as the "spiral of silence" (Noelle-Neumann, 1974) and the consequent feeling of lack of freedom to talk about politics. This article aims to compare the results of the measurement of fear to talk about politics (direct measurement) with the results of a previous research, where the dependent variable also referred to fear but from an indirect point of view (perception of this feeling in the environment). For that purpose, the methodology already applied in the report by the Centro Memorial de Victimas del Terrorismo (Llera and Leonisio, 2017) has been replicated, making use of data from the biannual studies of the Euskobarometro team.Este estudio ha sido posible gracias a las ayudas económicas recibidas, entre otros, de los fondos de investigación de los proyectos de investigación de los planes nacionales (SEC94-0247, SEC2001-0425, BSO000-0490-C03-03, SEJ2006- 15076-C03-01, CSO2009-14381-C03-01), de la UPV (UPV110323-G57/98, UPV00110.32310104/98, UPV00110.323-13637/2001) y del Gobierno Vasco (EX1999-126, PI1999-112 y PI1999-93), así como los fondos asignados por el Gobierno Vasco para los grupos de investigación consolidados para los periodos 2007-2012 (IT-323-07) y 2013-2018 (IT-610-13)

    MATTER in emotion research: Spanish standardization of an affective image set

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Behavior Research Methods. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01567-9.Pictures with affective content have been widely used in the scientific study of emotions, from two main perspectives: on the one hand, dimensional theories claiming that affective experiences can be described according to a few fundamental dimensions such as valence and arousal, and on the other hand, discrete-category theories proposing the presence of a number of basic and universal emotions. Although it has been demonstrated that these two approaches are not mutually exclusive, the existing standardized affective picture databases have been created from the dimensional perspective, which has led to important gaps for research focused on discrete emotions. The present work introduces MATTER, a new database comprising 540 pictures depicting disgusting, fearful, neutral, erotic, mirthful and incongruent content, which provides normative values (total N = 368, mean = 120.47 ratings/picture) in valence and arousal dimensions, as well as in discrete affective (disgust, fear, erotica and mirth) and cognitive (incongruence and interest) features. A tentative classification into discrete categories is presented, and the physical properties of each picture are reported. Our findings suggest that MATTER constitutes a modern and suitable set of affective images including, for the first time, both mirth- and incongruence-related pictures. Additionally, it will enable the examination of affective and cognitive processes in fear/disgust and humor/incongruence fields

    Spatiotemporal variations of organochlorine pesticides in an apex predator: Influence of government regulations and farming practices

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    Background: Intensification of agricultural practices has caused several negative effects to the environment. The use of fertilizers and pesticides may alter geochemical cycles or cause direct wildlife intoxication. Detrimental effects of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have forced the authorities to ban or restrict its use. This study evaluates the variation in levels of OCPs in a sentinel species in relation to changes in government regulations and the spatial configuration of agricultural practices around the nests. Methods: Between 2003 and 2007, we analysed OCP levels in 256 blood samples of Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) chicks nesting in area of intensive commercial agriculture with historical frequent use of pesticides, in South-eastern Spain. We studied year-to-year variations in OCP concentrations and their relation with land use configuration around raptor nests by Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM). Results: OCPs were detected in 100% samples surveyed in 2003 and 2004, while dropped to 27% in 2005, 6.8% in 2006 and 6.3% in 2007, coinciding with the ban of OCPs. The presence of the main OCPs was related to agricultural practices. In particular, endosulfan and lindane were related to irrigated crops and urban areas, while DDT-related compounds and dieldrin were associated with dry land farming. Conclusions: OCP concentrations in blood samples of Eurasian Eagle-owls may respond quickly to the implementations of new regulations about the use of agricultural products. This raptor was confirmed as a good sentinel species allowing rapid detection of changes in pesticides use

    The populist narrative in social networks: the general elections in Spain in november of 2019 on Twitter

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    Este trabajo analiza la construcción de la narrativa populista, en las elecciones generales en España en noviembre de 2019 en la red social Twitter, sistematizando un modelo de análisis basado en el estudio de los mensajes de mayor impacto. La victimización, la emoción o la simplificación, son herramientas para diseñar contenidos por los equipos de campaña que utilizan el populismo como recurso narrativo para obtener mayor apoyo en las urnas.This research analyzes the construction of the populist narrative, in the general elections in Spain in November 2019 on the social network Twitter, systematizing an analysis model based on the study of the messages with the greatest impact. Victimization, emotions, or simplification are tools for designing content by campaign teams that use populism as a narrative resource to obtain more support in the ballot boxes