16,956 research outputs found

    Adventures in Learning: Creating Role Playing Video Games to Teach and Learn Economics

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    This article examines pedagogical lessons derived from the learning theory embodied in commercially successfully video games and their link to reported increases in 'fluid intelligence' of student populations. The scholarly literature in this area is reviewed in order to elicit practical principles by which to guide the development of instructional video game modules for the teaching of economics. The authors' experiences in developing and pilot testing such a module, and in subsequently guiding student research efforts to develop an additional module, are then reviewed. The paper concludes that harnessing the benefits of video game technologies in the service of teaching and learning economics is both pedagogically sound and feasible for individual instructors.

    Some properties of n-dimensional triangulations

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    A number of mathematical results relevant to the problem of constructing a triangulation, i.e., a simplicial tessellation, of the convex hull of an arbitrary finite set of points in n-space are described. The principal results achieved are: (1) a set of n+2 points in n-space may be triangulated in at most 2 different ways; (2) the sphere test defined in this report selects a preferred one of these two triangulations; (3) a set of parameters is defined that permits the characterization and enumeration of all sets of n+2 points in n-space that are significantly different from the point of view of their possible triangulation; (4) the local sphere test induces a global sphere test property for a triangulation; and (5) a triangulation satisfying the global sphere property is dual to the n-dimensional Dirichlet tesselation, i.e., it is a Delaunay triangulation

    The covariance matrix for the solution vector of an equality-constrained least-squares problem

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    Methods are given for computing the covariance matrix for the solution vector of an equality-constrained least squares problem. The methods are matched to the solution algorithms given in the book, 'Solving Least Squares Problems.

    Integrals of a C-1-compatible triangular surface element

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    Definite integrals are evaluated for the cardinal functions of an interpolation method which provides C sup 1 continuity over a triangular grid

    Study of the accuracy of the double-precision arithmetic operations on the IBM 7094 computer

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    Accuracy of double-precision arithmetic operations on IBM 7094 compute

    Sparse matrix methods based on orthogonality and conjugacy

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    A matrix having a high percentage of zero elements is called spares. In the solution of systems of linear equations or linear least squares problems involving large sparse matrices, significant saving of computer cost can be achieved by taking advantage of the sparsity. The conjugate gradient algorithm and a set of related algorithms are described

    C super 1: Compatible interpolation over a triangle

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    An elementary derivation and a complete description is given of an algorithm for interpolation over a plane triangle when function values and first partial derivatives are given at the vertices. The method gives C1 continuity with neighboring triangles. The interpolation method is mathematically equivalent to one that has been discussed previously in the literature; however, the algorithmic form given here is more efficient than has previously been described

    Implementation of a block Lanczos algorithm for Eigenproblem solution of gyroscopic systems

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    The details of implementation of a general numerical procedure developed for the accurate and economical computation of natural frequencies and associated modes of any elastic structure rotating along an arbitrary axis are described. A block version of the Lanczos algorithm is derived for the solution that fully exploits associated matrix sparsity and employs only real numbers in all relevant computations. It is also capable of determining multiple roots and proves to be most efficient when compared to other, similar, exisiting techniques