57 research outputs found

    Post-divorce representations of marital negotiation during marriage predict parenting alliance in newly divorced parents

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    Literature demonstrates that marital and co-parenting subsystems are intercorrelated and have autonomous functions in the family system. This study explored representations of marital negotiation strategies for conflict resolution during marriage and parenting alliance relationship after divorce, using data from Portuguese newly divorced parents. In multiple regression analysis, representations of marital negotiation strategies for conflict resolution during marriage used by ex-spouses predict positive parenting alliance relationship after divorce. These results suggest that representations of pre-divorce marital relationship influence positively current interparental relationship regarding child rearing after marital dissolution. Implications for clinical interventions are also discussed

    Childhood physical maltreatment with physical injuries is associated with higher adult psychopathology symptoms

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    Background: Previous research has neglected the distinction between childhood physical maltreatment (CPM) behaviors and the physical sequelae resulting from CPM. Prior empirical work has combined CPM behaviors (e.g., beat, hit with a belt) and CPM physical sequelae (e.g., bruises, fractures) into a single conceptual category to predict adverse psychological consequences in adults. This is preventing the examination whether specific subgroups of CPM exposure may report a higher risk of psychopathology symptoms in adulthood. The aim of this study was to examine whether distinct experiences of CPM histories (no physical maltreatment, physical maltreatment only, and physical maltreatment with physical sequelae) would be differentially associated with specific psychopathology dimensions in adulthood. symptoms Method: Data were drawn from the Portuguese National Representative Study of Psychosocial Context of Child Abuse and Neglect (N = 941). Participants completed the Childhood History Questionnaire and the Brief Symptom Inventory. Results: Three groups were created based on participants' experience of CPM assessed by the Childhood History Questionnaire. Participants who reported that suffered physical sequelae of the CPM exhibited significantly higher symptoms in all psychopathology dimensions than participants with no history of CPM and participants that were exposed to physical maltreatment without sequelae. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that clinicians should discriminate CPM behavior from CPM physical sequelae in order to increase effectiveness of mental health treatment with adults with history of CPM. Our findings are discussed in light of the evolutionary-developmental frameworks of adaptative development and cumulative risk hypothesis

    Preliminary efficacy evaluation of a group intervention program for divorced parents

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    O artigo trata da avaliação preliminar da eficácia do Pais por Inteiro (PApi), uma intervenção em grupo com pais divorciados, implementada com a finalidade de melhorar a adaptação ao divórcio, a coparentalidade e a binuclearidade familiar. Os participantes (n= 16) foram equitativamente distribuídos em um grupo experimental (sujeito a intervenção) e um grupo de controlo. Os grupos mostraram-se semelhantes nas medidas dependentes pré-intervenção. Os resultados evidenciaram uma melhoria entre o pré e pós-teste no ajustamento ao divórcio e na qualidade da coparentalidade no grupo experimental, e uma melhoria no pós-teste no ajustamento também no grupo experimental. Estas melhorias não existiram no grupo de controlo. Estes resultados sugerem a eficácia do PApi em termos do melhor ajustamento pósdivórcio e coparentalidade.The article deals with the preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of a group intervention program composed by divorced parents, named Pais Por Inteiro (PApi), which was implemented with the aim of improving adjustment to divorce, coparenting relationship and family binuclearity. Participants (n = 16) were equally distributed in an experimental group (subject to intervention) and a control group. Groups were similar in pre-intervention dependent measures. The results showed an improvement between preand post-test in adjustment to divorce and coparental quality in the experimental group, and an improvement in post-test in adjustment in the experimental group. Those improvements did not exist in the control group. The results suggest the efficacy of PApi in terms of better post-divorce adjustment and coparental relations

    Perfis de vinculação, coparentalidade e ajustamento familiar em pais recém-divorciados: diferenças no ajustamento psicológico

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    O objectivo deste estudo foi identificar, através de uma análise de cluster, perfis de regulação individualdiádica-sistémica em pais récem-divorciados (N=81) com base na vinculação, coparentalidade e ajustamentofamiliar. Três padrões de regulação foram identificados: regulado-seguro (RS), desregulado-ansioso (DA) e desregulado-evitante (DE). O grupo RS mostrou níveis mais elevados de segurança na vinculação, maior qualidade na coparentalidade e no ajustamento familiar que os grupos DA e DE. A coparentalidade e o funcionamento familiar foram as dimensões que melhor diferenciaram os clusters. Avaliando o ajustamento psicológico dos pais recém-divorciados em função dos perfis encontrados, o grupo RS apresentou maiores níveis de ajustamento psicológico do que os restantes dois grupos. Não foram encontradas diferenças no ajustamento psicológico entre os grupos DA e DE.The aim of this study was to identify, using a cluster analysis, profiles of individual-dyadic-systemic regulation in newly divorced parents (N =81). Three profiles of regulation were identified: secure/regulated (SR), anxious/dysregulated (AD) and avoidant/dysregulated (ED). The SR group reported higher levels of attachment security and high levels of perceived parenting alliance and family adjustment than AD and ED groups. Coparenting and family functioning were the dimensions that better discriminate between clusters. Assessing the newly divorced parents’ psychological adjustment using the three profiles found, the parents of SR group showed higher levels of psychological adjustment than the ones in the other two groups. There were no differences in psychological adjustment between the AD and ED groups

