35 research outputs found

    Rikkakasvien torjunta-aineiden koetulokset 1975 Peltoviljely

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Prövning av herbicider och växtreglerande medel 1976 Åkerbruk

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Prövning av herbicider och växtreglerande medel 1975 Åkerbruk

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Impact of a Conformite Europeenne (CE) Certification-Marked Medical Software Sensor on COVID-19 Pandemic Progression Prediction : Register-Based Study Using Machine Learning Methods

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 JMIR Publications Inc.. All Rights Reserved.Background: To address the current COVID-19 and any future pandemic, we need robust, real-time, and population-scale collection and analysis of data. Rapid and comprehensive knowledge on the trends in reported symptoms in populations provides an earlier window into the progression of viral spread, and helps to predict the needs and timing of professional health care. Objective: The objective of this study was to use a Conformité Européenne (CE)-marked medical online symptom checker service, Omaolo, and validate the data against the national demand for COVID-19-related care to predict the pandemic progression in Finland. Methods: Our data comprised real-time Omaolo COVID-19 symptom checker responses (414,477 in total) and daily admission counts in nationwide inpatient and outpatient registers provided by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare from March 16 to June 15, 2020 (the first wave of the pandemic in Finland). The symptom checker responses provide self-triage information input to a medically qualified algorithm that produces a personalized probability of having COVID-19, and provides graded recommendations for further actions. We trained linear regression and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) models together with F-score and mutual information feature preselectors to predict the admissions once a week, 1 week in advance. Results: Our models reached a mean absolute percentage error between 24.2% and 36.4% in predicting the national daily patient admissions. The best result was achieved by combining both Omaolo and historical patient admission counts. Our best predictor was linear regression with mutual information as the feature preselector. Conclusions: Accurate short-term predictions of COVID-19 patient admissions can be made, and both symptom check questionnaires and daily admissions data contribute to the accuracy of the predictions. Thus, symptom checkers can be used to estimate the progression of the pandemic, which can be considered when predicting the health care burden in a future pandemic.Peer reviewe

    Eläinaineksen hankinta laajentavalla lypsykarjatilalla

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    Maatalouden muuttuva toimintaympäristö on vaikuttamassa myös lypsykarjan eläinkauppaan. Aiemmintuotantoa laajennettaessa eläinmäärä vakiinnutettiin uudelle tasolle oman karjan eläimistä. Tuotannonkaksin- tai moninkertaistuessa ja investointien suurentuessa ei voida jäädä odottamaan eläinmääränkasvamista omasta aineksesta vaan eläinainesta on hankittava muilta tiloilta.Eläinaineksen hankintaa tutkittiin haastattelemalla laajentaneita lypsykarjatiloja. Kyselyssä selvitettiineläinaineksen hankintatapoja, -kanavia, eläinten hankintaikää ja karjanomistajien omia käsityksiäeläinaineksen hankinnan onnistumisesta. Kysely toteutettiin puhelinhaastatteluna 34 lypsykarjatilallevuoden 2008 aikana. Tilat olivat eri puolilta Suomea.Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan hiehon ostajat olivat merkittävästi tyytyväisempiä (P=0,002, Khiinneliö-testi) eläinten hankintatapaansa kuin vasikoiden ja lehmien ostajat. Suoraan tiloilta ostaneet olivatjonkin verran tyytyväisempiä (P=0,035, Khiin neliö-testi) eläinten hankintamenetelmäänsä kuinmuita kanavia käyttäneet. Tutkimuksessa muita kanavia olivat Faba Jalostuksen NautaNetti, teurastamonvasikkavälitys, lehti-ilmoitukset, meijereiden tiedotteet, Internetin keskustelupalstat sekä huutokaupat.Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lisäksi yhden esimerkkitilan avulla erilaisten hankintatapon tuotantokustannuksia.Kun ostettiin kolmen kuukauden ikäisiä vasikoita ja kasvatettiin ne vuokranavetassa,olivat tuotantokustannukset 2306 euroa eläintä kohti. Vasikoiden hankkiminen välityksestä ja kasvattaminenvuokranavetassa vähensi kustannuksia 235 euroa. Kasvatuskustannukset laskivat huomattavasti,kun vasikoiden kasvatus ulkoistetaan. Jos eläinten päivämaksu on 2,5 euroa, tulee tuotantokustannukseksi1480 euroa. Kolmen euron päivämaksulla tuotantokustannus on 1662 euroa. Hiehojenostaminen noin kolme kuukautta ennen poikimista, kuljettaminen ja kasvattaminen poikivaksi tekevättuotantokustannukseksi 1906 euroa. Lehmiä ostettaessa tuotantokustannus on 1452 euroa eläintä kohti.Tilan tuotanto-olosuhteilla ja yhteistyökumppaneilla on vaikutusta siihen, milloin laajentava tilaeläimiä hankkii. Aiemmat kokemukset ja laskelmat auttavat valitsemaan omalle tilalle sopivan tavan.Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tuottaa tietoa laajentavien tilojen eläinten hankinnan tueksi jaFaba Jalostuksen eläinkaupan kehittämiseen

