1,670 research outputs found

    Catalytic microwave pyrolysis of waste engine oil using metallic pyrolysis char

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    Microwave pyrolysis was performed on waste engine oil pre-mixed with different amounts of metallic-char catalyst produced previously from a similar microwave pyrolysis process. The metallic-char catalyst was first prepared by pretreatment with calcination followed by analyses to determine its various properties. The heating characteristics of the mixture of waste oil and metallic-char during the pyrolysis were investigated, and the catalytic influence of the metallic-char on the yield and characteristics of the pyrolysis products are discussed with emphasis on the composition of oil and gaseous products. The metallic-char, detected to have a porous structure and high surface area (124 m2/g), showed high thermal stability in a N2 atmosphere and it was also found to have phases of metals and metal oxides attached or adsorbed onto the char, representing a potentially suitable catalyst to be used in pyrolysis cracking process. The metallic-char initially acted as an adsorptive-support to adsorb metals, metal oxides and waste oil. Then, the char became a microwave absorbent that absorbed microwave energy and heated up to a high temperature in a short time and it was found to generate arcing and sparks during microwave pyrolysis of the waste oil, resulting in the formation of hot spots (high temperature sites with temperature up to 650 °C) within the reactor under the influence of microwave heating. The presence of this high temperature metallic-char, the amounts of which are likely to increase when increasing amounts of metallic-char were added to the waste oil (5, 10, and 20 wt% of the amount of waste oil added to the reactor), had provided a reducing chemical environment in which the metallic-char acted as an intermediate reductant to reduce the adsorbed metals or metal oxides into metallic states, which then functioned as a catalyst to provide more reaction sites that enhanced the cracking and heterogeneous reactions that occurred during the pyrolysis to convert the waste oil to produce higher yields of light hydrocarbons, H2 and CO gases in the pyrolysis products, recording a yield of up to 74 wt% of light C5–C10 hydrocarbons and 42 vol% of H2 and CO gases. The catalytic microwave pyrolysis produced 65–85 wt% yield of pyrolysis-oil containing C5–C20 hydrocarbons that can potentially be upgraded to produce transport-grade fuels. In addition, the recovered pyrolysis-gases (up to 33 wt%) were dominated by aliphatic hydrocarbons (up to 78 vol% of C1–C6 hydrocarbons) and significant amounts of valuable syngas (up to 42 vol% of H2 and CO in total) with low heating values (LHV) ranging from 4.7 to 5.5 MJ/m3, indicating that the pyrolysis-gases could also be used as a gaseous fuel or upgraded to produce more hydrogen as a second-generation fuel. The results indicate that the metallic-char shows advantages for use as a catalyst in microwave pyrolysis treatment of problematic waste oils. [Graphical abstract - see article]The authors acknowledges the financial support by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE), and University Malaysia Terengganu for the conduct of the research under the E-Science fund (UMT/RMC/SF/13/52072(5), Vot No: 52072), the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (Project No: FRGS/1/2013/TK05/UMT/02/2, Vot No: 59296), and the Research Acculturation Grant Scheme (Project No: RAGS/2012/UMT/TK07/3, Vot No: 57085).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from [publisher] via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.04.01

    Regulatory assessment of the consultation competence of Family Physicians in Hong Kong

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    Objective: To evaluate the Consultation Skills Assessment (CSA) component of the Exit Assessment of the Higher Vocational Training Programme of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians with particular reference to content validity and reliability. Design: An observational study in which candidates were directly observed and independently assessed by three assessors in the candidates' own practice setting during which they were expected to consult with six unselected and consecutive patients within two hours of consulting time. Subjects: Eighty-one candidates, 476 patients and 26 assessors (one external). Main outcome measures: Content validity and reliability (contributions to variance and generalisability) of the overall process. Results: Between 1997 and 2003, 81 clinical assessments were carried out. Internal assessors conducted a range of 1-19 assessments and the external assessor was present at 59 assessments (78.7%). The pass rate per CSA diet varied from 25-100%.published_or_final_versio

    Technical and clinical validation of commercial automated volumetric MRI tools for dementia diagnosis-a systematic review

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    Developments in neuroradiological MRI analysis offer promise in enhancing objectivity and consistency in dementia diagnosis through the use of quantitative volumetric reporting tools (QReports). Translation into clinical settings should follow a structured framework of development, including technical and clinical validation steps. However, published technical and clinical validation of the available commercial/proprietary tools is not always easy to find and pathways for successful integration into the clinical workflow are varied. The quantitative neuroradiology initiative (QNI) framework highlights six necessary steps for the development, validation and integration of quantitative tools in the clinic. In this paper, we reviewed the published evidence regarding regulatory-approved QReports for use in the memory clinic and to what extent this evidence fulfils the steps of the QNI framework. We summarize unbiased technical details of available products in order to increase the transparency of evidence and present the range of reporting tools on the market. Our intention is to assist neuroradiologists in making informed decisions regarding the adoption of these methods in the clinic. For the 17 products identified, 11 companies have published some form of technical validation on their methods, but only 4 have published clinical validation of their QReports in a dementia population. Upon systematically reviewing the published evidence for regulatory-approved QReports in dementia, we concluded that there is a significant evidence gap in the literature regarding clinical validation, workflow integration and in-use evaluation of these tools in dementia MRI diagnosis

