1,559 research outputs found

    A Substantial Population of Low Mass Stars in Luminous Elliptical Galaxies

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    The stellar initial mass function (IMF) describes the mass distribution of stars at the time of their formation and is of fundamental importance for many areas of astrophysics. The IMF is reasonably well constrained in the disk of the Milky Way but we have very little direct information on the form of the IMF in other galaxies and at earlier cosmic epochs. Here we investigate the stellar mass function in elliptical galaxies by measuring the strength of the Na I doublet and the Wing-Ford molecular FeH band in their spectra. These lines are strong in stars with masses <0.3 Msun and weak or absent in all other types of stars. We unambiguously detect both signatures, consistent with previous studies that were based on data of lower signal-to-noise ratio. The direct detection of the light of low mass stars implies that they are very abundant in elliptical galaxies, making up >80% of the total number of stars and contributing >60% of the total stellar mass. We infer that the IMF in massive star-forming galaxies in the early Universe produced many more low mass stars than the IMF in the Milky Way disk, and was probably slightly steeper than the Salpeter form in the mass range 0.1 - 1 Msun.Comment: To appear in Natur

    Clinical characteristics of ovarian cancer classified by BRCA1, BRCA2, and RAD51C status.

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    We evaluated homologous recombination deficient (HRD) phenotypes in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) considering BRCA1, BRCA2, and RAD51C in a large well-annotated patient set. We evaluated EOC patients for germline deleterious mutations (n = 899), somatic mutations (n = 279) and epigenetic alterations (n = 482) in these genes using NGS and genome-wide methylation arrays. Deleterious germline mutations were identified in 32 (3.6%) patients for BRCA1, in 28 (3.1%) for BRCA2 and in 26 (2.9%) for RAD51C. Ten somatically sequenced patients had deleterious alterations, six (2.1%) in BRCA1 and four (1.4%) in BRCA2. Fifty two patients (10.8%) had methylated BRCA1 or RAD51C. HRD patients with germline or somatic alterations in any gene were more likely to be high grade serous, have an earlier diagnosis age and have ovarian and/or breast cancer family history. The HRD phenotype was most common in high grade serous EOC. Identification of EOC patients with an HRD phenotype may help tailor specific therapies.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants R01-CA122443, P50-CA136393, P30-CA15083, and the Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation. We thank Gary Kenney, M.D. for pathology review of tumor tissue. We thank Craig Luccarini, Caroline Baynes from University of Cambridge for assisting our sample sequencing

    Bayesian Point Set Registration

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    Point set registration involves identifying a smooth invertible transformation between corresponding points in two point sets, one of which may be smaller than the other and possibly corrupted by observation noise. This problem is traditionally decomposed into two separate optimization problems: (i) assignment or correspondence, and (ii) identification of the optimal transformation between the ordered point sets. In this work, we propose an approach solving both problems simultaneously. In particular, a coherent Bayesian formulation of the problem results in a marginal posterior distribution on the transformation, which is explored within a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme. Motivated by Atomic Probe Tomography (APT), in the context of structure inference for high entropy alloys (HEA), we focus on the registration of noisy sparse observations of rigid transformations of a known reference configuration.Lastly, we test our method on synthetic data sets.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Data-driven selection and parameter estimation for DNA methylation mathematical models

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    Epigenetics is coming to the fore as a key process which underpins health. In particular emerging experimental evidence has associated alterations to DNA methylation status with healthspan and aging. Mammalian DNA methylation status is maintained by an intricate array of biochemical and molecular processes. It can be argued changes to these fundamental cellular processes ultimately drive the formation of aberrant DNA methylation patterns, which are a hallmark of diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease. In recent years mathematical models have been used as e ective tools to help advance our understanding of the dynamics which underpin DNA methylation. In this paper we present linear and nonlinear models which encapsulate the dynamics of the molecular mechanisms which de ne DNA methylation. Applying a recently developed Bayesian algorithm for parameter estimation and model selection, we are able to estimate distributions of parameters which include nominal parameter values. Using limited noisy observations, the method also identifed which methylation model the observations originated from, signaling that our method has practical applications in identifying what models best match the biological data for DNA methylation

