1,014 research outputs found

    Enhancement of entanglement in one-dimensional disordered systems

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    The pairwise quantum entanglement of sites in disordered electronic one-dimensional systems (rings) is studied. We focus on the effect of diagonal and off diagonal disorder on the concurrence CijC_{ij} between electrons on neighbor and non neighbor sites i,ji,j as a function of band filling. In the case of diagonal disorder, increasing the degree of disorder leads to a decrease of the concurrence with respect to the ordered case. However, off-diagonal disorder produces a surprisingly strong enhancement of entanglement. This remarkable effect occurs near half filling, where the concurrence becomes up to 15% larger than in the ordered system.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Interaction energy functional for lattice density functional theory: Applications to one-, two- and three-dimensional Hubbard models

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    The Hubbard model is investigated in the framework of lattice density functional theory (LDFT). The single-particle density matrix γij\gamma_{ij} with respect the lattice sites is considered as the basic variable of the many-body problem. A new approximation to the interaction-energy functional W[γ]W[\gamma] is proposed which is based on its scaling properties and which recovers exactly the limit of strong electron correlations at half-band filling. In this way, a more accurate description of WW is obtained throughout the domain of representability of γij\gamma_{ij}, including the crossover from weak to strong correlations. As examples of applications results are given for the ground-state energy, charge-excitation gap, and charge susceptibility of the Hubbard model in one-, two-, and three-dimensional lattices. The performance of the method is demonstrated by comparison with available exact solutions, with numerical calculations, and with LDFT using a simpler dimer ansatz for WW. Goals and limitations of the different approximations are discussed.Comment: 25 pages and 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Surgical treatment of benign parapharyngeal space tumours : presentation of two clinical cases and revision of the literature

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    Parapharyngeal space (PPS) tumours, most of them benign, account for some 0.5% of tumours of the head and neck. The importance of these tumours lies mainly in two aspects: on the one hand, the difficulty of early diagnosis, due to the lack of symptoms in the initial stages and, on the other, the extreme complications of performing surgery in the parapharyngeal region. This article discusses two clinical cases of parapharyngeal space tumours: a 45 year old man and a 60 year old woman. We revise the scientific literature and analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used, placing special emphasis on describing the different surgical approaches to the parapharyngeal space: transcervical, transcervical-transparotid, transpalatal or transoral, transmandibular and orbitozygomatic, all of which, used alone or combined with others, allow for complete resection of these tumours with minimum morbidity

    Power Series Solution for Solving Nonlinear Burgers-Type Equations

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    Power series solution method has been traditionally used to solve ordinary and partial linear differential equations. However, despite their usefulness the application of this method has been limited to this particular kind of equations. In this work we use the method of power series to solve nonlinear partial differential equations. The method is applied to solve three versions of nonlinear time-dependent Burgers-type differential equations in order to demonstrate its scope and applicability

    Método de construcción de dígrafos a partir de redes viales reales en mapas digitales con aplicaciones en la búsqueda de rutas óptimas

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    In urban areas, street networks are exposed to road obstructions since some traffic obstacles such as street protest, and traffic congestion are frequent. According to this, drivers are forced to choose alternative routes. Building alternative routes on digital maps represents a solution to these road problems. We determine alternative routes associating graphs to characteristics of real road networks using a API and incorporating optimization algorithms. In this work we propose a method to construct a graph from a zone with traffic blockages considering the network features. With an optimization algorithm (Dijkstra) the alternative routes are defined using digital maps. In addition, a computer program was developed (using Google Maps API) as a tool to create the graph, which is composed of: vertices (intersections) and directional edges (driving direction). This graph is used to establish alternative routes represented as polylines in digital maps.Actualmente las redes viales en zonas urbanas sufren obstrucciones, ya sea por manifestaciones, embotellamientos, u otro tipo de bloqueo, causando el cierre momentáneo o permanente de vías o zonas de tránsito que obligan a conductores a establecer nuevas rutas. Una solución es la creación de rutas alternativas en mapas digitales a partir de dígrafos relacionados con las características de una red vial real, y la aplicación de algoritmos de optimización de rutas. En este trabajo se propone un método para construir dígrafos con una aplicación en la API de Google Maps en la extracción visual de elementos como vértices (intersecciones), aristas (calles) y flechas de sentido (dirección vial), lo que permite la aplicación del algoritmo de Dijkstra en busca de rutas alternativas

    Treatment of bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process of the mandible : Presentation of a case and review of the literature

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    Bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process is infrequent. It consists of an elongation of the coronoid process of the mandible and is, accordingly, a mechanical problem, limiting mouth opening. This article looks at the case of a 28 year-old male with significant limitation on opening his mouth, secondary to bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process. We reviewed the literature and analysed the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used, paying special attention to the surgical approaches to the coronoid process and emphasising the importance of early post-operative rehabilitation, describing our experience with the TheraBite® (Atos Medical AB, PO Box 183, 242 22 Hörby, Sweden). The satisfactory result of the procedure is marked by the stable recovery of the mouth opening, achieved by a good combination of surgical and physiotherapeutic techniques