    Loss of Proliferation and Antigen Presentation Activity following Internalization of Polydispersed Carbon Nanotubes by Primary Lung Epithelial Cells

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    Interactions between poly-dispersed acid functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes (AF-SWCNTs) and primary lung epithelial (PLE) cells were studied. Peritoneal macrophages (PMs, known phagocytic cells) were used as positive controls in this study. Recovery of live cells from cultures of PLE cells and PMs was significantly reduced in the presence of AF-SWCNTs, in a time and dose dependent manner. Both PLE cells as well as PMs could take up fluorescence tagged AF-SWCNTs in a time dependent manner and this uptake was significantly blocked by cytochalasin D, an agent that blocks the activity of acto-myosin fibers and therefore the phagocytic activity of cells. Confocal microscopic studies confirmed that AF-SWCNTs were internalized by both PLE cells and PMs. Intra-trachially instilled AF-SWCNTs could also be taken up by lung epithelial cells as well as alveolar macrophages. Freshly isolated PLE cells had significant cell division activity and cell cycling studies indicated that treatment with AF-SWCNTs resulted in a marked reduction in S-phase of the cell cycle. In a previously standardized system to study BCG antigen presentation by PLE cells and PMs to sensitized T helper cells, AF-SWCNTs could significantly lower the antigen presentation ability of both cell types. These results show that mouse primary lung epithelial cells can efficiently internalize AF-SWCNTs and the uptake of nanotubes interfered with biological functions of PLE cells including their ability to present BCG antigens to sensitized T helper cells

    Cytotoxic Effect of Poly-Dispersed Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Erythrocytes In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Single wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs) are hydrophobic and do not disperse in aqueous solvents. Acid functionalization of SWCNTs results in attachment of carboxy and sulfonate groups to carbon atoms and the resulting acid functionalized product (AF-SWCNTs) is negatively charged and disperses easily in water and buffers. In the present study, effect of AF-SWCNTs on blood erythrocytes was examined. Incubation of mouse erythrocytes with AF-SWCNTs and not with control SWCNTs, resulted in a dose and time dependent lysis of erythrocyte. Using fluorescence tagged AF-SWCNTs, binding of AF-SWCNTs with erythrocytes could be demonstrated. Confocal microscopy results indicated that AF-SWCNTs could enter the erythrocytes. Treatment with AF-SWCNTs resulted in exposure of hydrophobic patches on erythrocyte membrane that is indicative of membrane damage. A time and dose dependent increase in externalization of phosphatidylserine on erythrocyte membrane bilayer was also found. Administration of AF-SWCNTs through intravenous route resulted in a transient anemia as seen by a sharp decline in blood erythrocyte count accompanied with a significant drop in blood haemoglobin level. Administration of AF-SWCNTs through intratracheal administration also showed significant decline in RBC count while administration through other routes (gavage and intra-peritoneal) was not effective. By using a recently developed technique of a two step in vivo biotinylation of erythrocytes that enables simultaneous enumeration of young (age <10 days) and old (age>40 days) erythrocytes in mouse blood, it was found that the in vivo toxic effect of AF-SWCNTs was more pronounced on older subpopulation of erythrocytes. Subpopulation of old erythrocytes fell after treatment with AF-SWCNTs but recovered by third day after the intravenous administration of AF-SWCNTs. Taken together our results indicate that treatment with AF-SWCNTs results in acute membrane damage and eventual lysis of erythrocytes. Intravenous administration of AF-SWCNTs resulted in a transient anemia in which older erythrocytes are preferably lysed

    Progress in waste oil to sustainable energy, with emphasis on pyrolysis techniques

