77 research outputs found

    Étude Électrophysiologique en StĂ©rĂ©o-ÉlectroencĂ©phalographie (SEEG) de la ConnectivitĂ© Fonctionnelle Inter-Ictale dans les Épilepsies Focales PharmacorĂ©sistantes : le modĂšle des Malformations du DĂ©veloppement Cortical

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    Les Ă©pilepsies focales pharmacorĂ©sistantes (EPR) sont des maladies de rĂ©seaux, avec des altĂ©rations de connectivitĂ© fonctionnelle (CF) durant les pĂ©riodes ictale & interictale. La plupart des Ă©tudes sur la CF de la pĂ©riode interictale utilisent l’IRM fonctionnelle. Peu d’études ont exploitĂ© les avantages de la stĂ©rĂ©o-Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographie (SEEG) : trĂšs bonne rĂ©solution temporelle, enregistrement intracrĂąnien direct et Ă©chantillonnage spatial relativement large. Les quelques Ă©tudes en SEEG ont concernĂ© les EPR temporales qui ne reflĂštent pas l’ensemble du spectre des EPR. Notre Ă©tude avait pour but de combler ce manque en investiguant les altĂ©rations de CF qui sous-tendent l’organisation des cortex Ă©pileptiques et leur association avec le pronostic chirurgical.Pour cela, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© une large cohorte de 59 patients avec malformation du dĂ©veloppement cortical, explorĂ©s par SEEG. Nous avons calculĂ© : la CF avec une corrĂ©lation non-linĂ©aire (h2), et la centralitĂ© intermĂ©diaire (CI). Nous nous sommes concentrĂ© sur 3 sous-rĂ©seaux dĂ©finis par l’activitĂ© ictale : zone Ă©pileptogĂšne (ZE), zone de propagation (ZP), zone non impliquĂ©e (ZNI). Nous avons analysĂ© : 1) la CF intra-zone et inter-zone, 2) la CI de ces zones, 3) la directionalitĂ© de la CF entre ces zones, 4) les associations entre mesures de CF et variables cliniques dont le pronostic chirurgical.Notre travail confirme que la CF diffĂšre selon les sous-rĂ©seaux. Nous avons trouvĂ© : 1) des valeurs plus hautes de CF intra-zone dans ZE et ZP par rapport Ă  ZNI, 2) un couplage prĂ©fĂ©rentiel Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la ZE, 3) un couplage prĂ©fĂ©rentiel entre ZE et ZP, 4) un pronostic chirurgical dĂ©favorable chez les patients avec une CF plus Ă©levĂ©e dans ZNI (CF intra-ZNI, inter ZNI-ZP, et CI de ZNI). Notre travail suggĂšre une CF renforcĂ©e dans les cortex Ă©pileptiques (ZE et ZP) avec une organisation graduelle selon l’épileptogĂ©nicitĂ©. De plus, des altĂ©rations plus larges de CF sont associĂ©es Ă  un pronostic chirurgical plus dĂ©favorable

    Encéphalite de Rasmussen : hypothÚses physiopathologiques et traitement médical

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    Seizure onset patterns and functional inter-ictal connectivity in focal epilepsies : SEEG studies

