527 research outputs found

    Entleerte Bilder : Idexikalität und Buchstäblichkeit

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 19. bis 22. April 2007 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Die Realität des Imaginären. Architektur und das digitale Bild


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    The simulated patient methodology (SPM) is a form of participatory observation and can be used to assess the quality of counselling. The aim is to review those papers reporting the use of the SPM in German community pharmacies (CPs) from the beginning of 2005 to the end of 2018. The reporting items in the study were derived from the PRISMA Statement. We conducted a systematic search in the GVK-Plus, Embase, Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Additional sources included the personal literature collection of 1 of the reviewers and the reference lists from international systematic reviews and potentially relevant papers. The quality of the papers included was evaluated using the AXIS tool. A total of 5 papers were included. The SPM that was used varied greatly in the papers. The quality of counselling was assessed in the papers as being rather poor. The quality of the papers differed for specific assessment criteria. Only an extremely small number of papers could be included, in contrast to other countries. The papers for Germany demonstrate that there is a considerable need for improvement in the quality of counselling in CPs. Also, the deficits identified here for the application of the SPM should be avoided in future papers. It must also be recommended that the SPM be reported in future papers using uniform reporting standards, which are yet to be developed, to ensure better comparability

    Datenlage im deutschen Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen

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    The german data on health care and social policy are very heterogeneous. Moreover they are compiled and made accessible by a large number of different institutions. The objective of the report is, as a service for students and researchers less familiar with data sources, to provide a comprehensive overview over available data in these subject areas. For this purpose a general introductory section deals with requirements of data, deficits of the existing data sources as well as recommendations for improving the situation. In a second special section information on individual statistics are presented in the form of systematic synopses. Statistics include information on the insured persons in social insurances, beneficiaries, providers of services, expenditures and revenues for benefits. The latter includes the statistics on economic aggregates as well as the distribution over socio-economic groups. Due to the extensive number of sources the presentation is confined to data compiled by public institutions (public households, ministries, social security institutions and the federal bureau of statistics) as well as two examples of a successful integration of survey data with administrative data.public health, social policy, public finance

    Entleerte Bilder : Idexikalität und Buchstäblichkeit

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 19. bis 22. April 2007 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚Die Realität des Imaginären. Architektur und das digitale Bild

    Spatializing difference

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 24. bis 27. April 2003 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚MediumArchitektur - Zur Krise der Vermittlung

    Buergerversicherung vs. Gesundheitspraemie – Vergleich der Reformoptionen zur Finanzierung der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung

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    The wage-dependence of the Public Health Insurance (PHI) as well as the somewhat inconsistent parallel coverage via PHI and private health insurance constitute drawbacks of the present health care revenue system, leading to undesirable distributional and allocative patterns and disadvantages in the course of demographic and economic change. Two conflicting approaches, the “Buergerversicherung” (“Citizens’ Health Insurance”) and the “Gesundheitsprämie” (“Flat Rate Health Insurance”) try to remedy these by way of different methods – the former with a statutory health insurance for all and a comprehensive income basis for proportionate health insurance contributions, the latter with a flat rate contribution for the present PHI including a massive tax subsidy for the contributions for low-income groups and children. The paper presents simulations of the distributional effects. Differing effects become evident. Moreover these patterns also reflect different “philosophies” of social welfare and public revenue regimes. The “Bürgerversicherung” reduces payments by wage and wage-replacement earners and generally by low income groups, the “Gesundheitspraemie” favors higher-income individuals and particularly two-earner married couples.Social Health Insurance System, Public Finance
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