48 research outputs found

    Morphogenèse de compartiments membranaires (formation de l'autophagosome chez les plantes)

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    L'autophagie est un processus permettant la dégradation de constituants cytosoliques dans un compartiment lytique, par leur séquestration au sein d'une vésicule à double membrane : l'autophagosome. L'autophagie est, avec la voie ubiquitine-protéasome, l'une des deux grandes voies de dégradation présente de manière fortement conservée chez les cellules eucaryotes. Présente à un niveau basal, elle peut être stimulée afin de permettre la remobilisation de ressources cellulaires, ou d'assurer des fonctions cytoprotectrices et de détoxification. La formation d'autophagosomes traduit alors la capacité du système endomembranaire à s'adapter aux besoins cellulaires. Cependant, la mécanique membranaire et moléculaire de ce phénomène reste mal comprise. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était de mieux comprendre la formation de ce compartiment dans la cellule végétale. Pour cela, nous avons tout d'abord mis au point les conditions propices à l'étude de l'autophagie dans la racine d Arabidopsis thaliana, puis nous avons entrepris l'identification de marqueurs des étapes de formation de l'autophagosome. L'étude par imagerie en temps réel et 3D de la protéine ATG5, impliquée dans l expansion membranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence son recrutement transitoire sur un domaine particulier de l'autophagosome en formation, son ouverture. De plus, l'étude de différents acteurs du système endomembranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence et de caractériser l'implication du réticulum endoplasmique et de ATG9, pour aboutir à un modèle de la formation de l'autophagosome chez les plantes.Autophagy is a catabolic process targeting cytosolic compounds to the lytic compartment after sequestration within a double membrane bound vesicle: the autophagosome. Along with the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, autophagy is one of the main catabolic processes conserved among eukaryotic cells. Present at a basal level, it can be stimulated to allow: remobilization of cell resources, cytoprotective functions, and detoxification. Autophagosome formation demonstrates the capacity of the endomembrane system to adapt dynamically to the cell's environment. However, the membrane and molecular processes involved are still poorly understood. This work aimed to advance understanding of autophagosome formation in plant cells. First of all, we set up suitable conditions for the study of autophagy in the Arabidopsis root, then we identified markers of the autophagosome formation steps. Live and 3D imaging of the ATG5 protein, involved in membrane expansion, demonstrated its transient recruitment to a specific domain of the forming autophagosome, its aperture. Furthermore, studying different actors of the endomembrane system has allowed us to implicate the endoplasmic reticulum and ATG9, and to establish a model for autophagosome formation in plants.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 Nodulation of Aeschynomene afraspera Is Associated with Atypical Terminal Bacteroid Differentiation and Suboptimal Symbiotic Efficiency

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    Legume plants can form root organs called nodules where they house intracellular symbiotic rhizobium bacteria. Within nodule cells, rhizobia differentiate into bacteroids, which fix nitrogen for the benefit of the plant. Depending on the combination of host plants and rhizobial strains, the output of rhizobium-legume interactions varies from nonfixing associations to symbioses that are highly beneficial for the plant. Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 was isolated as a soybean symbiont, but it can also establish a functional symbiotic interaction with Aeschynomene afraspera. In contrast to soybean, A. afraspera triggers terminal bacteroid differentiation, a process involving bacterial cell elongation, polyploidy, and increased membrane permeability, leading to a loss of bacterial viability while plants increase their symbiotic benefit. A combination of plant metabolomics, bacterial proteomics, and transcriptomics along with cytological analyses were used to study the physiology of USDA110 bacteroids in these two host plants. We show that USDA110 establishes a poorly efficient symbiosis with A. afraspera despite the full activation of the bacterial symbiotic program. We found molecular signatures of high levels of stress in A. afraspera bacteroids, whereas those of terminal bacteroid differentiation were only partially activated. Finally, we show that in A. afraspera, USDA110 bacteroids undergo atypical terminal differentiation hallmarked by the disconnection of the canonical features of this process. This study pinpoints how a rhizobium strain can adapt its physiology to a new host and cope with terminal differentiation when it did not coevolve with such a host. IMPORTANCE Legume-rhizobium symbiosis is a major ecological process in the nitrogen cycle, responsible for the main input of fixed nitrogen into the biosphere. The efficiency of this symbiosis relies on the coevolution of the partners. Some, but not all, legume plants optimize their return on investment in the symbiosis by imposing on their microsymbionts a terminal differentiation program that increases their symbiotic efficiency but imposes a high level of stress and drastically reduces their viability. We combined multi-omics with physiological analyses to show that the symbiotic couple formed by Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 and Aeschynomene afraspera, in which the host and symbiont did not evolve together, is functional but displays a low symbiotic efficiency associated with a disconnection of terminal bacteroid differentiation features