    A Study of Archiving Strategies in Multi-Objective PSO for Molecular Docking

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    Molecular docking is a complex optimization problem aimed at predicting the position of a ligand molecule in the active site of a receptor with the lowest binding energy. This problem can be formulated as a bi-objective optimization problem by minimizing the binding energy and the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) difference in the coordinates of ligands. In this context, the SMPSO multi-objective swarm-intelligence algorithm has shown a remarkable performance. SMPSO is characterized by having an external archive used to store the non-dominated solutions and also as the basis of the leader selection strategy. In this paper, we analyze several SMPSO variants based on different archiving strategies in the scope of a benchmark of molecular docking instances. Our study reveals that the SMPSOhv, which uses an hypervolume contribution based archive, shows the overall best performance.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Angiosarcoma del muslo: diagnóstico diferencial

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    Se presenta un caso de angiosarcoma de partes blandas en un paciente de 92 años localizado en extremidad inferior de seis meses de evolución. Estos tipos de tumores muestran probabilidades de ser confundidos con hematomas, incluso con estudios de Resonancia Nuclear. Se destaca la ayuda que ofrece para el diagnóstico la arteriografía, así como la agresividad de dichos tumores y los posibles abordajes terapéuticos actuales.A case of angiosarcoma is presented. The patient was 92 years old. The tumor was present 6 months before diagnosis. The tumor was diagnosed by MRN as haematoma of the muscle. Arteriography is a good diagnostic tool before the biopsy in that type of lesions. Alternative treatments of such letal neoplasms are discussed


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    Our country has adopted all those ornamental species that are famous in theworld, including some representing Mexico; nevertheless, there are native specieswith huge ornamental potential that arenot being used. In view of this we developed a list of wild plants that are soldcommercially in the flower markets ofTenancingo, State of Mexico, and Jamaica, DF, Mexico. Field work was carriedout during the summer-autumn season(June 21-December 21, 2007). Each studysite was visited every eight days duringthis period for the purpose of obtainingand identifying specimens, conductinginterviews, and recording common name,if possible the place of collection, time of collection, the seller, location of market and ornamental value. Taxonomicidentification was made through the useof keys available in the literature. Wereport 131 wild species, belonging to 93genera in 42 families. Orchidaceae wasthe best-represented family at the specieslevel. In terms of ornamental value it isthe whole plant that provides the greatestornamental value with 41%.En nuestro país se han adoptado todasaquellas especies ornamentales que sonfamosas en el mundo, incluyendo algunasrepresentantes de México; sin embargo,todavía se tiene material genético ornamental con grandes posibilidades deinsertase en el comercio de la horticultura ornamental. Debido a lo anterior, seelaboró un listado de plantas silvestrescomercializadas en los mercados de laflor de Tenancingo, Estado de Méxicoy Jamaica, Distrito Federal, México. Eltrabajo se realizó durante la época de verano-otoño (21 de junio-21 de diciembredel 2007), en este periodo se visitó, cada15 días durante seis meses el área de estudio con la finalidad de obtener ejemplarespara su identificación taxonómica, sehicieron entrevistas y se registró: nombrecomún, lugar y fecha de recolecta, vendedor, lugar de comercialización y valorornamental. La identificación taxonómicade las especies se realizó mediante el usode claves disponibles en bibliografía.Como resultados se reportaron 131 especies silvestres, distribuidas en 42 familiasy 93 géneros, donde Orchidaceae fue lamás representativa a nivel de especies. Encuanto al valor ornamental de las especies se observó que es toda la planta la queproporciona el mayor valor ornamentalcon 41%. El 53% de las especies proviene del Estado de México. De todas lasespecies 3% están amenazadas y 2% enprotección especial según la NOM-059-ECOL-2001

    Exploring drying conditions for Mexican mesquite pods (Prosopis laevigata)

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    [EN] Mesquite pods contain a high nutritional content, then a protein rich flour can be obtained. Prosopis Laevigata pods were collected from Oaxaca and Durango. Three stages of maturity were identified. The internal structure of the pods was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pods were dried at 40°C, 50°C and 60°C, 10% relative humidity and air velocity of 2.6 m/s. From experimental data, the characteristic curve was obtained. SEM Images showed a heterogeneous and tortuous structure. The internal structure of the material is a limiting factor for mass transfer. The effective coefficient diffusion for each drying experiment was determinated.The authors are grateful to Conacyt for the scholarship granted to Daniel López Cravioto, and the Instituto Politénico Nacional (Mexico) for SIP funding 20161016, 20170755 and 20180678Sandoval Torres, S.; López, D.; Rodríguez, J.; Mendez, L.; Aquino, LV. (2018). Exploring drying conditions for Mexican mesquite pods (Prosopis laevigata). En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1711-1718. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7708OCS1711171