    Integrated genomics of susceptibility to alkylator-induced leukemia in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (t-AML) is a secondary, generally incurable, malignancy attributable to chemotherapy exposure. Although there is a genetic component to t-AML susceptibility in mice, the relevant loci and the mechanism(s) by which they contribute to t-AML are largely unknown. An improved understanding of susceptibility factors and the biological processes in which they act may lead to the development of t-AML prevention strategies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we applied an integrated genomics strategy in inbred strains of mice to find novel factors that might contribute to susceptibility. We found that the pre-exposure transcriptional state of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells predicts susceptibility status. More than 900 genes were differentially expressed between susceptible and resistant strains and were highly enriched in the apoptotic program, but it remained unclear which genes, if any, contribute directly to t-AML susceptibility. To address this issue, we integrated gene expression data with genetic information, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and DNA copy number variants (CNVs), to identify genetic networks underlying t-AML susceptibility. The 30 t-AML susceptibility networks we found are robust: they were validated in independent, previously published expression data, and different analytical methods converge on them. Further, the networks are enriched in genes involved in cell cycle and DNA repair (pathways not discovered in traditional differential expression analysis), suggesting that these processes contribute to t-AML susceptibility. Within these networks, the putative regulators (e.g., <it>Parp2</it>, <it>Casp9</it>, <it>Polr1b</it>) are the most likely to have a non-redundant role in the pathogenesis of t-AML. While identifying these networks, we found that current CNVR and SNP-based haplotype maps in mice represented distinct sources of genetic variation contributing to expression variation, implying that mapping studies utilizing either source alone will have reduced sensitivity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The identification and prioritization of genes and networks not previously implicated in t-AML generates novel hypotheses on the biology and treatment of this disease that will be the focus of future research.</p

    Helping hands: A cluster randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness of two different strategies for promoting hand hygiene in hospital nurses

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    Background: hand hygiene prescriptions are the most important measure in the prevention of hospital-acquired infections. Yet, compliance rates are generally below 50% of all opportunities for hand hygiene. This study aims at evaluating the short- and long-term effects of two different strategies for promoting hand hygiene in hospital nurses.Methods/design: this study is a cluster randomised controlled trial with inpatient wards as the unit of randomisation. Guidelines for hand hygiene will be implemented in this study. Two strategies will be used to improve the adherence to guidelines for hand hygiene. The state-of-the-art strategy is derived from the literature and includes education, reminders, feedback, and targeting adequate products and facilities. The extended strategy also contains activities aimed at influencing social influence in groups and enhancing leadership. The unique contribution of the extended strategy is built upon relevant behavioural science theories. The extended strategy includes all elements of the state-of-the-art strategy supplemented with gaining active commitment and initiative of ward management, modelling by informal leaders at the ward, and setting norms and targets within the team. Data will be collected at four points in time, with six-month intervals. An average of 3,000 opportunities for hand hygiene in approximately 900 nurses will be observed at each time point.Discussion: performing and evaluating an implementation strategy that also targets the social context of teams may considerably add to the general body of knowledge in this field. Results from our study will allow us to draw conclusions on the effects of different strategies for the implementation of hand hygiene guidelines, and based on these results we will be able to define a preferred implementation strategy for hospital based nursing.Trial registration: the study is registered as a Clinical Trial in ClinicalTrials.gov, dossier number: NCT0054801

    Trends for nanotechnology development in China, Russia, and India

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    China, Russia, and India are playing an increasingly important role in global nanotechnology research and development (R&D). This paper comparatively inspects the paper and patent publications by these three countries in the Thomson Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) database and United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database (1976–2007). Bibliographic, content map, and citation network analyses are used to evaluate country productivity, dominant research topics, and knowledge diffusion patterns. Significant and consistent growth in nanotechnology papers are noted in the three countries. Between 2000 and 2007, the average annual growth rate was 31.43% in China, 11.88% in Russia, and 33.51% in India. During the same time, the growth patterns were less consistent in patent publications: the corresponding average rates are 31.13, 10.41, and 5.96%. The three countries’ paper impact measured by the average number of citations has been lower than the world average. However, from 2000 to 2007, it experienced rapid increases of about 12.8 times in China, 8 times in India, and 1.6 times in Russia. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) were the most productive institutions in paper publication, with 12,334, 6,773, and 1,831 papers, respectively. The three countries emphasized some common research topics such as “Quantum dots,” “Carbon nanotubes,” “Atomic force microscopy,” and “Scanning electron microscopy,” while Russia and India reported more research on nano-devices as compared with China. CAS, RAS, and IIT played key roles in the respective domestic knowledge diffusion

    Nano Mapper: an Internet knowledge mapping system for nanotechnology development

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    Nanotechnology research has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Advances in information technology enable efficient investigation of publications, their contents, and relationships for large sets of nanotechnology-related documents in order to assess the status of the field. This paper presents the development of a new knowledge mapping system, called Nano Mapper (http://nanomapper.eller.arizona.edu), which integrates the analysis of nanotechnology patents and research grants into a Web-based platform. The Nano Mapper system currently contains nanotechnology-related patents for 1976–2006 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), and Japan Patent Office (JPO), as well as grant documents from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) for the same time period. The system provides complex search functionalities, and makes available a set of analysis and visualization tools (statistics, trend graphs, citation networks, and content maps) that can be applied to different levels of analytical units (countries, institutions, technical fields) and for different time intervals. The paper shows important nanotechnology patenting activities at USPTO for 2005–2006 identified through the Nano Mapper system