80 research outputs found

    Monoclonal antibodies at the Oncology Institute of Vojvodina: 5-year expenditure

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    Background: In the second half of the twentieth century, cancer treatment options evolved with more sophisticated selection of targets for cancer therapy, which led to the development of more intelligent drugs directed against these specific targets. One group of pharmaceutical molecules with specific and unique properties against (or for) a welldefined molecular target is monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The purpose of this study was to show the expenditure of mAbs at the Oncology Institute of Vojvodina from 2007 to 2011. Next, to display the number of patients treated with mAbs and therapy cycles, for each indication. Methods: We used software programs Lirpis and LWM for collecting the data regarding mAbs expenditure from April 2007 to 2011. The comments about the situation in Serbia were given with the review on the FDA approvals. Results: The results showed the increase in number of ampoules dispensed from the pharmacy from 2007 to 2010, and a slight decrease in 2011 for all mAbs. With 4070 vials of rituximab, 195 patients were treated. The average number of therapy cycles was 7.34. With total number of 4341 of trastuzumab, we treated 310 patients, with average number of cycles 12.27. With 1343 ampoules of bevacizumab, we treated 92 patients. The average number of cycles was 6.63. With 7051 ampoules of cetuximab, we treated 94 patients, with average number of therapy cycle of 5.94. Conclusion: Despite proven benefits of mAbs for many other indications according to FDA, in our Institution (based on the indications approved by Republic Institute of Health Insurance), bevacizumab, and cetuximab are used for colorectal cancer, trastuzumab is only used for breast cancer and rituximab for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The decrease of the number of ampoules dispensed from our pharmacy and the number of patients in 2011 was caused by tightening the criteria indications by Republic Institute of Health Insurance

    Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review

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    Today, there is almost no activity that is in no way related to the use of computer technology. The application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) opens up new possibilities, potentials, and challenges in educational practice. With the help of artificial intelligence, which simulates human intelligence in making conclusions or predictions, computer systems can provide personalized guidance, support, or feedback to students and teachers in the educational process. The paper aims to identify the impact of artificial intelligence on the educational process, present some of the applications of AI in education, and highlight the perceived benefits of the application.Publishe

    Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education

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    Technological advances have enabled the sustainability and desirability of augmented and virtual reality in many domains. When it comes to their application in education, it should be noted that they provide new models of learning that better meet the needs of modern society. The paper presents an overview of previous research on augmented and virtual reality in education. By reviewing and analyzing related works, relevant results were obtained on the application, benefits, and impact of augmented and virtual reality on the educational process. The paper aims to examine the importance of introducing augmented and virtual reality in education based on the analysis of the results of previous research and to present the reasons for the justification of their application, which will become a reality shortly.Publishe

    Performances, Heal and Cecal Microbial Populations and Histological Characteristics in Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Lignocellulose

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    The effect of dietary lignocellulose on broilers performance, intestinal microbiota and morphology, pH of digesta and litter humidity after 28 and 42 days of the experiment was evaluated. A total of 384 Cobb500 chickens (initial weight: 41.88 +/- 1.56 g) were divided into 4 groups with 24 replications and fed with control diet (C), a control diet with added 0.4% of lignocellulose (T1), a diet with added 0.6% of lignocellulose at the expense of soybean meal and maize (T2), and a diet supplemented with 0.6% of lignocellulose at the expense of soybean meal (T3). T2 treatment significantly influenced body weight, weight gain (WG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). T2 and T3 treatment increased average LAB and Bifidobacterium spp. count, and decreased the number of Escherichia coil in the ileum and cecum, while differences in cecal Clostridium perfringens count among 0.4% and 0.6% treatments were not observed. Feeding the lignocellulose diet did not affect the relative weights of empty proventriculus, gizzard or intestines, but led to a decrease in pHs. T3 treatment caused an increase of the villi heights and significantly lower moisture content in the litter. Even though the addition of lignocellulose into broilers diet positively influenced performances, changes in intestinal microbiota and villi heights, based on the results of the present study, supplementation with 0.6% lignocellulose is recommended

    Antilisterial Activity of Bacteriocin Isolated from Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides IMAU:10231 in the Production of Sremska Sausages: Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolation, Bacteriocin Identification and Meat Application Experiments

