156 research outputs found

    Eesti siirdemeditsiini maastiku ja vĂ”imaluste kompamine projektis „Happy Pregnancy”

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    Eesti Arst 2015; 94(8):460–46

    Mapping genes through the use of linkage disequilibrium generated by genetic drift: 'Drift mapping' in small populations with no demographic expansion

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    Linkage disequilibrium has been a powerful tool in identifying rare disease alleles in human populations. To date, most research has been directed to isolated populations which have undergone a bottleneck followed by rapid exponential expansion. While this strategy works well for rare diseases in which all disease alleles in the population today are clonal copies of some common ancestral allele, for common disease genes with substantial allelic heterogeneity, this approach is not predicted to work. In this paper, we describe the dynamics of linkage disequilibrium in populations which have not undergone a demographic expansion. In these populations, it is shown that genetic drift creates disequilibrium over time, while in expanded populations, the disequilibrium decays with time. We propose that common disease alleles might be more efficiently identified by drift mapping - linkage disequilibrium mapping in small, old populations of constant size where the disequilibrium is the result of genetic drift, not founder effect. Theoretical models, empirical data, and simulated population models are presented as evidence for the utility of this approach

    Molecular cytogenetics in physical mapping and positional cloning

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    Human CuZn superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity in cells is regulated by the length of the mRNA

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    AbstractSingle functional human CuZnSOD gene encodes two species of mRNA differing in size by 200 nucleotides in the 3â€Č-untranslated region (UTR). We studied the expression of the CuZnSOD cDNA with different 3â€Č- and 5â€Č-UTR. Deletion in the 5â€Č-end does not affect the expression of the enzyme, however, deletion in the 3â€Č-UTR decreases the level of expression of CuZnSOD. The plasmids containing the long CuZnSOD cDNA with all polyadenylation signal sequences utilize primarily the last polyadenylation site and give a long mRNA, which produces three times more enzyme than the short mRNA lacking the last polyadenylation site and the AU-rich region

    Natural antisense transcript of natriuretic peptide precursor A (NPPA): structural organization and modulation of NPPA expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mammalian transcriptome contains a large proportion of diverse and structurally complex noncoding RNAs. One class of such RNAs, natural antisense transcripts (NATs), are derived from the opposite strand of many protein-coding genes. Although the exact structure and functional relevance of most of the NATs is unknown, their emerging role as gene expression regulators raises the hypothesis that NATs might contribute to development of complex human disorders. The goal of our study was to investigate the involvement of NATs in regulation of candidate genes for blood pressure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>First we analysed blood pressure candidate genes for the presence of natural antisense transcripts. <it>In silico </it>analysis revealed that seven genes (<it>ADD3</it>, <it>NPPA</it>, <it>ATP1A1</it>, <it>NPR2</it>, <it>CYP17A1</it>, <it>ACSM3</it>, <it>SLC14A2</it>) have an antisense partner transcribed from the opposite strand. We characterized <it>NPPA </it>and its antisense transcript (<it>NPPA-AS</it>) in more detail. We found that <it>NPPA-AS </it>is expressed in a number of human tissues as a collection of alternatively spliced isoforms and that <it>NPPA-AS </it>and <it>NPPA </it>can form RNA duplexes <it>in vivo</it>. We also demonstrated that a specific <it>NPPA-AS </it>isoform is capable of down-regulating the intron-retained <it>NPPA </it>mRNA variant. We studied the evolutionary conservation of <it>NPPA-AS </it>and were able to detect the presence of <it>Nppa-as </it>transcript in mouse.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate functional interaction of <it>NPPA-AS </it>with <it>NPPA </it>at the RNA level and suggest that antisense transcription might be an important post-transcriptional mechanism modulating <it>NPPA </it>expression.</p

    SekkumistÔhusad teisesed leiud geneetikas

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    Kliinilises praktikas kasutatakse ĂŒha enam haigusseoseliste geenivariantide tuvastamiseks eksoomi (1–2% genoomist) sekveneerimist, sest selle diagnostiline saagis on suur (ligikaudu 30%). See suur andmestik (ĂŒle 80 000 geenivariandi) vĂ”ib sisaldada ka teiseseid leide – kliiniliselt olulisi geenivariante, mis ei ole seotud patsiendi esmase kliinilise nĂ€idustusega. Teiseste leidude alla kuuluvad sekkumistĂ”husad monogeensed ehk ĂŒhe geeni muutusestpĂ”hjustatud haigused, mis on eraldiseisvalt harvad, kuid mĂ”jutavad kokku umbes 1–3% inimestest. Need haigused avalduvad elu jooksul ja on mĂ”ningatel juhtudel kiiresti areneva sĂŒmptomaatikaga. PĂ€riliku riski varane hindamine on oluline, sest mitmete haiguste puhul on juba enne sĂŒmptomite teket vĂ”imalik meditsiiniline sekkumine (nt ravidieet, ennetavad ravimid, kirurgia), mis aitab vĂ€hendada tĂŒsistusi ja enneaegset suremust. Artiklis on antud ĂŒlevaade eksoomi andmetest tuvastatavatest sekkumistĂ”husatest pĂ€rilikest haigustest, nende esinemissagedusest ja vĂ”imalikest ennetusmeetmetest ning teisestest leidudest tagasiside andmise rahvusvahelistest seisukohtadest

