6 research outputs found

    Montessoripedagogiikan käyttö saamelaisopetuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten montessoripedagogiikkaa voitaisiin hyödyntää saamelaisessa opetuksessa. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta ei ole. Tavoitteena on myös ollut kartoittaa montessoripedagogiikan soveltuvuutta erityisesti saamenkielten opetuksessa ja kielenelvytystyössä. Tutkielma koostuu haastattelusta ja kirjallisuudesta. Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuden muodostavat aiheesta tehdyt tutkimukset sekä muu kirjallisuus. Haastattelu on teemahaastattelu ja se on analysoitu aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään mitä yhteistä saamelaispedagogiikalla ja montessoripedagogiikalla on. Voidaanko montessoripedagogiikkaa käyttää saamelaisessa kontekstissa niin, että sen avulla voidaan tukea saamelaiselle kasvatukselle ominaisia, tärkeitä ja toivottuja ominaisuuksia? ja kuinka tämä olisi mahdollista toteuttaa. Tutkimukseni avulla pyrin löytämään tapoja, kuinka montessoripedagogiikkaa voitaisiin soveltaa kielenelvytyksessä ja saamelaisessa kontekstissa. Toinen tutkimani aihe on, minkälaisia saamelaisen kasvatuksen arvoja voitaisiin vahvistaa ja tukea montessoripedagogiikalla. Tutkielmasta käy ilmi, että montessoripedagogiikkaa voidaan käyttää saamen kielien opetuksessa erityisesti kielipesälapsien erityissanaston opettamisessa ja sanavaraston laajentamisessa. Myös saamen kielien erityispiirteiden opettamiseen, kuten esimerkiksi adjektiivin taivuttamiseen, montessoripedagogiikka soveltuu hyvin. Tutkimuksen perusteella montessoripedagogiikka olisi toimivaa tukimateriaalia sanavaraston oppimiseen ja laajentamiseen varsinaisen opetuksen ohella — samalla itsenäisen työskentelyn rohkaistessa lasta omatoimiseksi ja aktiiviseksi.Montessoripedagogiik kiävttu sämimáttááttâsâst. Čuákánkiäsu. Taan kandidaattuđhâstuv ulmen lâi selvâttiđ, ete maht montessoripedagogiik puávtáččii anneeđ ävkkin sämmilii máttááttâsâst. Oovdeb tutkâmuš fáádást ij lah. Ulmen lii meid lamaš karttiđ montessoripedagogiik hiäivulâšvuođâ eromâšávt sämikielâlii máttááttâsâst já kielâiäláskittempargoost. Tuđhâstâh šadda sahhiittâlmist já kirjálâšvuođâst. Tutkâmuš kirjálâšvuođâ hämmejeh fáádást tohhum tutkâmušah sehe eres kirjálâšvuotâ. Sahhiittâllâm lii teemasahhiittâllâm já tot lii analysistum amnâstâhvuáđulii siskáldâsanalyys vuovijguin. Tuđhâstâh lii kvaliteetlâš tutkâmuš. Tutkâmušâst selvâttuvvoo, ete mii ohtsâš sämmilâšpedagogiikâst já montessoripedagogiikâst lii. Puáhtá-uv montessoripedagogiik kevttiđ sämmilii kontekstist tienuuvt, ete ton vievâst puáhtá tuárjuđ sämmilii šoddâdmân jiešvuođâlijd, tehálijd já toivum jiešvuođâid? Já maht taam ličij máhđulâš olášuttiđ. Tutkâmušân vievâst mun viigâm kavnâđ vuovijd, maht montessoripedagogiik puávtáččii heiviittiđ kielâiäláskitmist já sämmilii kontekstist. Nubbe muu tutkâm fáddá lii, ete magarijd sämmilii šoddâdem áárvuid puávtáččii nanodiđ já tuárjuđ montessoripedagogiikkáin. Tuđhâstuvâst tiättoo meid, ete montessoripedagogiik puáhtá kevttiđ sämikielâi máttááttâsâst eromâšávt kielâpiervâlpárnái sierânâssánáduv máttátmist já sänirááju viijđedmist. Meid sämikielâi sierânâsjiešvuovij máttátmân, tego ovdâmerkkân adjektivij suujâtmân, montessoripedagogiik heivee pyereest. Tutkâmuš vuáđuld montessoripedagogiik ličij tuáimee toorjâmateriaal sänirááju oppâmân já viijđedmân eidusii máttááttâs paaldâst — siämmást jiečânâs porgâm ruokâsmit párnáá jiešráđálâžžân já aktiivlâžžân