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© des patients avec Ă©pilepsie focale rĂ©sistante aux traitements antiĂ©pileptiques explorĂ©s en stĂ©rĂ©o-EEG. Nos objectifs Ă©taient : 1) de dĂ©crire les patterns de dĂ©but de crise (SOP) et analyser leur association avec les donnĂ©es cliniques (notamment Ă©tiologie, pronostic post-chirurgie, organisation de la zone Ă©pileptogĂšne) ; 2) Ă©tudier la connectivitĂ© fonctionnelle (CF) interictale et rechercher des diffĂ©rences de connectivitĂ© selon l'Ă©pileptogĂ©nicitĂ© des structures.Concernant les SOP, nous avons montrĂ© que: environ 20% des SOP n’incluent pas de dĂ©charge rapide (< 12hz), certains SOP sont associĂ©s Ă  des Ă©tiologies particuliĂšres (ex : bouffĂ©e de polypointes suivies d’une dĂ©charge rapide et dysplasie corticale focale), certains SOP sont associĂ©s au type d’organisation spatiale de la zone Ă©pileptogĂšne (ex : ondes lentes / DC shift suivi d’une dĂ©charge rapide et organisation en rĂ©seau), le pronostic post-chirurgical est meilleur en cas de SOP incluant une dĂ©charge rapide de bas voltage.Concernant la CF inter-ictale, nous avons montrĂ© : une CF plus Ă©levĂ©es entre les zones Ă©pileptogĂšnes et entre les zones de propagation qu’entre les zones non impliquĂ©es lors des crises, un couplage prĂ©fĂ©rentiel des zones Ă©pileptogĂšnes entre elles et avec les zones de propagation, un pronostic post-opĂ©ratoire moins bon en cas de CF plus Ă©levĂ©e dans les zones non impliquĂ©esEn rĂ©sumĂ©, nous avons donc montrĂ© que 1) les SOP sont liĂ©s aux caractĂ©ristiques du patients (notamment Ă©tiologie) et au pronostic post-chirurgical ; 2) la CF interictale est renforcĂ©e dans les zones Ă©pileptiques Ă  distance des crises et pourrait ĂȘtre un indicateur du pronostic post-chirurgical.In this thesis, we studied patients with focal epilepsy resistant to antiepileptic treatments explored in stereo-EEG, in order to be able to offer them curative epilepsy surgery. Our objectives were: 1) to describe the seizure onset patterns (SOP) and analyse their association with clinical data (aetiology, prognosis, organisation of the epileptogenic zone); 2) to study interictal functional connectivity and to look for differences in connectivity according to the epileptogenicity of the structures. Regarding the SOP, we demonstrated that: About 20% of the SOP did not include a rapid discharge (< 12hz), some SOP were associated with particular aetiology (e.g. burst of poly-spikes followed by a rapid discharge and focal cortical dysplasia), some SOP were associated with the type of spatial organization of the epileptogenic zone (e.g. slow waves / DC shift followed by a rapid discharge and network organization), the post-operative prognosis is better in case of SOP including a rapid low voltage discharge.Regarding inter-ictal functional connectivity, we demonstrated: a higher functional connectivity between epileptogenic areas and between the propagation area, than between non-involved areas in the seizure; preferential coupling of the epileptogenic zones between them and with the propagation zones ‱ A poorer post-surgical outcome in case of higher functional connectivity of the noninvolved areasOverall, we thus demonstrated that 1) seizure onset patterns were related to patient characteristics (notably the aetiology) and post-surgical prognosis; 2) interictal functional connectivity is enhanced in epileptic areas and could be an indicator of post-surgical prognosis

    Apport de la tomographie par émission de positons (TEP) cérébrale dans les encéphalites dysimmunitaires

