1,633 research outputs found

    Optimizing performances of CsI(Tl) crystals with a photodiode readout

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    Tests are described concerning the performances of CsI(Tl) crystals. Particular care was dedicated to the study of the light production and collection of the crystals, that appear to be significantly a⁄ected both by the choice of the wrapping materials and by the details of the binding technique. A functional relation between the light pulse height and the coupling of the crystal#photodiode system was deduced. Finally, the influence of this coupling on the energy resolution of the detector is discussed. ( 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Steiner systems and configurations of points

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    The aim of this paper is to make a connection between design theory and algebraic geometry/commutative algebra. In particular, given any Steiner System S(t, n, v) we associate two ideals, in a suitable polynomial ring, defining a Steiner configuration of points and its Complement. We focus on the latter, studying its homological invariants, such as Hilbert Function and Betti numbers. We also study symbolic and regular powers associated to the ideal defining a Complement of a Steiner configuration of points, finding its Waldschmidt constant, regularity, bounds on its resurgence and asymptotic resurgence. We also compute the parameters of linear codes associated to any Steiner configuration of points and its Complement

    Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, and malaria in solid organ transplant recipients

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    Solid organ transplantation (SOT) is increasingly employed worldwide to treat several diseases causing both acute and chronic organ failure. Recipients of SOT are at an increased risk to develop infections as a consequence of immunosuppressive therapy. Sometimes such infections may be acquired by the transplanted organ or by reactivation of a previously acquired latent infection. The globalization and the increase of international travel poses a risk for exposure to infections such as Chagas disease (CD), leishmaniasis, and malaria endemic in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. We have reviewed the literature regarding risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of CD, leishmaniasis, and malaria in the setting of SOT

    Steiner configurations ideals: Containment and colouring

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    Given a homogeneous ideal I ⊆ k[x0, 
, xn ], the Containment problem studies the relation between symbolic and regular powers of I, that is, it asks for which pairs m, r ∈ N, I(m) ⊆ Ir holds. In the last years, several conjectures have been posed on this problem, creating an active area of current interests and ongoing investigations. In this paper, we investigated the Stable Harbourne Conjecture and the Stable Harbourne–Huneke Conjecture, and we show that they hold for the defining ideal of a Complement of a Steiner configuration of points in Pnk. We can also show that the ideal of a Complement of a Steiner Configuration of points has expected resurgence, that is, its resurgence is strictly less than its big height, and it also satisfies Chudnovsky and Demailly’s Conjectures. Moreover, given a hypergraph H, we also study the relation between its colourability and the failure of the containment problem for the cover ideal associated to H. We apply these results in the case that H is a Steiner System