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    Bakterije mliječne kiseline imaju ključnu ulogu u proizvodnji fermentiranih mesnih proizvoda. Njihova metabolička aktivnost utječe na proces sazrijevanja, čime nastaje proizvod željenih senzorskih značajki, te se inhibira rast neželjenih mikroorganizama. Bakteriocini su izvanstanični peptidi ili proteinske molekule što suzbijaju rast srodnih vrsta mikroorganizama, a proizvode ih neke bakterije mliječne kiseline. Nastali bakteriocini selektivno i kompetitivno djeluju na okolnu mikrofloru, a tako i na bakterije uzročnike kvarenja ili patogene mikroorganizme, između ostalog i na bakteriju Listeria monocytogenes. Kontrola ove bakterije tijekom proizvodnog procesa važna je zbog velike stope smrtnosti uzrokovane uporabom kontaminiranih proizvoda, rasprostranjenosti bakterije u sirovim proizvodima, te sposobnosti njezina preživljavanja pri različitim uvjetima proizvodnje. Svrha je ovoga rada bila utvrditi mogućnost primjene bakteriocina izoliranog iz bakterije L. mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides IMAU:10231 na suzbijanje rasta tog soja tijekom proizvodnje tradicionalne Sremske kobasice u Srbiji. Soj bakterije Leuconostoc izoliran je iz tradicionalno proizvedene kobasice, a zatim je taloženjem pomoću amonijeva sulfata izdvojen bakteriocin, čija su svojstva (jačina i spektar djelovanja, utjecaj visokih temperatura i dodatka proteolitičkih enzima) određena u laboratorijskim uvjetima. Osim toga, ispitana je antilisterijska aktivnost bakteriocin dodanog pri proizvodnji tradicionalne Sremske kobasice. Izražena antilisterijska aktivnost bakteriocina omogućuje njegovu primjenu u mesnoj industriji, tj. pri proizvodnji fermentiranih kobasica. Nastavak istraživanja pridonijet će boljem razumijevanju prirode, aktivnosti i mogućoj primjeni bakteriocina, ali i otkrivanju novih sojeva bakterija mliječne kiseline što mogu proizvesti bakteriocin koji se može upotrijebiti kao prirodni konzervans ili bioprotektor hrane.Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have an essential role in the production of fermented meat products. The metabolic activity of LAB affects the ripening process, leading to the formation of the desired sensory characteristics of the products, while inhibiting the growth of undesirable microorganisms. Bacteriocins are extracellular peptides or protein molecules, produced by some LAB, which possess bactericidal properties against specific species or genera of microorganisms, usually related bacteria. Bacteriocin production by LAB can act in a selective and competitive way against the surrounding microbiota, which may contain spoilage bacteria or pathogenic microorganisms including Listeria monocytogenes. This pathogen is widely distributed in raw products, it survives in different production areas, and human infections have a high mortality rate, all of which makes the control of this microorganism important in food production. The aim of this work is to determine the possibilities of utilizing a novel bacteriocin isolated from Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides IMAU:10231 in order to prevent the survival of Listeria monocytogenes in the production of traditional Serbian Sremska sausages. The bacteriocin-producing strain of Leuconostoc originated from the same sausage, which had been produced in the traditional manner. Bacteriocin was isolated using precipitation procedures with ammonium sulphate, and then its properties (strength and range of activities, relationship to high temperatures and proteolytic enzymes) were determined under laboratory conditions. Also, based on the obtained laboratory results, the antilisterial effect of bacteriocin, included as an additive, was examined in the production of traditional Sremska sausages. Expressed antilisterial activity of bacteriocin has an interesting food safety potential which can be used in the meat industry in the production of fermented sausages. Further research will contribute to a better understanding of its nature, activities, opportunities for application, but also to discovering new bacteriocin-producing strains of LAB, which could act as natural food preservatives, or bioprotectors, when used in a specific (controlled) manner