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    International audienceDysimmune encephalitis are frequent and disabling pathologies with efficacious treatments (immunotherapy). Evocative clinical signs are: rapid progressive evolution, seizure, movement disorder, psychiatric troubles, memory defect, dysautonomia and hyponatremia. Classical ancillary test: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and standard cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) analysis can be normal. In this context, the cerebral positron emission tomography (PET) is helpful for the diagnosis. More often reported patterns are: association of hyper- and hypo-metabolism; fronto-temporal hyper-metabolism/parieto-occipital hypo-metabolism gradient (anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor [NMDAR] encephalitis); temporal and basal ganglia hyper-metabolism (anti-leucine-rich glioma inactivated protein 1 [LGI1] encephalitis); temporal hyper-metabolism (other limbic encephalitis); parieto-occipital ± basal ganglia hypo-metabolism (neurolupus); unihemispheric diffuse hypo-metabolism (Rasmussen encephalitis). The diagnosis could require research of specific antibodies. Finally, the cerebral PET is also useful during the follow-up: treatment's efficacy (improvement of metabolism), relapse (aggravation of metabolism's alteration), and evaluation of possible sequelae.Les encĂ©phalites dysimmunitaires sont des pathologies frĂ©quentes et pourvoyeuses de handicap, pour lesquelles il existe des traitements efficaces (immunothĂ©rapies). Certains signes cliniques sont Ă©vocateurs : Ă©volution rapidement progressive, crise d’épilepsie, mouvements anormaux, troubles psychiatriques, troubles mnĂ©siques, dysautonomie, hyponatrĂ©mie. Les examens classiques, notamment l’imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique (IRM) et les analyses standard du liquide cĂ©phalo-rachidien (LCR), peuvent ĂȘtre pris en dĂ©faut. Dans ce contexte, la tomographie par Ă©mission de positons (TEP) cĂ©rĂ©brale a un grand intĂ©rĂȘt pour le diagnostic. Les patterns retrouvĂ©s sont : association d’hypo- et d’hypermĂ©tabolisme, gradient hypermĂ©tabolisme fronto-temporal/hypomĂ©tabolisme pariĂ©to-occipital (encĂ©phalites anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor [NMDAR]), hypermĂ©tabolisme temporal et des ganglions de la base (encĂ©phalite anti-leucine-rich glioma inactivated protein 1 [LGI1]), hypermĂ©tabolisme temporal (autres encĂ©phalites limbiques), hypomĂ©tabolismes pariĂ©to-occipital ± des ganglions de la base (neurolupus), hypomĂ©tabolisme unihĂ©misphĂ©rique diffus (encĂ©phalite de Rasmussen). La confirmation diagnostique pourra nĂ©cessiter la recherche d’anticorps spĂ©cifique (sĂ©rum/LCR). La TEP cĂ©rĂ©brale est aussi utile au cours du suivi : efficacitĂ© du traitement (amĂ©lioration du mĂ©tabolisme), rechute (aggravation des altĂ©rations du mĂ©tabolisme) et Ă©valuation d’éventuelles sĂ©quelles

    Medical treatment of Rasmussen's Encephalitis: A systematic review

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    International audienceRasmussen's encephalitis (RE) is a severe, rare, chronic inflammatory brain disease resulting in drug-resistant epilepsy and progressive destruction of one hemisphere with loss of neurological function. RE is associated with a deterioration of background electroencephalography (EEG) activity, a progressive atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging and an extensive positron emission tomography hypometabolism over the affected hemisphere. RE is an immune-mediated disease, with a predominant role of CD8+ T cytotoxic cells, microglial cells, and activation of inflammasome pathway. The diagnosis of RE is based on clinical (intractable epilepsy and neurological deterioration), electrophysiological (unilateral EEG slowing) and MRI (hemiatrophy) criteria. Antiseizure medications are generally unable to stop seizures. The most effective procedure is hemispherotomy (surgical disconnection of one cerebral hemisphere), but this is associated with permanent motor and neurological deficits. Treatments targeting the immune system are recommended especially in the early stages of the disease or in patients with slow disease progression and mild deficits and/or not eligible for surgery. Based on the pathophysiology, several immunotherapies have been tried in RE (none exhaustively: corticosteroid, intravenous immunoglobulins, tacrolimus, azathioprine, adalimumab, mycophenolate mofetil, natalizumab). However, only small cohorts have been reported without comparative study. In this review, we will summarise some pathophysiological mechanisms of RE, before reporting the literature data concerning immunotherapies. We then discuss the limitations of these studies and the prospects for further research

    Insular interictal positron emission tomography hypometabolism in patients with ictal asystole