    Work-Related Exposures and Sickness Absence Trajectories: A Nationally Representative Follow-up Study among Finnish Working-Aged People

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    The contribution of physically demanding work to the developmental trajectories of sickness absence (SA) has seldom been examined. We analyzed the associations of 12 physical work exposures, individually and in combination, with SA trajectories among the occupationally active in the Finnish nationally representative Health 2000 survey. We included 3814 participants aged 30–59 years at baseline, when exposure history to work-related factors was reported. The survey and interview responses were linked with the annual number of medically confirmed SA spells through 2002–2008 from national registries. Trajectory analyses identified three SA subgroups: 1 = low (54.6%), 2 = slowly increasing (33.7%), and 3 = high (11.7%). After adjustments, sitting or use of keyboard >1 year was inversely associated with the high SA trajectory (odds ratio, OR, 0.57; 95% 95% confidence interval, CI, 0.43–0.77). The odds of belonging to the trajectory of high SA increased with an increasing number of risk factors, and was highest for those with ≥4 physical workload factors (OR 2.71; 95% CI 1.99–3.69). In conclusion, these findings highlight the need to find ways to better maintain the work ability of those in physically loading work, particularly when there occurs exposure to several workload factors

    Work-Related Exposures and Sickness Absence Trajectories: A Nationally Representative Follow-up Study among Finnish Working-Aged People

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    The contribution of physically demanding work to the developmental trajectories of sickness absence (SA) has seldom been examined. We analyzed the associations of 12 physical work exposures, individually and in combination, with SA trajectories among the occupationally active in the Finnish nationally representative Health 2000 survey. We included 3814 participants aged 30–59 years at baseline, when exposure history to work-related factors was reported. The survey and interview responses were linked with the annual number of medically confirmed SA spells through 2002–2008 from national registries. Trajectory analyses identified three SA subgroups: 1 = low (54.6%), 2 = slowly increasing (33.7%), and 3 = high (11.7%). After adjustments, sitting or use of keyboard >1 year was inversely associated with the high SA trajectory (odds ratio, OR, 0.57; 95% 95% confidence interval, CI, 0.43–0.77). The odds of belonging to the trajectory of high SA increased with an increasing number of risk factors, and was highest for those with ≥4 physical workload factors (OR 2.71; 95% CI 1.99–3.69). In conclusion, these findings highlight the need to find ways to better maintain the work ability of those in physically loading work, particularly when there occurs exposure to several workload factors

    Rikkakasvihävitteiden käytöstä koristekasvitaimistoissa

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    vKirjasto Aj-kAnvändning av ogräsbekämpningsmedel vid plantskolor för prydnadsväxter Trials with herbicides on ornamental trees and shrub