977 research outputs found

    : Du contrat à l'acte juridique

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    International audienceThe act of investment, to use Marx's words, which Braudel willingly recalled, is the fact of "separating from your money only with the backward thinking of catching it". To consider the act of investment and not the contracts concluded by investors is to favour unilateralism at the expense of bilateralism. What matters then is the author and his act and not the legal relationship between contracting parties. Mine rather than the link. The act of investment is thus the expression of a unilateralist point of view on a bilateral relationship. It reveals the patrimonial choice of one of the parties involved in entering into this type of relationship. This change of point of view is a significant sign of a serious disruption. Translated with www.DeepL.com/TranslatorL’acte d’investissement, pour reprendre une formule de Marx, que rappelait volontiers Braudel, c’est le fait de ne « se séparer de son argent qu’avec l’arrière-pensée de le rattraper ». Considérer l’acte d’investissement et non les contrats que concluent les investisseurs, c’est privilégier l’unilatéralisme aux dépens du bilatéralisme. Ce qui compte alors, c’est l’auteur et son acte et non le rapport de droit qui se noue entre des parties contractantes. Le mien plutôt que le lien. L'acte d'investissement est ainsi l’expression d’un point de vue unilatéraliste sur une relation bilatérale. Il révèle le choix patrimonial de l’une des parties qu’implique l’entrée dans ce type de relation. Ce changement de point de vue est significatif d’une authentique rupture

    : Introduction

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    LicenceLe présent document est un support écrit du cours dispensé en première année de Licence à l’Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). Il est conçu pour être accessible à un public profane désireux de s’acclimater aux notions essentielles du droit et aux méthodes des juristes.Il est volontairement écrit dans une langue qui comporte parfois des familiarités, à l’image du vivant qui est la matière première de la chose juridique

    Guest displacement in silicon clathrates

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    We study both theoretically and experimentally the structure of the doped silicon clathrate II NaxSi34. We find that contrary to published works, the sodium atoms do not retain the T-d symmetry inside the Si-28 cages and move about 1 A away from the center of the cage. This displacement, in conjunction with that of a sodium atom in an adjacent Si-28 cage, leads to a "dimerization" of sodium atoms. As a consequence, Rietveld refinements of x-ray diffraction spectra and transport, vibrational, and electronic properties must be revisited

    Après Charlie?

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    Le monde des bibliothèques a manifesté, comme l\u27ensemble du pays, son émotion face à l\u27attentat contre Charlie Hebdo. Après ce moment nécessaire, la complexité des situations et la diversité de nos opinions nous rappellent à la réalité et à l\u27action

    De-Confinement in high multiplicity proton-proton collisions at LHC energies

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    Recently, the CMS Collaboration has published identified particle transverse momentum spectra in high multiplicity events at LHC energies s\sqrt s = 0.9-13 TeV. In the present work the transverse momentum spectra have been analyzed in the framework of the color fields inside the clusters of overlapping strings, which are produced in high energy hadronic collisions. The non-Abelian nature is reflected in the coherence sum of the color fields which as a consequence gives rise to an enhancement of the transverse momentum and a suppression of the multiplicities relative to the non overlapping strings. The initial temperature and shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s are obtained. For the higher multiplicity events at s\sqrt s =7 and 13 TeV the initial temperature is above the universal hadronization temperature and is consistent with the creation of de-confined matter. In these small systems it can be argued that the thermalization is a consequence of the quantum tunneling through the event horizon introduced by the confining color fields, in analogy to the Hawking-Unruh effect. The small shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s near the critical temperature suggests that the matter is a strongly coupled Quark Gluon Plasma.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Surfactant-free CZTS nanoparticles as building blocks for low-cost solar cell absorbers

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    A process route for the fabrication of solvent-redispersible, surfactant-free Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) nanoparticles has been designed with the objective to have the benefit of a simple sulfide source which advantageously acts as (i) a complexing agent inhibiting crystallite growth, (ii) a surface additive providing redispersion in low ionic strength polar solvents and (iii) a transient ligand easily replaced by an carbon-free surface additive. This multifunctional use of the sulfide source has been achieved through a fine tuning of((Cu2+)a(Zn2+)b(Sn4+)c(Tu)d(OH?)e)t+, Tu = thiourea) oligomers, leading after temperature polycondensation and S2- exchange to highly concentrated (c > 100 g l-1), stable, ethanolic CZTS dispersions. The good electronic properties and low-defect concentration of the sintered, crack-free CZTSe films resulting from these building blocks was shown by photoluminescence investigation, making these building blocks interesting for low-cost, high-performance CZTSe solar cells

    Surfactant-free CZTS nanoparticles as building blocks for low-cost solar cell absorbers

