9 research outputs found

    Perceived unfairness of prices resulting from yield management practices

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    Perceived unfairness of prices resulting from yield management practices

    Stratégie de tourisme durable : validation empirique au groupe Tui en Tunisie

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    Stratégie de tourisme durable : validation empirique au groupe Tui en Tunisie

    Tourisme durable : une approche systémique

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    We develop in this article a systemic approach in order to show how tourism can successfully integrate principles of sustainable development in a sector where, a priori, it is not a key issue. Systemyc analysis has the advantage of providing a theoretical framework for analyzing the tourism sector as a complex social system. It helps us to understand specific issues of sustainable tourism and imagine long-term solutions. This analysis also shows that a sustainable tourism initiative is a part of a virtuous circle, as a result of learning and feedback loops

    Systemic Analysis and Model of Sustainable Tourism

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    Today, tourism is oriented towards new forms of development pertaining to an insight of “sustainable development” that aims at respecting, preserving, and sustainably highlighting the patrimonial resources (natural, cultural, and social) of a territory to the hosted tourists so as to reduce the negative impacts they may engender. Our modeling approach for the tourist sector as a complex social system, based on systemic approach may apprehend specific issues related to sustainable tourism and envisage innovative and lasting solutions on the long term. It equally shows that a sustainable tourist initiative can be part of a virtuous circle under the effect of learning and feedback loops

    L'injustice perçue à l'égard du yield management : ses antécédents et les stratégies visant à la réduire

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    International audienceL’article analyse les antĂ©cĂ©dents de l’injustice perçue Ă  l’égard des pratiques de yield management. GrĂące Ă  une Ă©tude quantitative (n=505) portant sur des scĂ©narios appliquĂ©s Ă  l’hĂŽtellerie, il montre l’influence sur l’injustice perçue de variables de profil du client (PCSP, sensibilitĂ© au prix, catĂ©gorie des hĂŽtels frĂ©quentĂ©s, situation d’usage, frĂ©quence des sĂ©jours, fidĂ©litĂ©). Puis, en s’appuyant sur la thĂ©orie de la justice, il souligne le rĂŽle de l’équitĂ© interne et externe, des procĂ©dures de dĂ©termination des prix, des interactions client/vendeur et de l’attribution de la responsabilitĂ©. Ces antĂ©cĂ©dents sont mobilisĂ©s pour dĂ©finir des stratĂ©gies qui amĂ©liorent l’image de l’entreprise sans compromettre l’optimisation de son revenu. Mots-clĂ©s : Ă©quitĂ©, perception d’injustice, prix, prix juste, sensibilitĂ© au prix, thĂ©orie de la justice, yield management.</p

    Behavior of entrepreneurs and volition

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    Volition is an important characteristic in the field of training and vocational guidance. Literature on entrepreneurship has focused on this concept to better understand the behavior of the entrepreneur ( Achtziger & Gollwitzer, 2008). This study analyzes the personal characteristics involved in the process of transformation of intentions into actions in the field of entrepreneurship. Three categories of people were included in this study, whi ch allowed us to circumvent the methodological problems associated with the implementation of a longitudinal study. Thus, our sample consisted of university and business school students, potential entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs. We conducted a variance a nalysis after confirming the homogeneity of each group, thus allowing intergroup comparisons. We found that volitional capacities are mobilized in a successive order, one after the other. In addition, this order is determined by the individual’s progress o n the process of creation

    Stratégie de &quot;tourisme &quot;durable&quot; : validation empirique dans le groupe TUI en Tunisie

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    Cet article Ă©tudie le Groupe TUI et sa chaĂźne hĂŽteliĂšre Magic Life. Les succĂšs remarquables de ce Groupe en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement durable l’ont amenĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper ses propres normes et standards. Malheureusement, les politiques publiques et les initiatives privĂ©es comme celle de TUI sont aujourd’hui entravĂ©es par les rĂ©ticences des entreprises locales Ă  l’égard des projets en cours. Ceci montre qu’une dĂ©marche de dĂ©veloppement “de tourisme durable” doit pouvoir s’appuyer sur l’ensemble des parties prenantes (Gouvernement, entreprises, citoyens, groupe d’intĂ©rĂȘts) pour ĂȘtre vĂ©ritablement efficace

    Motives for posting fake reviews: Evidence from a cross-cultural comparison

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    The main purpose of the present study is to address the existing research gaps by examining the motives of customers for writing online fake reviews for cosmetic products. Based on the self-determination theory, 20 customers from South Korea and 31 from France were interviewed in order to conduct a cross-cultural comparison. The results demonstrate the extrinsic and intrinsic motivations of South Korean and French customers for posting fake reviews for cosmetic products and highlight the similarities and differences between the two cultures. Both theoretical and managerial implications were presented. This study helps cosmetic brands better understand the motives of customers for posting fake reviews and how to deal with them