    Aliança terapêutica pais-terapeuta como indicador da qualidade da relação terapêutica entre criança e terapeuta

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    Este estudo pioneiro pretende associar a qualidade da aliança terapêutica estabelecida entre os pais e o terapeuta com a qualidade da relação terapêutica entre a criança e o terapeuta. O objectivo foi perceber como estas duas variáveis se podem influenciar entre si. A amostra era constituída por 21 díades pai/mãe filho que teriam de individualmente avaliar a sua relação terapêutica estabelecida com o terapeuta. As dimensões avaliadas foram a qualidade da relação, os objectivos e as tarefas do processo terapêutico. Os resultados obtidos não encontraram uma associação entre as relações terapêuticas globais dos pais e dos filhos com o terapeuta. Todavia, algumas correlações secundárias foram encontradas. Orientações e recomendações para futuras replicações do presente estudo são discutidas.Este estudio pionero pretende asociar la calidad de la alianza terapéutica entre el terapeuta y los padres con la calidad de la relación terapéutica entre el niño y el terapeuta. El objetivo fue evaluar cómo estas dos variables se relacionan. La muestra tenía 21 díadas padre/madre-niño. Ellos tendrían que evaluar individualmente la relación terapéutica con el terapeuta. Las dimensiones evaluadas fueran la calidad de la relación, los objetivos y tareas del proceso terapéutico. No se encontró una asociación entre las relaciones terapéuticas de padres e niños con el terapeuta. Sin embargo, se han encontrado algunas correlaciones secundarias. Directrices y recomendaciones para la futura reproducción de este estudio se examinan

    Parenting alliance measure: a Portuguese validation and development of a short-form version

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    Objetivo: A Medida de Aliança Parental (PAM) avalia a qualidade da relação interparental na prestação de cuidados da criança. O presente artigo apresenta a validação de uma versão portuguesa da medida, bem como examina as qualidades psicométricas de uma versão reduzida com 6 itens do instrumento (PAM-R). Método: A amostra foi constituída por 182 pais (63% mães), dos quais 72 preencheram um instrumento de avaliação dos problemas de ajustamento psicológico das crianças. Resultados: As análises fatoriais confirmatórias não corroboraram a estrutura dos dois modelos testados. No entanto, excelentes valores foram encontrados nos índices de adequação do modelo da PAM-R. Não foram encontrados erros de especificação no modelo unidimensional testado, o que suporta a validade fatorial da versão reduzida da PAM. A PAM-R apresentou excelentes valores de consistência interna e uma correlação negativa e significativa com a medida de problemas de ajustamento das crianças. Conclusões: PAM-R emerge como uma medida que possibilita a avaliação do impacto das dimensões familiares no funcionamento e desenvolvimento psicológico das crianças, em contextos de prestação de cuidados de saúde primários.Objective: The Parenting Alliance Measure (PAM) assesses the quality interparental relationship in childbearing. The present study aims to validate the Portuguese version of this measure and also develop and examine the psychometric properties of a 6-items short-version of PAM (PAM-R). Method: The sample was composed by 182 parents (63% mothers), 72 of them filled in a questionnaire regarding psychological adjustment problems of their children. Results: Confirmatory Factorial Analyses did not support the structure of the PAM’s two tested models. However, PAM-R showed excellent fit. Specification errors were not found in the tested unidimensional model that supports the factorial validity of the short-version of PAM. The PAM-R showed excellent values of internal consistency and a significant and negative correlation between PAM-R and children’s behavior problems was found. Discussion: PAM-R emerges as a measure that enables the assessment of the effects of the family dimensions on children’s psychological development and adjustment in primary health care settings

    Adjustment to divorce and co-parental relations: contributions from the theory of attachment