    ABiMed: An intelligent and visual clinical decision support system for medication reviews and polypharmacy management

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    Background: Polypharmacy, i.e. taking five drugs or more, is both a public health and an economic issue. Medication reviews are structured interviews of the patient by the community pharmacist, aiming at optimizing the drug treatment and deprescribing useless, redundant or dangerous drugs. However, they remain difficult to perform and time-consuming. Several clinical decision support systems were developed for helping clinicians to manage polypharmacy. However, most were limited to the implementation of clinical practice guidelines. In this work, our objective is to design an innovative clinical decision support system for medication reviews and polypharmacy management, named ABiMed. Methods: ABiMed associates several approaches: guidelines implementation, but the automatic extraction of patient data from the GP's electronic health record and its transfer to the pharmacist, and the visual presentation of contextualized drug knowledge using visual analytics. We performed an ergonomic assessment and qualitative evaluations involving pharmacists and GPs during focus groups and workshops. Results: We describe the proposed architecture, which allows a collaborative multi-user usage. We present the various screens of ABiMed for entering or verifying patient data, for accessing drug knowledge (posology, adverse effects, interactions), for viewing STOPP/START rules and for suggesting modification to the treatment. Qualitative evaluations showed that health professionals were highly interested by our approach, associating the automatic guidelines execution with the visual presentation of drug knowledge. Conclusions: The association of guidelines implementation with visual presentation of knowledge is a promising approach for managing polypharmacy. Future works will focus on the improvement and the evaluation of ABiMed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Morphogenesis of membranar compartments : autophagosome formation in plants

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    L'autophagie est un processus permettant la dégradation de constituants cytosoliques dans un compartiment lytique, par leur séquestration au sein d'une vésicule à double membrane : l'autophagosome. L'autophagie est, avec la voie ubiquitine-protéasome, l'une des deux grandes voies de dégradation présente de manière fortement conservée chez les cellules eucaryotes. Présente à un niveau basal, elle peut être stimulée afin de permettre la remobilisation de ressources cellulaires, ou d'assurer des fonctions cytoprotectrices et de détoxification. La formation d'autophagosomes traduit alors la capacité du système endomembranaire à s'adapter aux besoins cellulaires. Cependant, la mécanique membranaire et moléculaire de ce phénomène reste mal comprise. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était de mieux comprendre la formation de ce compartiment dans la cellule végétale. Pour cela, nous avons tout d'abord mis au point les conditions propices à l'étude de l'autophagie dans la racine d’Arabidopsis thaliana, puis nous avons entrepris l'identification de marqueurs des étapes de formation de l'autophagosome. L'étude par imagerie en temps réel et 3D de la protéine ATG5, impliquée dans l’expansion membranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence son recrutement transitoire sur un domaine particulier de l'autophagosome en formation, son ouverture. De plus, l'étude de différents acteurs du système endomembranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence et de caractériser l'implication du réticulum endoplasmique et de ATG9, pour aboutir à un modèle de la formation de l'autophagosome chez les plantes.Autophagy is a catabolic process targeting cytosolic compounds to the lytic compartment after sequestration within a double membrane bound vesicle: the autophagosome. Along with the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, autophagy is one of the main catabolic processes conserved among eukaryotic cells. Present at a basal level, it can be stimulated to allow: remobilization of cell resources, cytoprotective functions, and detoxification. Autophagosome formation demonstrates the capacity of the endomembrane system to adapt dynamically to the cell's environment. However, the membrane and molecular processes involved are still poorly understood. This work aimed to advance understanding of autophagosome formation in plant cells. First of all, we set up suitable conditions for the study of autophagy in the Arabidopsis root, then we identified markers of the autophagosome formation steps. Live and 3D imaging of the ATG5 protein, involved in membrane expansion, demonstrated its transient recruitment to a specific domain of the forming autophagosome, its aperture. Furthermore, studying different actors of the endomembrane system has allowed us to implicate the endoplasmic reticulum and ATG9, and to establish a model for autophagosome formation in plants