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    International audienceWe aimed to explore brain area(s) involved in the generation of ictal asystole (IA) by analyzing the interictal positron emission tomography (PET) metabolism of patients with IA recorded by video-electroencephalography or video-stereo-electroencephalography. We identified in our cohort of focal epilepsy patients who had undergone presurgical evaluation those who had a recorded period of IA of more than 3 s. We investigated the anatomometabolic changes (interictal 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET) of these patients in comparison with (1) healthy subjects with similar age and sex distribution (n = 19) using whole-brain voxel-based analysis (p-voxel < .001, p-cluster < .05, uncorrected) and (2) patients without IA with similar age and seizure onset zone (n = 55). We found 12 patients with IA. Epilepsy was mainly temporal (four right temporal mesial, four bitemporal, two left temporal lateral, one right temporal lateral, and one right temporal "plus"). Seven patients had negative magnetic resonance imaging. Whole-brain statistical analysis of PET imaging was performed at the voxel level, showing that in comparison to healthy subjects and to epileptic patients without IA, a hypometabolism in the right posterior insula characterized epileptic patients with IA. Our study suggests involvement of the right posterior insula-a part of the central autonomic network-in the pathophysiological mechanism of IA

    Interictal functional connectivity in focal refractory epilepsies investigated by intracranial EEG

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    International audienceFocal epilepsies are diseases of neuronal excitability affecting macroscopic networks of cortical and subcortical neural structures. These networks ("epileptogenic networks") can generate pathological electrophysiological activities during seizures but also between seizures (interictal period). Many works attempt to describe these networks by using quantification methods, particularly based on the estimation of statistical relationships between signals produced by brain regions, namely Functional connectivity (FC). FC has been shown to be greatly altered during seizures and in the immediate peri-ictal period. An increasing number of studies have shown that FC is also altered during the interictal period depending on the degree of epileptogenicity of the structures. Furthermore, connectivity values could be correlated with other clinical variables including surgical outcome. This leads to a conceptual change and to consider epileptic areas as both hyperexcitable and abnormally connected. These data open the door to the use of interictal FC as a marker of epileptogenicity and as a complementary tool for predicting the effect of surgery. In this article, we will review the available data concerning interictal FC estimated from iEEG in focal epilepsies and discuss it in the light of data obtained from other modalities (EEG, MEG, MRI) and modelling studies

    How Can a Focal Seizure Lead to a Dacrystic Behavior? A Case Analyzed with Functional Connectivity in Stereoelectroencephalography

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    We present a case of a patient with focal non-motor emotional seizures with dacrystic expression in the context of drug-resistant magnetic resonance imaging negative epilepsy. The pre-surgical evaluation suggested a hypothesis of a right fronto-temporal epileptogenic zone. Stereoelectroencephalography recorded dacrystic seizures arising from the right anterior operculo-insular ( pars orbitalis) area with secondary propagation to temporal and parietal cortices during the dacrystic behavior. We analyzed functional connectivity during the ictal dacrystic behavior and found an increase of the functional connectivity within a large right fronto-temporo-insular network, broadly similar to the “emotional excitatory” network. It suggests that focal seizure, potentially, from various origins but leading to disorganization of these physiological networks may generate dacrystic behavior


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    International audienceA 54-year-old woman, with relapsing Mantle B-cell Lymphoma, was admitted for recurrent unresponsive episodes. During video-EEG recording, patient became transitory unresponsive for 12 minutes with starring and brachiofacial automatisms (video), with correlated diffuse EEG delta activity that resolved spontaneously, without epileptic discharge, cardiac arrhythmia, or hypotension (figure). No intracranial lesion existed on neuroimaging. Lumbar puncture revealed increased CSF pressure and infiltrating lymphomatous cells, confirming a diagnosis of leptomeningeal metastases. Transient neurological events can be linked to increased intracranial pressure generating a decrease of cerebral perfusion and EEG "plateau-waves" 1-5. EEG allow to distinguish this entity from differential diagnoses