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    This paper begins with a review on the current techniques used for the treatment and recovery of waste oil, which is then followed by an extensive review of the recent achievements in the sustainable development and utilization of pyrolysis techniques in energy recovery from waste oils. The advantages and limitations shown by the use of pyrolysis technique and other current techniques were discussed along with the future research that can be performed on the pyrolysis of waste oil. It was revealed that the current techniques (transesterification, hydrotreating, gasification, solvent extraction, and membrane technology) are yet to be sustainable or completely feasible for waste oil treatment and recovery. It was established that pyrolysis techniques offer a number of advantages over other existing techniques in recovering both the energetic and chemical value of waste oil by generating potentially useful pyrolysis products suitable for future reuse. In particular, microwave pyrolysis shows a distinct advantage in providing a rapid and energy-efficient heating compared to conventional pyrolysis techniques, and thus facilitating increased production rates. It was found that microwave pyrolysis of waste oil showed good performance with respect to product yield, reaction time, energy consumption, and product quality, and thus showing exceptional promise as a sustainable means for energy recovery from waste oils. Nevertheless, it was revealed that some important characteristics of the pyrolysis process have yet to be fully investigated. It was thus concluded that more studies are needed to extend existing understanding in the optimal reaction and process parameters in order to develop the pyrolysis technology to be a sustainable and commercially viable route for energy recovery from problematic waste oils.The authors acknowledges the financial support by Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE), and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu for the conduct of the research under the E-Science fund (UMT/RMC/SF/13/52072(5), Vot no.: 52072), the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (Project no.: FRGS/1/2013/TK05/UMT/02/2, Vot no.: 59296), and the Research Acculturation Grant Scheme (Project no.: RAGS/2012/UMT/TK07/3, Vot no.: 57085).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.09.00

    Whole-Genome Sequencing of Pigeonpea: Requirement, Background History, Current Status and Future Prospects for Crop Improvement

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    Despite of being a very important crop, pigeonpea did not have genomic resources until 2005. Pigeonpea Genomics Initiative (PGI) supported by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under Indo-US Agriculture Knowledge Initiative was the first major initiative that delivered first set of molecular markers in large numbers, first set of mapping populations, first set of transcriptome assemblies, etc. Subsequently, two consortia—1) International Initiative for Pigeonpea Genomics (IIPG), led by International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and 2) Led by National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology (NRCPB)—delivered two draft genome assemblies for Asha (ICPL 87119) variety. In summary, all these genomic resources transformed pigeonpea from an ‘orphan crop’ to ‘genomics resources-rich crop’. After publication of draft genome sequences, a detailed plan was developed to utilize draft genome information for pigeonpea improvement. This plan in the form of a proposal was approved by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—India. In addition to this major project, two additional projects were funded by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. All these efforts have established high-density genotyping platforms such as genotyping by sequencing (GBS) and ​‘Axiom® CajanusSNP Array’, produced the first generation HapMap, generated whole-genome re-sequencing data of >400 pigeonpea lines, evaluated several mapping populations for desired traits, established marker–trait association for several traits of interest to breeders and also identified best-performing lines. Additionally, multi-parent advance generation inter-cross (MAGIC) and nested association mapping (NAM) populations are being developed. With the availability of above-mentioned information, next few years will be witnessing application of genomics-assisted breeding for pigeonpea improvement. It is anticipated that improved pigeonpea lines developed through genomics interventions will reach to farmers’ fields and elevate the game towards pulse sufficiency for poor farmers in arid and semi-arid regions of the world in near future

    Carotid Body AT4 Receptor Expression and its Upregulation in Chronic Hypoxia

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    Hypoxia regulates the local expression of angiotensin-generating system in the rat carotid body and the me-tabolite angiotensin IV (Ang IV) may be involved in the modulation of carotid body function. We tested the hypothesis that Ang IV-binding angiotensin AT4 receptors play a role in the adaptive change of the carotid body in hypoxia. The expression and localization of Ang IV-binding sites and AT4 receptors in the rat carotid bodies were studied with histochemistry. Specific fluorescein-labeled Ang IV binding sites and positive staining of AT4 immunoreactivity were mainly found in lobules in the carotid body. Double-labeling study showed the AT4 receptor was localized in glomus cells containing tyrosine hydroxylase, suggesting the expression in the chemosensitive cells. Intriguingly, the Ang IV-binding and AT4 immunoreactivity were more intense in the carotid body of chronically hypoxic (CH) rats (breathing 10% oxygen for 4 weeks) than the normoxic (Nx) control. Also, the protein level of AT4 receptor was doubled in the CH comparing with the Nx group, supporting an upregulation of the expression in hypoxia. To examine if Ang IV induces intracellular Ca2+ response in the carotid body, cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i) was measured by spectrofluorimetry in fura-2-loaded glomus cells dissociated from CH and Nx carotid bodies. Exogenous Ang IV elevated [Ca2+]i in the glomus cells and the Ang IV response was significantly greater in the CH than the Nx group. Hence, hypoxia induces an upregulation of the expression of AT4 receptors in the glomus cells of the carotid body with an increase in the Ang IV-induced [Ca2+]i elevation. This may be an additional pathway enhancing the Ang II action for the activation of chemoreflex in the hypoxic response during chronic hypoxia
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