    Физикален третман на пострауматски контрактури на лакот кај деца – наше искуство

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    The most common complications of elbow trauma are contractures and neurovascular injuries. The complications can be a result of the initial injury, but they can also be a result of a surgical treatment. In addition to orthopedic treatment of elbow fractures, physical therapy and rehabilitation play a significant role in treatment of posttraumatic contractures. To determine the effects of physical therapy and rehabilitation of posttraumatic elbow contractures in children. This was a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted in the University Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Skopje in the period 01.01.2021 – 01.07.2022. A total of 52 children were included, at the age between 2 and 13 years who had a posttraumatic elbow contracture, limited range of motion, pain and/or limitations in accomplishing daily activities. Depending on the clinical finding, children underwent a relevant physical therapy (kinesitherapy, functional therapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy and magnetotherapy) in duration of three weeks. For assessing the effects of the rehabilitation therapy, the range of motion of the elbow and forearm was examined along with the Flynn’s scale in all children, prior to and after completion of the physical treatment. Applied physical treatment resulted in a significant improvement in all analyzed movements such as: elbow flexion (p=0.00001), elbow extension (p=0.00001), forearm pronation (p=0.00001), forearm supination (p=0.0000) and Flynn’s scale (p=0.0000). After completion of the rehabilitation treatment, excellent results were registered in 41 (85%) children, moderate in 10 (19.23%) and favorable in 1 (1.92%). Timely and adequate application of physical therapy and rehabilitation can significantly improve the final outcome in treatment of posttraumatic elbow contractures in children. A combination of different physical procedures adequately applied and personalized can significantly improve the range of motion of the elbow.  Најчестите компликации на траумата на лактот се контрактури и невроваскуларни повреди. Компликациите може да бидат резултат на иницијална повреда, но може да бидат и резултат на хируршки третман. Покрај ортопедскиот третман на фрактури на лактот, физикална терапија и рехабилитација играат значајна улога во третманот на посттрауматски контрактури. Целта на оваа студија беше да се утврдат ефектите од физикална терапија и рехабилитација на посттрауматски контрактури на лактот кај децата. Материјали и методи: Ова беше ретроспективна студија на пресек спроведена на Универзитетската клиника за физикална медицина и рехабилитација, Скопје во периодот 01.01.2021 – 01.07.2022 година. Вклучени се вкупно 52 деца, на возраст меѓу 2 и 13 години кои имале посттрауматска контрактура на лактот, ограничен опсег на движења, болка и/или ограничувања во извршувањето на секојдневните активности. Во зависност од клиничкиот наод, на децата им беше извршена соодветна физикална терапија (кинезитерапија, функционална терапија, електротерапија, термотерапија, хидротерапија и магнетотерапија) во времетраење од три недели. За проценка на ефектите од терапијата за рехабилитација, опсегот на движење на лактот и подлактицата беше испитувана и Флиновата скала кај сите деца, пред и по завршувањето на физичкиот третман. Резултати: Применетиот физикален третман резултираше со значително подобрување на сите анализирани движења како што се: флексија на лактот (p=0,00001), екстензија на лактот (p=0,00001), пронација на подлактицата (p=0,00001), супинацција на подлактицата (p=0,0000's) и Флинова скала (p=0,0000). По завршувањето на рехабилитациониот третман, одлични резултати се забележани кај 41 (85%) дете, умерени кај 10 (19,23%) и поволни кај 1 (1,92%). Заклучок: Навремената и адекватна примена на физикална терапија и рехабилитација може значително да го подобри крајниот исход во третманот на посттрауматски контрактури на лактот кај децата. Комбинацијата на различни физички процедури соодветно применети и персонализирани може значително да го подобри опсегот на движење на лактот

    Agriculture as a future job? Attitudes of Generation Z in Eastern Slovenia

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    Cilj je rada utvrditi stavove mladih u kohezijskoj regiji Istočna Slovenija o poljoprivredi kao privrednoj djelatnosti i njihovim stavovima o karijeri u poljoprivredi. Na osnovu pregleda relevantne literature s područja poljoprivrede i mladih, sprovedeno je anketno istraživanje pomoću upitnika koji sačinjava osam tematskih sklopova (dimenzija): stavovi mladih prema poljoprivredi općenito, zarada u poljoprivredi, dostupnost resursa, poteškoće u radu, utjecaj obitelji, prijatelja i društva, zakonodavstvo, obrazovanje i karijera. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja na uzorku od 232 ispitanika generacije Z, utvrdili smo razloge nezanimanja za poljoprivredu kao zanimanje budućnosti i utvrdili statističkih značajne razlike između različitih vrsta poduzoraka. Slijedom toga, u radu smo pokušali odgovoriti na jedno od temeljnih pitanja na polju Zajedničke poljoprivredne politike Europske unije. S jedne strane dolazi do vrlo brzog starenja poljoprivrednog stanovništva, a s druge strane vrlo malog broja mladih koji bi poljoprivredu izabrali za put karijere. Rezultati rada daju konkretne smjernice za buduća istraživanja na području poljoprivrede i mladih.The aim of this paper is to determine the attitudes of young people in the Eastern Slovenia about agriculture as an economic activity, and their attitudes about potential career in agriculture. Based on a literature review in the field of agriculture and youth, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of eight thematic sets (dimensions): attitudes of young people towards agriculture in general, earnings in agriculture, availability of resources, difficulties in work, influence of family, friends and society, legislation, education and career. Based on the results of a survey on a sample of 232 generation Z respondents, we determined the reasons for disinterest in agriculture as an occupation of the future, and identified statistically significant differences between different types of subsamples. Consequently, in this paper we have tried to answer one of the fundamental questions in the field of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. On the one hand, there is a very rapid aging of the agricultural population, and on the other hand a very small number of young people who would choose agriculture as a career path. The results of the paper provide concrete guidelines for future research in the field of agriculture and youth

