368 research outputs found

    The Networked Smart Gadgets and Their Role(s) in Enhancing Learning Autonomy in Higher Education’s EFL Context

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    The present study explores the perceptions of EFL teachers in higher education on the role of handheld networked devices in promoting autonomous learning. In this project 43 male teachers from King Abdulaziz University (KAU) and the University of Jeddah (UJ) in Saudi Arabia (KSA) responded to a survey. Qualitative data, on the other hand, was gathered through a silent interview where informants answered five open-ended questions related to study’s research questions. The findings revealed the participants value the usefulness of smartphones in enhancing autonomy in language learning. They were also of the view that smartphones have beneficial characteristics when used in actual classroom. In addition, the results show that most of the participants are for a purposeful and guided integration of this type of technology in order to help learners develop the required linguistic and extra-linguistic skills. Equally important was the finding that use the of smartphones along well-developed L2 learning applications in language learning cannot replace the teachers’ vital and crucial role in the whole learning process

    Encapsulation de la vitamine E dans des vecteurs pharmaceutiques inhalables préparés par des contacteurs à membrane

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    The present study investigated the preparation of pharmaceutical drug carriers encapsulating the vitamin E and intended for pulmonary administration after nebulisation. Vitamin E, a physiological antioxidant, could be used to prevent cigarette smoke toxicity since several pulmonary disorders are mainly caused by oxidative stress phenomena. The methods used for the drug carriers’ preparation were based on the membrane emulsification principle. In these methods, the to-be-dispersed phase was injected in the continuous phase through the pores of a microporous membrane. The advantages of this method are: a better control over the diffusive mixing at the liquid / membrane interface and thus a fine control of droplets size distribution, a less energy consumption and an easy extrapolation of the obtained results for an industrial large scale-up. In order to investigate the preparation processes, key parameters influence on particles characteristics was investigated. Different experimental set-ups were used: (i) tubular membranes with a cross flow circulation of the continuous phase, (ii) stirred cell device with a flat micro-engineered membrane, (iii) oscillating membrane module in a stationary continuous phase. For direct emulsification, various membranes were used such as : SPG membranes, micro-engineered membranes and ceramic membranes. For premix emulsification, a packed bed of glass beads, called dynamic membrane, was studied. Four different drug carriers were developed during this study: liposomes, micelles, nano-emulsion and solid-lipid particles. The different encapsulating systems were characterized in terms of size distribution, zeta potential, microscopic morphology, encapsulation efficiency and stability. Results showed that the obtained drug carriers presented convenient properties. After nebulization of vitamin E encapsulating systems, the obtained aerosols presented satisfying aerodynamic characteristics which allowed the prediction (using a mathematical model) of a high level of vitamin E deposit on its action siteL'objectif de ce travail est de dĂ©velopper des vecteurs pharmaceutiques, encapsulant la vitamine E, adaptĂ©s Ă  l'administration pulmonaire par aĂ©rosolisation. La vitamine E, antioxydant physiologique, peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour lutter contre les phĂ©nomĂšnes du stress oxydatif en particulier ceux observĂ©s au niveau pulmonaire. L'encapsulation de la vitamine E dans des vecteurs inhalables a Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©e afin d'optimiser son efficacitĂ© thĂ©rapeutique en amĂ©liorant la concentration du principe actif pouvant atteindre son site d'action, les alvĂ©oles pulmonaires. Les diffĂ©rents systĂšmes d'encapsulation de la vitamine E ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ©s par des mĂ©thodes utilisant des contacteurs Ă  membrane. Le principe de prĂ©paration se rĂ©sume au passage de la phase dispersĂ©e, Ă  travers les pores d'une membrane microporeuse, au sein de la phase continue. Les avantages de cette technique sont en particulier une bonne reproductibilitĂ© et un faible apport d'Ă©nergie et par consĂ©quent un coĂ»t d'exploitation modĂ©rĂ©. De plus, les procĂ©dĂ©s Ă  base de contacteurs Ă  membrane se prĂȘtent aisĂ©ment au passage Ă  l'Ă©chelle de production industrielle. Au cours de ce travail, les paramĂštres influençant le procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication par contacteur Ă  membrane ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s ; principalement la pression transmembranaire de passage de la phase discontinue, la force de cisaillement de la phase continue et la microstructure de la membrane utilisĂ©e. DiffĂ©rentes configurations membranaires ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es telles que (i) les modules membranaires tubulaires avec Ă©coulement tangentiel de la phase continue, (ii) les membranes planes montĂ©es dans des cellules d'agitation et (iii) les membranes dotĂ©es d'un mouvement d'oscillation Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de la phase continue. En cas d'Ă©mulsification directe, diverses membranes ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es : des membranes SPG, des membranes microsieves et des membranes en cĂ©ramique. Pour la « premix emulsification » des membranes dites dynamiques, constituĂ©es par un lit de billes en verre, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e