    SpyTag/SpyCatcher display of influenza M2e peptide on norovirus-like particle provides stronger immunization than direct genetic fusion

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    IntroductionVirus-like particles (VLPs) are similar in size and shape to their respective viruses, but free of viral genetic material. This makes VLP-based vaccines incapable of causing infection, but still effective in mounting immune responses. Noro-VLPs consist of 180 copies of the VP1 capsid protein. The particle tolerates C-terminal fusion partners, and VP1 fused with a C-terminal SpyTag self-assembles into a VLP with SpyTag protruding from its surface, enabling conjugation of antigens via SpyCatcher.MethodsTo compare SpyCatcher-mediated coupling and direct peptide fusion in experimental vaccination, we genetically fused the ectodomain of influenza matrix-2 protein (M2e) directly on the C-terminus of norovirus VP1 capsid protein. VLPs decorated with SpyCatcher-M2e and VLPs with direct M2 efusion were used to immunize mice.Results and discussionWe found that direct genetic fusion of M2e on noro-VLP raised few M2e antibodies in the mouse model, presumably because the short linker positions the peptide between the protruding domains of noro-VLP, limiting its accessibility. On the other hand, adding aluminum hydroxide adjuvant to the previously described SpyCatcher-M2e-decorated noro-VLP vaccine gave a strong response against M2e. Surprisingly, simple SpyCatcher-fused M2e without VLP display also functioned as a potent immunogen, which suggests that the commonly used protein linker SpyCatcher-SpyTag may serve a second role as an activator of the immune system in vaccine preparations. Based on the measured anti-M2e antibodies and cellular responses, both SpyCatcher-M2e as well as M2e presented on the noro-VLP via SpyTag/Catcher show potential for the development of universal influenza vaccines

    SpyTag/SpyCatcher display of influenza M2e peptide on norovirus-like particle provides stronger immunization than direct genetic fusion

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    Introduction: Virus-like particles (VLPs) are similar in size and shape to their respective viruses, but free of viral genetic material. This makes VLP-based vaccines incapable of causing infection, but still effective in mounting immune responses. Noro-VLPs consist of 180 copies of the VP1 capsid protein. The particle tolerates C-terminal fusion partners, and VP1 fused with a C-terminal SpyTag self-assembles into a VLP with SpyTag protruding from its surface, enabling conjugation of antigens via SpyCatcher. Methods: To compare SpyCatcher-mediated coupling and direct peptide fusion in experimental vaccination, we genetically fused the ectodomain of influenza matrix-2 protein (M2e) directly on the C-terminus of norovirus VP1 capsid protein. VLPs decorated with SpyCatcher-M2e and VLPs with direct M2 efusion were used to immunize mice. Results and discussion: We found that direct genetic fusion of M2e on noro-VLP raised few M2e antibodies in the mouse model, presumably because the short linker positions the peptide between the protruding domains of noro-VLP, limiting its accessibility. On the other hand, adding aluminum hydroxide adjuvant to the previously described SpyCatcher-M2e-decorated noro-VLP vaccine gave a strong response against M2e. Surprisingly, simple SpyCatcher-fused M2e without VLP display also functioned as a potent immunogen, which suggests that the commonly used protein linker SpyCatcher-SpyTag may serve a second role as an activator of the immune system in vaccine preparations. Based on the measured anti-M2e antibodies and cellular responses, both SpyCatcher-M2e as well as M2e presented on the noro-VLP via SpyTag/Catcher show potential for the development of universal influenza vaccines.Peer reviewe

    Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Olfactory Mucosal Cells of Alzheimer's Disease Patients

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    Olfaction is orchestrated by olfactory mucosal cells located in the upper nasal cavity. Olfactory dysfunction manifests early in several neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease, however, disease-related alterations to the olfactory mucosal cells remain poorly described. The aim of this study was to evaluate the olfactory mucosa differences between cognitively healthy individuals and Alzheimer's disease patients. We report increased amyloid-beta secretion in Alzheimer's disease olfactory mucosal cells and detail cell-type-specific gene expression patterns, unveiling 240 differentially expressed disease-associated genes compared to the cognitively healthy controls, and five distinct cell populations. Overall, alterations of RNA and protein metabolism, inflammatory processes, and signal transduction were observed in multiple cell populations, suggesting their role in Alzheimer's disease-related olfactory mucosa pathophysiology. Furthermore, the single-cell RNA-sequencing proposed alterations in gene expression of mitochondrially located genes in AD OM cells, which were verified by functional assays, demonstrating altered mitochondrial respiration and a reduction of ATP production. Our results reveal disease-related changes of olfactory mucosal cells in Alzheimer's disease and demonstrate the utility of single-cell RNA sequencing data for investigating molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with the disease.Peer reviewe

    Antigenicity and immunogenicity of HA2 and M2e influenza virus antigens conjugated to norovirus-like, VP1 capsid-based particles by the SpyTag/SpyCatcher technology

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) modified through different molecular technologies are employed as delivery vehicles or platforms for heterologous antigen display. We have recently created a norovirus (NoV) VLP platform, where two influenza antigens, the extracellular domain of matrix protein M2 (M2e) or the stem domain of the major envelope glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA2) are displayed on the surface of the NoV VLPs by SpyTag/SpyCatcher conjugation. To demonstrate the feasibility of the platform to deliver foreign antigens, this study examined potential interference of the conjugation with induction of antibodies against conjugated M2e peptide, HA2, and NoV VLP carrier. High antibody response was induced by HA2 but not M2e decorated VLPs. Furthermore, HA2-elicited antibodies did not neutralize the homologous influenza virus in vitro. Conjugated NoV VLPs retained intact receptor binding capacity and self-immunogenicity. The results demonstrate that NoV VLPs could be simultaneously used as a platform to deliver foreign antigens and a NoV vaccine.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Olfactory Mucosal Cells of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients

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    Olfaction is orchestrated by olfactory mucosal cells located in the upper nasal cavity. Olfactory dysfunction manifests early in several neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, however, disease-related alterations to the olfactory mucosal cells remain poorly described. The aim of this study was to evaluate the olfactory mucosa differences between cognitively healthy individuals and Alzheimer’s disease patients. We report increased amyloid-beta secretion in Alzheimer’s disease olfactory mucosal cells and detail cell-type-specific gene expression patterns, unveiling 240 differentially expressed disease-associated genes compared to the cognitively healthy controls, and five distinct cell populations. Overall, alterations of RNA and protein metabolism, inflammatory processes, and signal transduction were observed in multiple cell populations, suggesting their role in Alzheimer’s disease-related olfactory mucosa pathophysiology. Furthermore, the single-cell RNA-sequencing proposed alterations in gene expression of mitochondrially located genes in AD OM cells, which were verified by functional assays, demonstrating altered mitochondrial respiration and a reduction of ATP production. Our results reveal disease-related changes of olfactory mucosal cells in Alzheimer’s disease and demonstrate the utility of single-cell RNA sequencing data for investigating molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with the disease