    Morphogenesis of membranar compartments : autophagosome formation in plants

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    L'autophagie est un processus permettant la dégradation de constituants cytosoliques dans un compartiment lytique, par leur séquestration au sein d'une vésicule à double membrane : l'autophagosome. L'autophagie est, avec la voie ubiquitine-protéasome, l'une des deux grandes voies de dégradation présente de manière fortement conservée chez les cellules eucaryotes. Présente à un niveau basal, elle peut être stimulée afin de permettre la remobilisation de ressources cellulaires, ou d'assurer des fonctions cytoprotectrices et de détoxification. La formation d'autophagosomes traduit alors la capacité du système endomembranaire à s'adapter aux besoins cellulaires. Cependant, la mécanique membranaire et moléculaire de ce phénomène reste mal comprise. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était de mieux comprendre la formation de ce compartiment dans la cellule végétale. Pour cela, nous avons tout d'abord mis au point les conditions propices à l'étude de l'autophagie dans la racine d’Arabidopsis thaliana, puis nous avons entrepris l'identification de marqueurs des étapes de formation de l'autophagosome. L'étude par imagerie en temps réel et 3D de la protéine ATG5, impliquée dans l’expansion membranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence son recrutement transitoire sur un domaine particulier de l'autophagosome en formation, son ouverture. De plus, l'étude de différents acteurs du système endomembranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence et de caractériser l'implication du réticulum endoplasmique et de ATG9, pour aboutir à un modèle de la formation de l'autophagosome chez les plantes.Autophagy is a catabolic process targeting cytosolic compounds to the lytic compartment after sequestration within a double membrane bound vesicle: the autophagosome. Along with the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, autophagy is one of the main catabolic processes conserved among eukaryotic cells. Present at a basal level, it can be stimulated to allow: remobilization of cell resources, cytoprotective functions, and detoxification. Autophagosome formation demonstrates the capacity of the endomembrane system to adapt dynamically to the cell's environment. However, the membrane and molecular processes involved are still poorly understood. This work aimed to advance understanding of autophagosome formation in plant cells. First of all, we set up suitable conditions for the study of autophagy in the Arabidopsis root, then we identified markers of the autophagosome formation steps. Live and 3D imaging of the ATG5 protein, involved in membrane expansion, demonstrated its transient recruitment to a specific domain of the forming autophagosome, its aperture. Furthermore, studying different actors of the endomembrane system has allowed us to implicate the endoplasmic reticulum and ATG9, and to establish a model for autophagosome formation in plants

    Morphogenèse de compartiments membranaires : formation de l'autophagosome chez les plantes