    Conception et rĂ©alisation d'un sĂ©choir cylindro-parabolique pour les produits agro-alimentaire de la rĂ©gion d’eloued

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    Dans le domaine de la technologie de sĂ©chage, les mĂ©thodes de sĂ©chage traditionnelles sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme moins efficaces et chronophages. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©velopper le sĂ©choir solaire indirect pour les produits agro-alimentaires de la rĂ©gion d'El-Oued (Sud-Est de l'AlgĂ©rie) notamment l’arachide. Le sĂ©choir utilise un concentrateur parabolique pour amĂ©liorer ses performances en augmentant sa tempĂ©rature et par consĂ©quent une diminution du temps de sĂ©chage. Le sĂ©choir solaire rĂ©alisĂ©, dans ce travail, a Ă©tĂ© testĂ© sur les piments rouges durant avril 2018 et 2020. La tempĂ©rature dans la chambre de sĂ©chage est atteinte enivrante 55 °C avec un temps de sĂ©chage de 5 h, alors que le taux de sĂ©chage soit le teneur en eau passe 47 to 9% pour l’arachide et pour piment rouge le taux d’humiditĂ© dimunue de 90% Ă  l’équilibre durant 5 heures

    La gestion des centrales hydroélectriques en série par balancement des réservoirs

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    RÉSUMÉ Le but de cette thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper un logiciel qui puisse gĂ©rer efficacement plusieurs rĂ©servoirs et centrales hydroĂ©lectriques sur une riviĂšre. La rĂšgle de gestion que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ©e consiste Ă  trouver un compromis entre les besoins pour la compagnie de gĂ©nĂ©rer des bĂ©nĂ©fices et les risques d’inondation et de manquer de l’eau, et ceci sans connaĂźtre Ă  l’avance les apports d’eau qui entreront dans les rĂ©servoirs dans les semaines futures. Notre approche consiste tout d’abord Ă  agrĂ©ger toutes les installations hydroĂ©lectriques de la riviĂšre de façon Ă  n’avoir qu’un seul rĂ©servoir Ă  gĂ©rer. Par la suite, nous dĂ©terminons une politique de gestion du rĂ©servoir unique avec la programmation dynamique stochastique. L’étape d’aprĂšs consiste Ă  rĂ©partir la production du rĂ©servoir unique entre toutes les installations de la riviĂšre. Cette rĂ©partition entre les installations est faite par la mĂ©thode de balancement des rĂ©servoirs qui consiste Ă  dĂ©terminer le contenu de chaque rĂ©servoir en fonction du contenu du rĂ©servoir agrĂ©gĂ©. Les fonctions qui dĂ©terminent le contenu de chaque rĂ©servoir en fonction du contenu du rĂ©servoir agrĂ©gĂ© sont appelĂ©es fonctions de balancement. Les fonctions de balancement sont dĂ©terminĂ©es par une mĂ©thode de rĂ©gression non paramĂ©trique appelĂ©e rĂ©gression multi variĂ©e par spline adaptative (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)). La mĂ©thode MARS permet d’ajuster automatiquement des modĂšles polynomiaux par parties. À ma connaissance, c’est la premiĂšre fois qu’on utilise cette mĂ©thode de rĂ©gression pour dĂ©terminer des fonctions de balancement. Pour valider la mĂ©thode que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ©e, nous avons comparĂ© les rĂ©sultats de cette mĂ©thode Ă  ceux obtenus avec la programmation dynamique stochastique pour des problĂšmes de deux et trois rĂ©servoirs en sĂ©rie. Enfin, nous avons appliquĂ© notre approche Ă  un problĂšme de grande taille, et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment de sept rĂ©servoirs en sĂ©rie.----------ABSTRACT This thesis presents our approach for determining a weekly operating policy of a hydropower system consisting of several reservoirs in series using an aggregation disaggregation method and a balancing rule. The objective function consists in maximizing the difference between the revenues of the energy surplus sold on the spot market and the cost of the energy bought to meet demand. The first step of the method consists in aggregating all installations on the river and then solving the aggregate model with stochastic dynamic programming. The feedback operating policy obtained by solving the aggregate model gives the amount of energy that should be stored at the end of each period. The second step consists of finding a rule and a relation which optimally allocates the entire storage between the reservoirs using a balancing rule. These rules were obtained by applying both, classical linear regression and the Multivariate Adaptive Regression Method (MARS) to results from a deterministic model that maximize hydropower production. Balancing reservoirs means managing the hydroelectric installations so that the total amount of potential energy stored in the system is distributed among the reservoirs of the system. This distribution must take into account the randomness of the reservoir inflows, the efficiency of the installations, and the variations of the water heads and the risk of spillage. This report will show how to determine and improve balancing rules for several reservoirs in series and will compare the results obtained for two and three reservoirs to those obtained with stochastic dynamic programming. The proposed method was also extended to a large scale system and more precisely to seven reservoirs in series

    Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Using Time-Varying Filtering of Heart Transplanted Patients

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    International audienceIn this paper, we analyze the heart rate variability (HRV), obtained by using the time-varying integral pulse frequency modulation (TVIPFM) which is well adapted to the exercise stress testing. We consider that the mean heart period is varying function of time, during exercise. This technique allows the estimation of the autonomic nervous system modulation (ANS) from the beat occurrences. The estimated respiratory sinus arrhythmia is then filtered in the time-frequency domain around the respiration using a time-varying filter. It is proven that the Spectrogram is a convenient time-frequency representation that allows the implementation of such filter. The recorded data comes from exercise test performed by ten heart transplant patients. The magnitude of the filtered modulation of the heart rate due to respiration is compared to the date of transplantation taking into account the volume of respiration. It reveals that the normalized magnitude of the filtered variability, is significantly increased as the age of transplantation is higher with a high correlation coefficient (R=0.74, p=0.01). This correlation raised to 0.82 when considering dynamic behavior of the parameters. Applied to our dataset, standard parameter fails to exhibit such correlation

    Superconductivity in hole-doped C60 from electronic correlations

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    We derive a model for the highest occupied molecular orbital band of a C60 crystal which includes on-site electron-electron interactions. The form of the interactions are based on the icosahedral symmetry of the C60 molecule together with a perturbative treatment of an isolated C60 molecule. Using this model we do a mean-field calculation in two dimensions on the [100] surface of the crystal. Due to the multi-band nature we find that electron-electron interactions can have a profound effect on the density of states as a function of doping. The doping dependence of the transition temperature can then be qualitatively different from that expected from simple BCS theory based on the density of states from band structure calculations

    Synthesis of lipophilic tyrosyl esters derivatives and assessment of their antimicrobial and antileishmania activities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preparation of tyrosyl lipophilic derivatives was carried out as a response to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries' increasing demand for new lipophilic antioxidants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A large series of tyrosyl esters (<b>TyC<sub>2 </sub></b>to <b>TyC<sub>18:1</sub></b>) with increasing lipophilicity was synthesized in a good yield using lipase from <it>Candida antarctica </it>(Novozyme 435). Spectroscopic analyses of purified esters showed that the tyrosol was esterified on the primary hydroxyl group. Synthetized compounds were evaluated for either their antimicrobial activity, by both diffusion well and minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) methods, or their antileishmanial activity against <it>Leishmania major </it>and <it>Leishmania infantum </it>parasite species.</p> <p>Among all the tested compounds, our results showed that only <b>TyC<sub>8</sub></b>, <b>TyC<sub>10 </sub></b>and <b>TyC<sub>12 </sub></b>exhibited antibacterial and antileishmanial activities. When MIC and IC<sub>50 </sub>values were plotted against the acyl chain length of each tyrosyl derivative, <b>TyC<sub>10 </sub></b>showed a parabolic shape with a minimum value. This nonlinear dependency with the increase of the chain length indicates that biological activities are probably associated to the surfactant effectiveness of lipophilic derivatives.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results open up potential applications to use medium tyrosyl derivatives surfactants, antioxidants, antimicrobial and antileishmanial compounds in cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.</p