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    Neste artigo propõe-se uma contribuição da teoria da vinculação na compreensão dos processos de adaptação dos adultos ao seu divórcio e como a desvinculação ao ex-cônjuge interfere na coparentalidade pós-divórcio. Este artigo formula duas hipóteses teóricas. A primeira hipótese afirma que o divórcio, enquanto processo relacional, deve ser lido como um momento de perda que germina reacções psicológicas similares às experienciadas pelos viúvos, tal como descreve Bowlby no modelo de perda da figura de vinculação, estando dependente dos estilos de vinculação dos adultos. A segunda hipótese sustenta que a coparentalidade pós-divórcio é predita pelos estilos de vinculação e pela qualidade da reorganização da vinculação dos pais. Finalmente, uma integração teórica é apresentada, operacionalizada numa proposta de investigação futura neste domínio.In this article, it is proposed the contribution of the attachment theory for understanding adults’ adjustment processes to their divorce and how detachment to ex-spouse can infer in co-parenting relationships after marital dissolution. This article makes two theoretical assumptions that focus on two dimensions. The first hypothesis states that the divorce, while a relational process, should be read as a moment of loss that germinates similar psychological reactions to those experienced by widows. Bowlby describes it in his model of loss of the attachment figure as dependent on attachment styles of divorced adults. The second hypothesis argues that the post-divorce co-parenting relationships are predicted by the attachment styles and by the quality of parents’ attachment reorganization. At the end, a theoretical integration is built, based on a proposal for future research in this area

    A moderated cumulative model of personality adjustment in divorced adults: implications for counselling

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    "Published online: 05 Jun 2017"Using a life-span developmental psychology model of positive personality adjustment, this study had two aims. First, this study aimed to compare additive and threshold cumulative models of personality adjustment after divorce. The cumulative effect hypothesis states that the number of indicators is a more accurate predictor of an outcome than any single indicator considered individually. The second aim was to test whether the association between the positive personality adjustment cumulative model and satisfaction with life (selected as the subjective criterion of personality adjustment) would be moderated by divorce-related variables. Divorced adults (N = 460) were asked to answer to self-report measures of indicators/correlates of personality adjustment. Results supported an additive cumulative model of satisfaction with life, in which the more number of personality adjustment indicators, the more divorce-related satisfaction with life. The association between the cumulative index of personality adjustment and satisfaction with life was moderated by time since divorce and divorce initiator status. Implications for counselling are discussed.This research was supported by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through a fellowship to the first author (SFRH/BD/43525/2008).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychosocial adjustment and physical health in children of divorce

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    Objective: To review the literature on the effects of parental divorce over the psychological maladjustment and physical health problems in children of divorced parents, thus contributing to the integration of existing scientific knowledge based on the biopsychosocial model of the impact of divorce on children’s physical health as proposed by Troxel and Matthews (2004). Sources: Review of the literature using MEDLINE and PsycInfo (1980-2007) databases, selecting the most representative articles on the subject. Special attention was paid to contributions by internationally renowned investigators on the subject. Summary of the findings: Divorce may be responsible for a decline of physical and psychological health in children. The developmental maladjustment of children is not triggered by divorce itself, but rather by other risk factors associated with it, such as interparental conflict, parental psychopathology, decline in socio-economic level, inconsistency in parenting styles, a parallel and conflicting co-parenting relationship between parents and low levels of social support. Such risk factors trigger maladjusted developmental pathways, marked by psychopathological symptoms, poor academic performance, worst levels of physical health, risk behavior, exacerbated psychophysiological responses to stress and weakening of the immune system. Conclusions: Clear links were observed between experiencing parental divorce and facing problems of physical and psychological maladjustment in children. Divorce is a stressor that should be considered by health professionals as potentially responsible for maladjusted neuropsychobiological responses and for decline in children’s physical health.The authors are thankful to Patrícia Silva, biologist and PhD student in Clinical Psychology in the Neuropsychophysiology Laboratory of the School of Psychology at Universidade do Minho, for the orthographic adaptation of the original article to Brazilian Portuguese

    “PApi – Pais por Inteiro” Programa de intervenção em grupo para o ajustamento pessoal e a promoção da coparentalidade positiva em pais divorciados

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    O presente artigo apresenta o programa de intervenção em grupo para pais divorciados, Pais por Inteiro (PApi). Fundamentados na revisão da literatura com a qual o artigo se inicia, os objectivos gerais do programa – promover a coparentalidade positiva, a construção de um projecto de binuclearidade familiar e a reflexão e aprofundamento das trajectórias individuais de cada pai – são descritos, assim como as três macrocomponentes psicoterapêuticas ao longo das quais estes objectivos se desenvolvem – exposição dos processos de divórcio, partilha experiencial e treino de competências e mudança desenvolvimental. O artigo oferece ainda, no final, uma mais detalhada clarificação dos objectivos, materiais e actividades planeadas para cada das dez sessões que compõem o PApi.This article presents the intervention program for divorced parents, Pais por Inteiro (PApi). The main goals of this intervention program, which are supported by the revisited literature in which the article begins, are to promote a positive coparenting style, to help creating a binuclear family project and to help reflect about the interpersonal pathways of each divorced parent. These objectives are described as the three major psychotherapeutic phases, from which these objectives evolve – exposure of the divorce processes, experience sharing and skills training and developmental change. In the end, the present article also offers a detailed clarification of the objectives, materials and activities which were planned for each one of the ten sessions that PApi involves