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    Autophagy is a catabolic process targeting cytosolic compounds to the lytic compartment after sequestration within a double membrane bound vesicle: the autophagosome. Along with the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, autophagy is one of the main catabolic processes conserved among eukaryotic cells. Present at a basal level, it can be stimulated to allow: remobilization of cell resources, cytoprotective functions, and detoxification. Autophagosome formation demonstrates the capacity of the endomembrane system to adapt dynamically to the cell's environment. However, the membrane and molecular processes involved are still poorly understood. This work aimed to advance understanding of autophagosome formation in plant cells. First of all, we set up suitable conditions for the study of autophagy in the Arabidopsis root, then we identified markers of the autophagosome formation steps. Live and 3D imaging of the ATG5 protein, involved in membrane expansion, demonstrated its transient recruitment to a specific domain of the forming autophagosome, its aperture. Furthermore, studying different actors of the endomembrane system has allowed us to implicate the endoplasmic reticulum and ATG9, and to establish a model for autophagosome formation in plants.L'autophagie est un processus permettant la dégradation de constituants cytosoliques dans un compartiment lytique, par leur séquestration au sein d'une vésicule à double membrane : l'autophagosome. L'autophagie est, avec la voie ubiquitine-protéasome, l'une des deux grandes voies de dégradation présente de manière fortement conservée chez les cellules eucaryotes. Présente à un niveau basal, elle peut être stimulée afin de permettre la remobilisation de ressources cellulaires, ou d'assurer des fonctions cytoprotectrices et de détoxification. La formation d'autophagosomes traduit alors la capacité du système endomembranaire à s'adapter aux besoins cellulaires. Cependant, la mécanique membranaire et moléculaire de ce phénomène reste mal comprise. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était de mieux comprendre la formation de ce compartiment dans la cellule végétale. Pour cela, nous avons tout d'abord mis au point les conditions propices à l'étude de l'autophagie dans la racine d’Arabidopsis thaliana, puis nous avons entrepris l'identification de marqueurs des étapes de formation de l'autophagosome. L'étude par imagerie en temps réel et 3D de la protéine ATG5, impliquée dans l’expansion membranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence son recrutement transitoire sur un domaine particulier de l'autophagosome en formation, son ouverture. De plus, l'étude de différents acteurs du système endomembranaire, nous a permis de mettre en évidence et de caractériser l'implication du réticulum endoplasmique et de ATG9, pour aboutir à un modèle de la formation de l'autophagosome chez les plantes

    Combining probe design and advanced imaging to investigate cellprocesses in cellulo

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    Multiscale and Multimodal Approaches to Study Autophagy in Model Plants

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    Autophagy is a catabolic process used by eukaryotic cells to maintain or restore cellular and organismal homeostasis. A better understanding of autophagy in plant biology could lead to an improvement of the recycling processes of plant cells and thus contribute, for example, towards reducing the negative ecological consequences of nitrogen-based fertilizers in agriculture. It may also help to optimize plant adaptation to adverse biotic and abiotic conditions through appropriate plant breeding or genetic engineering to incorporate useful traits in relation to this catabolic pathway. In this review, we describe useful protocols for studying autophagy in the plant cell, taking into account some specificities of the plant model

    Functional diversification of Paramecium Ku80 paralogs safeguards genome integrity during precise programmed DNA elimination

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    International audienceGene duplication and diversification drive the emergence of novel functions during evolution. Because of whole genome duplications, ciliates from the Paramecium aurelia group constitute a remarkable system to study the evolutionary fate of duplicated genes. Paramecium species harbor two types of nuclei: a germline micronucleus (MIC) and a somatic macronucleus (MAC) that forms from the MIC at each sexual cycle. During MAC development, ~45,000 germline Internal Eliminated Sequences (IES) are excised precisely from the genome through a 'cut-and-close' mechanism. Here, we have studied the P. tetraurelia paralogs of KU80, which encode a key DNA double-strand break repair factor involved in non-homologous end joining. The three KU80 genes have different transcription patterns, KU80a and KU80b being constitutively expressed, while KU80c is specifically induced during MAC development. Immunofluorescence microscopy and high-throughput DNA sequencing revealed that Ku80c stably anchors the PiggyMac (Pgm) endonuclease in the developing MAC and is essential for IES excision genome-wide, providing a molecular explanation for the previously reported Ku-dependent licensing of DNA cleavage at IES ends. Expressing Ku80a under KU80c transcription signals failed to complement a depletion of endogenous Ku80c, indicating that the two paralogous proteins have distinct properties. Domain-swap experiments identified the α/β domain of Ku80c as the major determinant for its specialized function, while its C-terminal part is required for excision of only a small subset of IESs located in IES-dense regions. We conclude that Ku80c has acquired the ability to license Pgm-dependent DNA cleavage, securing precise DNA elimination during programmed rearrangements. The present study thus provides novel evidence for functional diversification of genes issued from a whole-genome duplication