188 research outputs found

    Fermion masses and mixing from an extra gauge symmetry

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    Assuming that a horizontal abelian (gauge) symmetry is at the origin of texture zeros in the fermion mass matrices we show how realistic mass patterns can be generated in the presence of scalar fields whose vacuum expectation value breaks the extra U(1)U(1) symmetry. In the simplest scenario with just one pair of singlet fields and under the assumption of L-R symmetry one obtains quark mass matrices {\it \`a la Fritzsch}. The U(1)U(1) symmetry can be made anomaly free by the Green-Schwarz mechanism in which case the canonical unification of the gauge couplings emerges as its byproduct. The generation of neutrino masses requires either two extra heavy scalar (Higgs) fields to determine the texture structure of the righthanded neutrino mass matrix or the latter will contain a hierarchy of scales.Comment: 7 pages of LATE

    Orbifold-induced μ\mu term and electroweak symmetry breaking

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    It is known that a Higgs μ\mu term can be naturally generated through the K\"ahler potential in orbifold string models in which one of the three compactified complex planes has order two. In this class of models explicit expressions for both the μ\mu parameter and the soft SUSY-breaking parameters can be obtained under the assumption that the goldstino is an arbitrary linear combination of the fermionic partners of the dilaton SS and all the moduli Ti,UiT_i,U_i. We apply this picture to the MSSM and explore the consistency of the obtained boundary conditions with radiative gauge symmetry breaking. We find that consistency with the measured value of the top-quark mass can only be achieved if the goldstino has a negligible dilatino component and relevant components along the T3,U3T_3,U_3 moduli associated to the order-two complex plane.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX fil

    Strings at the Intermediate Scale, or is the Fermi Scale Dual to the Planck Scale?

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    We show that if the string scale is identifed with the intermediate scale, Ms=MWMPlanck1011M_s=\sqrt{M_W M_{Planck}} \sim 10^{11} GeV, then the notorious hierarchy, MW/MPlanck1016M_W/M_{Planck} \sim 10^{-16}, can be explained using only Mc/Ms0.01αGUTM_c/M_s \sim 0.01 \sim \alpha_{GUT} as small input parameters, where McM_c is the compactification scale. This is possible for weakly-coupled Type-I open-string vacua if the observed world is assumed to live in an N=1 supersymmetric 3-brane sector coupled to a separate, hidden, 3-brane world which breaks supersymmetry, because for such a model MW/MPlanck=1/2αGUT2(Mc/Ms)6M_W/M_{Planck} = 1/2 \alpha_{GUT}^2 (M_c/M_s)^6. We discuss some of the phenomenological issues presented by such an intermediate-scale string, showing that its benefits include: (i) the possibility of logarithmic gauge-coupling unification of the SM couplings at MsM_s; (ii) a natural axionic solution to the strong-CP problem with a phenomenologically-acceptable Peccei-Quinn scale; (iii) experimentally-interesting neutrino masses, and more.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Gauging Away the Strong CP Problem

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    We propose a new solution to the strong-CP problem. It involves the existence of an unbroken gauged U(1)XU(1)_X symmetry whose gauge boson gets a Stuckelberg mass term by combining with a pseudoscalar field η(x)\eta (x). The latter has axion-like couplings to FQCDFQCDF_{QCD}\wedge F_{QCD} so that the theta parameter may be gauged away by a U(1)XU(1)_X gauge transformation. This system leads to mixed gauge anomalies and we argue that they are cancelled by the addition of an appropriate Wess-Zumino term, so that no SM fermions need to be charged under U(1)XU(1)_X. We discuss scenarios in which the above set of fields and couplings appear. The mechanism is quite generic, but a natural possibility is that the the U(1)XU(1)_X symmetry arises from bulk gauge bosons in theories with extra dimensions or string models. We show that in certain D-brane Type-II string models (with antisymmetric tensor field strength fluxes) higher dimensional Chern-Simons couplings give rise to the required D=4 Wess-Zumino terms upon compactification. In one of the possible string realizations of the mechanism the U(1)XU(1)_X gauge boson comes from the Kaluza-Klein reduction of the eleven-dimensional metric in M-theory.Comment: 21 pages, latex, one eps figure; v2 improved discussio

    Baryogenesis, Dark Matter and the Pentagon

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    We present a new mechanism for baryogenesis, which links the baryon asymmetry of the universe to the dark matter density. The mechanism arises naturally in the Pentagon model of TeV scale physics. In that context, it forces a re-evaluation of some of the assumptions of the model, and we detail the changes that are required in order to fit observations.Comment: JHEP3 LaTeX, 15 pages. New version corrects errors in the electroweak baryon violating and matter radiation temperatures, which were pointed out by the referee. Substantial quantitative but no qualitative change to our conclusion