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    Objective: to investigate the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic activities of ethanolic leaves extracts of three selected varieties of Phoenyx dactylifera L. namely: Gharsñ€, Deglet Nourñ€ and Hamrayañ€. Methods: The assessment of the antioxidant potential of crude leaves extracts, using superoxide anions inhibition, DPPH and total antioxidant activity essays, was carried out. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of the extracts were determined by measuring the inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production. Moreover, the antidiabetic effect was evaluated by inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes. The total phenolic content measured by Folin-ciocalteu method was as well conducted. Results: The raw leaves extracts of the selected varieties was found to contain a high content of total phenolic content (342.45 mg GAE/ gDW for GE) and therefore exhibited a higher antioxidant activity and inhibitory effect of radicals scavenging activity against DPPH and superoxide anion (IC50=7.44 ĂŽÂŒg/mL and 39.11 ĂŽÂŒg/mL respectively). The three varieties exhibited significant anti-inflammatory effects using in-vitro inhibition of NO (IC50=240.28 ĂŽÂŒg/mL for GE). The extracts also displayed high inhibition actions against α-amylase. Conclusion: the results suggest that the leaves of the three selected varieties of Phoenyx dactylifera can be considered as a good source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammation drugs as well as potent antidiabetic medicine

    EuPathDomains: The Divergent Domain Database for Eukaryotic Pathogens

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    International audienceEukaryotic pathogens (e.g. Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosomes, etc.) are a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Africa, one of the most impacted continents, they cause millions of deaths and constitute an immense economic burden. While the genome sequence of several of these organisms is now available, the biological functions of more than half of their proteins are still unknown. This is a serious issue for bringing to the foreground the expected new therapeutic targets. In this context, the identification of protein domains is a key step to improve the functional annotation of the proteins. However, several domains are missed in eukaryotic pathogens because of the high phylogenetic distance of these organisms from the classical eukaryote models. We recently proposed a method, co-occurrence domain detection (CODD), that improves the sensitivity of Pfam domain detection by exploiting the tendency of domains to appear preferentially with a few other favorite domains in a protein. In this paper, we present EuPathDomains (http://www.atgc-montpellier.fr/EuPathDomains/), an extended database of protein domains belonging to ten major eukaryotic human pathogens. EuPathDomains gathers known and new domains detected by CODD, along with the associated confidence measurements and the GO annotations that can be deduced from the new domains. This database significantly extends the Pfam domain coverage of all selected genomes, by proposing new occurrences of domains as well as new domain families that have never been reported before. For example, with a false discovery rate lower than 20%, EuPathDomains increases the number of detected domains by 13% in Toxoplasma gondii genome and up to 28% in Cryptospordium parvum, and the total number of domain families by 10% in Plasmodium falciparum and up to 16% in C. parvum genome. The database can be queried by protein names, domain identifiers, Pfam or Interpro identifiers, or organisms, and should become a valuable resource to decipher the protein functions of eukaryotic pathogens

    Theory for transport through a single magnetic molecule: Endohedral N@C60

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    We consider transport through a single N@C60 molecule, weakly coupled to metallic leads. Employing a density-matrix formalism we derive rate equations for the occupation probabilities of many-particle states of the molecule. We calculate the current-voltage characteristics and the differential conductance for N@C60 in a break junction. Our results reveal Coulomb-blockade behavior as well as a fine structure of the Coulomb-blockade peaks due to the exchange coupling of the C60 spin to the spin of the encapsulated nitrogen atom.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, v2: version as publishe