    Enneaegne munasarjapuudulikkus: geneetika kasvav roll diagnostikas ja kliinilises kÀsitluses

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    Enneaegne munasarjapuudulikkus on sĂŒndroom, mis pĂ”hjustab munasarjade funktsiooni hĂ€iret enne 40. eluaastat. Haigus mĂ”jutab paljusid naisi (levimus ligikaudu 1%), kahjuks ei leita seitsmel patsiendil kĂŒmnest haiguse pĂ”hjust.Teadaolevatest pĂ”hjustest moodustavad geneetilised tegurid 20–25%. Nendest levinuimad on kromosomaalsed hĂ€ired ja FMR1 geeni premutatsioon. NĂŒĂŒdseks on teada 20 geeni, mille haigusseoselised variandid pĂ”hjustavad isoleeritud enneaegset munasarjapuudulikkust ja viljatust. TĂ€iendavaid uuringuid vajavad veel kĂŒmned eksoomi sekveneerimise meetodil tuvastatud kandidaatgeenid, mis vastutavad munasarja arengu ja funktsiooni, meioosi ja DNA parandusprotsesside eest.Kliinilises praktikas on enneaegse munasarjapuudulikkuse geneetiliste pĂ”hjuste selgitamine muutumas aina olulisemaks, sest arvestatav hulk naisi soovib tĂ€napĂ€eval sĂŒnnitada pigem 30. eluaastates. Konkreetne geneetiline leid on oluline patsiendi kĂ€sitluses ja ravis, samuti on see hĂ€davajalik perekondlikus nĂ”ustamises. Ka uute ravitaktikate vĂ€ljatöötamisel on geneetilise etioloogia tundmisel lisandvÀÀrtus

    High divergence in primate-specific duplicated regions: Human and chimpanzee Chorionic Gonadotropin Beta genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Low nucleotide divergence between human and chimpanzee does not sufficiently explain the species-specific morphological, physiological and behavioral traits. As gene duplication is a major prerequisite for the emergence of new genes and novel biological processes, comparative studies of human and chimpanzee duplicated genes may assist in understanding the mechanisms behind primate evolution. We addressed the divergence between human and chimpanzee duplicated genomic regions by using Luteinizing Hormone Beta (<it>LHB</it>)/Chorionic Gonadotropin Beta (<it>CGB</it>) gene cluster as a model. The placental <it>CGB </it>genes that are essential for implantation have evolved from an ancestral pituitary <it>LHB </it>gene by duplications in the primate lineage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We shotgun sequenced and compared the human (45,165 bp) and chimpanzee (39,876 bp) <it>LHB/CGB </it>regions and hereby present evidence for structural variation resulting in discordant number of <it>CGB </it>genes (6 in human, 5 in chimpanzee). The scenario of species-specific parallel duplications was supported (i) as the most parsimonious solution requiring the least rearrangement events to explain the interspecies structural differences; (ii) by the phylogenetic trees constructed with fragments of intergenic regions; (iii) by the sequence similarity calculations. Across the orthologous regions of <it>LHB/CGB </it>cluster, substitutions and indels contributed approximately equally to the interspecies divergence and the distribution of nucleotide identity was correlated with the regional repeat content. Intraspecies gene conversion may have shaped the <it>LHB/CGB </it>gene cluster. The substitution divergence (1.8–2.59%) exceeded two-three fold the estimates for single-copy loci and the fraction of transversional mutations was increased compared to the unique sequences (43% versus ~30%). Despite the high sequence identity among <it>LHB/CGB </it>genes, there are signs of functional differentiation among the gene copies. Estimates for d<sub>n</sub>/d<sub>s </sub>rate ratio suggested a purifying selection on <it>LHB </it>and <it>CGB8</it>, and a positive evolution of <it>CGB1</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>If generalized, our data suggests that in addition to species-specific deletions and duplications, parallel duplication events may have contributed to genetic differences separating humans from their closest relatives. Compared to unique genomic segments, duplicated regions are characterized by high divergence promoted by intraspecies gene conversion and species-specific chromosomal rearrangements, including the alterations in gene copy number.</p

    Gilles de la Tourette’i sĂŒndroomi perekondlik haigusjuht

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    Artiklis kirjeldatud haigusjuht tĂ€iendab Gilles de la Tourette’i sĂŒndroomi tĂ€napĂ€evase kĂ€sitluse ja probleemide ĂŒlevaadet, mis on avaldatud Eesti Arsti kĂ€esolevas numbris. Eesti haigusjuhu kirjelduse nĂ€itel on ĂŒhe vĂ”imaliku etioloogilise tegurina toodud vĂ€lja perekondlik eelsoodumus ning rĂ”hutatud sĂŒndroomi sagedast aladiagnoosimist ja puudulikku ravi. Kirjeldatud on 17 aasta vanuse Eesti naispatsiendi haigusjuhtu. &nbsp
