910 research outputs found

    Gene-flow between populations of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is highly variable between years

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    Both large and small scale migrations of Helicoverpa armigera Hübner in Australia were investigated using AMOVA analysis and genetic assignment tests. Five microsatellite loci were screened across 3142 individuals from 16 localities in eight major cotton and grain growing regions within Australia, over a 38-month period (November 1999 to January 2003). From November 1999 to March 2001 relatively low levels of migration were characterized between growing regions. Substantially higher than average gene-flow rates and limited differentiation between cropping regions characterized the period from April 2001 to March 2002. A reduced migration rate in the year from April 2002 to March 2003 resulted in significant genetic structuring between cropping regions. This differentiation was established within two or three generations. Genetic drift alone is unlikely to drive genetic differentiation over such a small number of generations, unless it is accompanied by extreme bottlenecks and/or selection. Helicoverpa armigera in Australia demonstrated isolation by distance, so immigration into cropping regions is more likely to come from nearby regions than from afar. This effect was most pronounced in years with limited migration. However, there is evidence of long distance dispersal events in periods of high migration (April 2001–March 2002). The implications of highly variable migration patterns for resistance management are considered.K.D. Scott, K.S. Wilkinson, N. Lawrence, C.L. Lange, L.J. Scott, M.A. Merritt, A.J. Lowe and G.C Graha

    An integrated probabilistic framework for robot perception, learning and memory

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    Learning and perception from multiple sensory modalities are crucial processes for the development of intelligent systems capable of interacting with humans. We present an integrated probabilistic framework for perception, learning and memory in robotics. The core component of our framework is a computational Synthetic Autobiographical Memory model which uses Gaussian Processes as a foundation and mimics the functionalities of human memory. Our memory model, that operates via a principled Bayesian probabilistic framework, is capable of receiving and integrating data flows from multiple sensory modalities, which are combined to improve perception and understanding of the surrounding environment. To validate the model, we implemented our framework in the iCub humanoid robotic, which was able to learn and recognise human faces, arm movements and touch gestures through interaction with people. Results demonstrate the flexibility of our method to successfully integrate multiple sensory inputs, for accurate learning and recognition. Thus, our integrated probabilistic framework offers a promising core technology for robust intelligent systems, which are able to perceive, learn and interact with people and their environments

    Maintenance and broadening of the ocean’s salinity distribution by the water cycle

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    The global water cycle leaves an imprint on ocean salinity through evaporation and precipitation. It has been proposed that observed changes in salinity can be used to infer changes in the water cycle. Here salinity is characterized by the distribution of water masses in salinity coordinates. Only mixing and sources and sinks of freshwater and salt can modify this distribution. Mixing acts to collapse the distribution, making saline waters fresher and fresh waters more saline. Hence, in steady state, there must be net precipitation over fresh waters and net evaporation over saline waters. A simple model is developed to describe the relationship between the breadth of the distribution, the water cycle, and mixing—the latter being characterized by an e-folding time scale. In both observations and a state-of-the-art ocean model, the water cycle maintains a salinity distribution in steady state with a mixing time scale of the order of 50 yr. The same simple model predicts the response of the salinity distribution to a change in the water cycle. This study suggests that observations of changes in ocean salinity could be used to infer changes in the hydrological cycle

    WISP genes are members of the connective tissue growth factor family that are up-regulated in Wnt-1-transformed cells and aberrantly expressed in human colon tumors

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    Wnt family members are critical to many developmental processes, and components of the Wnt signaling pathway have been linked to tumorigenesis in familial and sporadic colon carcinomas. Here we report the identification of two genes, WISP-1 and WISP-2, that are up-regulated in the mouse mammary epithelial cell line C57MG transformed by Wnt-1, but not by Wnt-4. Together with a third related gene, WISP-3, these proteins define a subfamily of the connective tissue growth factor family. Two distinct systems demonstrated WISP induction to be associated with the expression of Wnt-1. These included (i) C57MG cells infected with a Wnt-1 retroviral vector or expressing Wnt-1 under the control of a tetracyline repressible promoter, and (ii) Wnt-1 transgenic mice. The WISP-1 gene was localized to human chromosome 8q24.1-8q24.3. WISP-1 genomic DNA was amplified in colon cancer cell lines and in human colon tumors and its RNA overexpressed (2- to >30-fold) in 84% of the tumors examined compared with patient-matched normal mucosa. WISP-3 mapped to chromosome 6q22-6q23 and also was overexpressed (4- to >40-fold) in 63% of the colon tumors analyzed. In contrast, WISP-2 mapped to human chromosome 20q12-20q13 and its DNA was amplified, but RNA expression was reduced (2- to >30-fold) in 79% of the tumors. These results suggest that the WISP genes may be downstream of Wnt-1 signaling and that aberrant levels of WISP expression in colon cancer may play a role in colon tumorigenesis

    Transverse optical Josephson plasmons, equations of motion

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    A detailed calculation is presented of the dielectric function in superconducttors consisting of two Josephson coupled superconducting layers per unit cell, taking into account the effect of finite compressibility of the electron fluid. From the model it follows, that two longitudinal, and one transverse optical Josephson plasma resonance exist in these materials, for electric field polarization perpendicular to the planes. The latter mode appears as a resonance in the transverse dielectric function, and it couples directly to the electrical field vector of infrared radiation. A shift of all plasma frequencies, and a reduction of the intensity of the transverse optical Josephson plasmon is shown to result from the finite compressibility of the electron fluid.Comment: 17 pages, ReVTeX, 7 figures in eps forma