    Is It Possible to Restrain OER on Simple Carbon Electrodes to Efficiently Electrooxidize Organic Pollutants?

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of three carbon-based electrodes: bare multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), SnO2/MWCNT, and PbO2/graphene-nanoribbons (PbO2/GNR) composites, as anodes for the electrooxidative degradation of Rhodamine B as a model organic pollutant. Anodic electrooxidation of Rhodamine B was performed on all three electrodes, and the decolorization efficiency was found to increase in the order MWCNT < PbO2/GNR < SnO2/MWCNT. The electrodes were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV). It was proposed that, in the 0.1 M Na2SO4 applied as electrolyte, observed decolorization mainly occurs in the interaction of Rhodamine B with OH radical adsorbed on the anode. Finally, the obtained results were complemented with Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of OH-radical interaction with appropriate model surfaces: graphene(0001), SnO2(001), and PbO2(001). It was found that the stabilization of adsorbed OH-radical on metal oxide spots (SnO2 or PbO2) compared to carbon is responsible for the improved efficiency of composites in the degradation of Rhodamine B. The observed ability of metal oxides to improve the electrooxidative potential of carbon towards organic compounds can be useful in the future design of appropriate anodes

    Psychopathology and resilience in relation to abuse in childhood among youth first referred to the psychiatrist

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    Uvod/Cilj. Zlostavljanje u detinjstvu može biti uzrok različitih psiholoških problema kod odraslih osoba. Malo se, međutim, zna o specifičnim kliničkim i porodičnim profilima, kao i karakteristikama rezilijentnosti adolescenata koji su doživeli zlostavljanje u detinjstvu. Cilj našeg rada bio je ispitivanje simptoma, porodičnog funkcionisanja i rezilijentnosti adolescenata sa iskustvom zlostavljanja u detinjstvu upućenih na psihijatrijski pregled. Metode. Uzorak se sastojao od 84 konsekutivno regrutovana mlada ispitanika (prosečne starosti 14,90 ± 3,10, u rasponu od 11 do 18 godina) upućena na prvi pregled u Kliniku za decu i omladinu Instituta za mentalno zdravlje u Beogradu, koji su na osnovu Matrice rizika za zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje dece bili podeljeni u dve grupe. Prvu grupu činili su adolescenti sa iskustvom zlostavljanja u detinjstvu (n = 38, 13 dečaka, 25 devojčica), a drugu, kontrolnu grupu, adolescenti bez iskustva zlostavljanja u detinjstvu (n = 47, 20 dečaka, 27 devojčica). U istraživanju su korišćeni sledeći upitnici: Upitnik za samoprocenu adolescenata (Youth Self-Report - YSR), Skala adolescentnih rezilijentnih stavova (Adolescent Resilience Attitudes Scale - ARAS) i Upitnik za porodicu, (Self-Report Family Inventory - SFI). Rezultati. Značajne razlike pronađene su kod adolescentkinja. Na upitniku YSR, zlostavljane adolescentkinje imale su značajno više skorove delinkventnog ponašanja i marginalno veće skorove anksioznosti/depresivnosti i socijalnih problema. Analize upitnika SFI pokazale su značajno lošije funkcionisanje kod zlostavljanih adolescentkinja u svim podskalama osim na podskali direktivnog vođstva. Na upitniku ARAS, zlostavljane adolescentkinje imale su značajno niže skorove na podskali uvida i marginalno niže skorove na podskali za inicijativu. Zaključak. Navedeni rezultati mogli bi imati praktičnu primenu pri planiranju specifičnih preventivnih strategija i tretmana koji se posebno fokusiraju na delinkventne tendencije kao i na jačanje rezilijentnosti obezbeđivanjem pozitivnog okruženja u okviru porodice, škole i zajednice.Background/Aim. Child abuse may be related to adverse psychological outcomes in adult life. However, little is known about specific clinical, family and resilience profiles of adolescents that have experienced child abuse. The aim of this study was to investigate clinical symptoms, family functioning and resilience characteristics of adolescents with the experience of abuse, first referred to psychiatrists. Methods. The study included 84 young participants (mean age 14.90 ± 3.10, ranging from 11 to 18 years) as consecutive first referrals to the Clinic for Children and Youth of the Institute of Mental Health, Belgrade, Serbia. The sample consisted of two groups, based on the Child Abuse Matrices of Risks. The first group included adolescents with the experience of abuse in childhood (n = 38, 13 males, 25 females), whereas the second, control group, comprised of non-abused adolescents (n = 47, 20 males, 27 females). The presence of abuse was evaluated by the Child Abuse Matrices of Risks. The study used the following questionnaires: Youth Self-Report (YSR), Adolescent Resilience Attitudes Scale (ARAS), and Self-Report Family Inventory (SFI). Results. Significant differences were found only among females. According to YSR, the abused girls had significantly higher scores on the Delinquent Behavior scale and marginally higher scores on Anxious/ Depressed and Social Problems scales. Analyses of the SFI showed significantly lower family functioning among the girls with the child abuse history for all scales except for the Directive Leadership. The abused girls also showed significantly lower scores on the Insight scale, and marginally lower Initiative scores at the ARAS. Conclusions. These findings may have practical application in the creation of specific preventive and treatment strategies, particularly focused on delinquent tendencies, as well as on enhancing resilience through providing positive environments within families, schools and communities

