22 research outputs found

    Criptografía Cuántica en Redes Clásicas

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is the first technology derived from Quantum Information and Quantum Computation that is being marketed. To date, the commercial applications are in the encryption of point to point links. Now, the next logical step is about to be taken. Full quantum networks able to transport the keys to be used in symmetric key cryptography with a security level previously unattained are being designed. The proof of concept of many of the ingredients needed exist and networks with a few nodes have been implemented. The first networks will cover a metropolitan area and demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale QKD integrated with classical networks. If it succeeds in the marketplace, this could signal a major shift in how cryptography is used today

    Integrando la criptografía cuántica en redes clásicas

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    En este artículo discutimos las limitaciones y ventajas de la distribución cuántica de claves y los primeros pasos hacia su inclusión dentro de la infraestructura de seguridad en las redes de comunicaciones convencionales

    Protocolos de reconciliación de información óptimos y no interactivos para distribución cuántica de claves

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    Propuesta de protocolos de reconciliación de información basados en códigos LDPC no interactivos aplicados a la distribución cuántica de claves

    Thin Client Technology in the Academic Environment

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    From research groups at the universities of developed countries there is a growing interest in providing solutions to problems of developing countries. In this context we have studied typical problems in many (educational) institutions, such as the lack of technicians who repair the computers, the administration of the machines, and also the difficulty to maintain and configure the old hardware available due to the variety of characteristics of the different machines and the amount of hardware breakdowns and software issues (viruses, administration issues) that the local staff has to face up to with their equipments. We propose a thin client approach that takes into account the human, hardware and software characteristics of developing institutions to provide a complete service for a computer network. The network administration is reduced to the administration of one server only. The maintenance of the machines is simplified and old computers can simulate the running of a powerful computer. Our proposal results in a cheap, simple (from the support point of view) and powerful (in terms of achieved functionalities) design

    Information reconciliation for Quantum Key Distribution

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    Secret-key agreement, a well-known problem in cryptography, allows two parties holding correlated sequences to agree on a secret key communicating over a public channel. It is usually divided into three different procedures: advantage distillation, information reconciliation and privacy amplification. The efficiency of each one of these procedures is needed if a positive key rate is to be attained from the legitimate parties? correlated sequences. Quantum key distribution (QKD) allows the two parties to obtain correlated sequences, provided that they have access to an authenticated channel. The new generation of QKD devices is able to work at higher speeds and in noisier or more absorbing environments. This exposes the weaknesses of current information reconciliation protocols, a key component to their performance. Here we present a new protocol based in low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that presents the advantages of low interactivity, rate adaptability and high efficiency,characteristics that make it highly suitable for next generation QKD devices

    On QKD industrialization

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    During the 25 years of existence of the first protocol for Quantum Key Distribution, much has been said and expected of what came to be termed as Quantum Cryptography. After all this time, much progress has been done but also the reality check and analysis that naturally comes with maturity is underway. A new panorama is emerging, and the way in which the challenges imposed by market requirements are tackled will determine the fate of Quantum Cryptography. The present paper attempts to frame a reasonable view on the issues of the security and market requirements that QKD should achieve to become a marketable technology

    Rate Compatible Protocol for Information Reconciliation: An application to QKD

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    Information Reconciliation is a mechanism that allows to weed out the discrepancies between two correlated variables. It is an essential component in every key agreement protocol where the key has to be transmitted through a noisy channel. The typical case is in the satellite scenario described by Maurer in the early 90's. Recently the need has arisen in relation with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols, where it is very important not to reveal unnecessary information in order to maximize the shared key length. In this paper we present an information reconciliation protocol based on a rate compatible construction of Low Density Parity Check codes. Our protocol improves the efficiency of the reconciliation for the whole range of error rates in the discrete variable QKD context. Its adaptability together with its low interactivity makes it specially well suited for QKD reconciliation

    Influencia del programa radial ¡Qué paja! en la expresión oral de los estudiantes de la I.E. Pascual Saco Oliveros – Ate 2018

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    La siguiente investigación se desarrolló en la institución educativa Pascual Saco Oliveros, con el estudio correlacional tipo de estudio básico descriptivo y enfoque cuantitativo, para el desarrollo de investigación con una población 319 escolares y una muestra de 247. Para la recolección de datos se elaboró un instrumento documentario con escala Likert, esto en función a nuestra operacionalización de variables. Se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y para la prueba de fiabilidad se utilizó el Alfa de Cronbach con el resultado de 0.802. En los resultados se ha hecho uso de la estadística no paramétrica a la vez se ha utilizado Spearman a un nivel de mayor de 0.05, ya que se presenta en una distribución normal. El coeficiente de correlacion Rho Spearman obtenido fue de 0.751; indica que existe una correlación positiva entre el programa radial ¡Qué paja! y la expresión oral de los estudiantes. El contraste de hipótesis fue de 0.000 siendo menos a 0.05, por lo tanto, se rechazó la hipótesis nula y se aceptó la hipótesis alterna: El Programa radial ¡qué paja! influye en la expresión oral de los estudiantes de la I.E. Pascual Saco Oliveros – Ate 2018. Por lo tanto, hay evidencia estadística para comprobar que los contenidos de programa radial influyen en la expresión oral de los estudiantes de la I.E. Pascual Saco Oliveros – Ate 2018

    Deploying QKD in Standard Optical Networks

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    In order to deploy QKD in a cost effective and scalable way, its integration with already installed optical networks is a logical step. If, for the sake of security, we require that no intermediate trusted nodes would be needed, the maximum distance/absorptions allowed by QKD systems limit ourselves to metropolitan area networks. Current metro networks are mostly all optical and passive, hence a transparent link can be established among any two points and this link can be used to transport the quantum channel. In this poster we report on our findings studying the problems arising when integrating QKD systems in standard telecommunications networks

    Integrating QKD in telecommunication networks

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    To date, QKD development has mostly focused in non-shared point-to-point links. Despite its limitations, this is the only technology commercially available today, and this makes it even more expensive and not easily deployable. The integration of QKD with the commercial network infrastructure would open the possibility of a scalable deployment and without requiring a massive initial investment QKD could reach a broader market. Current metro area networks are evolving towards optical, passive infrastructures and this opens up a good window of opportunity for QKD integration, since an all-optical clear path among two points in the network is no longer unfeasible or extremely expensive. However, the simultaneous propagation of quantum and classical signals over a shared link poses important problems due to the spilling of photons coming from classical signals. In this talk I’ll present current architectures for all optical metro networks and discuss our results in the integration of QKD in commercial network