22 research outputs found


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    Lo studio delle zone di produzione vinicola parte abitualmente dall’esame di dati geologici e geomorfologici che si possono rappresentare in carte tematiche. La rappresentazione cartografi ca costituisce uno strumento completo per una conoscenza approfondita ed un’immagine immediata delle aree studiate. Ogni vino ha il proprio paesaggio: naturale e culturale. Il progetto Carta della Natura (L.394/91) studia il territorio italiano a 2 principali scale d’analisi (1:250.000;1:50.000) al fi ne di valutare lo stato dell’ambiente naturale: Paesaggi e habitat sono stati identificati seguendo un approccio sistemico. Alcuni di questi temi sono integrati nel progetto IYPE Geologia e Vino, per analizzare il profondo legame tra scienze della terra e patrimonio culturale.The study of a wine production area, starts usually from geological, geomorphological and pedological data as those that we can represent in a detailed area map. Maps are complete tools in order to have a deep knowledge and a clear image of the studied areas. Each wine has its own landscape: natural and cultural landscape. The Carta della Natura project (L.394/91) studies the whole Italian territory at two main scales of analysis (1:250.000; 1:50.000) in order to evaluate the state of the environment. Landscapes and habitats were identified following a holistic approach. Some of these topics are integrated in the IYPE project Geology and Wine in order to explain the complex link between earth sciences and cultural heritage

    The geological characterization of landscape in majjor TV Series: a suggested approach to involve the public in the geological heritage promotion.

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    The characterization of natural and cultural heritage using popular entertainment, such as TV movies and series, can become an effective and original way to involve society in protecting territory and enhancing local development, thanks to the dissemination of knowledge. The aim is to make the complex aspects of landscape related to its geological and ecological assessment understandable to the public. The tools here proposed are the episodes of the TV series “Inspector Montalbano” filmed in Sicily. The stories, written by Andrea Camilleri, are located in Sicily (the biggest Italian island in the southern Mediterranean Sea), in particular with some World Heritage Sites. The natural and cultural landscapes, which provide fascinating scenery to the films, represent a meaning in the representation of the plot. At the same time, if recognized and understood, they become part of the cultural heritage of each component of the local community and of society. The cognitive process activates a virtuous circle revitalizing the links between humanity and environment. Moreover, it promotes a creative participation of the public in new policies, oriented towards sustainable development, and tourism—especially geotourism and ecotourism—becomes an important resource, especially in these times of crisis

    Unconventional approach for prevention of environmental and related social risks: a geoethic mission

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    sem InformaçãoSome natural events are considered catastrophic for their damaging effects on society, however, many of these effects are due more to inappropriate management of the environment rather than the event itself. In order to prevent the continuation of the occ82119sem Informaçãosem Informaçãosem Informaçã

    New tools fon an integrated vision of the territory: "LANDSCAPP"

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    Landscape is part of everyone’s cultural heritage, if recognized and understood; such consciousness fosters a more creative participation of society in a balanced management of the territory and sustainable development: an important resource in times of crisis. Cognitive tools now enjoy a wide use and offer us a means of immediate communicative diffusion of scientific knowledge relative to an area and an environment. LANDSCApp, a smartphone app, gives the public a chance to try an alternative approach to the knowledge of the natural and cultural territorial heritage, thanks to a set of information related to the geological, morphological, environmental settings of the Italian landscapes

    Humankind and Risk: a difficult history

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    Humankind and Risk: a difficult history

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    Talking about catastrophes in the Anthropocene Era means tackling a complex and often misunderstood topic, difficult to understand for the general public. On the other hand, a greater and more widespread attention should be given to this theme, especially in relation to natural hazards and risk. The influence of the catastrophe theory does not seem to have sufficiently permeated the interpretive field of the natural sciences, more focused on the traditional systematic approach, antithetical to the systemic and holistic one that characterizes the methodological assumptions of contemporary research on complex systems. This chapter aims to analyze the salient characteristics of the relationship between society and disasters, highlighting those elements that condition social perception of risk as well as risk management. It is important, in our opinion, to focus on the clarity of communication and, above all, on the ability in arousing public interest, to make society aware of the urgent need to change the individual/community/social behavior in a sustainable way, with the aim to prevent natural risks and mitigating their effects

    Landscape analysis as a tool for risk reduction

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    We live in an era defined as postmodern. Socio-economic developments require a knowledge that keeps pace with the dizzying speed of technological evolution. The disconnect between progress, society, and environment triggers unpredictable side effects on the planet: that is the Anthropocene paradigm. How can this be changed? Shared awareness seems to be the only possible solution that can be only reached through knowledge, which is provided by science. Landscape, as the perceivable expression of our planet, becomes a strategic tool in communicating Territorial Sciences, aiming at involving society in a common action toward a sustainable future. The awareness of being part of an ecosystem is achieved through the knowledge and the experience of the environment. The risk prevention must necessarily be based on cognitive processes that activate in society conscious knowledge, as well as virtuous practices. Knowledge is wisdom, the first step towards the so-called “civil self-protection”. A lot of initiatives have been started in the last years, all around the world. Most of them are devoted to the school activities. However, the facies sociale of the decision makers is not enough involved in the topics we have talked about. So the voters, the policymakers, the territorial planners, are more interested in those problems related to the “here and now”. They have to be sensitized on what prevention means, on environmental protection, on territorial valorization. The landscape encompasses a lot of meanings and trigger emotions, thus it provides us with the most effective tools to share the essential concept of Earth Sciences, especially those ones that can help individual/community/society to better behave, toward a healthier planet and a shared well-being