    Ekspresija gena za toksični šok sindrom toksin 1 Staphylococcus aureus u mlijeku - dokaz koncepta

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    The aim of this study was to assess the expression of a toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) gene of Staphylococcus aureus in different types of milk, depending on inadequate temperature and storage conditions. Pasteurized and UHT milk were inoculated with monotoxic TSST-1 strain of S. aureus and growth kinetics was determined by the drop plate method using Baird-Parker agar medium in accordance with EN ISO 6888-1. The patterns of gene regulation were detected by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. Relative quantification method for statistical significance testing was used to detect significant gene expression responses. The results of experiments showed the dependence of the growth rate and consequent up-regulation of TSST-1 encoding gene on storage time-temperature and type of milk. In contaminated pasteurized and UHT milk kept at both 15 °C and 22 °C S. aureus significantly increased its virulent potential over time. This effect was a bit more emphasized in UHT milk serving as a “proof of concept”. Possible explanation could be a presence of lactic acid bacteria in pasteurized milk which is known to have down-regulatory effect on TSST-1 gene. Maintenance of the milk storage temperature below 8 °C and employment of microbiological control measures in hygienic practices, from milk producer through retailer and on to the consumer is of utmost importance to decrease risk of non-emetic staphylococcal poisoning.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati ekspresiju gena za sintezu toksina 1 toksičnog šok sindroma (TSST-1) Staphylococcus aureus u različitim vrstama mlijeka držanim u neadekvatnim temperaturnim uvjetima. Pasterizirano i UHT mlijeko inokulirano je monotoksičnim TSST-1 pozitivnim sojem S. aureus i držano pri 15 °C i 22 °C tijekom 72 sata. Kinetika rasta određena je drop plate metodom korištenjem Baird-Parker agara sukladno EN ISO 6888-1. Regulacija gena za TSST-1 određena je lančanom reakcijom polimerazom uz reverznu transkripciju u realnom vremenu. Za određivanje promjena u ekspresiji gena, korištena je metoda relativne kvantifikacije. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazali su da su stopa rasta S. aureus kao i posljedična regulacija gena za sintezu TSST-1 ovisni o intenzitetu temperature, a djelomično i o vrsti mlijeka. Povećana regulacija ovog gena utvrđena je pri obje temperature, ali stopa porasta virulentnog potencijala bila je znatnije izražena u UHT mlijeku držanom pri 22 °C koje je služilo kao model u dokazu koncepta. Jedan od mogućih razloga za niži virulentni potencijal u pasteriziranom mlijeku bilo je prisustvo bakterija mliječne kiseline za koje se zna da imaju represivni utjecaj na ekspresiju gena za sintezu TSST-1. Održavanje temperature čuvanja mlijeka ispod 8 °C i primjena kontrolnih mikrobioloških mjera u higijeni mlijeka od proizvođača, preko maloprodaje do krajnjeg potrošača, od kritičnog je značaja za smanjenje rizika nastanka stafilokoknih trovanja bez pojave povraćanja