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    A process route for the fabrication of solvent-redispersible, surfactant-free Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) nanoparticles has been designed with the objective to have the benefit of a simple sulfide source which advantageously acts as (i) a complexing agent inhibiting crystallite growth, (ii) a surface additive providing redispersion in low ionic strength polar solvents and (iii) a transient ligand easily replaced by an carbon-free surface additive. This multifunctional use of the sulfide source has been achieved through a fine tuning of((Cu2+)a(Zn2+)b(Sn4+)c(Tu)d(OH?)e)t+, Tu = thiourea) oligomers, leading after temperature polycondensation and S2- exchange to highly concentrated (c > 100 g l-1), stable, ethanolic CZTS dispersions. The good electronic properties and low-defect concentration of the sintered, crack-free CZTSe films resulting from these building blocks was shown by photoluminescence investigation, making these building blocks interesting for low-cost, high-performance CZTSe solar cells

    Mycophenolic Acid overcomes imatinib and nilotinib resistance of chronic myeloid leukemia cells by apoptosis or a senescent-like cell cycle arrest.

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    International audienceWe used K562 cells sensitive or generated resistant to imatinib or nilotinib to investigate their response to mycophenolic acid (MPA). MPA induced DNA damage leading to cell death with a minor contribution of apoptosis, as revealed by annexin V labeling (up to 25%). In contrast, cell cycle arrest and positive staining for senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity were detected for a large cell population (80%). MPA-induced cell death was potentialized by the inhibition of autophagy and this is associated to the upregulation of apoptosis. In contrast, senescence was neither decreased nor abrogated in autophagy deficient K562 cells. Primary CD34 cells from CML patients sensitive or resistant to imatinib or nilotinib respond to MPA although apoptosis is mainly detected. These results show that MPA is an interesting tool to overcome resistance in vitro and in vivo mainly in the evolved phase of the disease

    The Moroccan Herpetology “Basic research to the conservation of species”

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    Il Marocco è il paese dell’Africa settentrionale, così come del Mediterraneo occidentale, dall’erpetofauna più ricca e varia, di cui fanno parte anche 33 specie endemiche (ossia il 20% del totale di anfibi e rettili che ci vivono). Se da un lato si conosce bene la composizione attuale dell’erpetofauna marocchina, d’altra parte non si sa quasi nulla delle fluttuazioni all’interno delle popolazioni e negli areali di distribuzione che potrebbero interessare alcune specie a causa di cambiamenti climatici e ambientali. La rapidità del declino delle specie più critiche rimane a tutti gli effetti sconosciuta. Tuttavia, è certo che diverse specie siano in declino, se non addirittura in grave rischio di estinzione. Inoltre una parte della fauna marocchina (soprattutto tra i rettili: le testuggini, i camaleonti, gli uromastici, i varani etc.) viene illegalmente venduta ai turisti, danneggiando così il patrimonio naturale del Marocco. Esistono sì delle leggi marocchine, ed internazionali (CITES), che proibiscono queste pratiche, ma i turisti spesso non le conoscono o fingono di ignorarle. D’altra parte, anche se questi animali “esportati” dal Marocco sono spesso sequestrati alle dogane degli aeroporti europei, diventa poi impossibile riportarli nei luoghi di cattura. A causa dell’entità delle minacce che incombono sulla biodiversità erpetologica, la valutazione dell’entità del declino e la salvaguardia delle specie che compongono la minacciata erpetofauna marocchina diventano una necessità assoluta. È in questo contesto che a partire da febbraio 2000 abbiamo impostato un programma di ricerca che cerca di capire l’evoluzione spazio-temporale di questi vertebrati ectotermi e di come gestirli. Questa ricerca, che è solo l’inizio di un complessivo prendersi carico di questo patrimonio nazionale, è rivolta prioritariamente alle nostre specie più caratteristiche e a quelle endemiche. Durante questa conferenza esponiamo una sintesi dei risultati finora acquisiti e delle ricerche ancora in corso sull’impatto delle variabili ambientali, naturali o indotte dall’uomo, sulla biologia di: Testudo graeca, unico rappresentante della famiglia Testudinidae e delle testuggini terrestri in Marocco, nell’ambiente arido e sovra pascolato della catena dei “Jbilets centrales”; Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus, endemismo marocchino, nell’Alto Atlante a Oukaimeden; Bufo brongersmai, endemismo marocchino, in ambienti aridi o dove l’acqua è poca; Alytes maurus, il rospo ostetrico marocchino, nel parco nazionale di Tazzeka nel Medio Atlante. Verranno discusse sia le necessità ecologiche di questi vertebrati ectotermi sia gli elementi chiave dell’ambiente, che devono essere lo scopo della gestione affinché queste specie possano sopravvivere nella nicchia ambientale a cui sono adattate