    Building GUTs from strings

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    We study in detail the structure of Grand Unified Theories derived as the low-energy limit of orbifold four-dimensional strings. To this aim, new techniques for building level-two symmetric orbifold theories are presented. New classes of GUTs in the context of symmetric orbifolds are then constructed. The method of permutation modding is further explored and SO(10) GUTs with both 4545 or 5454-plets are obtained. SU(5) models are also found through this method. It is shown that, in the context of symmetric orbifold SO(10)SO(10) GUTs, only a single GUT-Higgs, either a 5454 or a 4545, can be present and it always resides in an order-two untwisted sector. Very restrictive results also hold in the case of SU(5)SU(5). General properties and selection rules for string GUTs are described. Some of these selection rules forbid the presence of some particular GUT-Higgs couplings which are sometimes used in SUSY-GUT model building. Some semi-realistic string GUT examples are presented and their properties briefly discussed.Comment: 40 pages, no figures, Late

    String GUTs

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    Standard SUSY-GUTs such as those based on SU(5)SU(5) or SO(10)SO(10) lead to predictions for the values of αs\alpha _s and sin2θWsin^2\theta _W in amazing agreement with experiment. In this article we investigate how these models may be obtained from string theory, thus bringing them into the only known consistent framework for quantum gravity. String models with matter in standard GUT representations require the realization of affine Lie algebras at higher levels. We start by describing some methods to build level k=2k=2 orbifold string models with gauge groups SU(5)SU(5) or SO(10)SO(10). We present several examples and identify generic features of the type of models constructed. Chiral fields appropriate to break the symmetry down to the standard model generically appear in the massless spectrum. However, unlike in standard SUSY-GUTs, they often behave as string moduli, i.e., they do not have self-couplings. We also discuss briefly the doublet-triplet Higgs splitting. We find that, in some models, built-in sliding-singlet type of couplings exist.Comment: 40 pages, Latex. Two references modified, few other unimportant change

    Dynamical supersymmetry breaking from unoriented D-brane instantons

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    We study the non-perturbative dynamics of an unoriented Z_5-quiver theory of GUT kind with gauge group U(5) and chiral matter. At strong coupling the non-perturbative dynamics is described in terms of set of baryon/meson variables satisfying a quantum deformed constraint. We compute the effective superpotential of the theory and show that it admits a line of supersymmetric vacua and a phase where supersymmetry is dynamically broken via gaugino condensation.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    Instanton effects in N=1 brane models and the Kahler metric of twisted matter

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    We consider locally consistent systems of magnetized D9 branes on an orbifolded six-torus which support N=1 gauge theories. In such realizations, the matter multiplets arise from "twisted" strings connecting different stacks of branes. The introduction of Euclidean 5 branes (E5) wrapped on the six-dimensional compact space leads to instanton effects. For instance, if the system is engineered so as to yield SQCD, a single E5 brane may account for the ADS/TVY superpotential. We discuss the subtle interplay that exists between the annuli diagrams with an E5 boundary and the holomorphicity properties of the effective low-energy action of the N=1 theory. The consistency of this picture allows to obtain information on the Kahler metric of the chiral matter multiplets arising from twisted strings.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures. V2: improved discussion, clarifyng comments and references added. Version to be published in JHE

    Heterotic/Heterotic Duality in D=6,4

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    We consider E8×E8E_8\times E_8 heterotic compactifications on K3K3 and K3×T2K3\times T^2. The idea of heterotic/heterotic duality in D=6D=6 has difficulties for generic compactifications since for large dilaton values some gauge groups acquire negative kinetic terms. Recently Duff, Minasian and Witten (DMW) suggested a solution to this problem which only works if the compactification is performed assuming the presence of symmetric gauge embeddings on both E8E_8's. We consider an alternative in which asymmetric embeddings are possible and the wrong sign of kinetic terms for large dilaton value is a signal of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Upon further toroidal compactification to D=4D=4, we find that the duals in the DMW case correspond to N=2N=2 models in which the β\beta-function of the different group factors verify βα=12{\beta }_\alpha=12, whereas the asymmetric solutions that we propose have βα=24{\beta }_\alpha=24. We check the consistency of these dualities by studying the different large T,ST,S limits of the gauge kinetic function. Dual N=1N=1, D=4D=4 models can also be obtained by the operation of appropriate freely acting twists, as shown in specific examples.Comment: 15 pages, late