    The effect of adolescent inhalant abuse on energy balance and growth

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    The abuse of volatile solvents such as toluene is a significant public health concern, predominantly affecting adolescents. To date, inhalant abuse research has primarily focused on the central nervous system; however, inhalants also exert effects on other organ systems and processes, including metabolic function and energy balance. Adolescent inhalant abuse is characterized by a negative energy balance phenotype, with the peak period of abuse overlapping with the adolescent growth spurt. There are multiple components within the central and peripheral regulation of energy balance that may be affected by adolescent inhalant abuse, such as impaired metabolic signaling, decreased food intake, altered dietary preferences, disrupted glucose tolerance and insulin release, reduced adiposity and skeletal density, and adrenal hypertrophy. These effects may persist into abstinence and adulthood, and the long-term consequences of inhalant-induced metabolic dysfunction are currently unknown. The signs and symptoms resulting from chronic adolescent inhalant abuse may result in a propensity for the development of adult-onset metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes, however, further research investigating the long-term effects of inhalant abuse upon energy balance and metabolism are needed. This review addresses several aspects of the short- and long-term effects of inhalant abuse relating to energy and metabolic processes, including energy balance, intake and expenditure; dietary preferences and glycemic control; and the dysfunction of metabolic homeostasis through altered adipose tissue, bone, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function.Rose Crossin, Ashleigh Qama, Zane B. Andrews, Andrew J. Lawrence, Jhodie R. Dunca

    Quantifying the 3D structure and function of porosity and pore space in natural sediment flocs

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    Purpose: Flocculated cohesive suspended sediments (flocs) play an important role in all aquatic environments, facilitating the transport and deposition of sediment and associated contaminants with consequences for aquatic health, material fluxes, and morphological evolution. Accurate modelling of the transport and behaviour of these sediments is critical for a variety of activities including fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, and waste and pollution management and this requires accurate measurement of the physical properties of flocs including porosity. Methods: Despite the importance of understanding floc porosity, measurement approaches are indirect or inferential. Here, using μCT, a novel processing and analysis protocol, we directly quantify porosity in natural sediment flocs. For the first time, the complexity of floc pore spaces is observed in 3-dimensions, enabling the identification and quantification of important pore space and pore network characteristics, namely 3D pore diameter, volume, shape, tortuosity, and connectivity. Results: We report on the complexity of floc pore space and differentiate effective and isolated pore space enabling new understanding of the hydraulic functioning of floc porosity. We demonstrate that current methodological approaches are overestimating floc porosity by c. 30%. Conclusion: These new data have implications for our understanding of the controls on floc dynamics and the function of floc porosity and can improve the parameterisation of current cohesive sediment transport models

    The Taming of Closed Time-like Curves

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    We consider a R1,d/Z2R^{1,d}/Z_2 orbifold, where Z2Z_2 acts by time and space reversal, also known as the embedding space of the elliptic de Sitter space. The background has two potentially dangerous problems: time-nonorientability and the existence of closed time-like curves. We first show that closed causal curves disappear after a proper definition of the time function. We then consider the one-loop vacuum expectation value of the stress tensor. A naive QFT analysis yields a divergent result. We then analyze the stress tensor in bosonic string theory, and find the same result as if the target space would be just the Minkowski space R1,dR^{1,d}, suggesting a zero result for the superstring. This leads us to propose a proper reformulation of QFT, and recalculate the stress tensor. We find almost the same result as in Minkowski space, except for a potential divergence at the initial time slice of the orbifold, analogous to a spacelike Big Bang singularity. Finally, we argue that it is possible to define local S-matrices, even if the spacetime is globally time-nonorientable.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX2e, uses amssymb, amsmath and epsf macros, 8 eps and 3 ps figures; (v2): Two additional comments + one reference added; (v3): corrections in discussion of CTCs + some clarification

    Compensation between meridional flow components of the Atlantic MOC at 26°N

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    From ten years of observations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) at 26° N (2004–2014), we revisit the question of flow compensation between components of the circulation. Contrasting with early results from the observations, transport variations of the Florida Current (FC) and upper mid-ocean (UMO) transports (top 1000 m east of the Bahamas) are now found to compensate on sub-annual timescales. The observed compensation between the FC and UMO transports is associated with horizontal circulation and means that this part of the correlated variability does not project onto the MOC. A deep baroclinic response to wind-forcing (Ekman transport) is also found in the lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW; 3000–5000 m) transport. In contrast, co-variability between Ekman and the LNADW transports does contribute to overturning. On longer timescales, the southward UMO transport has continued to strengthen, resulting in a continued decline of the MOC. Most of this interannual variability of the MOC can be traced to changes in isopycnal displacements on the western boundary, within the top 1000 m and below 2000 m. Substantial trends are observed in isopycnal displacements in the deep ocean, underscoring the importance of deep boundary measurements to capture the variability of the Atlantic MOC

    Cutin Extract from Colecasia esculenta (GABI) leaves as Blood Repellant for Fabrics

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     The use of cutin to coat laboratory gowns may stop the transmission of diseases from blood. This study aimed to address problems regarding the spread of microbial agents using blood stained laboratory gowns. The study included the determination of the amount of cutin extract from Colocasia esculenta leaves and determined the effectiveness of cutin as blood repellant for fabrics. A patented way of cutin extraction using tomato peels was used in the study. Furthermore, the cutin was tested whether it has enough capability to coat fabrics. Results revealed that 258.6g of Gabi leaves yields 4.0g of cutin. It was able to coat 3 inches by 3 inches’ cotton and proven effective in repelling both blood and water. Therefore, with the application of cutin on cotton it has the ability to repel blood and water